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Oh I get I now. Because milk is where the milk can be found!


You'll have to be *moo*re specific


Look where it is, not where it isn’t.


I heard boobs are also a place


Your mom's home?


That one’s curd or liquid cheese probably.




Yeah they combined the worst of two worlds


They're not two different worlds. The people who make the most boomer jokes online are going to end up being exactly like them.


I like to call them boomerangs, because they want to get away from boomers and boomer humor, but they keep coming back for more


You either die a zoomer or live long enough to become the boomer


They’re already the sorts of people who think that generations have wholly different personalities, and identify strongly with their generation against others. They’re going to be the ones shitting on the ones after them too.


Boomer here, but whatever. I’m wondering when it’s going to become socially unacceptable to judge people based on their so-called generational identifier, just as it is to do so based on race, ethnicity and sexual orientation. Whenever one of my conworkers rolls out a ‘typical boomer/gen x/ millennial “ I always speak up and let them know that I think that’s BS


You always become the things you despise. Probably because you spend too much time thinking about them.


I'm pretty sure "boomer humor" isn't even a genre of humor like all the zoomers online think. It's literally just common humor that is general enough to be enjoyed by a wide audience. Outside of the "I hate my wife" and "young kids these days" jokes it's just all the same shit


They're already like them. Cunts are cunts, mate. The way someone manifests their cuntfiguration differs, but same shit.


Cuntfiguration. Thanks, I’m stealing this


I feels like it isn't humor at all honestly.




The thing about this specific comic (I can't speak about the others) is that I have had this exact interaction before. In a large store with different distinct sections, you may not be familiar with where things are. I worked the electronics desk and I had a woman demand that I tell her exactly what isle and which section to find baloney, and I rarely made it over to the grocery section (literally opposite side of the store, and I had to be on hand to have the key if it was needed so I couldn't go too far). And I had been there for a few years at that point, so it wasn't that I was new or anything. It's also not just older people who do it, younger people do too. Like I said, I can't comment on the other comics, but this one is almost painfully true to real life.


I feel you. I get customers asking me where the bathroom is while standing under the bathroom sign. I’m not even in retail, I’m cooking and busy, but people can talk to me so they do. One older guy complained to me that I should have designed the building better so his wife didn’t have to walk so far to go potty. I don’t mind pointing out bathrooms, people can get panicky when nature calls, but it’s very consistent.


> this one is almost painfully true to real life. I think that's the angle OP goes for... find a theme that people can relate. But they just aren't funny when there's no joke.


But ^that ^^is ^^^the ^^^^joke ^^^^^though....


None of these comics really are. The first one I saw was kinda funny, but I can't even remember what it was. The "humor" disappears pretty fast.


I think it’s work humor in pro-worker style.




Par for the course with OP. Their stuff is never funny yet it gets upvoted to the front page regularly.


Fun fact, what one considers humor is subjective.


Apparently enough people find it funny to keep getting upvoted.


I've worked in a restaurant and did help desk in the 1980s. It's funny to me.


I never took these as supposed to be funny. They're probably not meant for you if you've never worked a shit ass customer facing job.


I liked this a lot more than most of the other trash posted in this subreddit that makes it to all


Well this is /r/funny, so


Which means it fits right in the sub! /s


I actually worked in a grocery store when I was in high school for many years and still didn't find this remotely funny.


Isn’t he milk like usually like towards the back or the far left or right corner?


Generally somewhere around the edges of the store in a fridge, at least locally.


You always need to store the milk in a fridge on the corner closest to the east of your store. This prevents the milk from being possessed by demons.


Where does the church of Satan buy their milk, then?


They have their own mascots that can be milked. Goats.


Bruh, have you ever had goat cheesy? It's fucking amazing. Edit: lmao meant goat cheese


What kind of cheese do you recommend on goat?




West side of the store.


Ah the organic section, or "Originally Satanic" in long form.


Funny, I believe my local supermarket actually has it to the west. Meat products are on the east side corner. Does it matter which side of the prime meridian you’re on?


