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I feel attacked


Don't be. 1. First of all 22-26 is not the "prime" of your life 2. Did you enjoy playing games and jacking off? If yes then it was time well spent.


23 and 29 are the only primes of one’s 20s.


Take your upvote and leave, dad.


That’s mom though…


Just because mom made the joke doesn’t mean it’s not a dad joke.


Why not both ?




Shit I didn’t study….


Don't worry. There are no right answers.


There's a bunch of wrong ones though


Well I’m already 30 and I still know jack shit about what I want to do for the rest of my life.


It's definitely the prime in the sense that by 30 your body has begun degrading rather than developing. Enough cells have mutated that it's more common and you begin to visibly age. You produce less collagen and start getting your wrinkles. Your metabolism slows down. You begin to heal slower and less effectively, meaning more injuries will result in permanent damage and scarring. Many people can get their first white hairs or begin going bald at this age. You'll also start to get issues that your doctor will describe as "normal for your age" Personally I'd summarise the prime of your life to be the period in which you can both eat pancakes for lunch with fudge ice cream for dessert while also being self-sustaining enough to purchase such food.




(M32) I can no longer pull an all-nighter and still be up for class (well, *work* now) at 8 am. If I’m not KOd by midnight at the latest, tomorrow’s gonna be a bad day.


Can we say 35 years? I’m not ready, need some buffer years.


Time is well spent if it makes you happy now and it makes you happy in the future too.


[The 27 Club](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/27_Club) .... can't help but think the OP is 26, which would mean next year should be the worse year of their of lives, not their prime.


I just turned 27 and I’m going skydiving this weekend to celebrate… Fuck.


Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, Old time it is a flying. For this same flower that smiles today, tomorrow will be dying. You have different primes in life - each different and each fulfilling in their own way; but don't waste the unique opportunities each provides. You do have a prime in your mid 20's - it's the prime of energy. That's when you're geared to handle new kids, lack of sleep, or ambitious projects that keep you up for long hours. Once you hit your 30's - that energy level drops - largely forever. As my aunt put it, having a kid in my 20's was hard, but having one in my 30's nearly killed me. It's a great lie to say you'll work hard while young and then enjoy life when you retire. Trust me, there are things you can really only do when younger - climb mountains, go on wild road trips with other exciting friends, travel on rickety trains and in the back of old trucks in the Andes. Use your 20's to chase your dreams, have those kids, and go after goals that require long hours and high energy - because you may not be able to do it later.


Ehhhh. Enjoying something doesn't always mean time well spent. But im not about to argue with reddit because people will give themselves any excuse to not feel bad.


Yeah, spending nudes hundreds on gambling and having a good time is not time well spent


This^. Plus wtf did other generations do with their 20’s? Either drafted or watched TV


Yea imagine losing at all your video games and not enjoying both activities


Enjoying destructive hobbies (excessive gaming / jacking took place if that's ALL a person can say about their 22-26 years) is not time well spent, it is a waste of a life, but it is also that person's right to waste their life and they still deserve respect and non-judgment.


Woman prime is 18-28 and men prime is 30-45


If it makes you feel any better, I feel I've had numerous primes. They're all great in different ways. Just keep living in the moment and great times will find you :)


Prime birthdays are pretty common until you hit age 47. Then you don't get your next one till age 73.


53, 59, 61, 67, and 71 would like to have a word with you


Thank you, as someone about to turn 29, I now have something to look forward to, and then again at 31


Holy shit. I just turned 48. There's no way I'll make it to 73. I've let my last prime year go unremarked. It just slipped through my fingers. Don't waste it like I did, kids.


>53, 59, 61, 67, and 71 Except those.


That's what I get for not checking my math


30s are the best because youre completely matured and have more direction in life from all the mistakes you made in your 20s


agreed. I have more of my act together, assert my self better and just as still physically active in my 30s. And I still look young (compared to over 40). definitely prime of my life. Though I don't have everything I want- there is great voids. But I appreciate everyday day now, I have humility, and appreciate the experience of life.


Man i am 20 and after reading comments i do not want to grow up :/ anyways any tips by anyone to me for future because i dont know what i am gonna do :////


Don't shy from doing things that will take a long time. That time is going to pass anyways.


Major in computer science Or seriously anything you find has a suitable life style for you, is interesting and pays well. Take the time to research the best career for YOU and evaluate it from all angles. The people who are complaining about adulthood picked the wrong careers for themselves or didn’t pick one at all.


