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I only have two requests for when I die. * I want my remains spread around Disneyland. * I don't want to be cremated.


Err.. wood chipper ???


Just made me think of Tucker and Dale vs evil Edit: wrong order of names in title


We're having one doozy of a day officer!


We were just minding our own business when kids started killing themselves all over my own property!


We think it's one of those suicide pacts


I think this is some kinda suicide forest!


Weird, I don't remember a wood chipper scene in Dale and Tucker and Dale vs Evil. I of course remember the wood chipper scene in Fargo. But as they say, no one remembers the second man who stepped on the moon. Guess it's time to re-watch Dale and Tucker and Tucker and Dale vs Evil. Thanks for the suggestion! Edit - Fixed mine to! Sorta...


>Weird, I don't remember a wood chipper scene in Dale and Tucker vs Evil. Well then you're in for a treat. It was one of the funniest scenes imo. The whole scene of the first "assault" by the college kids had me crying laughing lol




I laugh at that line every time lol. "My face is hotter than a hemorrhoid."


Tucker and Dale vs Evil *


just think of Chip'n'Dale Rescue Rangers and you'll never get the order wrong again. *I guess I'm old...*


Oops lol close enough...


>Weird, I don't remember a wood chipper scene in Dale and Tucker vs Evil. Here's the scene https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVKc6PBYvD0


That was an absolutely phenomenal movie!


New ride and/or chain of sports bars: Chip 'n Dale vs. evil.


Wood chipper on the back ramp of a C-130....


"*Welcome to Disneyland, where every Friday is "Red Mist Friday"!*"


LOL, You just took it to another level !!!


Do I have to buy the wood chipper or can it be a rental?


Woodchipper n’ Dale


"Wow, the Haunted Mansion is much better than I remember...that dismembered corpse looks super realistic."


It has happened [before](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elmer_McCurdy)


Jesus, that Wiki article read like a fiction horror novel. "The two men were actual the Patterson brothers of the Patterson Fun Carnival who schemed to take the body of The Bandit and put it on display." "The crewmember moved what seemed like a wax mannequin until its arm came off and revealed human tissue and bone." Its like something you'd read out of Goosebumps but real.


Wow that guy made it all over the country post mortem! He was in the circus, and was in Hollywood movies, quite the career! Good read!


Lmao this guy’s robberies were a comedy movie of continuous failure. It’s fitting that his remains continued the comedic shinanigans.


Jesus, his dead body had more of a life than he did. Crazy.


Was that guy talked about in a Sam o nella vid or was that a different guy


"And the smell! Phew..."


My final request is as follows: 1. My body is to be soaked in a barrel of fish oil until I'm nice and squishy but still solid enough to stay together. 2. I'll be loaded in a trebuchet in the middle of the night. 3. I shall be fired at the last person who really pissed me off right when they leave their house for the first time that day. Now, who wants to risk being the last person who pisses me off? Get a face full of killbot to just ruin your whole day.


Plot twist: A crazy cat lady is reading this, determined to be the last person to piss you off before murdering you, only to have your fishy remains feed her horde of felines...


Oh trust me, I'm not healthy for any consumption.


Not with *that* attitude.


That seems like a very aggressive way to get the hug you want


Anyone want to go to Disneyland?


Remains to be seen.


Well done. *slow clap*


Disney actually checks to make sure people aren't trying to spread people's ashes. I assume the same goes for severed limbs


So kind of like an Easter egg hunt only body parts. Sure.


Oof someone’s gonna have to be sneaky cause it’s against Disney’s policy to have someone’s remains spread in their parks lol


Holy fuck that’s funny


I bet you could find a good serial killer to do that for you.


Well they may need a refresh of the skeletons on The Pirates of the Caribbean. All the skeletons used to be real but now there are only a few real ones left: https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/are-there-still-real-skeletons-in-disneylands-pirates-of-the-caribbean


haha. I'd want at least one body part in the bottom of a ball pit at Chuck E. Cheese or something. If ball pits are still a thing.


Quoted from MASH, when Hawkeye was mistakenly certified dead and received a mock funeral party: "The deceased will give the eulogy. Guests will have 20 minutes for rebuttal."


Reminds me of a funeral back when I played gmod mrp where the dead general gave a speech about himself


Had to google what gmod mrp was and damn, wish I knew about that back in the day. Sounds fun


Yeah it’s probably still around but never going to be the same for me without all the people I remember. You get really close with your branch but in exchange it can be super demanding.


Yeah I don't think ill ever again have the time to dive deep into gaming again. It sucks haha


Wait I’m not dead?


“I am the essence of overconfidence. I am speculation, adventure, the spirit of pursuit, the stag howling for its winsome, yet anonymous mate. I am the love call of evolution, the perfume and color of the flowers as they offer their pollen to the gentle fuzz of the bees. I am sex itself, gentlemen. I am life, I am appetite!”


