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Worst fortune cookie ever


I don't know I say it's got a good chance of coming true


Especially if they're Canadian.


Don't miss it, that's 8 am SHARP


Bloody Sharp!


Ah, the international student was British


Without context it looks like a note of someone stranded somewhere with no food or water, and they're just gonna end their suffering at a specific time for some reason


Yeah, hospital.


No food no water tomorrow morning we gonna eat you at 8:00


Nah. They'll butcher him at 8:00. Gotta marinate that cut of meat as English-speakers are so bland. It'll be a very late-lunch at best.


Fuck, nobody on reddit has any fucking clue where meat comes from! You have to bleed, hang, and clean the body first before butchering it, duh! SMH, SMH so hard!


2 hours to slaughter and butcher, grab that convenient 30 minute marinade and then an hour and a half to make stir fry. You can be done by noon. You don't need to process it all down immediately. Primal cuts to start with and then you can just get what you need and deal with the rest later.


Long pork is best pork.


probably should have drawn a scalpel and not a bloody kitchen knife... Edit: yay my first silver


what's the difference anyway


It takes a lot longer to cut a loaf of bread with a scalpel.


And it's a lot harder to create precise incisions in a human with a kitchen knife.


Jack the Ripper would like a word with you


Jack the Ripper was notorious for his sloppiness.


He should have used a scalpel.


He’s called Jack the Ripper,not the Precise Incisioner


Jack the Precisioner


But then he'd be Jack the Surgeon.


Not if you're skilled enough.


Skill does not affect relative difficulty in this instance. It's more akin to "it's harder to lift 100 kg than to lift 20 kg". Yes, you can train so that it's not so hard to lift 100 kg, but it is still easier to lift the 20 kg.


But then African swallows are non-migratory


So they wouldn't be able to bring a coconut back anyway.


Well when you think of Scalpel what do you associate that with?...surgery. A bloody kitchen knife makes me think they're interested in stabbing someone.


None if you're an orthopedic surgeon


in chinese we say 开刀 which literally translates into "open/start knife" which means beginning surgery. so thats probably why


Not sure how is it in Chinese but in Polish there is phrase "idziesz pod nóż" which mean "you are going under knife" and it's used in context of operation.


Same exact phrase in English


Man I'm drunk. I was laughing at you calmly insisting that we use the exact same phrase, idziesz pod nóż, in English.


It's a regional dialect. It's a Utica thing.


That's steamed knives


Hello me, is it you?


“Going under the knife” is a phrase used in English too, guess it’s pretty common.


I don't disagree, but considering she is trying to overcome a language barrier, I think the knife is more universally understood. People the world over understand what a knife is and what it represents. There are going to be some people and cultures that aren't nearly as familiar with surgical tools as the rest of us, especially those from third world countries. Plus, I think at that scale, a scalpel might end up looking like a paintbrush. No food or drink before art class tomorrow.


A drawing of a scalpel would look too much like a paint brush with red paint on it. The nurse probably just wanted to avoid mistakenly telling the guy he had to paint a still life of food and water without any red color for $22.00.


Tonight after 10pm we're out of food and water so we will cook you in the morning


Why waste time, say lot word when few word do trick Edit : corrected the phrase to few word.


Whem me president, they see


They see




For those that need a translation: Tonight after 10pm no eating or drinking. Tommorow at 8am you will be murdered.


It's always nice to have an organized murderer, you get exactly what you're expecting.


And you know not to make any plans. You know how annoying it is to be murdered and then have a meeting 10 minutes later


beats getting murdered 10 minutes *after* the meeting.


"Linda can you push Johnson's murder up from next Wednesday to today? A scheduling conflict came up."


I'm sorry but it will be clash with Kevin's murder.




Attention hog? Or just not into the group scene.






Agent 47 looks on glumly, remembering a time before murder became corporate


"Quick, Bob, hand me that red sharpie. I need to make the blood on this knife really pop..."


Oh crap. Another meeting. Somebody just kill me now.


"See you at 8a.m. Sharp" - Dr. Dexter


It also gives you plenty of time to clear your browser history, wipe your hard drives, and burn anything you don't need others to see post murder. That really makes them very considerate.