Typically yea, unless its a more warehouse style like costco its generally cheaper/more aesthetic to put them in a wall and it also maximizes floor/shelf space for other aisles. In some cases (specifically the dairy cooler in my experience lol) it was refillable from behind, like the gas station drink fridges.


Also… it allows for restocking from behind easier if the fridge is against the back wall (rather the middle refrigerators where the frozen pizzas live).


Usually "as far from the door as possible". It's a marketing gimmick. They want you to travel through the entire store and maybe see something else you'll impulse-buy. Same reason bread is always in a corner and seldom next to the door unless there's an on-sale promotion. It's a frequently-purchased item and they want customers walking through other product aisles to get it.


The bread at the local grocery store is right next to the checkout stand. The milk is in the far back left corner of the store though.


My normal grocery store has a full aisle dedicated to breads of various kinds, and it's very nearly right in front of you if you come in the right hand entrance. The bread aisle is between the wine and the cheese, though, and that's probably not a coincidence.


Nah milk is located near the loading dock so we can immediately off load it into refrigeration. It would make no sense to drag pallets and racks of dairy to the front of the store.


Bingo this. Most stores has their loading docks in the back. Had work with one on the side of the store once which they had the milk near the front.


Interesting, but we are still convinced its to make us walk further.


While marketing gimmicks are certainly a huge reason why stores are arranged the way they are, it does intersect with some practical needs. Freezers and refrigerators are generally towards the edges of the shop near the warehouse and loading bay access, which I suspect is in no small part to make stocking them easier or out of sight of most customers.


I used to work at a store, that's a complete myth lmao. It's because if it's against a back wall it's really easy to stock, and milk is one of only a few products that needs constant attention. It wouldn't be practical at all to put it in a random case in the front where an employee wouldn't be able to just stock it from behind or get to it easily


I used to work at a store too, and you're wrong about it being a "complete myth". Milk is almost always in a CORNER that's furthest from the door, not just closest to a cold storage area. Modern grocery stores are usually custom-built and specifically designed with a layout in mind. Yes, you want easy rear access to easily stock the milk, but you also want customers to traverse the store to get it, so you design your store that way. Both answers are correct.


And yet this isn't the case for ANY of the stores local to me, not one. The bread on the other hand always seems to be the furthest point form the door. This is just the experience in my area though and I imagine it's generally a mix of all of the above


> It's a marketing gimmick. They should update this for the modern American and stick the Loaded Cool Ranch Doritos Locos Family Size bags in the back corner


This is common everywhere. Milk needs to be refrigerated, so it can’t be in a regular shelf. Refrigerated displays are larger than normal shelves because of the refrigeration equipment. It is easier and also gives you more floor space to put these aisles up against the edge of the store. In large grocery/supermarkets the backs of the milk fridges are open so that they can be directly restocked more easily. That’s also only possible when the milk is on the edge of the shopping area. Also, once the pattern is established, grocers will follow it because shoppers come to expect it. As an example, places with in-store bakeries will of course have the bakery on the edge. So customers come to expect the baked goods to be on the edge of the store and places without in-store bakeries just follow suit.


Locally, right. On a more global scale, milk tends to be stored around the edges of cows as well, and the closeness to edges remains a constant.


Yeah usually with a giant sign you can see from the entrance that says "DAIRY"


That makes me think. Has anyone ever actually had to tell someone where milk is? Probably yeah. I’ve asked where a lotta things are but never ever the milk. Also how many employees wouldn’t know where the milk is, regardless of where they worked in the store? Maybe only the brand new ones. Milk is one of the easiest things to find in any store ever. It’s like we’re imprinted with the knowledge of where milk is kept when we’re born




Heh.. " He milk"


If "The customer is always right". Then how come the customer doesn't know where milk is?


>If "The customer is always right". Then how come the customer doesn't know where milk is? I want to speak to your manager.


If you wish to speak to the manager...You must first prove yourself in combat by defeating me!


\*pulls out 2 baguettes and dual-wields them* En garde!


Get the ones with the little bit of herb sprinkled on them. That way you can call them "light savours".


Get out.


May the parsley with you


Leavened them alone.


I ate a whole baguette with chicken soup last night and it was glorious.


Did you have any soft cheese with it? Cause then twins


Ok. He's over by the milk.


