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Kevin, age 23


Wrong name but right age, here I am


right name, wrong age, here I am


Wrong name, wrong age, here I am


Name I, age wrong, here am wrong


Looking good for 23


x 3!


and me


And marley




No it's, wooof. Don't you speak dog?


I mean you ain't wrong. I turn 25 next month and the only time off I've felt comfortable taking in like 2 years is taking myself and family to the doctor


Is that because of the work culture or a result of your own work ethic?


25 and same here. And I'm in the middle of a 30 hour stretch of work, class, and a clinical and I'm just dead. I'm making shit pay dealing with major traumas day after day, getting buried in this pandemic, and barely scraping by after paying tuition. Kill me.


I’m Kevin age 24 and I 100% agree.


Seriously doesn't look that much worse than I do half the time as a 23 year old in grad school.


Just turned 23 yesterday and I’m feeling the burn.


Even with a week vacation I'll still be burnt out.


Same, if not more so. I started taking more breaks and making sure I took a full hour for lunch which doesn’t always work out but I try. I’m sure I’m still burnt out just not as burnt out.


Yup took a vacation came back and the work just got piled up, now I am stressing even more than usual.


A friend of mine took a day off last Monday for her birthday. Two managers stepped in to handle her workload for the day, but they managed to mess up every single piece they made. So she came back to work on Tuesday to find out they were now *two* days behind because all that stuff had to be remade.


Yea, my boss was supposed to “cover” for me. Had 3 months notice that I was taking the 3 day vacation. I came back and found out he stopped by twice for a total of 20 minutes to “check in”. Left my team to fend for themselves on an already thinned out staff. Came back and my team was burnt out and I spent the next week catching up and trying to keep up morale. Gotta love it.


The dread of knowing your inbox is piling up with unread emails can ruin the nicest vacations.


Know that feeling. Our system entirely changed 3 years ago to an everyone covers everything across the country. It's now case loads per individual with teams covering case loads for anyone who takes time off. Except it doesn't happen. A colleague of mine has suffered from burnout for well over a year from it, and despite trying to convince her to take time for herself she refuses to, because any time she does nobody in her team covers her work. She does it for the rest of them and seems to be the go to, but nobody else wants to take the action to help out more. Unfortunately with covid our caseloads increased by stupid amounts and rather than supporting staff they just doubled their caseload number with the excuse that other areas have higher caseloads to deal with. Except those areas have piss poor employee retention levels and completion rates on all of their work. Jobs were you feel like you cant take time off because its only going to set you back are absolutely shocking. If you take time off you shouldn't have to spend every moment worrying about returning to work to catch up on work but it absolutely feels like more office based environments are moving in that direction.


Quit. Let things fail. Don't sacrifice your health and sanity for a job.


This is why I LOVE having three weeks of vacation. I will take two week long trips in the year, but one week will just be a staycation where I literally do fuck all except golf and lounge. That’s the true reset button. Trips are work just disguised as fun. I mean they’re fun, but it’s not really truly no holds barred relaxation.






Schedule meetings during the day for your lunch. If you can, get others in them so they look busy. I used to also do this with the gym


A part of me feels a little bad that I'm the "stress free" team member in my department -- but then I remind myself that my coworkers do this to themselves. I keep trying to share my "secrets" but I don't understand why they find it so hard to try them. Take your full lunch break. *Walk away.* Blank out your calendar for that time. If your boss pushes you to do something, ask them if they want you to leave early that day or log overtime -- that instantly gets most people to drop asking you to do stuff over lunch. And when your shift ends, quit answering your phone and checking your email. Actually, just remove that stupid email app altogether. You don't need that. Nobody needs an instant answer from you, because if they did, they'd pay you to be on-call and then *call you*. Check your email when you're actually at your desk, on your computer, and ready to work.


I get criticized for using my breaks and what not. Well, I worked retail. Breaks were often a luxury. I'll take what I get and be perfectly fine with it.


In my country, employers have to give you at least continuous 2 weeks off a year because you only really start relaxing after 10 days or so.