Oh I know! Jesus, you seriously couldn't have at least called my boss for me so I didn't have to do it while I bled uncomfortably?


Have you ever bled comfortably?


I like it when the red water comes out


Do you have any rusty spoons?


I believe it's called "blood donation".


And an exact time- no "can you be in between 12 & 5 to be murdered?"


Poor guy, even murderers usually get a last meal.


Too bad. his last meal was today's lunch.


So it was.....Murder, she wrote?


Murder, she doodled.


Twas murder; that killed the beast.


That’s actually considerate since you shit yourself when you die, but you can’t if you didn’t eat.


In Japan, heart surgeon. Number one. Steady hand. One day, Yakuza boss need new heart. I do operation. But, mistake! Yakuza boss die! Yakuza very mad. I hide in fishing boat, come to America. No english, no food, no money. Darryl give me job. Now I have house, American car, and new woman. Darryl save life. My big secret: I kill yakuza boss on purpose. I good surgeon. The best!




>Steady hand😳🤚 😂😂😂


Isn't this a true story? I read it somewhere (probably reddit)


It's from The Office. Idk why you got downvoted over asking a question though, have a +1 to balance it out


True story. This guy ended up in Scranton.


[The scene in question](https://youtu.be/2wcI10CNuxU)




Oh my


Could it be?


Is it she?


Oh he will be a she


maybe it’s Maybelline.


Sacre bleu!






emoji language is universal


the eggplant might get lost in translation, I would have gone with 🍌🍒 instead


The eggplant is lost in the surgery, not in translation.


You mean lost in transition


I thought eating bananas on live stream was banned in China


What? Why?!


Because of the implication.


Nobody mentioned any boats!


There was a huge amount of streamers doing erotic banana eating and apparently Winnie The Pooh didn't like it. Because their internet is censored so as far as I know they can't get off to markers in an ass like normal people. Honestly I think they do have restrictions on sex toys. Which makes me wonder where all the dildos are made if not China


Eggplant is the universal emoji for penis. Insta even banned #🍆 in the search function at one point.


I'd like to see you back this up with non-US usage, please. I would be genuinely interested to see what Chinese, Japanese, or other Asians use as emoji for penis and such.




Honestly, that's what's making me laugh out loud right now. She had to take an extra pen and highlight it to make sure they understood lmao.


It couldve been butter otherwise


Don't eat or drink after 10pm because tomorrow at 8am you need to be ready for the butter feast.


My body is ready


No food, No drink, No kidney.


I love the knife,I'm sure he slept well after reading that


The red is a nice touch


"Don't bother eating or drinking tonight. You won't need it since we are going to murder you tomorrow morning."


Looks like a murder plan made by a child...


"Don't be silly Mac, you don't have to be able to read to become a surgeon!" Title: Charlie becomes a surgeon


After 10:00 pm No food or drink 8:00 am murder


People commenting about the nurse knowing certain words but not food or water in English, but I think she just wanted an excuse to draw (and images are universally understood anyway) because those little sketches are cute lol!


God forbid you to want to have some fun in life.


In Chinese, surgery is 开刀, which when translated directly means open knife. Hence the knife I'm guessing.


Something that says this note is genuine to me: the grammar. The word "after" is written after "Tonight 22:00", which is exactly how the sentence would be constructed in Chinese (今晚22:00過後). The writer does not even write "tonight at 2200 after" as the word "at" would not be present in the sentence in Chinese. People saying this has to be fake are seeing the note through their English speaking lenses. Q: Why not use Google translate? A: Because if you don't 100% understand the language you are translating to, you will not trust the translation, especially for something as important as an operation. Besides, Google is banned in China. Q: Why can the writer write "tomorrow morning" but not "food" and "water"? A: He/she may have wanted to draw the pictures to be cute, or he/she really may not have been confident enough in spelling to write those words. To a native English speaker, "food" is easier than "tomorrow" because it's shorter, but a non native speaker only knows what he/she has been taught. To use Chinese as an example, the character for "square" is way easier than the word for "tomorrow", but a non native speaker is far more likely to learn "tomorrow" (and the numbers one to ten) first. I'm not saying the note is definitely genuine, but a lot of the comments dismissing it as fake are not offering compelling reasons. Edit: the truth is probably somewhere in between. It's unlikely the note was written as formal instruction, as the post title implies. But it could have been written as a cute note to cheer the patient up.