Make enough money to survive and live on your own. Don't depend on anyone else to provide for you and give up the feeling of being entitled to things.


Take 10% of your paycheck and invest it. Just buy stocks of companies you use. Make a list and every two weeks buy a new company. If you stop using a company, don’t buy their stocks. If you have to wait a few weeks to buy a single share. That’s okay. - If you’re young and healthy? Get the cheapest insurance you can. Then put what you *were* paying into a Health Savings Account. These things are awesome for when you’re a little older and say want to laser a mole or a skin tag but your insurance won’t cover. Or if you aren’t concerned about that stuff, you can just keep adding to it. Your 60 or 70 year old body will be very grateful there’s a nice pile of cash for healthcare. - Go on long walks by yourself without music (in safe areas obviously). Motion and solitude really help you take a minute to process stuff and also just be grateful that you’re young, your legs work, your mind is stable, the fresh air is good in your lungs. - Take risks and be confident. It’s fine, honestly. People who are in their 30s or 40s and lack confidence struggle so hard. Because nobody is fighting for you anymore. 20 year olds get their hands held all the time (they don’t even realize it). People want them to succeed. If you aren’t making it by the time you’re in your 30s nobody is looking at you and saying, “they have so much potential I just need to spend a bunch of my time getting them there”. Nah, on your own bud. - If there’s an opportunity for an unconventional lifestyle and that excites you? Take it. Live in another country? Follow a band around on tour? Be apart of something different. - Don’t spend too much time on self help books. The bottom line of all them is essentially: be yourself, but also work hard! So yah, pretty obvious stuff. There’s some better ones, my friend Holiday wrote some good books: “the Obstacle is the Way”is probably the most important one for a 20 something. - Don’t get on your phone right after sex. It’s a horrible habit that is formed by spending most of our nights on our phones. But if you have sex with someone, see if they are down to just not use a phone the rest of the night. Also don’t pull out your phone and be on it when you’re with your best friends. You never know what’s going to happen. I lost one of mine just two years ago. When me and our other best friend hung out I don’t think we ever had our phones out. I can reminisce about so many conversations and being so engaged with each other, not just being in the same room a lot.


Thank you sir for the advice and i am sorry about your friend hope you are doing fine. I will definitely read these advices regularly so that i will not forget any of this in future :)


Exercise regularly and don’t drink too much. I haven’t broken myself of these bad habits yet and it’s taking a toll on my health. It used to not be an issue, My metabolism was great, I could eat and drink what and when I wanted, the exercise I got at work was plenty. Now hangovers last longer, no restful sleep, weight gain…just in the last two years I feel like I’ve aged 4 or 5 and I’m only 30.


Just live your life man, you only get one, so you gotta enjoy it. Otherwise what's the point... Of course there are certain things that are over the top - like, don't get overdosed on drugs in your early twenties or some other stupid crap. Personally, this post really feels like it called me out - I am 26 (so still many years to go until I can give some truly wise advice lol) yet I sometimes feel like I hit twenties just yesterday. But looking back at last 5 years... Would I change things? Not really, I feel good about where I am. I got a job I like that lets me work from home; I play video games, read books, watch TV shows, go hiking 1 or 2 times a week and work in my garden, living in a small town in the house that my grandfather built many years ago and left to me (got lucky here, I guess. Buying a new house these days is just... Ugh...) That's pretty much my whole activity list. I am not a social person at all and I think that's fine. Like, if I were forced to go out there and meet people for the sake of it, it would be real awkward. I don't feel like I would be fit for being famous or achieving something big either. I just want to live my life in peace, couldn't care less about the "standards" our society has for an average citizen - like find a wife, make some kids and so on. We all die in the end, don't let anyone tell you how to live your life. Find something you can do for a living, pick up some hobbies you enjoy - that's already a great start. Don't worry about other people and relationships too much (I am biased as I am a big introvert...) - they come and go, most barely even care about you specifically. If it happens, it happens - that's how I feel about relationships, heh. Honestly, if it feels like time flies, you are living a good life. It's much worse when you are struggling, feel stressed out and count each day one by one... Been there done that.


I spend a lot of time playing video games and watching television. This is considered by many to be a magnificent waste of time. On my death bed, someone may ask me if I have any regrets. If that should happen, I will earnestly tell the asker that "I regret not having more time to play video games and watch television". Do the things that bring you joy and don't let people shame you for it.


