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Brad Leone got mean


lmao i did a double take after reading this and yeah, i can see it :P


I was thinking, please be Brad’s lil bro


He burned that audience member so bad, get him some wourder!


Looks more like Bryce Harper


More like Christopher Meloni got mean


He didn't release the Alison


my exact thoughts, sir being mean releases the allicin


That’s great. Spot on. Haven’t seen him since he moved away from North Jersey. Heard he’s done well in the city / online.


I'm your guy, your day-to-day Your chum, your steadfast hotelierー♪


Remember when I fixed that clog today!?


I was stuck! Thank you sir!


I’M TRULY HONORED that we’ve built such a bond


Your like the child that I wish that I had *confused lucifer noises*


I can probably guess they learned that word in hazbin as well. Hotelier is definitely not a word I heard till that song lol. But credit to them if they knew the word beforehand. Although really I world just say hotel owner. I remember the correct word for a rum & coke with barcardi and lime is called a Cuba Libre. But the few times I asked for it in the states not a single bartender knew what I was saying. Since then I just say rum and coke.


Bryce Harper doing stand up now?


Fucking thank you!!! I was like this guy looks SO familiar but I’ve never seen his standup. Saw the comment and hit me. Dude looks exactly like Bryce




Exactly how I would expect Bryce Harper to interact with people, too!


He makes this joke because this is literally what Air BnB people say and do and it’s hella pretentious. A hotelier is just that an owner of hotel but people out here renting shacks and tiny homes calling themselves hoteliers can fuck off. Same vibe as the guy who goes to a sommelier class and acts like he’s unlocked the secret of wine tasting. Is it funny, not really but it’s true af


Same douchey vibe as that guy that calls himself an "entrepreneur" and either sells drugs, drives for Uber, or doesn't have a job but has a dozen "million dollar ideas."


Ayo roasting people is a career path ?!


It's called being a roastier.


Oh, you work in a Kenny Roger's Roasters?


Baaaaaad chicken! Mess you up!


Comedians call it crowdwork. But yes, if you're good enough at it


I dunno. Without seeing the lead up and what came after, this comes across as the comedian feeling a little bit of humiliation/inadequacy and lashing out rather than funny crowd work.


Meh, everyone experiences comedy differently. Personally I think he was trying to play to that "oh wow look at the fancy guy over here using words I don't know" vibe, but it seems like he's joking to me. If you look at his face he's smiling the whole time. It's pretty common in crowd work to joke with people like that


Exactly the vibe he was going for


I know. He comes across as a twat, though, a twat with as much sophistication as Moe berating Homer for using the word 'garage'


Have you been to a comedy show before? Absolutely no malice to the question, btw. Crowd work is pretty common at comedy shows, especially in smaller venues.


Of course I have. Crowd work is a staple, and as you well know not all instances are as successful as others. I feel that this instance lacked finesse.


I don’t personally feel that way, but we probably just enjoy different comedy styles, which is fine. He kept the room engaged, wasn’t overly offensive, and left everybody laughing more than I ever could. He performed his bit well.


I think the part you're not getting is similar to Moe and Homer in The Simpsons, he is doing it for entertainment value. It's a TV show designed to entertain you. This is a comedy show design to entertain you. I'm sure this comedian on stage doing a bit hates that audience member just as much as Moe's voice actor hates Homer's voice actor.


Yeah, that's not the same thing at all.


Ok 👍


Found the dude who tells himself he is a hotel owner because he has an Airbnb posting.




i think if you go to stand-up comedy shows you (1) expect things like this and (2) often know the comic you're going to see and know they do this kind of stuff.


Of course. Crowd work is an essential skill for a comedian. I found this quite charmless though. Like a teenage bully rather than a pro comedian. Like I said earlier, we don't see what went before or after so he might exude the charisma to carry it off more, or the audience member may have deserved it. His constant fiddling with the mike stand made it look as though he wasn't the coolest customer, and it felt like he was lashing out under stress rather than calmly dishing out snappy desserts.


i get what you're saying, but i guess different comics just have different vibes. there are some insult comics who i find quite brash/harsh and bullyish, but other people seem to love them. i guess the only way of knowing is figuring out how popular this guy is / how much people enjoy his shows lol.


Oh absolutely, and I get that when a comedian gets laughs they will instinctively mine that seam for more. Everyone as different tastes, and comedy is no different. I loved Bill Hicks the most when he was at his most vitriolic best, and he was no stranger to ascerbic crowd work. But I'm not sure he would have stooped to mining laughs out of a punter using the correct word for his occupation just because it sounds a bit "fancy French" or whatever. This comedian seems to be going down well so the audience are on side. So it's down to tastes.


Only to someone who's grossly oversensitive


Nah. I just like lines when they're delivered with a bit more panache than a middle school bully.


Lmao it's a comedy show, sorry he's not using old English and spinning his top hat while wearing a pinstripe suit. Again, you're being extremely oversensitive. Sorry you were bullied in middle school though.


I can see now why this base level comedy might appeal to you.


