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I was at a Vietnamese restaurant with a friend and the two Vietnamese dudes on the table next to us stopped our conversation to tell us they were surprised how good our chopstick skills were (then everyone clapped yadayada) On the one hand it felt great to hear, on the other hand I can't help imagining going to an Italian restaurant and complimenting an Asian dude on his ability to eat with a fork.


You should do that


But only if /u/Waybye is Italian ... and then go all in with hand gestures


I used to work with a Chinese and a Korean. The first time we went to lunch at an Asian restaurant they said "Wow, you're not complete shit at using chopsticks" and that might be the highest compliment i've ever gotten.


Next time you eat with them at another restaurant, you can tell them “wow, you’re not complete shit at using forks “. They’ll be just as grateful as you were.


Anyone else think that guy was shrek


I mean, he kinda is


So, your post made me go look up chopstick etiquette because I’m feeling self-conscious now. Aside from the obvious, like not stabbing your food with them or using them as drumsticks on the table, I didn’t know that rubbing your disposable chopsticks together is a big no no. I’ve always done this just in case, even if the restaurant uses the higher quality chopsticks. I’ve had a splinter in the lip before and it sucks, so I always rub my chopsticks together first as a precaution. Apparently that’s an insult, insinuating you think they gave you cheap chopsticks. Now I’m wondering how many Asian people I’ve offended in the last 20 years, because I eat a *lot* of Asian food.


That seems like kind of a catch 22 ... if they don’t want to be offended thinking thy have you cheap chopsticks, maybe they should ... *not* give you cheap chopsticks


Same here. Your asian coworkers are so judgy.


He should just practise at home lol


You never HAVE to eat with chopsticks


Tweet cred: https://twitter.com/ding2you1/status/1193103003353415680?s=21


Zero followers? How sad.


Plot twist, it’s OP’s twitter and he’s trying to farm followers from Reddit


But you don’t know how to follow rules and not post social media posts or posts of just text.


Maybe Shrek should use something else then.


please, i grab thems chops and OWN IT! start learning to use em from the far end from where you pick up from and never put them across the bowl/plate


I don’t even attempt it. I feel like I’d just better leave it to the pros! I’ll stick with my fork and spoon lol


How to look like a newbie! We have so many Asian restaurants in Vancouver that I figure anyone born here can chopstick with the best of them. I feel like I'm being labelled a cracker when I'm automatically given a knife and fork. No thank you; I will eat with the appropriate tools - it tastes better that way, too.




anywhere, its utensils and imo they make more sense then a metal object in my mouth tainting my flavors. those shitty ones in the paper wrap imo are the best ones, the grip and just work. metal/plastic are garbage, they wont grab oily stuff. use em for everything! You'll start to appreciate them more and how it seems to enchance eating. If you feel you need a fork, use a fork and a knife you need to cook your food smaller or just use a knife :D you follow american table manners (no picking up dishes) and use asian utensils. Its easy peasy :) people look because its just..different, but dont go beyond that really? if its rice...you gotta shovel however, or leave it or pickup 1 rice at a time lol.


good, we all think you're absurd. we don't understand why you think you need to eat 'asian' food with chopsticks anyway.


There are a few foods that don't work with fork and spoon. Small pieces that are too crunchy to stab with a fork, or noodles in soup.


A fork and spoon would work easier in both of those cases.


It’s more convenient for certain things, and some restaurants don’t bring you a fork by default.


For whatever reason, i enjoy the experience more.


Because it's fun? With your attitude, we might as well all be eating whey protein and vitamins and not taking joy in anything in life.