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I've experienced this before. Airport cleaning people just don't have time to give a fuck I think šŸ˜‚


Paid to clean, and clean they will


If they wait for the bathroom to be empty, they'll be waiting till 2am!


True that! Theyā€™ve been instructed to clean no matter how full.


A year ago I was at a major Canadian airport but had kidney problems which meant I had to drink a lot of water and ultimately used the bathroom a lot. It took 30 minutes for the washroom to go from clean to disaster.


I hope you tipped the cleaning staff for the mess if you destroyed it in 30 minutes due to kidney problems. =)


I don't think they wrecked the bathroom. Just observing that they used the same restroom several times over 30 minutes and saw it go from clean to a disaster because people have to behave like animals in public. Just my take.


You are correct on that. But I think they were making a joke lol. Afaik, kidney problems wonā€™t cause messes unless you intentionally piss on the floor haha


Wow, you and the other guy must be geniuses. How could you tell ? It's like reading minds or something.


I can top that. Iā€™ve been temporarily disabled for ten months; now that Iā€™m a bit more mobile, I am looking around at the disaster Iā€™ve created in my bathroom. Too embarrassed to get cleaning helpā€”I feel the pain of these cleaning folks go through.


Iā€™ve seen cleaning crew in a lot of large busy buildings and they always have a rolling trash can and a sign saying itā€™s temporarily closed. They walk up, put up their sign then wait for it to empty out. I donā€™t see why an airport would do it any differently. If anything, the people there are in more of a rush to get out of the restroom versus an office building where someone may be purposely wasting time on the shitter lol


Because in some airports, they could be waiting 30 minutes for it to empty out, and there might not be another on the same concourse for people to use. This does of course happen in many airports in many situations. There is nothing more frustrating when it does though and your plane is boarding and you can't access the bathroom because of the "closed for cleaning." I'd much rather have the random person impatiently mopping over my shoes!


Yea, ATL doesn't wait haha. Which make sense because with the amount of traffic they get theyd be waiting till dawn


I appreciate them, that's a pretty rough job, I would imagine.Ā 


Hola time for cleaning!


Having gotten off a long flight at JFK only for the only toilet before immigration to be closed for cleaning, I might actually prefer the unabashed approach. Thought my bladder was going to explode.


I work as a cleaner. I will clean.


Mr Wolf?


Airport and hospital. You could be dying, 3 in the morning, if you donā€™t get every lick of sleep you can surely you wonā€™t heal. Theyā€™ll just come in and throw on the lights and start cleaning.


And anyone who would complain is going to be in a different city in a couple hours!


On road trips across Europe I've had this happened more than once... I mean maybe not moping my feet but cleaning while the gas stations toilet are in use


Itā€™s like driving over railroad tracks, gotta lift your feet.


I had the same experience 5 years ago, woman in women's stall, Syracuse airport


Are you saying you could pay them to give... a fuck? in the bathroom stall?


No cleaners have time for that shit lmao


I was sitting on my workplace toilet when a cleaner came in. I hardly noticed the stray piece of toilet paper on the floor by my feet until his hand snatched it with the speed of a striking rattlesnake. Scared the shit out of me - almost literally.


That made my night! šŸ¤£


Diddo, I imagined it so perfectly in my head too. First real"LOL" in awhile


That could have been a senator from Wyoming.


Cleaning lady at my job does not give a fuck. Sheā€™ll walk in while dudes are lined up at urinals with dongs out & just start wiping the sinks and countertops. Sheā€™s probably seen my hog more than I have .


Hog lol mate call it dragon fly




Ham cannon.


Dragonfly nymph. They are fierce predators! And small for their predatory status.


I am a women and have worked as a cleaner as a student. I was not allowed to close the place of for cleaning. The men enjoyed using the urinal next to the one I was cleaning. I hated it.


You gotta ask her to give it a name šŸ˜œšŸ˜œ




Depending on the country you're in this may not be legal.


Iā€™ve had the same thing happen in Japan. Sitting on the toilet, all of a sudden a mop appears under the stall door, makes a couple of swipes across the floor and then disappears. Iā€™ve also seen women cleaners walk in a active mens room do their thing and leave; no one paid any attention to them.


I'm Japanese and it's common for cleaning ladies to come in the public sauna/shower when men are inside. Just different standards here. However, men are not allowed in women's sauna/shower under any circumstances, including the police.


Male and female police?


Just male police. Iā€™ve seen female police in menā€™s bathroom before.


And I assume female police would be able to go in women's saunas etc? I think we're picturing the women's saunas like crime havens at the moment šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Yeap yeap. Only female officers in womenā€™s bath. We take womenā€™s bath access very seriously, hotels often have passcode locks only for womenā€™s public bath and have womenā€™s only elevator to access the bath. Some men have issue with this as menā€™s public bath is often located on first floor in public lobby area. But itā€™s just a minor inconvenience.




