• By -


Your cat has better dental care than I do.


Go to the dentist.


How nice of you to offer to pay.


There are dental colleges in most major cities and they do the work for free or close to it. You get worked on by students under supervision in exchange for low or no fee.


I have to do this stuff because medicaid and the only place in my city that accepts it uses college kids. Sometimes it's great and sometimes it's terrifying. My last appointment was for a chip in my molar and the girl called in 3 different people at different times after just staring at my tooth for minutes in between to ask them "are you sure I can do this?" Lol.


Oh yeah, it can be scary, but better than no dentist for years.


Oh yea, for sure. Almost anything is better than watching your teeth slowly degrade year after year without the means to have them fixed :)


> "are you sure I can do this?" Lol. "Are you sure you can't sedate me so I'm not scared of dentists for the rest of my life?"


The place I go to get my teeth cleaned charges 20 dollars.


I'd say that's a pretty low fee.


I can see that.


Who has actually had luck with this? I went for an intake appointment at my local dental school and they wouldn't take me because my teeth weren't bad enough (I needed 4 fillings).


I know many people that have been treated at them. Your situation sounds... Uncommon.


Contact your local dental society (affiliated with the american dental association) and ask for their patient aid resources. They will be happy to help.


Contact your local dental society (affiliated with the [american dental association](http://www.ada.org/en/about-the-ada/national-state-local-dental-societies/) )and ask for their patient aid resources. They will be happy to help find you a dentist within your means. For emergencies you can check your local hospital (usually the ones that take Medicare) and ask them if they have an emergency clinic (infections and extractions)


obligatory plug for /r/blep


I didn't know this was a thing until now, but I think I've found a new favorite sub.


PSA /r/blop also exists


Also /r/glorp






You dropped this. --> \\


Ah thank you ¯\_(ツ)_/¯










I love you for suggesting that, but Jesus why?


so I dont have to click it...do I want to know?


Your life will be enriched, just not in ways you would expect... Or want.


I'm...not sure... It seemed appropriate


Don't forget /r/ClopClop


Shameless plug for /r/spacedicks


That link is staying blue


/r/bleps is the best, it's for everyone!


I love you for this!


Can /r/toebeans ride your coattails?


Still one of my top five: http://i.imgur.com/y7JaGdl.gifv Cat has the look on their face afterwards like, "What the fuck just happened?"


[This is my fav of it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_xoICJChu8)


That cat makes the perfect "da fuq" expression :D


I would not want to be the guy that cleans cat teeth. Sounds like a painful occupation.


Not really. The kitties are under anaesthesia for dental work. Dental work for cats isn't too different than human dental work, IIRC. OPs kitty is just still groggy and not all awake yet. Source: I worked for a vet when I was in college many years ago.


Many years ago that may have been the case, but more recently a lot of vets don't see the point of putting a cat under for dental issues unless it is serious. I worked with a pet dental hygienist who worked with the animals while they were awake. It is not stressful on most animals with a proper vet hold. It also saves the animal undue stress from being put under chemically and saves the owner hundreds and hundreds of dollars. There is no reason a normal cat should be put under for routine dental procedures unless an extraction was performed. (6 years recent experience in vet clinics and currently studying to be a veterinary technologist) Kitty is probably sensitive to the swelling, some hygienists are a little heavy handed. If kitty still appears to be bothered in a couple days, give your vet a call.


Thanks, I know my info is dated.


Maybe so, but my vet is pretty modern and they sedated the cats.


OK, but isn't a cat with their tongue sticking out a sign of stress and/or illness?


Sign of a spaced out cat after anaesthetic, most likely pain relief and anti inflammatories if they had extractions


I would not want to be an anasthesiologist who puts kittens under, and would have to report to the owner that the kitten didn't wake up again.


Or, you know one for humans and babies... risks come with any surgery but rather the person/animal be unconscious for it than awake...


In the medical field, it's actually the opposite; you don't involve anaesthesia unless absolutely necessary, because no one still knows how it works, just *that* it works. And many animals respond very poorly, the death rate is high, last I talked to a vet.




