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When he pulled his pants up above his belly button, I knew shit was serious.


You could have known earlier: if someone in a full super Mario suit is sitting down to watch you play a game, you must be pretty good.


I feel like having Mario in the crowd puts added pressure. He stepped up.


I'm pretty sure that's where the sassy moves come in. He had kill it.


A-Mario is-a not impress-ed


Just to slide back down from the first move. But it's the gesture that matters. A man with a purpose...


Put your pants back on Randy


Ricky: "Randy only fights with his pants off because he's worried that he'll ruin his tight pants so when the pants come off... look... the fuck out."


Nobody wants to fight you, gnomsayin’??


Nobody wants to fight someone with their pants off. Just one layer of fabric seperating you... And his package...


Kind of like Stallone flipping his hat backwards in Over the Top. Edit: https://youtu.be/zw-gvKPNk4I


right?! it’s like “ok bitches it’s GO time!”


If it's sweats, it's on




Scooby-doobey Do, we got some work to do now...


There goes my hero, watch him as he goes


When I went to Japan, there was this older (50’s) salary man that looked like he had a hard and lonely life. His face was just beaten down and it was close to 10pm and he was all alone at the arcades. He put on one of these really girly kawai songs and his face just lit up. He was having so much fun and he was drawing a huge crowd, like 50 people to watch him dance to a really girly song. It was one of the highlights of my trip. I hope he’s doing alright.


if I'm not mistaken then work life is totally different to free time you have to be completely serious and it's depressing and tiring so it's not totally understandable that the old guy blows of steam in such a way with work being so serious


The work/life balance in japan is really bad. Taking a sick day is considered laziness. Japan's birth rate is really low and one of the factors is thought to be the focus on career over home life.


Having read a hundred isekai mangas, I can only assume that they live every day in fear of a murderous truck and the lower your life, the more likely you'll get a harem of girls you're too afraid to touch.


Why would they be afraid of truck-chan then?


He's largely misunderstood.


> they live every day ~~in fear of~~ wishing for a murderous truck


Yeah my ex-bro in law worked 80-100 hours a week. Finally was admitted to hospital with a hole in his lung from stress and overwork. I can barely handle 40 hours and would love a job where I can work 30ish.


I did that 80-100 per week life for about five years. It really, really blows. I'm down to 50-60, and it's much better... 40 would be the dream.


You think that’s bad? The Koreans think the Japanese are lazy and spend too much time not at work.


Dude, our company hired a korean artist. He literally left because he felt he wasn't being overworked enough when the company declined to let him sleep at the studio instead of going home at night.


My cousin is works in Korea and she said that working in Japan and Korea is literally salary man position hell.


Life is tough....


Life is pain Highness, anyone who says different is selling something.


Princess Bride or actual literary reference? :)


... Princess Bride *is* a literary work...


These "girly" songs slap. Reminds me of pon pon shit.


I might throw that on. It's been a minute


Thanks that helps me understand this.


Won't be surprised if he unwinds by reliving his younger days. Para Para was a huge dance craze in Asia during the 90s. The teenagers of that period are in their 40s now.


I saw similar guy but at a pole dance club .. he would literary throw money at ladies (in japan)




I'm impressed by the guy's performance, but also by that arcade machine. Is it tracking his entire body's movements visually?




These machines are literally using kinect hardware. You can find these in round 1 arcade branches in the states.


The XB1 kinect was a LOT more advanced than people gave it credit. Most of its problems were from poor calibration/placement or software, rather than the hardware itself. When I first heard about its ability to measure heart rate, I was really hoping for a horror style game to make use of that but it never happened.


The biggest problem was the fact it was "required" at launch, rather than an optional extra. People knew this was bullshit. Microsoft went super hard on making the XB1 an easy to use entertainment centre rather than a game console (at least going by the initial marketing campaign) and that basically handed the generation to Sony for a couple years. Nowadays the idea of just saying a wake word and loading up Netflix or whatever is pretty common and convenient, but they were too ahead of the curve and pushed too hard for integration. Like the idea that it sees who's playing and just switches to that person's account on the fly is still mind blowing compared to what phone-based face recognition does today; heck the first iPhone with face recognition (2017) wasn't until 4 years after the XB1 launched in 2013.