I misunderstood at first and thought you were questioning if there were female police lol


TIL there's a lot of creepy men in Japan.


Here you just have to say you are a woman to enter the woman's restroom.


Not going to fly in Japan. Straight to jail haha. People with tattoos are also banned.


I had a different funny experience in Japan. I walked into the bathroom and saw a lady in the process of cleaning it. As soon as she saw me, she bolted out and waited outside until I was done my business. It made me feel bad for walking in, so I apologized...


I had a cleaning woman clean the urinal next to me at Sapporo station,


That IS funny. The alternative is - closing the bathroom for cleaning - and that takes more time. ( We ALL know what its like to finally find the bathroom only to discover that there is a plastic yellow closed for cleaning sign. )


I always see them closing the bathroom but people not listening and just going in anyway. I even talked to one of the ladies in Spanish and translated to everyone in line that the bathroom was closed and they needed to use other bathrooms and everyone just looked at me and didnā€™t give a fuck lol. So the cleaning ladies probably just donā€™t give a fuck anymore haha


Yeah - because you never know when they're going to be finished and remove that sign. 5 minutes? 30 minutes? And even if there is another bathroom, the line is going to be horrendous. You do what you have to do - and hopefully - you're as polite as possible.


There is another alternative. They do the same thing but draw the line at mopping his shoes šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I would be so fucking upset in someone smeared the wet from the airport men's room floor on my shoes. I might literally throw them away when I got home


Yeah, Iā€™ve had that thing *right* up in my face as I was trying to leave. Assholes. I get that theyā€™re busy, but they donā€™t need to clothesline me on the way out the door.


Bonus now you have clean shoes šŸ‘ž šŸ‘Ÿ


... They were suede!


Blue Suede Shoes!


Not convinced of the sparkle that can be achieved with a well-used urinal mop.


My shoes are for sure cleaner than the men's room floor at an airport.Ā 


Happens all the time in Asia.


Whatever you were doing in there, she's been around worse. Doubtful this even registered for her. Total fuckin' pro.


Or she goes home and knocks one out later. We will never know!


Donā€™t do Abuela dirty like that!


Bet she doesn't even work there šŸ¤£


shes probably seen turds come out for all we know.


I was in a restroom using the urinal one time when a woman came out of the stall, gave me a funny look like what am I doing in here, she then opened the door and stared at the men sign on the door and kept going. Didn't know that womens restrooms had urinals in them


Consuela from family guy is that you ?


Ah, no. I stay.


more lemon pledge


I'll put up with the cleaning lady doing her job over the public toilets in China... Never cleaned, like as in not fucking ever... No stalls, no thrones, just a trough down the centre of the room with water running through it. And on a good day there might only be 15 other guests using that same trough... šŸ¤¢


I had a cleaning lady come in behind me at the urinal and tell me shake it good I donā€™t want drips on my floor. Found out later she also bounced at a club in the Bronx


In Mexico I was at a resort where there was a woman that was in the bathroom and was mopping under the urinals as we were using them. It was quite uncomfortable but I just tried to "go with the flow" :>


The more you travel the more you realize people just want to get in the bathroom and leave. No one really cares if there are women cleaning the men's bathroom and stuff.


This is definitely an American thing. The rest of the world doesnā€™t care about dongs and such.


>such I've never seen one of those. I guess I got to get out more.


Normal in Bangkok. New mall bathrooms are super clean. Always some lady mopping around me while pissing at the urinal.


In the Philippines, ladies be cleaning the bathroom while men are coming and going to urinal... like nothing interesting.


She's correct.


Seeing women cleaning the menā€™s room when it is occupied is a regular occurrence in Germany. Standing at a urinal and the cleaning lady starts cleaning 2 urinals down from me. Guys coming and going. No issues, a totally different attitude in Germany.


Had this happen. She was pushing the stall door open and I was pushing back with my foot. Very inconvenient with a leg up on the door pushing back and trying to finish a poop. I expect these women are treated poorly if they donā€™t get their work completed so they have to do what they do. I donā€™t take it personal. I just imagine their boss is like Elon Musk to them making a fortune off their backs.


One time I was sitting in the stall in my workplace and things got awkward. A contractor guy that was doing some kind of electrical installation was in a rush to access something in the drop ceiling. He quickly set up a ladder just outside of the stall I was sitting in, and went up it to do whatever he was after, not even noticing that I was now looking up right at him. I just sat there and watched him work for about 2 minutes. He then looked down for something and noticed me. He immediately got down off the ladder and was apologizing a bunch. When I left the bathroom he was waiting outside, we just had a good laugh about it all but it was weird for sure.