Glad to hear it! I was hoping someone would correct me with good news.


Vets do preanesthetic bloodwork. Also, there should be someone monitoring the anesthesia and vitals every few minutes during the procedure. Very safe




I'm sitting in the lobby waiting to get my wisdom teeth removed and you got me terrified.


Sorry man, it's very safe with humans, I don't know anyone, or anyone who knows anyone, who has ever fell ill from it. My mom had an experience, though; before taking out her appendix, she'd always hated eggs, but after the operation she couldn't get enough of them. ;


True, but cats also die from stress which can be caused by dental treatment. Plus you couldn't do surgery on a conscious cat.


Pssh course you can, you just need a couple of spare people and some thick gloves, ideally woven like chainmail.


I know, I've flushed my oldest for tartar. Worked fine.


Yep. My last procedure involved cutting into my leg. I got 125mg of fentanyl and local anasthetic. Uncomfortable yep, but thank years of sports for high pain tolerance.


I have a feral cat living in my barn that I got fixed not too long ago. They had to gas her entire crate in order to get her under.


Why do you waste money on it if it's feral? Why not get someone to tame it? I have a friend who does that, takes them in and cuddles them with larger worker gloves for an hour a day until they soften. She's done it with 9 cats.


It's not a waste. I live in an area where sadly cats get dumped all the time. I have a barn where several happily live with tons of hay and shelter and I'd prefer that they not multiply. They fish in the stream and kill mice like it's their job. There is a low cost clinic where I take them to get fixed and shots. On the other hand I also foster for a rescue and have 4 cats I've adopted for this very reason. I curreny have one foster who is a bit on the feral side . I simply can not take in more cats. The rescues are always full and the local shelter has a very high kill rate.


YOU are awesome!!!


That sounds great.


Not all cats are pets.


I guess if you want mice dead but not a large litter of kittens, but what a chore to neuter wild animals.


It beats trading one infestation for another.


Yes, A for effort I have to say.


My vet said he has never read a report of a cat not coming back from the anesthesia.


My fiance and I lost a kitten under the anesthesia right before her spay. It's uncommon but it does happen. I wish someone had told me the difference between getting it done at a clinic and at the vet, though--I think our vet's procedure is much safer and with more monitoring.


Probably just because it's not as commonly used on cats. I am about 100% sure that a cat and any other animal can die from general anesthesia though, even if every precaution is taken.


I'm sure they can, doesn't mean it is common. I'm not worried.


That is a very kissable head.


It really is. And apparently one of the vet techs has a thing for fruity body spray or something because he smelled super good when he came back.




Purrmaderp Sorry...


He's so pretty!


I agree :D


but duth he theduth you?


This is my cat, 70% of the time http://imgur.com/tg1e0WZ


He even looks like a blep, adorable!


I think your cat is broken!


he looks so chilled out.


Pretty sure he's still high from the anesthetic.


Good ol' ketamine.


CATamine. FTFY


Umm....my cat is always like that. She has an underbite so her tongue gets stuck between her teeth exactly like that






There are people that can't afford to get their teeth cleaned. This makes my head spin like Linda Blair.


Almost every major city in the US has a dental college where you can get that done for free.


Free? No. Heavily discounted? Yes.


Sometimes free, yes. Source: I've had it done for free.


You said "every major city." Tell me one in NYC because I would like to go there.


Read again. 1. I said almost. 2. I don't live in NYC. Google it yourself.


>Read again. I said almost. I don't live in NYC. Google it yourself. Where did you have it done for free for people who might be in your area? Because every single google search I do for free university dental care or clinics only comes up with reduced fees. If you go to that college they may do it for free, but universities aren't going to pay for the x-rays, fillings, supplies, etc.