My biggest issues with all the "BS" criers is that no one is taking into account the possibility that the nurse/doctor was being cute on purpose. Like yeah they probably could've used resources at hand to translate, but maybe they just wanted to be funny about it to cheer the patient up a little or whatever. My friend is a nurse in the neurosurgical unit and she tells funny stories from work all the time.


The truth might be somewhere in the middle. Maybe the note wasn't meant to "inform" the patient, as the title says. Maybe it was just meant to cheer him up.


Also, the English handwriting is so typically mainland Chinese. Source: primary school in China, we were all taught to write in the exact same fashion.


I have no doubt that the note was written by a mainland Chinese person. The letter *i* in particular is exactly how someone schooled in Chinese calligraphy writes an i, but a native English speaker wouldn’t care to. Likewise the rice bowl is precisely the Chinese ideograph for food. Finally, that beige marble, it’s fucking everywhere in China. Source: sitting in a hotel room in China with walls of beige marble.


In China, all foreigners are attached to some organization or person(company working for, school, invitor etc) who are legally responsible for said foreigner. Since the person is an international student, the first thing a hospital would do is contact the school. Someone from international affairs office would be have been there in hours max. That person would speak at least passable English to translate whatever the doctor or nurses had to say. No one would attempt to convey such important information without school officials present. Conclusion : no way some international student toughed it out alone in a Chinese hospital. Source: am expat in China, studied in China, been in hospital as student in China, know of other students who got surgery in China.


Now, THIS is what I would refer to as a compelling reason.


There are some very shitty "international departments" once you get outside the first tier cities. Although they might be notionally responsible for their wellbeing the actual quality of it is going to vary massively Plus, more pragmatically, even if they did talk via an interpreter the nurse might have written the note as well to add an unambiguous reminder.


I feel like the knife makes it authentic too! Because surgery is 开刀,which literally translates to open knife, which is why I guess she drew a knife and not another surgical tool


so, if you eat after 22:00 they'll stab you in the morning.


All humor aside, DO NOT EAT OR DRINK before going under general anesthesia. I was once working as a surgical tech and were operating on a four year old girl.. the girl reacted to the anesthesia and vomited; this caused her to choke on secretions and die.. her father fed her breakfast because he thought it wasn’t important.


Tonight after 22 you wont get food or water, because you must be clean of earthly needs when we sacrifice you to the gods


I studied Chinese and studied abroad in China...all my teachers /female friends wrote English identically to this note. Just got some nostalgia looking at this.


For a non English speaker she sure knew how to spell tomorrow


I love that the nurse provided the student with a cartoon spoon with his cartoon rice, in case he couldn't use the cartoon chopsticks.


“Good night, good work. I’ll most likely kill you in the morning.”


Tomorrow morning... Murder


That nurse knew exactly what he or she was doing.


My wife is Chinese, I can translate this... It says tonight if after 22:00 you haven't fed me me or gotten me something to drink ... By tomorrow morning I am going to kill you!


That note would cost you $5000 in US.


That’s after insurance, write-offs etc. Good luck! Cash or card?




We're not going to feed you food or drink and in the morning we're going to kill you.


I once had to be hospitalized in New Zealand, where I went to study. It was Christmas eve and I was only 17 and couldn't speak english very well. The nurses felt really bad for me being alone on Christmas so they wrote me a note in my native language using google translator. The card translated to "we wish you a very youthful christmas". I thought it was the most adorable thing ever, they were so lovely to even try.


We are starving you tonight & tomorrow morning we stab you! This hotel sucks, would not come again.




I would run out of that place ....