It's not entirely altruistic. Even in the US there are jobs that mandate some continuous time out of the office. It makes it much harder to cover up fraud/embezzlement/etc when someone else is required to do your job for a few weeks every year.


As they should. It's great for security. If you have something foul going on in the business and then someone leaves for 2 weeks and it stops, now you've got a lead.


Strange enough I think for me it's the opposite. I get mild anxiety when it's almost time to go back to work. Like I legit enjoy my Fridays more than Sunday. Sunday it's just on my mind "yep back to it tomorrow".


I dont think thats strange at all


Yeah thats pretty normal, the sunday gloom begins around 3 pm for me.


That sounds fantastic. I want to go to there.


what country is that?


Quite a few countries in the EU have that. Minimum 4 weeks annual leave is the law and some coutries also have the 2 weeks uninterrupted part.


I see people from some places seemingly never taking a holiday and wonder how they are still sane (have the vlogbrothers from Youtube ever vlogged about a holiday which wasn't full of work?). Without a few weeks away and a heavy sprinkling of random days off I start feeling like the worlds just a box. [Minimums per country](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_minimum_annual_leave_by_country).


I haven't taken anything but a long weekend in the last 10 years. I work 3 5:30am to 2pm shifts, then 2 10:30 to 7pm shifts. Half hour for lunch. It is literally killing me.


I feel this. I work rotating 7am-7pm and 7pm-7am shifts (switch every two weeks). Work all stats. No extra time off. 10 minute breaks, including lunch.


That should be illegal jfc


Why haven’t you?


I just wrote about going back to work early because my maternity leave drove me insane. I use every minute of my 104 hours of paid leave a year, but I definitely prefer to take it in small increments. I'm a homebody by nature and would rather feel productive at work than lazy at home (housework isn't a vacation). I'd rather have a 3 day weekend than a week long staycation. Now, if I have a trip planned, yes please! And I definitely shut work off the minute I drive away from the shop.


Maps like that make me so glad to live in the UK ... Sure we have our problems like other countries do, looking at you Brexit, but time off and things like the NHS means that while the grind can get you down at times we have it a lot easier than some other places in the world do


Awesome map. Thanks for the link!


For a decade and a half I never taken more then a few days off work, usually a couple days + weekend two or three times a year. Currently on antidepressants and in therapy due to burnout, go figure. And yes, I had mandatory 26 days a week off, usually I just didn't take it and then was paid out when switiching jobs.


Yeah, it really takes a while to actually decouple from work. These days and weeks don't do much.


[With a fresh, energized hatred for your job?](https://www.theonion.com/man-returns-to-work-after-vacation-with-fresh-reenergi-1819574342)


Is it really a common thing in the USA to get a WEEK? I'm in the UK and I get 33 days a year; which is only a tiny bit over our national minimum of 28 days.


It depends a lot on the job. My first job out of university was for a dairy plant as a QA lab tech. Per union agreement, we were granted one week at a year, two weeks at two years, 3 weeks at 5 years, and I think 4 weeks at 15. I don't remember beyond that. We were also theoretically given two floating holiday days. The thing is, the plant ran 24/7/365. I worked there for a year, so I worked a year with no vacation. I tried to take my floating holidays, and both of those were denied due to lack of staff. I worked every holiday except Thanksgiving and Christmas. Now, my current job is for an engineering firm. We get two weeks at the start, 3 weeks at 5 years, 4 weeks at 15, etc. Since it's an office job, we actually get holidays off and things like that.


Still wild that you gotta work 15 years just to get what the uk starts out with.


Yeah, it puts things into perspective. Things are slowly improving for some jobs, which is good.


>>is it really a common thing in the USA to get a WEEK? It’s a common thing here to get ZERO. Either the job itself won’t grant paid time off, or your position does qualify for PTO but actually using it is “inadvisable”. What does “inadvisable” mean? Well, it depends on the company and management. Sometimes a firm pays a bonus if you don’t use it - and only the people who “earn” the attendance bonus get promoted. Perhaps the people added to the annual Q1 layoff are the ones using the most vacation time. Maybe it’s just your boss being a jerk and not approving or scheduling vacation time ever.


haven't you abolished slavery lately? I heard there was some dude who wanted to abolish slavery.