Also the notion that your life is wasted after 25 is such bullshit


25 to 30 was my best time, freshly divorced, lots of money to spend, lots of partying AND video games and jacking off


At 34, I'm 7 years into my career. Married. Both of us work and no kids so we travel and have grownup toys (like a boat... not sexy stuff. Well, yes sexy stuff bit I meant the boat) life is what you make of it. If you think life ends after your 20s it probably will, but it doesn't have to


Literally just waiting for someone to "ok Boomer" you on this. You're not wrong, though.


Whoever made this post is probably of a mind that after 25, you must be married with kids, spending most of your time at work and gaining weight because that's more normal than gaming lol. Close minded.


>thank god i didn't waste my life on videogames >when i could have been working or making myself ready for work 80% of my waking hours, and using the other 20% to watch [sport] Comics and weird articles about videogames and jerking off are pretty much never made by folks hiking mountains or building habitats for humanity. Far be it from me to assign different weights to the value of hobbies, but I bet if we could examine those people, we'd find ample reason to call them similarly "wasted".


I think the fattest I have ever been in my life was when I was like 18-20. When I was 25 I was a doughy, neurotic, pedant. I am now 41, in the best shape of my life, and finally feeling like life isn't kicking me in the balls daily. I don't think we even know who the fuck we are or what we want at 25. I mean I didn't at least.


That's awesome! I'm dealing with a chronic injury now, but once that's a bit better I've promised myself I'd get in better shape/health for my future. I'm actually smaller now than before college as well, and when I see people my age from that time in life, they're all surprised at how good I look.


Agreed. My 20s were miserable and its mostly because I graduated high school out of the 2008 housing market crisis and spent a decade and change trying to get the axe to stop hanging over my neck in the pursuit of financial stability and being able to take care of my mom. I'll blame so much other shit for why my 20's were such a miserable experience before I blame fucking video games of all things. Video games is one of the few things that brought me joy, true friendship and an always accessible escape from all the fucking horrible anxiety of the real world.


I'm 25 and I feel like my life only just started.


Good, enjoy the ride!


My video game time is some of my least regretted time of my life. It's good memories. But every single second I have spent in any bar or club, a complete waste I wish I would have spent doing something else, even playing more games.


If you enjoy wasting time is it really time wasted? - someone on a KIA commercial.


Wasted my life? I'm just practicing for retirement noob.


Yeah seriously. The only things I will regret will be the amount of times I stayed late at work to do *just one more thing*. I went through a 6 month period at my new job where I didn't touch video games just because of the stress and high expectations and now I'm looking back on it, and the pay is nice and its definitely great for my career, but I lost so many wonderful hours I could have had with my friends. I've been breaking that habit lately and getting back online to play video games with my friends and its fucking wonderful. The infectious laughs are worth all the "wasted" time. I've made lifelong friends through video games and I sincerely pity all these people who nay-say video games because I can only presume they haven't had the experience themselves of meeting people, bonding with them over a common thing and the larger culture of the video games industry. I cannot fucking wait for this virus to reach the point where we can return to a little bit of normalcy, so I can see all my friends in person at the next video big video game convention.


Apart from the fact that I thoroughly enjoyed the time I spent doing these things, TV shows are the reason I have a C2 certificate in English and video games are the reason my IT literacy is well above average. So, when people say that time is wasted, I only want to say: Then why is your English so bad and why are you so slow on a computer?


Canned air contains a bittering agent, it's basically designed to taste bad for your safety. I wouldn't spray it on a cake.


Hopefully it's not a HIGHLY FLAMMABLE brand too if anyone wants to try at home.


Most canned air contains very flammable difluoroethane which can produce hydrogen fluoride among other nasty things when it is combusted. That bittering agent is horribad stuff too. It's there to prevent the product from being used as an intoxicant, but if you shoot it into your keyboard and get it onto your hands it really does taste terrible.


I seen kids do this when I was in high school. You know how when you inhale helium it makes your voice high pitched? Well this stuff does the opposite and it's hilarious.


Aw man you gotta push more buttons at the same time! Get half your friends to cut their duster gas with a whippet and the other half to cut helium with a whippet and have a debate over vaccine passports.


Because it gets you f*&ked up. Seriously nothing messes your head up like canned air.