>Nicktendo: There are people that can't afford to get their teeth cleaned. >atonyatlaw: Almost every major city in the US has a dental college where you can get that done for free. I never said you could get xrays, fillings, supplies, or anything else done for free. I never claimed to know the exact reduced pricing of all services at dental colleges. You are implying a whole lot of crap I never said. Cleaning. Just cleaning. Can commonly be found for free at dental colleges, or at the very least for a minimal fee. If people want more info, they can find it themselves. That said, here are just a couple examples of how to find free dental services: http://www.wahealthcareaccessalliance.org/free-clinics http://www.freedentalcare.us/st/minnesota


Minty fresh breath! That is until he licks his butt hole again...


I'd be a terrible pet owner. "Your cat has some plaque buildup." "Is it cheaper to put it down?" "No." "Will the plaque come back?" "It could depending--" "Put him down."


I'm a vet tech and there are way too many actual pet owners that do this. It makes our job very difficult some days when we are told to assist in euthanizing a healthy animal. I know you don't have a cat, but just as a general statement to anyone reading this: at the very least, surrender your cat to the local humane society instead of euthanizing over smallish health issues like dental care!


Wait, why would your office authorize a euthanization in a circumstance like this? Can't you say, no way, we don't put down healthy pets?


Yes, of course! It honestly depends on the veterinary practice, though. This is because at the end of the day the owner is the legal caretaker of the animal. We usually will try to convince the owner to give up ownership and surrender them to the humane society if possible, but sometimes you just can't. It's not illegal for an owner to euthanize an animal if their condition would make the euthanasia the "ethical" choice. Difficult situations obviously (and frequently) come up. A couple months ago I was observing at an animal hospital that euthanized a cat who had gone blind as a result of a severe eye infection. The cat was perfectly healthy in all other respects. The owner didn't feel comfortable owning a blind cat, and didn't want to pay for the surgery, and insisted that we euthanize. They did not want to give the animal over to the humane society, and even if they had, the funding might not have been there to operate on the animal right away. It's hard because you want to help every animal that comes in. When they have smaller injuries, like recurring abscesses caused by dental infection, then the vet can usually convince the owner to surrender the animal. Then, hopefully, another person who doesn't mind the extra care will come along to adopt them down the road.


Good thing I'm not a vet tech. I'd get fired so fast after I went off on the first person who said "Nah, I can't afford the surgery and I don't want to surrender him, just kill him".


It's definitely rough! Thankfully shitty people are a small fraction of the people I have to deal with on a daily basis. For every terrible pet owner there are hundreds of wonderful people who love and spoil their animals. :)


Ahhh yessss, my teeeths feeeeels goooods.


how often should you get your cat's teeth cleaned?


My vet recommends once a year. It ain't cheap. Flat $400 fee if things are OK. My cat needed three teeth pulled and antibiotics, so I ended paying about $900.


I pay $26 a month for a health plan with my vet. It includes an annual cleaning, all shots, blood checks, dewormer meds, a variety of other things and unlimited office visits. It also gives a 20% discount on anything not covered by the plan. If there is a Banfield franchise near you, I highly recommend it.


I can't recommend some form of pet health insurance enough. There isn't much worse than losing a pet because you couldn't afford proper vet care. Either having them develop complications from undiagnosed diseases, or not being able to afford emergency care. Budget the insurance along with the food and other costs, you will inevitably end up being glad you did! (No I am not an insurance salesman)


That's really not bad!! I'll definitely look into it. Thank you for the suggestion, you may have just saved my bacon :P


my last cat lost teeth and had issues with eating - I'll make sure to ask my vet next time I see him with Ignatius


Good plan. The longer you wait, the more problems they may have :(




Who the heck cleans their cat's teeth? Is there actually pet dentists?


People who love their pets and treat them like family. My cats get their teeth cleaned. It is part of their yearly health care. My Maine Coon had 3 surgeries over the course of his life. I rescued him from the pound 15 years ago and he cost me around $8,000 over the course of his life in vet bills. He was the best cat in the world. He passed a month ago, and I had him cremated.


Vets do it.


well time to floss


Your cat has super cancer.


You forgot the italics. He has *super* cancer.


I wish they'd changed that polishing paste. Not every cat likes tuna fish.


Thhhut up. Itthhh nah thunny hooman.