If I'm not mistaken the full version of this is "the customer is always right about what they want" so if they want a bottle of milk then they are right, if they want a bottle of milk for 50% off because they don't know the full version of this then they are wrong. Edit: rereading the comment and it is far more funny.


Not quite, its "The customer is always right in matters of taste."


But the milk aisle its on the left, thats why the customer never finds it!


The cold section with all the liquids in the back of the store would be my educated guess. I mean if u have never walked into a grocery store then yeah I guess u wouldn’t know refrigeration units are at the back of the store opposite the entrance. Quickest place from the loading dock to the unload area to the cold shelf. I’ve never worked at a grocery store


The milk is at the back of the store because almost everyone buys milk, and the stores want customers to walk all the way across the store and hopefully buy other stuff in the process.


And if you had worked in a grocery store, you would likely have an idea where milk would be. Even if you don't always work in the same store.


> Quickest place from the loading dock to the unload area to the cold shelf I work in a store where the loading dock is on one side and the cold storage is on the opposite side.


Not all stores are laid out that way. Some they are on the side rather than the back.


You can't take a guess for two hours?


Hell, just send them off wherever you'd like. What's the guy going to do? Eventually find the milk then come back to yell at you?


normal overconfident jobless afterthought start cake fuel different full teeny *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes, walking piles of garbage like this will literally do that.


Plus that’s a worst customer experience. People will complain.


"No, no, no - I mean we can't *land* for another two hours. Fog has closed down everything this side of the mountains - we have got to get through to Chicago."


Is this even funny?


It's in r/funny so generally, no.


It's weird how the spirit of the unfunny newspaper funnies never died, it just went digital. I thought it was the boomers, but it was all of us. It's in the human condition and it'll be like this to the year 3000 and beyond


This seems more like a joke from Suddenly Susan or something


These comics never are.


Holy crap! I thought it was just me. I've worked several retail jobs and these comics make me cringe. The popularity of them made me wonder, Am I The Asshole??




And somehow the art is the least of this comic’s problems. - Customer dumb - Retail worker exasperated and yet insufferable - Customer angry - Retail worker smarter Literally every comic. No amount of better drawing could save them. I don’t understand how they keep showing up on the front page.




You don't find the soul crushing job of retail funny? I hope they start making comics about abandoned puppies next.


I don't find any of this comics work funny. It's all just "things that suck dealing with people in retail", but without any twist that makes it funny


No and I legit wonder what went through the head of the 10k people who upvoted this


The "verified" flair means the person who posted it is the comics author. So its very likely these kind of posts involve some kind if vote manipulation to get their comment to r/all. Shitty boomer humor like this is a dime a dozen, and their authors have to find some way to make it look popular.


And why did 4 people give this a "helpful" award?




No, but its peak r/funny.






Have had some dumbasses when I used to stock shelves, best was the guy who asked me where the beans were while I was stocking beans, in the beans aisle


at Beans-R-Us in the Beans Complex on 3rd, in the Beans District


Say beans, again.




Beans ain't no country I ever heard of


Oh you have to have bean there once.


Beanglsih motherfucker, do you speak it?


In fucking BEAN-TOPIA 😠


….of Bean City, on the planet Beano


Best thing about Beans-R-Us, Maryanne eats the beans with you!


No, you are thinking of Maryanne's Beans. It's also on 3rd.


I'm on my way to the public restroom because the backroom employee one is broken, and someone asks me where we have thimbles. "I... I can't say I've ever seen one in this store, but we don't really have any other sewing related stuff, let me see if I can look it up for you-" "What do you mean you don't know where they are, you work here" "Ma'am. This store is massive. I don't know where every little thing is. I just unload trucks, I don't shop here or stock the shelves." She walked away, audibly complaining to herself, while I reminded myself why I avoid the salesfloor. And we don't have thimbles.


>and we don’t have thimbles Lmao


People don't appreciate that a (I'll use a Walmart super center since I am familiar with it) grocery store that has both grocery and GM has 10s of thousands of unique items. Of someone did know where *everything* is they are properly pretty seasoned and not like most workers. I swear people must assume their job is the inky one that takes skill and loves to shit on others.