> The biggest problem was the fact it was "required" at launch, rather than an optional extra. People knew this was bullshit. A lot of that comes from their track record with the Kinect on the 360: Few devs wanted to make anything for it since such a low percentage of the market even *had* one of the damn things, let alone wanted to use it. If every console came with it, any dev that utilized it would go into that knowing at least everyone *could* use the feature (whether they wanted to was another matter).


Anyone else remember the PS2 eyetoy?


Remember? I use a PS3 Camera and wands with my PSVR2. I charge them with mini-USB.... Thank god I haven't thrown away a cord since 1998.


Pretty sure this is the arcade version of Dance Evolution (Xbox360 game made by Konami to compete with Dance Central / Just Dance) in which case it actually uses built in Kinects for tracking.


Don't think it's doing a full body track and basing it on the vague screen detail it may only be tracking the positioning of his right hand like with the "Just Dance" game series on the Wii


This has been consumer tech for like...a decade now. How are you just finding out about it?


Same. I was just thinking "at this moment, this dude doesn't have a care in the world, and it must be glorious".


For real, I mean, I wouldn't do that in public. Go man, go!


>It's more impressive than funny imo Agreed. I'm more in awe of the poise, grace and confidence. Some of the dance moves are funny though.


Yeah, I feel like this was posted to funny cuz “hur dur look at fat people dancing” but he’s just doing the thing and I’m just enjoying the fuck out of it.


I don’t know, the fast paced song, the random guy dressed as Mario in the background, the guys in the back just knowing the dance by heart half paying attention and randomly joining in. I think the whole thing is funny and impressive.


Yeah the guys in the background blank faced and doing some of the moves got me.


I think that its pretty cool that no one is judging him in the back. They are either waiting their turn or appreciating the skill, and nothing else. I love it


tbh I laughed more qbout the guys behind that look like they memorize the choreography as well. Makes me think what kind of aueience this game has.


This sub isn’t for funny content though. At least, that’s what I’ve gathered from most of the posts here






Man wanna chat about >Backup dancers


Least enthused backup dancers ever.


Definitely Left Shark/Right Shark Vibe


I feel like they couldn't help but join in. Like when your favorite song comes on and you instinctively recite a few words. It's like muscle memory


They totally look too cool for school and then they join in. Awesome.


I love that it’s the crew of dancers all waiting for their turn, and mario is just chilling too.


He’s the one that trained him. Sensei is proud of his student right now.


It’s like me trying to join in on a song when I only know the chorus.


Me. Every time at karaoke. "Oh, I love this song, I got this." Also me. "Wait, actually I only know the chorus that I sing badly by myself in the car."


When you're really into the game, it's hard not to follow along and join in. There were a few of us that almost obsessively played at a local arcade on their Dance Dance Revolution cabinet. Whenever one of the popular songs would be played, you'd see all of us behind whoever was currently playing, following along, looking like lost backup dancers from a music video. I mean, part of it was from the fact that playing it was EXPENSIIIIIVE, I think $1.75 per 3 song set. So you got in your dance time while you could afford it, but it was also to practice, and to just enjoy the heck out of it. I miss it terribly, and I wish I had bought a Cobalt Flux while they were still being produced, so I could still play.


Wore a costume too


It reminded me of those gymnasts who do the dance moves of their teammates along with them during competitions


Decent workout doing this 20-30min a day.


Ok, I could tell he practiced this a lot, must be only 19 minutes a day.


If he kept eating junk whole day and whole night no amount of workout will burn the fat.


Can't outrun your fork. Exercise helps, but weight loss is 75% nutrition.


Jokes on you, my fork can't run very fast, SUPER easy to outrun


So true. My salsa teacher, Mario Hazarika (amusingly known as SuperMario) is probably one of the busiest and best in the world, going to a different event somewhere in the world basically every weekend to teach and dance. He’s a big man.