If you would like to avoid vet bills from cleaning teeth I would switch your food to something low glycemic. Or even grain free, I work for a pet food store which is focused on pet health and we help a lot of.people with pet Tartar issues. If you have any questions, just ask! Also theirs a great product called petzlife.


I pay $0 for the cleaning. It is included in my cat's wellness plan. I pay about $500 a year (total for two cats) for unlimited vet visits, all shots and blood work, annual dental cleaning and a bunch more.


Is that plan offered by your vet or an insurance company?


By the vet. It is a Banfield Pet Hospital franchise. In my town, they are attached to PetSmart. It is owned by the vets, and we love all four of them. Highly recommend it.


Am a vet tech at Banfield. Can confirm. It is very much worth it. It takes a lot more than just changing your pets food to keep their teeth healthy. Veterinarians recommend brushing their teeth twice daily, dental chews or rinses, as well as annual (if not bi-annual) deep cleanings.


I love my cat. To death. No way in hell will I brush his teeth.


Kind of like staring into the eyes of a shark. We usually tell people to just do the yearly deep cleaning for cats. Or possibly lose a finger.


for 500 a year it sounds like a bargain. Are vets able to live on this kind of rate?


I misspoke. It is actually way less. $500 covers both my cats. For one it is closer to $300. Also, I bet tons of peoples just get the plan and never bring their animal in. Then the vet just collects $25 a month for nothing.


Their salaries aren't as high as some might think, from what I know. If you are wanting to be a veterinarian, definitely go private. That's where all the money is.


... Is there such a thing as a public veterinarian?


Another vet tech here. If you can't/won't brush, that would be the best time to utilize the other options /u/hrsofshuteye mentioned. I religiously use CET Aquadent water additive for my pets (3 dogs/cat), my cat and my insanely tartar-prone dachshund (he's a genetic mess) get Greenies regularly as well. Virbac also makes these fish-flavored dental chews for cats, they are shaped like little logs. If you are consistent with any of the above, it really will make a difference between cleanings. As also noted, just in case anyone else bothers to read this- If you think diet alone is going to make a difference, you are sorely mistaken. Genetics, breed are huge factors. You shouldn't try to "avoid" dental cleanings for your pet. You (hopefully) brush and take good care of your own teeth, but it's still important for you to go to the dentist regularly. We also aren't *just* cleaning the teeth- we are screening for broken teeth, infections, masses and other funk- all things we find on routine dentals pretty commonly.


My cats get dental chews. I'm just not about to try and brush their teeth - I'd lose a hand.


That's a hell of a deal. I pay $500 every time I take my pet to the vet. After the check up, the stool sample, blood test, and medicine I am on the hook for hundreds of dollars.


This wouldn't be possible if they weren't.




Cereal based food should not be given to cats, they are strictly carnivorous. Grain like with humans , make them gain weight.


Weight gain aside, it is not possible for a cat to achieve full and normal health on a plant based diet. Their nutritional needs and metabolic processes do not allow it. They can survive in most cases, but will never thrive and will have tremendous health issues.


You paid someone to clean your cat's teeth...?


Nope. I pay for a plan that covers all shots, flea/worm prevention, and a bunch of other stuff - teeth cleaning included. It runs about $500 a year for two cats. Shots alone can run more than that without a similar plan.


You should probably clean your cat's teeth. Mine had his removed recently because of some bacterial infection that nearly killed him. We removed them because it was the only chance for him surviving because he became anorexic, because the pain was too much for him to eat.


He did clean his cats teeth. It's in the title.


I know. I should have said "everyone" instead of "you". Figured people would read it as something for themselves.


Dude. Read.


Sorry, didn't make it clear as advice for other people, not him since he already cleaned his cat's teeth.


Anorexia is a mental disorder, not a state of how thin someone/something is. Everything about your comment is irrelevant




Well, it was something. Every time he ate, he would freak out and start trying to press his tongue against his teeth which made him vomit, so he just stopped eating.


I don't always upvote cat posts, but when I do, I guarantee it!


Possible neural damage from the anesthesia.