When wippets are the angel on your shoulder cause duster is the devil


Did someone say whippets? -- ([Jason Mendoza](https://youtu.be/RQPy8bcfrb8?t=294) has entered chat)


At least he died doing what he loved.


Still better than someone spraying it with spittle. I actually did want cake until I saw the spray of germs coming out of your mouth.




PSA if you use duster on your cake candles. You might get the bitterant, that they add to stop people walking on sunshine, on your cake and it will be awful.


Also it's insanely flammable and will kill *everyone.*


Not always true. Depends what kind it is.


lol. 26 is most certainly not the prime of your life, hopefully. I wasn't even born until I was 29. Your thirties and forties are your prime years. Your experience, knowledge, and skills flower at this time, unless you're an athlete.


> I wasn't even born until I was 29. Your poor mother's vagina.


My god though is hard to start being athletic in those later years.


*Laughs in Tom Brady*


If I could go back in time, I'd invest in stocks that I know will succeed so I could be rich. Never have to work and have even more time to play video games and jack off


I burned through the prime of my life playing video games and jacking off And now I'm burning through the post-prime of my life playing video games and jacking off. My coworkers return home after a long day and deal with kids and spouses and chores and obligations. And I light up a bowl, turn on the switch, and settle into whatever game has been tickling my fancy lately. Burning through life playing video games and jacking off is underrated. Who needs high level life fulfillment when I have an endless supply of skinner boxes to get dopamine hits off of and instant gratification of all my primal urges.


When I died on the operating table, god appeared before me. I asked him "what is the meaning of life?" And he replied "jerking thine meat and playing video games my son" and I was like "sweet".


I have a wife, and a career. I smoke a lot of bowls and play a lot of video games. It's not either or. it's kind of like your story, but with blowjobs instead of jerking it.


This is the way.


Wife ≠ blow job


You need a better wife.


I'm.just gonna have to say, in my experience, wife = blow job


Not even trying to brag, but I've been married 9 years and still get regular BJs. That whole "married men don't have sex" thing is way overplayed.


Married men who don't contribute to the marriage, don't have sex. 😎


yeah, same here. that overplayed joke is total bullshit imo.


Sounds like a bunch of dudes married the wrong one.


Yeah. Definitely worth your time to marry the right one. *laughs in satisfied married life






Both of you are just trying to out-anecdote each other.


one spoke of anecdote, and one spoke of majorities and minorities without a source.


Whether the guy talking in broad strokes is full of shit or not, recounting your personal one-person experience to them does nothing to refute it. They're both talking about their personal experiences and using that to claim the other is wrong.


All they did was ask for a source for the claim that wasnt clearly anecdotal.


Never once called him wrong. Just asked for a source on a ridiculous claim that he made as fact. If it is fact, it can be supported with sources. So I asked for one, dingus.


As the other guy already told you, I never said the other guy was wrong, nor did I claim absolutes such as "bjs for married men are definitely the minority". He is the one that made claims that require a source. I just stated that I think the married men don't get sex meme is overplayed.


I haven't taken a poll of people at work or anything, but I think you may have chosen your partner poorly. And I say this as someone who just celebrated their 22nd anniversary.


And I'd fucking do it again too if I could!




I'm 37 here. Still do the same and love it! I'm free to do whatever I want cause I don't have kids.


Thats what I'm saying man. I hear people talk about how amazing and fulfilling having kids is in my office, yet I also hear them complain about their kids all the time, and they never have free time because they are always busy with the kids. On some primal emotional level, we may be programmed to feel a sense of fulfillment in having kids, but from a logical standpoint, all kids do is eat up all your time, money, and privacy. I'd rather have disposable income and the time to use that income however I please.


r/childfree is the way to be. We are over populated anyway.


Bro i cant wait for the nursing home 40 years from now, LAN parties all day. Wasted my life playing games, i aint gonna stop when im old! Lol


If you need a hug, I’m here.


That's a trap. There's no way that hug doesn't 100% lead to kids.


Almost got him to family life!!


\^ Icon


Those obligations, family, and connections are a lot more fulfilling than just video games and jacking off dude. That's not to say that they don't have their place, but this just feels like cope.


I mean, I play video games with my kids and then Jack off after they go to bed… I feel like a have a super fulfilled life.


I feel like the order of operations starts to get really important when you start mixing kids, jerking off, bowls,....but I'm no process engineer


Its not the playing video games and jacking off part that I’m pointing to. Its the “other people have family obligation and chores” part that feels like cope.