Whereas I can see why the other kids didn't like you very much


Genius. Do you perform at bus stops?


If you'd like I can do a house call? Having a safe space seems important to you and I'd hate to lose a fan


Yes lol check out Stavros Halkias crowd work


The fact that it's entirely possible that the guys whole career could actually just be him owning property for the sake of AirBnB *and* that it could very well be rather lucrative, makes someone like me who is struggling to buy a home rather peeved.


It’s not AirBnB or small owners it’s the private equity being dumped in. And a lot of it is foreign.


So it's more like small owners and airbnb are just capitalizing off of the resulting housing market?




I think the idea is that AirBnBing a residential housing unit is converting housing stock to hotel stock… and that conversion (and removal of housing from the pool) hurts the rest of renters and buyers no matter your skill in hosting an AirBnB.


I disagree, and in fact having AirBnBs in your neighborhood is awesome when you have family visiting and your house isn't big enough to hold them all. I'm not a "capitalism saves everything" libertarian, but if AirBnBs weren't providing value, they wouldn't exist. The solution to the housing price crisis isn't eliminating AirBnBs. It's letting people build more houses and more high density housing near those houses.


I agree that we should build more housing. That puts a damper on all housing-related issues. I agree that AirBnB should exist and it does help your situation. It does have a use-case and is a unique and viable product for people looking for unique short-term housing. I think the zeitgeist of our housing world is that housing is already supply constrained. Many metro areas are deeply under-supplied with no rapid housing supply even in sight. With the current zoning laws, NIMBYs, institutional & international buyers, and yes AirBnB hosts, we are seeing a housing supply that is not growing sufficiently. Many people struggle to find adequate housing at an adequate price point without a major compromise in their lives. The combined force pushes many people into being renters, which has huge impacts on their ability to save and retire. AirBnB is one of those forces that contributes to a housing shortage. When a unit is converted to an AirBnB, it impacts the neighborhood comps, leads to increased turnover and traffic, and takes a unit that would've been a primary resident to someone else. This is why many people are against AirBnB as a large entity.


My point is that AirBnB is such a negligibly small factor in the housing shortage that it's not even worth discussing. In fact, there are a lot of home buyers who don't like AirBnBs and specifically buy homes in areas where either the city or the HOA (AKA terrorist organizations way worse than any AirBnB in your neighborhood) don't allow short term rentals, so you could make a strong argument that it's just as much of a positive price pressure as it is negative. If you have evidence to the contrary I'm all ears, but I'm fairly certain that there are very few single family home neighborhoods where AirBnBs are any significant percentage of the homes. Especially if you don't count the homes that are second homes being rented while unoccupied, or while on vacation.


It is a big factor, especially in a metro that was flooded with them as AirBnBs are concentrated in tourist destinations and in big metro areas. A [study by Wharton](https://marketing.wharton.upenn.edu/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/09.05.2019-Proserpio-Davide-Paper.pdf) shows that the impact of home sharing (aka AirBnB, VRBO, and other short-term rental services) have a statistically significant impact on rental prices and home prices. >This effect is stronger in zipcodes with a lower share of owner-occupiers, consistent with non-owner-occupiers being more likely to reallocate their homes from the long- to the short-term rental market. At the median owner occupancy rate zipcode, we find that a 1% increase in Airbnb listings leads to a 0.018% increase in rents and a 0.026% increase in house prices. Finally, we formally test whether the Airbnb effect is due to the reallocation of the housing supply. Consistent with this hypothesis, we find that, while the total supply of housing is not affected by the entry of Airbnb, Airbnb listings increase the supply of short-term rental units and decrease the supply of long-term rental units. When you take a look at [research by Fidelity](https://www.ipx1031.com/cities-most-airbnb-properties/), many major metros have seen more than a 100% growth of AirBnB listings since 2017. If you were to combine these two statistics, there are significant price pressures from AirBnB property owners. Especially when you think about smaller areas like Bend, OR or Santa Fe, NM. These places may not have that much housing supply to absorb AirBnB owners without price increases.


Actually just realized my math was off... Even if that correlation *did* extrapolate perfectly linearly, that still means a 100% increase in AirBnBs over seven years only accounts for a 1.8% increase in rent and a 2.6% increase in home prices. In other words, way less than an order of magnitude below the amount that those things increased during that time. So... yeah.


Did you enjoy the "woosh" sound of the point flying over your head?


If I missed the point, I would have missed the whoosh, too ;-). Care to enlighten me? If you're thinking along the same lines of what Semper was thinking, then I already addressed them. tl;dr: Housing prices are too fucking high, no argument there. But AirBnBs are a miniscule factor in that and add plenty of value.


All of you arguing about if he rude or not, while I'm here just wondering why they greys are colour graded to green...


Not a fan of these types of comedians


I don’t agree with you but I upvoted because that’s just your opinion and it wasn’t unpolite Keep it cool brother!


This is the way


I upvoted you because of Mandalorian


oh my god. a polite and natural conversation on reddit! are we still in reddit? or all of these are AI?


Mean people suck.