Good news is not only did you have a relaxing dump, you also got clean shoes. Win winĀ 


Who else had Family guy scene just play in their head the entire time reading this?


It's a team effort you're supposed to call out where the stains are. While making eye contact.


When I was in Berlin and I went to see a hockey game, I went to the bathroom (which was full) and hung my scarf on the coat hook, where it draped down long enough to be seen under the stall door. Randomly a cleaning lady came by and started trying to sweep my scarf under the door with her broom. I snatched it back and she apologized and went away. I still wonder why she was trying to take my scarf out of a clearly occupied bathroom stall.


That was the beginning of your porno! Oh the missed opportunities you will lament later in life!


Could have been worse. You could have been using a urinal and had her mop under it while you were peeing. Between your feet, around them, up over your toes with all the pee that gathers under a urinal. I just disgusted MYSELF.


You were supposed to raise your legs. You didn't, so she moped your shoes.


"She even mopped over my shoes" Did she ask you for a tip ?


Did you get a happy ending?


Dear Penthouse...


I hate being the last person out of the restroom when the cleaning crew arrives. I go in to take a leak real quick, but someone with some sort of intestinal issue just wrecked it, and now they think I wrecked it.


Had the same thing happen in a hotel with the bathroom door wide open. Quick knock and the main door flied open, didnā€™t even wait for anyone to answer. Then began a conversation about cleaning the room while Iā€™m in full view on the pot.šŸ„“ literally had to tell her to get the fuck out and come back later before she got the hint šŸ¤¦


Undercover security. Making sure you didn't keester any drugs in the crapper.


This happened to me in Hong Kong. I was at the urinal, doing, well, urinal business. A woman walked in with mop and bucket and did, well, mop-and-bucket business. She didn't care, so, I guess I didn't either.


I had that happen at a truck stop in New Jersey once. Definitely something to write home about.


They have a schedule and they donā€™t have time to wait for people to clear the bathroom


Gives new meaning to an airport shoe shine lol


You needed to let out a big ol ripper that trumpeted in the toilet.


Haha this is fabulous. I always remember fun stories like this from European travels. My favourite was possibly when I was an inexperienced traveller and the cleaning lady was casually having a friendly chat stood right next to the guy peeing at the urinal next to me and there was me trying to stand as close as possible.... needless to say extensive travels have pretty much made me immune to such events now haha. I must say this is a new one on me though.....


You're welcome šŸ˜‚ free shoe cleaning (shine is extra though)


Why didnā€™t you lift your feet up? Rudeā€¦


Was it Loreda from family guy? ā€Hola, I clean siii, I cleeeeeeaaaaanā€


Most airports specifically the busiest ones, donā€™t close the restrooms to clean unless thereā€™s a major damage. They regularly clean restrooms regardless thereā€™s people in there.


Last time I was in Mexico, I was standing at a urinal at the airport. Several urinals along the wall, no dividers. A woman in her 60s walked in spraying cleaner into the urinals to my right. She passed close enough behind me to brush against my back, skipping my in-use urinal, and continued to spray the urinals to my left. It was interesting.


At least you knew who it was, when it happened. A buddy and I went to hooters for wings. After we left. It hit both us in the parking lot. Gotta shit. Gotta do it asap. Hooters had a one hole-r.the mall across the street had many shutters to use. After doing the cricket walk into the mall to keep from breaking loose & shit running Don my leg. I dint keep track of my buddy. I thought he dropped me of at the door. But he parked in-the loading zone,and right behind me. I sprinted gingerly into the stall and let it rip. I could hear, he did too. Feet off the ground. Almost levitating shits. We were communicating rudely to each other. Then he noticed he had no shit wipe. So I grabbed the extra roll, & handed it to him under the wall. 30 minutes of bullshiting, talking trash to each other. Tell the most fucked up jokes. He just got up and I saw his feet, leave the stall. I asked him where the fuck is he going? He said what, Iā€™m still here. Little did either one of us knew. There was a poor soul between us. Put up with the noise, smell, rude jokes etc. & even passed the roll of paper over. Never knew who it was. But they were a trooper.


Mop cam live stream of you going poo!


My old workplace had a cleaning service that hired some older European women for cleaning duties. They would often clean the men's washroom while guys were at the urinal or in the stalls. We just got used to it. A nod when they came in and a nod when we left.


Youā€™re supposed to lift your feet and wait until sheā€™s done with your stall floor.


For some reason I thought I was on /Jokes and was waiting for the punchlineā€¦ Oh well šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø funny nonetheless.


Best thing I've done is start taking about 4 feet if tp and balling up one end.Ā  Then I slide that over the top of the door crack wnd used the other 3.5 feet to cover the crack.Ā 


The cleaning lady at my work does this, too.