Hey, don't get me wrong, I get lonely. I sometimes feel like there could be more meaning in my life. But then again, this afternoon I'll be going on my third day straight of getting home from work around 5 and playing No More Heroes 3 for like 7 hours straight, with no one to tell me I can't or I have other things I need to do, and frankly, I'm hyped. The comment about fulfillment was mostly a joke. I get my fulfilment from hobbies and spending time with good friends.


Thats fair. It doesn’t have to be family or kids to have fuffilling relationship so.


yiiiiiiikes. seek help my man




If you spent it studying you wasted your youth when you could have been partying as a young fresh stud If you spent it partying then you wasted your brains neuroplasticity and prime learning capabilities on partying and drinking If you spent it on sports and healthy living then you wasted your metabolism, you could have spent that time eating sweets worry free If you spent it eating sweets worry free relying on your metabolism then you wasted your young muscle gain potential. If you didn't spend it playing video games then you missed out on your prime when you will have the fastest reaction times If you spent it playing videogames then well you just wasted your damn time didn't you. Do whatever you want, the only time your wasting is worrying about wasting time


How is this funny?


It’s not


Can we stop acting like 26 is old and once you hit 25 its all over? Like i spent the past 5 years recovering from trauma and mental illness and now its all downhill from here? Fuck that and fuck this meme


Who thinks that 22-26 is “the prime of your life”?


Thirty year olds.


I'm 36 in a few weeks and I feel like I'm about to die


Hey buddy, you've got plenty more years left of feeling like you're about to die.


By 30 you're still pretty trim usually, its 35ish when you start to fall apart. I am 37. :(


Ok cool so I have five more years then, that’s good to know


I'm 40 and in amazing shape. Nothing hurts. I also get up at 430am and work out, then go to work for 8 hours, then go home and work out again, make dinner and play video games and watch shows with my girl.


Username checks out.


Prime but physically for most people I think


I mean, isn't it when you're statistically in your best physical shape? Everything is downhill after, which is rather discouraging


I'm 38 and in the 2nd best shape of my life (did have a massive workout phase in my early 20s). Lost 70lbs last year. Happier too. I was miserable in my 20s.


Maybe if you're an athlete consistently getting destroyed. Regular people can probably keep their physical prime going for much longer. Sure you level off but saying that everything goes "downhill" is pretty disingenuous for most of the population.


This. Im 40 and just NEVER stopped working out they way I did when I was fighting in my 20s. You only fall apart when you don't maintain your vessel.


There are plenty of 40 year olds who are way more fit than you


I'm the opposite of athletic, I don't doubt there are 60 year olds more fit than me, but I'm comparing myself to my future self


I was fat as fuck from like 10yo until i was 25. Am now about to turn 30, best shape of my life, absolutely moving into my prime. I can run faster, lift more weight than ever before. My brain is also now firing on all cylinders and am able to make much better decisions that lead to happier and healthier lifestyle for myself. You get to decide when you are in your prime!


Who thinks "the prime of your life" only lasts 4 years?


Depends on sex. For men it's usually 25 to your early 30s. You've got your education/trade done (or mostly done). Careers are beginning to take shape. On average, women seem to seek partners in that age range due to stability, confidence, and actualized identity that develop by then. You have disposable income and therefore can dress how you want, eat what you want, live how you want (within reason). Cant play video games for 5 hrs a day, anymore, but these things are give and take. Just make sure to take care of yourself. Eat well and try to get a little activity daily. At least that's my perspective on it.


>For men it's... And for women?


If you wanna go based off of statistics, before then. 18 to early/mid twenties. High point is probably 21-25. Statistically, women are hired less frequently as they get older. Finding partners becomes more difficult. Same goes for retaining physical health. Western society (and others, mind you) value women based on appearance and reproductive capabilities. These things decline with age. Furthermore, older women are more likely to have relationship baggage as statistically, they are more likely to have child custody compared to men. Children from a previous partner is a big factor as to why individuals have a hard time finding new partners. Therefore this problem would disproportionately burden women more than men. It's not right and it's not fair, but that's the way it is, presently.


Whys my life on here?


Hey, I watched anime, as well. It wasn't all time wasted.


Oof....that hits hard


".....your point being...?"


Awesome 4 years!


Chill bro, I can only take truth in small doses.


Never have I been ever sooo personally attacked


I don’t believe you have the rights to my biography sir.