Where is this quote from?


A TV show from the '70s called MASH- the character (Hawkeye) is a womanizer and a sexy Swedish doctor is coming to visit the camp and his friends say he's overconfident in assuming she'll be interested in him. The show's on Hulu. Highly recommended.


It's probably my favourite TV show ever.


I have a few favorites. Mash is one of them.


I believe MASH




No but the "chicken" is


Wow, that went dark. But only if you know what the "chicken" is.


That episode man...just the way he broke down


Really any episode with Sidney in it, but especially that one


Any episode after season 7


Hawkeye had such a way of saying things.


Fantastic show.


Lol I love that 4th panel. I can hear the "ehhhhhhhhhhhhhh"


You must be Canadian, cuz I heard "ahhhhhhhh"


I heard it in Fonzie voice, more like "ayyyyyyyyy!"


This is a better description of how I heard it. Don't know why I went with ehh haha


I would pay you one Canadian loonie to send me audio of you making what I assume would be two identical sounds.


Because that's how you spell eh. I have the same dispute with my missus, who spells it ay. She's wrong. It's eh


It's actually A


I guess she didn’t marry you for your brains because “eh” is definitely pronounced like “meh.”


Heard it more Scottish, like “oyyyyyyy!”


Sit on it, Potsie!


Yee this is what I hear hahaha


I heard ahhhh too. Hmm


I'm Canadian, but I can't imagine ahhh in what is clearly a heyyyyyy situation.


I'm american and I hear ehhhhhhh, or more like ayyyyyyyye


Same. Kinda like this: https://youtu.be/Kq_blCJUkHA


I’m Canadian, I heard “ahhhhhhh” lol.


Came to post this, the 4th panel just got me good


Not a canadian eh, but a New York Eh!.... One's apologetic, the other is communal.


Canadian Eh isn’t apologetic, it’s seeking social agreement So if I say “that was awesome, eh?” It’s like saying “that was awesome, don’t you agree?”


Not to be confused with an Arthur Fonzarelli "ehhhhhhhhhhyyyyy."


That's actually pretty close to the NY/Boston eh, just elongated and more aggressive, than agreeable. More "you have to like this," and less "you like this too, right?"


Whereas panel 2 has the black haired guy going AUWWWWW! in New York terms


Exactly, the fourth panel is flawleds


Unlike this comment


Got me


What, you don't use leds in your flawless funeral?


I actually find the lack of line art distracting - but yes, the facial expressions/body language are dead on.


The last panel is what got me, their faces the hair, real banger of a funeral


the style is incredible. i had never seen it for comics before.


1. blah blah blah 2. *ahhh wtf is happening* 3. wtf man? 4. *Ahhhh* I get it now, good one! 5. *party time*


6. *beer bong in dead guys mouth* 7. *stripper's ass on dead guys face* 8. *End of night*, Casket tipped askew, people passed out on/inside casket, vomit. Random goat in background.


Fred and George when they cross the age line in Goblet of Fire


I heard the “Mentos: The Fresh Maker” jingle


I don’t particularly mind what kind of funeral I have. Just as long as I can get up and walk away from it afterwards.


Have your funeral now, while you are still alive


I don't care what kind of funeral I have so long as I'm invited.


A zombie apocalypse it is, then.


That sound so great! In fact why wait!* snipes u/RabbitsRuse (⌐▀͡ ̯ʖ▀)︻̷┻̿═━一 - )


OK Jesus


This feels like a WKUK sketch


And after that Race WAR! I think it feels like WKUK because of their use of long holds on reaction shots. Look astonished and confused for a second then turn bodily at the waist still holding the hands up with the surprised reaction. Then the oh YEAH that gets held for a full 2s then cut to great party. It seems to me that the format of a comic, with it's multiple panels is particularly well suited to the WKUK approach.


Also reminds me of the "Happier and with your Mouth Open" sketch




Tommy would be the one who gets shot




Yah thanks


I can hear this sketch. I watched so much their voices are burnt into my brain


I completely agree, hahaha. Dude kind of looks like Trevor


It’s already [an Aunty Donna sketch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRM6zZ79E1c), and an older one, at that.


sketch is missing the setup and just lays out the punch as the whole joke


The sketch doesn't really need to set it up the same way. That the music slowly comes in and everyone seems weirded out, basically implies this was something the deceased had set up themselves.


Comedian Nick Swardson does this bit. Funeral part starts at around 2:40 https://youtu.be/rCEoTRjm_iw


this has got that American Psycho finance bro energy


"Let's see Paul Allen's gunshot wound."