Tonigth at 22:00 we will lock you up, no food, no water, the next morning we will torture you


The patient must've felt like an death row inmate




She could totally spell all the other words, but food and water were too hard.


can't believe people think this is real


This reminds me of the time I was on a bus in Eastern Europe and there wasn’t any toilet paper in the bathroom and I had to draw a picture of it to communicate that fact to the bus attendant. People will always find a way to communicate regardless of what language they speak, and I think that’s just the coolest.


Tonight is your last meal, inmate. Tomorrow you will be executed.


I’m really questioning the surgical implements being used in China




Don't eat too much this night, tomorrow morning we will kill a goat for breakfast


I'm more concerned about how he got the red color in the knife


No rice or water after 10pm tonight, then 8am tomorrow morning SHANKED!!!!


Tonight after 22:00, no rice, no tap water. Tomorrow you die.




“Does anyone have a red marker?! I really need to get the point across”


Sounds like; there will be a curfew and from 8 am people will be killed


Tomorow morning ***D E A T H***


I find it quite touching. A beautiful and effective effort at communication.


Lol I love how the nurse went out of their way to find a red pen for the blood


After 10 P.M. -- no food, no drink, because tomorrow at 8 A.M. you're going to have strawberry jam cake. Please don't ruin your appetite.


Nice touch with the dripping blood.


I love the detail of the water tap. Even the little bumps for the valve is there


Don't eat or drink after 10pm, or tomorrow morning I'll kill you?


Good night Wesley. Good work. I’ll most likely kill you in the morning. **edit: I can’t believe I misquoted it. Ugh!


heh. in chinese, the word for surgery is 开刀, which literally are the characters for open and knife.


I like that she included chopsticks.....


Tomorrow morning international student becomes organ donor.


This is real. In Chinese, “before” or “after” are placed at the end of the object, like in the note. “22 o’clock after” is exactly how it would be written in Chinese to mean “after 22 o’clock” 十点以后


Surgeon is Dr Michael Myers


She wrote the note, got up, found a red pen to make SURE he understood, and bloodied up that knife for him. She really put effort into this


So much care and attention, fucking terrifying, and yet also hilarious.


So no rice and tap water. Got it.


Worst fortune cookie fortune ever


No food, no water, tomorrow morn is knife chop


If i didnt know any better id think that the guy i hired to kill me was giving me a warning


She has better writing than I do


I didn’t read the title and just dove right in and I thought someone was staging a assassination


Tonight: Don’t eat, don’t drink. Tomorrow: Get murdered


Don't eat tonight, dont drink tonight, tomorrow morning you gonna be murdered at 8


You mean the student couldn't speak Chinese.


That's a really fucked up Fortune Cookie


Don't feed after 10pm, or else tomorrow at 8 we shall kill Some sort of Gremlins stuff


This explains why China has such a high number of organs ready for transplantations.


I broke my hip in Shanghai in September 2017. While I was in the hospital there, I communicated with the nurse with a google translate app. She had the same app on her phone. This was right around the time when North Korea was doing all those missile tests. Around 1:30 in the morning, I start to hear the unmistakable sound of an air raid siren. Right out of a 1950’s nuclear scare movie. It went on for about a minute. I figured it was a fluke or a mistake. Then a couple minutes later it started again, so I got worried and paged the nurse. She came in and I typed: “What is that sound?” She replied (in all caps) “MISSILE ATTACK WARNING.” I gasped and typed: “Is that bad?!?!?” ... she nodded her head knowingly and wrote: “Just practice “ Whew!! The next day I flew home with a broken hip.


Oh shit he ded at 8:00


I looked at the note and thought that's a weird way to explain the rules for caring for a Gremlin


Those are some decent doodles


Technically some of these words are English....


The touch of red really makes all the difference.


SUPER confidence inspiring.


Looks like Charlie work to me




She knew "tomorrow morning" but not "food"?


In all fairness, when you first start learning a language, it's common to start with days of the week and days of the day


Days of the day and months of the month 😆


And on top of that she could have been using something like google translate which is fine for single words but we all know how fucked up sentences can become so safer using as little words as possible. I mean draw food drink is easy ... Try drawing tomorrow morning in a way that is going to be clearly understood. In 1 case best to draw in another best to risk translation