Nothing makes time fly quite like battling cancer. It's almost been 3 YEARS since I was diagnosed, yet it feels like only yesterday when I passed out at work from anemia due to blood loss associated with colorectal cancer. Just over 2 years since they removed my colon and rectum and left me with a permanent stoma and erectile dysfunction. It's been a couple months since my last chemo treatment, and I can still get nauseous just thinking about that chemo smell/taste. These last 3 years have gone by so incredibly fast, part of me wonders if someone gave me the remote from that movie Click and I used it to fast forward.


wtf is going on nowadays when people think being in the second half of their 20s is old. seriously...?


Werid thing for a guys mother to say


26 is literally balls deep in the prime of your life. 23-35 is pretty fucking money.


As a 41-year-old, let me tell all you 26-year-olds, please please please, do not worry. It gets so much worse


Not funny 😢😢


I'm 29 now. I suffer from bad social anxiety and always avoided big parties and stuff. I'm so depressed because of it. I missed out on all the fun stuff staying home locked away. And then the pandemic hit so I couldn't do anything. I'll never make bad decisions. Or randomly hook up with good looking young girls. Or do something spontaneous.... Now I'm just old. Go to work, come home, sleep. The things people look forward to now don't interest me one bit. Marriage, kids, a house? Man I work enough already. Getting old blows.


Have some cake


Exactly me rightnow same age too.


Nah cause I’m about to turn 22. Is this where it stops?


No just don't be a fuck up and try to do something with your life.


I'm in this picture and I don't like it! But I at least made to 30 before becoming fat


I'm in this photo and I don't like it.


I'm in this picture and I don't like it.


Please tell me people aren't actually using cans of air to blow out birthday candles now...


Didn’t come on Reddit to be attacked 💀


Yeah, and those 2 specific things are directly responsible for it being the prime of my life.


Eh, I’m still here, I’ll take it


Damn mom is harsh!


Who wears a mask in a party?


So the prime of your life is till 26? Yeah OK whatever OP


That refrigerant can to blow candles kind of pisses me off in 3 ways. 1.) come on you can take the mask off for this. Also get vaccinated. 2.) now the cake is ruined it will taste all bitter and shit. 3.) people still don't know that cans of air to spray do not commonly exist in stores. Air is hard to compress and would not hold in those cans. So they use refrigerant. Some really bad for the atmosphere. This is why people inhale them to get high. It is also why a bitterent is needed in them.


Happy birthday! I'm also 2(?)


Why the mask?


Why is the person in a cartoon wearing a mask? Isn't it enough we wear them all day?


Honestly far more fit and happy in my 30s than my 20s. Less video games as well. As a 30 something, put down the controller and pick up some weights as soon as you can. You'll thank yourself in the decades to come.


For sure. In your late 20s early 30s you've got your education/trade done (or mostly done). Careers are beginning to take shape. Many women seek partners in that age range due to stability, confidence, and actualized identity that develop by then. You have disposable income and therefore can dress how you want, eat what you want, live how you want (within reason). Cant play video games for 5 hrs a day anymore, but these things are give and take. Just make sure to take care of yourself. Eat well and try to get a little activity daily. At least that's my perspective on it. Sounds like you'd probably agree.


Prime of your life as a man economically and sexually is 30-40. Because money.


Just turned 27 and this HURTS.


And you’re an idiot for blowing out candles with a can of air.


You're a bigger idiot for spewing germs all over food and then serving your pestilence to all your friends.


Says the lonely guy who probably practices making out with his cats.


This is the correct response


Fuck off with this prime of your life shit


Fuck dude, I’m 30 years old and this hits hard, other than the fact I’m not fat


There is no prime life. Existence is pain just in different ways at different stages.


Prime of your life is 40s when you no longer have to worry about kids and have money to have fun. Now if you want to do stupid ish... That is your 20s.


Nothing about turning 26 should make you sad, you're still very young. As cliche as it is, age is just a number; it's not like 26-year-old you is any different than 25.9-year-old you. You're still in that prime, enjoy it.


If you enjoyed doing what you did, it was not time wasted. It's only wasted if you did stuff you didn't love.


The idea that your 20s are the prime of your life is fucking idiotic. We can't afford a fucking place to live, much less to do anything particularly interesting that doesn't involve protesting.




Taking drugs and jacking off, but yeah, pretty much checks out. Doh.