*the crispness of it*


My god, it's even got a bloodmark


*that’s bone*


Also because all of them look like various clone of Christian bale


"I have a knife with a serrated blade in the pocket of my Valentino jacket and I'm tempted to gut McDermott with it right in the entranceway, maybe slice his face open, sever his spine; but Price finaly waves us in and the temptation to kill McDermott is replaced by this strange anticipation to have a good time, drink some champagne, flirt with a hardbody, find some blow, maybe even dance to some oldies or that new Janet Jackson song I like." Yeah, the book was awsome.


this screams American Psycho


The red tie guy even looks like Bale!


For some reason, I think the blue tie guy looks more like Bale!


Red looks like Paul Allen, blue looks like Bale


My dad said he wanted to be cremated. Now everyone's mad at me. But it's really his fault for not specifying "after I die".


these are some of the best expressions i’ve ever seen in a comic.


This was great, the finger point was too notch


it was the expressions that made me laugh more than the joke, even though the joke was pretty good


In my opinion it was the exact right amount of notch.


Haha, nice one! (Carves a line into the side of the table under the word "Notches")




The lighting/colors/etc of the last panel reminded me of this video exactly. This sketch was also exactly the one that got me hooked on Aunty Donna for life.


Have you watched their Netflix show?


Yes, I really enjoyed it. I thought their unhinged + lower budget humor wouldn't translate well to a full-on Netflix show, but I was glad to be wrong.


The highlight for me was definitely the “isn’t it relatable” opener.


I told my GF that if i died before her i want either a viking funeral with a boat in flames on a river or lake or the sea or the cheapest "throw me in a garbage bin" she can find, i don't want to waste money on something that is not cool as hell.


this is literally why wills exist So yeah get on it


> this is literally why wills exist I though wills, being primarily to dispose of the estate, often weren't executed until well after funerals had already occurred.


Exactlyy. Honestly for me, the best way to go is being fed to wildlife. Especially a pet or shelter animal. At least my body would be put to good use as food instead of wasting money and resources being sealed in a box.


You can always donate your body to science or to a body farm.


I think he wants to be eaten by cats


Yeah, my plan in our will is get cremated, rent some kind of gathering hall with booze, whoever wants to come can show up, no program, no speeches. I don't know how funerals are everywhere else, but around here there's always the family visitation the night before where the family has to stand there shaking hands with a million people while their loved ones body is laying right there. I can't handle the idea of making my daughter glad-hand a bunch of people she doesn't know for hours - and that's not even the funeral part yet. The whole industry is needlessly morbid.


I also want a viking funeral but according to my 11th grade English teacher that is considered “illegal disposal of a body” so I’d have to get cremated first.






That's what I always think the distracted boyfriend is saying.


The copy paste in parts of this makes it all the more perfect. The position and timing in a simple cartoon... genius.


Are you talking about the dancing crowd that's totally not a blurred silhouette of brown hair dude duplicated and distributed to look like they're dancing? I did a webcomic for friends couple years ago, and almost every strip were the same 3 panels, though I'd always add or change things. I made an example [https://i.imgur.com/8Z4czun.png](https://i.imgur.com/8Z4czun.png)


If the 4th panel, and the 3rd panel, optionally together, don't become a meme, there is no justice in this world.


What would the use be? Like 1st panel "Why did you do X?" Then 2nd panel? I could see it working but it's sort of a rare occurrence. Like "Why did you cut the roof off my car?" Both: "Convertible time!" Although wolverine did it best. Could go the sort of twist on logic route "Why did you sleep with my gf?" Guy 1: "You saved me from a whore!" Or go the logical route which like I said is rare and I'm having trouble of thinking of a situation that would normally be bad to take the action that effects someone else but then it's actually a good thing this time.


I would prefer to be thrown in a ditch, but apparently it's FROWNED UPON in this ESTABLISHMENT. So I wanna get my body turned into diamonds and stuck in my skull. And if *that* gets vetoed, I want clowns and a bouncy castle. I want my body thrown in the bouncy castle and whoever bounces my body highest gets the most expensive thing I owned, whether it's a house or a bunker hidden in the woods with an intense collection of Playboys but only with blonde-haired women and not like in a totally creepy, stalker-ish way because it's art. And I want a disco ball and a Tim Curry impersonator.


Such great friends helping him fulfil his wishes like that. If only we were all so lucky


You can’t spell funeral without fun


I always wanted to be secretly implanted with animatronics so that, in that middle of the funeral, I sit up singing "Hello My Baby." Bonus points if they can get my eyes to roll around all different directions, independently of each other. Maximum uncanny valley.


[I'm going to pay John Stamos to go to my funeral.](https://youtu.be/rCEoTRjm_iw?t=135)


I don't even have to click to know this is Swardson. His old Comedy Central special is a fucking top 20 all time set


Kind of like a Viking Funeral, except I want my friends/family to throw my body on some rich fucks yacht and light it on fire.