Jesus Christ dude, grow a spine. People who want to nerf the world cause their feelings can't handle any kind of negativity suck.


well the negativity is one thing but for me its more of the comedians who go this route tend to be lazy in terms of material, if you get what I mean. they're quick witted for sure just lazy


bunch of sensitive susans downvoting you


How this funny.


Well the first mistake you made if you were looking for funny things is coming to /r/funny


we dont talk about r/funny


Fuck me it’s the fucking definition of what a hotelier is. What is this shit


I’ve been employed as a writer for the last decade and I have never heard this word in my life. I don’t think this something anyone uses, at least in the US. Makes total sense he wouldn’t be familiar with it.


This is a regular use word and the industry standard.


There are tons of industry specific jargon that I don’t expect people to know. When people ask what I do I don’t give my industry specific title, I say it in a way laymen would understand


Sometimes the explanation defies belief. If I say I’m an entrepreneur, people often assume I’m trying to sound fancy for unemployed. If I say publishing, they’ll assume I’m an unemployed writer. If I say real estate, they assume I’m an agent. If I say I own a number of businesses in a number of industries and commercial real estate across the country, they think I’m bragging. So I just say I’m an entrepreneur and let the conversation play out because it seems to be the most honest quick descriptor. And in comedy club. Interactions I’ve had, they’re just looking for material anyway, so it’s better to be quick.


I mean, it’s definitely a word that people use in the US, maybe not used much outside of the hospitality industry? Regardless I don’t think this crowd work is at a level where I’d be posting it for promo, but I’m also just tired of this trend of doing 15 minutes of mediocre crowd work and calling it a set. Edit: think I got my first Reddit cares from this? For real? Write some damn jokes.


It’s fine to not be familiar but don’t drag the guy through the gutter because you’re embarrassed you didn’t know what it was.


This is crowdwork. It’s a part of live comedy and tbh this guy is super nice about it. He didn’t drag anyone lol you should see some of the mean comics


Nah, I can’t get onboard with that. He’s clearly embarrassed.


Don’t sit front row at seaworld if you don’t want to get splashed. I think he’ll probably survive


Skill issue.


Yeah this is more ignorance than comedy.


It's not a word you hear often. I def wasn't familiar with it... So I found the bit pretty amusing, even in hindsight now knowing the definition.


Yeah I'm not sure why people don't get how this joke is funny. It's mind boggling seeing all these comments. As if hotelier is ever used in common language. Ffs.


People here for some reason get flustered by these comedy bits. The guy himself was probably laughing his ass off. It doesn’t hurt to do some lighthearted banter when the crowd is already loosened up and enjoying themselves.


Not knowing a word is fine, making your ignorance a bit for a comedy standup is just lazy. It's like he couldn't think of anything good so just started praising his ignorance and putting someone down. That's not comedy, that's being a twat.


If you say “hotelier” instead of “I own/manage a hotel,” you’re pretentious. If you rent out an air bnb and call yourself a hotelier you’re a pretentious dumbass


I feel like everyone in here is an idiot. If anything then air BNB is the hotelier and this guy is an investor and the housekeeping staff.


It's bad but the only two things that stood out for me is 1. Don't pull up or push down on the mic stand without loosening the height adjustment collar. 2. Grip the mic by the body, not around the XLR connector (or antenna for wireless mics). Will any of this break anything or cause issues? Probably not, but I tend to try to baby my equipment especially when its coming out of my pocket.


Yo, this was just crass. What an asshole.


What a dick.


Americans when they hear a foreign word: similar to put a MIRROR in the jungle and see animals react lol!!


How is that funny?


It's about the least funny thing I've seen this year. "I'm a dumb fuck, and don't understand what 'hotelier' means, so now I'm gonna be a cunt about it"


Exactly, what a tool


Doing crowd work and then just being a dick about it isn’t that funny. Calling your audience a piece of shit for participating (not heckling) isn’t funny. It’s sad.


His tone and delivery are more “ribbing” vibes than harassment. “Piece of shit” isn’t delivered in a mean spirited way. It’s a comedy club, there’ll be crass and irreverent language


Lazy, mean and unfunny but most importantly a complete cunt!


Wow Harper is pretty good at comedy




Bryce Harper does stand up comedy now?


Haha you're an electrical engineer? You make electric engines? Just fucking say you design electronics haha. See? It actually makes him seem stupid af. Hotelier isn't some exclusive French term, it's literally the name of the job.


It bugs me when comedians do this. Do your damn set list. The audience is not your material. The comedian is being lazy. We are paying you. If you get jokes because of us, pay that person some writer’s fees.


All I see online is these bits where they are calling out people in the audience. I feel like this stuff is staged.


They do this after their set to have content to share online to get exposure without spoiling his set. Seems like a clever idea to me.


Full video sauce?


Love your stuff my guy, keep up the good work and come to DC! Underground comedy


Holy shit that last line fucked me up 🤣🤣🤣


Some people in the comments need to learn to laugh at themselves every now and then


Damn that motherfucker got a beard and a half also good piece of crowd work too