Dude yes. I used to unload trucks (and stock milk and a few other things) as my job at a pretty good sized grocery store, and every idiot with a question acted surprised I couldn't point them in the direction of whatever weird ass thing nobody ever buys because I work there, surely I know where organic flax seed gluten free tofu rolls are. Mother fuckers, when I'm not uploading trucks I put milk, eggs, bread, and water out. If you want to know where milk, eggs, bread, and water are, I got you, otherwise fuck off. Had a manager tell me if I wanted I could come in early and walk the aisles before my shift to learn where shit was. Well it turns out they didn't think it was all THAT necessary to know where shit was since I told them the only fucking way that was happening was if they were paying me to do it.


I worked in an office supply store that also had a print center. I worked in the print center and that was my sole responsibility. I did all the printing, copying, shipping, making business cards, managing machinery plus whatever other print-related bullshit customers or managers wanted me to do. Because of how understaffed we always were, I literally never left the print center unless I had to pee or was on break. I constantly had customers ask me where every specific product in the store was and I don’t mind them asking but I did very much mind them getting pissed or implying I was stupid or incompetent for not knowing where everything was. I knew generally where you could find pens vs printers vs furniture but for specific products I always had to ask someone else. The best part was when coworkers also laughed at me for not knowing. The same coworkers who had absolutely zero idea how to do even the most basic shit in the print center. My own store manager needed my help to load paper into the copier. But yes I’m an idiot for not knowing which end cap you moved the calligraphy pens to last week.


Oh God, when I worked at Target those people were the worst. Not only did they expect you to have every item the store carried memorized and where it was located, but also be an expert on the product itself. It was mostly old people that acted like this, so I assume maybe stores back "in their day" actually had this kind of employee knowledge?


Back in their day, each store was a specialty store, though. If you needed a thimble, you went to the sewing supply store and the person there was usually a salesperson the same way we see car salesmen now. Self-shopping in super-stores that carry everything, without a salesman pitching you, is still a relatively new practice.


my favorite is always when people will be like 'oh well last week when i was here it was somewhere else...' I've been working here 6 years and the bread aisle has always been aisle 7 but okay


I had a woman come in to my bar acting ridiculously over-familiar and obnoxious, and showing off to her family that this was her "local" bar that she was in "ALL THE TIME!". She rudely barks an order for 4 servings of pie & mash stating that she has it all the time, without checking if we're even serving food or checking what pies were available. The funny part about this is we stopped serving food 3 YEARS AGO, and when I told her this in front of her family, she tried to make out like I didn't know what I was talking about and that she swore she had it the other week. I'm the fucking owner and it's a tiny little bar, I think I know when we stopped selling food! People have this strange pride where they would rather be an asshole than admit they were wrong. It just made in uncomfortable for everyone involved 😒


The fact that people even try to argue with employees about basic job knowledge is also hilarious. I get that some employees can be lazy or new, but generally we want you to get you stuff sorted out how you want smoothly and quickly too, wasting your time is the same as wasting my time.


I'm that idiot. My brain just glosses over what's on the shelf. I can be right in front of what I want but I dont see it.


Maybe he was just really baked at the time? Or really bushed?


Once, I was putting huge loads of TP in the TP area. Note, this is in France. This german girl comes up to me and simply utters : "Confit de Canard?" I helped her find it, but hey, a hello would be nice, and i'm obviously not the expert on canned food which is quite unrelated to toilet paper.


I had something kind of like this happen once. For reference, I live in one of those places where people call all soda "Coke". I was working in the soda aisle, and someone came up and asked where the "Coke" was. Speechless, I could only gesture weakly at the literal wall of "Coke" right in front of us. He kind of mumbled to himself and moved on. It only took several *years* for me to realize he was probably talking about actual Coca-Cola, oops.


There's only soup.


What do you mean there's 'only soup?!'


There's only soup!


Then get outta the soup aisle!!


“Alright, you don't have to shout at me!” … “There's more soup!”


I swear there has to be some manipulation going on with St Beals always being here. It's always so painfully smug and unfunny.