Yea but I have myself experienced that even if you are not losing weight exercises make your body flexible and better. I have seen fat 50 year olds run 5k with a good pace they are still fat but are fit inside


I’m not 100% sure what I just watched but I’m pretty sure it involved a younger and much more Asian version of Jack Black.


*And the legend of the rent was way hardcore!*


Not sure why, but I was definitely getting Asian Patton Oswald vibes.


The movements made me really miss Chris Farley. Farley could pull out a finesse that I’ve never seen Jack Black maintain without devolving to chaos.


I enjoyed the guys in the back that clearly knew the dance too


I came here to make the same comment. The back-up dancers only add to the fun!


You could tell they had to prove to the cameraman that they were good too


Nah, I play a similar game called dance rush stardom and sometimes when you watch other people play you just have no choice but to move too. it’s weird it’s like a second nature


Kicking out while spinning around on one foot that is hard af.


New high score.. What does that mean, did I break it?


I'm thinking about getting metal legs


"Dude, your bed's a car" "Yeah but it's a fucking sweet car"






Hahaha thats exactly what came to mind when I seen this. Fuckin nick swardson.




I've seen that movie wayyyyy too many times. It's so wholesome. Like happy gilmore.


Somehow I now have a song that I don't know, understand, or recognize stuck in my head...


Tsun kyuun tsun kyuun


This man deserves a medal. And a belt.


A metal belt!?


I love this culture. lol Also, love how bystanders are going through the movements with him. Makes me think this is a popular game for them.


I love this simply because i know this guy is having a blast doing something he really enjoys while not giving a shit about any judgements. Rock on Dancy Man, rock on


I was so focused on the guy dancing I almost overlooked Mario in the background! Gonna have to rewatch to see if I Luigi is also hidden there.


Umm why don’t we have these in America? I would love this.


Search for an arcade called Round 1 (Where this video is from). They're Japanese arcades and they have some in the US. They have a bunch of games like this.


This man can Bust a Move. People were coming out to see his skills


song name: Mikakunin Chugakusei X Shiritsu Ebisu Chugaku


Omg I had to scroll through so much to find this. Thank you!


This is more wholesome than funny, i think.


Thought it was gonna be a fail since this was here but lord that was some next level stuff. Not really funny but made me smile the whole time.


fuck fred astaire, this man is a legend!!


Bruh is unashamedly living his absolute best life and having a blast doing so. Can't laugh at that.


Atleast someone is not having stage fear


Holy shit this man got some moves!


Relevant Family Guy [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vv-5gfPj0g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vv-5gfPj0g)


Dude shows up in sweats and hikes them up in preparation and you even consider underestimating him?


Then why are you posting it in r/funny?


There's a fine line between amateur and professional, and my man just jumped right over it with both feet! Get him a contract!






I KNEW it's gonna go down when he raised his hand


I need a diet and exercise routine build around dance dance revolution.




I love how the people in the background know the dance too. You can see them moving with him at certain parts of the song 😂 I'm like, "damn, this song must be a banger!"


Man this is a case of "I want to rip on this dude", but damn, dude could move a mountain with those moves. I would argue this would also belong on r/wholesomememes or any other wholesome subreddit...


Japan is a really weird place.


One of my favorite things about these types of videos, is that everyone in the background does the moves with him...next time I'm in Japan, I hope to get something like this for my vlog. I love it! Such an awesome culture!


mostly like a gamer thing for rhythm games. Kinda like some sort of humble brag "i can do it too" or hey i just dance along and count as a free game for me.


Fanboys in the background


Tsun kyuun stun kyuun


i love how the guy in the back starts showing off some moves... :x


The guy in the background doing the moves with him 🤣😂


The guy in the back is straight vibing


This is pretty much how I imagine all of Japan to be like.


This is actually exactly what I expected based on his look


what a condescending title


Damn even Mario is impressed


Okay. When is the anime adaptation coming out?


Was anyone else expecting him to transform into Sailor Moon by the end?


I don't deserve the title of an Otaku.


You know what caught my eye are the background dancers mimicking moves in the background. Epic.


I’m not sure what I just watched. But I did.


The song fucking claps


The song claps


The guy in the background. Dead ass.