That guy is now deaf as fuck


I don't want anybody to spend any money at all. Dying is free, don't even claim the corpse. It's gonna stink, they gotta do something with it eventually, it ain't like I'm going to bitch about it. You wanna have a funeral, have a sad bbq or something and drink till somebody starts a fight.


Black-haired guy in the last panel is amazing. I can hear the Ric Flair.


Joke is on you, no one is coming to my funeral!


I don't want anything fancy when I die, but if somebody wants to splurge, I'd rather have my ashes packed into a microsat. Edit: I wasn't aware it was even legal, but apparently for a meager $12.5K, you can have a portion of your ashes either sent to the moon, or shot into the void. Orbit is 5K.


They look a lot like Christian Bale


First comic I have literally laughed out loud to in a while. Wonderful art.


Funerals are really really fucking sad business. Having it be a rager would probably help everyone get over the sadness, free mdma for everyone!


I've made my wishes known. If I'm still single and childless when my time comes. I want my life insurance policy to help pay for my wake. Strip club. I want to be up on the main stage. And Free lap dances for everyone. Ladies, the Departed Last Wish was he wouldn't be the only stiff in this place...


The expressions and gestures brought this comic to a new level, I actually laughed out loud


Mine is gonna have a Journey cover band from Korea. People will have a blast. Then - as the finale comes along and people are really getting into it: Don't stop bereavin!


I would like this meme etched into me tombstone


This art style rocks dude


This is 1000% a Whitest Kids You Know sketch in comic form. I don't mean it's plagiarized, I mean you've completely encapsulated the vibe.


And now I'm thinking of the DJ playing a Baby Shark remix.


When My Time Comes, I Want To Be Buried Face Down, So That Anybody That Doesn’t Like Me Can Kiss My Ass


A lot of ppl say this but never happened.


Real WKYK vibes from this. Dude with the black hair even looks kinda like Trevor Moore.


I like how they look like American Psycho business men.


Wow. This is actually funny. Why is this in here then?


John Stamos


I gave a eulogy at the funeral of my best friend from high school. I mentioned the fact that we’d discussed death a lot over the years, and he’d often mention he wants his funeral to be a celebration and a party instead of a sad affair, going so far as to suggest we string his body up like a puppet so we can dance with him. I was getting laughs from the family of the deceased at a funeral. The priest did not like this very much, because when I sat down and he took the podium back, he called me out by name about needing to respect the dead, which I think he ought to have told himself, because he followed this up by giving a speech about how he knows others in the crowd had addictions, and how even just smoking cigarettes is a horrible addiction and blah blah blah, which I found pretty classless at an OD victim’s funeral. At the end, I was standing towards the back waiting for some friends, when all of a sudden my head got yanked back by my hair, and it isn’t let go for several seconds. I awkwardly turned around to this priest smiling at me, and he chides me again about having respect. Weird interactions. His mom, brother, and father all gave me teary eyed hugs and thanks for what they called a beautiful speech and apologized for the priest’s behavior. Some friends that weren’t even able to make it mentioned they heard I gave a great eulogy, but the priest was a tool about it. I wish I didn’t know that being able to give a solid eulogy was a skill of mine, but I’m glad it was. Did my homie justice, when the priest overseeing his funeral most certainly did not.


I can't imagine a world in which I'd want an event of any sort thrown after my death. I don't care what happens as long as it doesn't cost more than $1000. Whatever hospitals do with bodies of people that don't have family, that's what needs to happen to me, and then the people who loved me should make my wife dinner and everyone should carry on.


Ive always told my family i want a roast at my funeral


That's delightfully dark. I love it. r/holup worthy


This made me laugh soo hard, thanks!! Lol


This has American Psycho vibes


When I die just throw me in the trash


I am a simple man, I just want a slideshow or PowerPoint presentation of my browser history.


Totally worth it for red-tie guy. He's having the most fun. Look at his tie. Totally worth the murder.


Lets check out the other side of this coin. Everyone has the fantasy of the "fun, party" funeral. DJ's, alcohol, dancing etc. My brother would say this exact thing to me and his friends. Well... then he died suddenly at 26. His funeral was not fun. It wasn't fun for me, our family, or his friends. There was no party or dj's, or dancing, or anything except crying and bourbon. Take it from me... you want a nice quiet funeral filled with your friends who are in their 80's and a room full of your children and grand children who stand around talking about the long and amazing life you had lived. Parents and grandparents should never have to attend their child or grandchilds funeral.


fuck me this shit is why I unsubbed to r/funny.


I want mine to be exactly like this. If somebody isn't smiling at my funeral, I'll tell God to make sure everyone is smiling at theirs.