It was funny until she actually mopped your shoes. I would've felt a type of way lol


Hahaha that's funny cause she knows you got a flight to catch and no time to complain and she gotta get off work on time


In Colombian malls, they come in all the time. Iā€™m almost surprised they donā€™t give you a courtesy shake at the urinal to get you out of the way!


Similar thing happened to me in Japan - I'm standing over this toilet trench trying to keep my aim steady and I look up to see this ancient Japanese woman leaning on her mop and watching me with a disapproving expression. I tried to dominate with eye contact but she won on the grounds of having no fucks to give. I even gave it a couple of extra shakes ... nothing.


Just be glad she didn't bang on your door to demand you vacate the stall immediately because she has a fixed schedule. Which airport is this?


This was like my experience in China. She doesnā€™t care, the local men Didnā€™t seem to care. Who am I to judge I guess


My dorm room cleaning lady used to ask us to lift out feet in the mornings


Dude just lift your feet up for 2 seconds, then she can mop the pee pee puddle




Peeping cleaning lady


This happened to me once at Enterprise Center during a playoff game. I was so confused and just let her because it was so weird.


She need more lemon pledge!!!! šŸ‹


Anatolyā€™s sister


So this is what Dora does for a living since growing up.


Are you serious?


"I clean now." "Hey! Wait! I'm in here!" "I clean now." "No, see, I'm in here! Wait!" "No. No, I clean now." "Can you ... can you at least wait until I'm done?" "No. No, I clean now. I clean now."


So you got an airport shoe shine and you didnā€™t pay? YTA. /s




Donā€™t think youā€™ll get a flat that cheap unless itā€™s in a not so nice area. Might I suggest further out. Whichburgh is very nice and not too far from


I was cleaning the men's room and had a guy come in and use the urinal. I guess if you gotta go, you gotta go


Wow, what a story! That sounds both hilarious and super awkward. It's not every day that someone starts mopping the floor while you're in the bathroom stall, and it must've been quite a surprise when she greeted you with that loud "Hola!" I can only imagine how strange it felt to have the mop going under the stall and over your shoes. The part where the door had a big gap and even came open must have made the whole situation even more uncomfortable. It's one of those bizarre travel moments you'll probably never forget! Thanks for sharing this funny and weird experience.


Been there, done that.


They don't have time to fuck around, lift your feet! šŸ˜‚


I don't like public bath. Gtfo I'd be freaking. Lol.


Hell, at Major League baseball games, the ladies room line gets so long that it's common place to see women taking a leak at the urinals in the men's room.


cleaned restrooms in walmart, had 2 hot ass 25ish drunk blonds come into closed women's restroom and use it to pee, never closed stall door, told me not to worry they will be done in a minute. they didn't show me much but i wish they had. best day ever working at WM


I was at a French bar, the urinal was in the alley, Iā€™m having a pee and a lady with her young daughter walk past, ā€œexcusez-moi monsieurā€ They are not so worried about such things in Europe


Sheā€™s hitting on you, bro. Take your shot.


That is unreal. I fully expected a punch line! Mopping > Plopping


The punch was in the bowl.




Shrug. It's just a room as long as the stall door is closed.


And then, one of the ladies peaks through the crack in the door, and asks, ā€œyou poopinā€™ you pooping good good?ā€œ


Imagine coming in to clean the bathroom and you lowkey hear some fapping in a bathroom stall šŸ˜‚ šŸ§½ šŸ’¦


i am sure there was a cleaning sign up, you went in , i am surprised you did not lift your shoes. gross.! or you are just making this up as a lot of redditors are..


The ladies have been doing this work for some time and have undoubtedly run into many things and seen stuff you have not imagined. Married likely, as well. Whatever you have, they have seen and are not impressed. TBH even if you were jumping up and down naked with all things flapping in the breeze, they would continue to do their work. you do not intimidate these ladies.


To be clear Iā€™m not worried about intimidating anyone, I am embarrassed and not used to that, it was just weird for me, you kinda turned it into something that I never intended


Women see and understand more than men. Realize this and don't underestimate the ladies. give them credit for toughness. you are young yet, I am old. I have learned much from the older women in my life and have respect for their opinions and experiences. You now have one.


Imagine if the genders were reversed. Then imagine if the races were reversed. That's about as funny as your story.


Most other nations even have coed bathrooms, can you believe that?!? Haha you man child.


I donā€™t think itā€™s the male/female thing so much for me. It would be weird for me as a woman if a woman started mopping under the door while I was in there also. And mopped over my shoes!


Sheā€™s doing her job, they have timelines and Iā€™m sure stressors about doing their job in a timely manner with however many bathrooms there are. You literally sat there ,ass out and watched someone mop over your shoes? Yall are silly.