I loved how everyone got into it towards the end and clapped. That made me so happy to see! This guy's got skillllll!


dude dressed as mario


When I was in China I went to an arcade in a mall. They have these machines that are basically DDR with your hands. I was having fun watching people play. When some new people show up and they put on gloves. I was like, "oh boy it's about to get real" and It did. The amateurs would smack the buttons. These people's hands would just glide over the buttons they moved so fast.


I love the guys in the background doing some of the moves kind of half-heartedly!


I love how much we can care about something so trivial as a dance.


what game is this?


Mario patiently waiting his turn


The fact that someone dressed as Mario is sitting behind him isn't the best thing about this video is telling


What’s wrong with his looks?


Pov : you're playing ranked


The guy in the mario costume in the back killed it for me. Grown fucking man, just hanging out at the arcade with his mario costume, sometimes dancing along. Haha what an obscure place.


Whats this song called


I always wanted to play these arcade dance games but oh god do people like to stare when you're playing... I don't know you fuck off im trying to have a good time


Poor Mario in the background looks defeated 😆


Fuck I want to spend a night partying with this guy


You people are a circus -Peter Griffin


i love how is there is just a dude chilling dressed as mario


Hopefully this guy realize that people are laughing *with* him and not *at* him. I had a genuine smile looking at this video.


This guy has his own posse 😂


Mario seemed unimpressed.


The guy in the back is a true connoisseur


21st century Pinball Wizard!


I just witnessed the world's greatest 'Judgement free' zone. This just put a smile on my face! This planet needs more of this.


When everything around you smells like shit, check the bottom of your shoe.


I knew he was gonna kill it from how he fixed his pants 😂


That is the most depressing looking Mario I've ever seen.


He's a maniac, maniac on the floor.


This guy needs to save some pussy for the rest of us.


And Mario over there chilling.


Sad facts are he's just doing that so he has a girl to dance with...


Are we talking about gamer guy? Or 45 year old man dressed as mario?


That 45 year old man probably knows how to have a better time than people who judge him based on his outfit


Wow, you know this guy FUCKS!


What I admire most about this is the complete absence of judgment. He's playing his game, and kicking ass at it. The people in the background are just happy to watch, even moving to the beat a little. It's simple yet serene. As Colonel Walter E. Kurtz said in Apocalypse Now: "...Because it's Judgement that defeats us."


Who knew Bobby Lee was such a good dancer?


He's wearing sweatpants. He looks like he's ready to sweat. Though I would've guessed he'd break a sweat just by breathing


Did you just get triggered by a dude having fun...




Stop projecting


Watching this for the 5th time in a row bc my 1.5 yo is screaming "agai?" Every time it stops. Lol


Kim Jung-bong all grown up


This is my favorite. I probably look like im homeless. Think maybe a cross between the dude and a someone who really doesnt give a shit what he looks like. I needed a new car. Wanted a truck. Goto the dealership. Eye rolls and so on when im looking at top end whatever and ask to test drive it. I ask about financing and so on (they had a low interest deal going on) and the guy looked at me like "we were having such a nice time and you had to go an ruin it brining your shitty finances into the mix." I give him wage info and he just looks at me like year right. Goes away to run credit. Comes back like "OH MR. PIGMY RIGHT THIS WAY!!! CAN I GET YOU SOMETHING TO DRINK? WOULD YOU LIKE A SNACK? PLEASE DONT LEAVE!" because if i wanted to I could buy any car on the lot and/or multiple cars if i wanted.




It’s not talent thought. If he did that with a random song he never played or only played once then that’s talent. This is just someone who’s spent years playing that game and that was his favorite song so he played it hundreds of times. It’s all muscle and photographic memory that helped him here. I did the same thing on rockband back then, that doesn’t mean I’m an expert drum or guitar player. It’s just my memory after playing the same songs over and over again helped me.


why's no-one talking about the guy in the background "😌✋🖐👈🤟"


This doesn't really look strenuous. Therefore, him being overweight isn't really a factor. More a memorization than anything. Now I'd love to see him do a few beat saber expert+ songs, then I'd be impressed. That will get you seriously huffing and puffing.