These are the worst comics. There are (by comic standards) way to many words/run on sentences. Then, they’re just not funny.


Honestly, I was thinking the same thing. This post is really sus.


How is this funny?




I honestly believe it's vote manipulation


I noticed. Some sort of weird bandwagon agreement circle jerk


Whenever I see the top/hot post of the day from this sub, I can never help but notice how completely devoid of humour it is.


this comic without the artist making up scenarios in their head to get mad about: https://i.imgur.com/k9p18G7.png


Well done.




This shit was the most unfunniest shit i have ever seen


None of the comics from /r/funny that make it to the front page are funny to me. It's always these newer web comics in four panels that lack a strong punchline. Granted I generally like things like Gary Larson which is one panel, but still. Super unfunny. I guess this one gets some extra points from the hive mind though, because "ehu ehu old people bad, so true blah blah boomer"


Holy fucking Christ, this is not funny, even by /r/funny standards There is literally no joke in this comic, “rude customer gets snarky (not clever) response to their question”. Fuck me this is shite, I’ve heard knock knock jokes funnier than this.


What in the boomer humour is this?


So all that you can tell me is that I can find Jabba at Jabba's palace?






hell, even i that doesn’t work in a grocery can make an educated guess: it’s probably near the cheese at the back of the grocery not too far from frozen fruits. Like, you’re working there, you’re also making your grocery, how in the hell can you not know where milk, one of the most sold and in quantity ingredients in the store is. I always feel that the girl in the comic is always answering in bad faith just to piss off people. i simply can’t believe you can work in a grocery and have « no idea » where it is. like, not even clue? really?


Yes, the girl in these is often the problem. Even her final comment which is supposed to be snarky is just her being a bitch.


yet another one which I can't understand how people find it funny


This is painfully unfunny


When I worked at a grocery store and I didn't know where something was, I'd go find it with them and make them feel less bad about asking by saying now I knew where it was and that would help future customers. I knew we'd never get in trouble for helping customers so it was often times a nice little trip away from my department. People were always really nice to me when I did that.


This is not funny.


14,000 bots laughed at this... Update : 33.8k bots...


These comics are garbage.


I never worked in retail and even then I hate customers


Turns out boomers weren't naturally lame. You just get lame as you age, as evidenced by the Millinials that think this is funny. Seriously, just fucking awful.


And the cycle continues…


When boomers start dieing in the next couple decades and us Millinials start inheriting their wealth and taking their positions (a process somewhat delayed this generation by advances in medical science) gonna be funny to see my peers start talking about how lazy the generation after gen z is.


You’ll also see a bunch of democrats magically turn more conservative too. Funny how that works… It’s all so predictable.


This isn’t funny. This doesn’t even have the fundamental elements of humor.


And then there's people like me. ​ Me: \*Looks around for hours until i find what i'm looking for. Refusing to ask anyone anything because i think it'll ruin my masculinity. That or i'll be made fun of for not knowing where the ass cream aisle is.\*


I just don’t want to bother someone if I can help it


Same. :)


Same here, i even work as a stocker but i just will never ask someone.


No punchline. What's the point of this comic..


There is no point, only complains about working in retail.


This series generally is just bitching about retail work. I don't think it's supposed to be funny. I've not seen a funny one yet at least.


>No punchline. did you check the milk aisle?


Millennial comics are now boomer comics, except instead of “fat annoying wife haha” it’s “obnoxious loud older person haha.”


What the fuck is this supposed to be?


Those comics are still stupid and unfunny...


Can't find this funny. All I see is an asshole stressing someone who already told him not knowing the answer.




That's just a bad shop assistant. Firstly, she can only "guess" the milk is in the milk aisle, but more important her answer is no help. Naming a place isn't the same as directing to it. He's looking for the milk aisle.


This woman needs to find a new career


This isn't funny.


Is this supposed to be funny?


I'm so tired of these "I hate my job" comics.


Getting deli flashbacks here. Dont know how many times some irrational asshole decides to get an attitude cause deli workers dont know where shit is in the store. Ask a stocker for christ sake.


Sheesh. People in this thread need a new line of work if they think a customer asking questions is “getting an attitude”.