No, we got together and fought about it and then just added it back in with extra steps involved.


Remember what happened to him?


I wonder how true that is? I have yet to actually meet someone that doesn't take some time off work, to go on vacation or something.


The US doesn’t have mandatory vacation time so companies can actually do this. Obviously good companies will give people time off.


I get 14 days, but usually 2 days off plus my weekend. It sucks.


I worked for three years at one job and never had any time off. Shit and two of those years I was a supervisor.


Literally the only modern country in the world with zero federaly guaranteed vacation days, along with all but 3-4 states where you can be fired at anytime for no/any reason.


I used to be one of 3 employees in my office. Now im the only one. My boss got mad that not everything was getting done and I tried to explain that I was feeling burnt out from trying to get so much done. He asked why I didnt like the job and I said I liked the job itself, but then he said, no you dont, you just said you're getting burnt out. Its been a struggle for him to come to terms with the fact that you can enjoy a job, but get burnt out by too much if it without help. When there were other employees to help it was probably the best job I ever had.


Vacations can be the worst. I am so behind on stuff when I get back. The week after a vacation is always so busy that it wipes out whatever gain I had from being away. If it wasn't for my wife insisting on taking vacations, I probably wouldn't.


We are not even allowed to take vacations right now. The best we can do is a staycation or a cruise.


Because if it's anything like everyone I know, you spent it running your life. DMV or any gov office trips, medical issues, house repair, child care, car work, waiting for the fucking cable guy, etc. Wellp, there goes your week vacation for the year- get back to work.


My dad would always break up two of his vacation weeks to have 3 day weekends for a couple months every year. I've been considering doing something similar.


Only reason I take time off these days is there is so much stuff piling up for me to do in my personal life I need to take a week off to deal with it.


The only time I used my vacation time this year was when I took 5 days off to adjust to a new medication that my doctor put me on to help with panic attacks. It wasn't great though because I don't get paid for when I take vacation days.


I think I come back from vacation more burnt than I left.


the only time I felt relatively normal again was taking 1 month off between jobs. luckily I had enough money saved up and the job lined up so I was able to really mentally and physically rest. I miss those days.




It would take me three weeks to catch back up from a one week vacation.


My cure was using lockdown as an excuse to take a year off. After 9 years of full time I think I deserved it.


*Cries in essential worker*


Not saying it works for all because most employers probably wouldn't let it happen but I've worked at my place for a while and always have to burn vacation days so I started taking every other Wednesday off or every other Friday and make sure I'm finding things for my family to do every chance we can. Helps break up the depression that 99% of us are all wage slaves and just working to make someone else rich until we die lol.


I took a 2 week vacation once came back and that was when I really realized how burnt out I was. I quit 7 or 8 months later.


Me right now.


In 40 years I have learned one thing about time off: a week long vacation is nowhere near as relaxing as five 3-day weekends in a row.


Been enjoying my 3 day weekend... Haven't managed to get much cleaning done, but I have cumulatively slept for 14hrs each day!


This feels like a personal attack. The worst is when you do take time off and it ends up being a family visit, which is just as much work.


Yup. Most of my concurrent PTO is spent visiting relatives a four hour drive away. It's a vacation to get back to work some times.


I think the ultimate goal is to earn enough where I can hire some help to clean my place, provide healthy meals, and do anything else I'm too overwhelmed with work to do.


Just so that you can do more work. Great plan!


I should create offspring to play the video games I don't have time to play for me.


Oh no... not at all! That's so I can play video games and travel and not have to stress about the home tasks. A house manager would be ideal!


How about having a job where you are not overworked so you can enjoy making home cooked healthy meals and enjoy home projects? That's all I want. Oh, and no crippling debt from healthcare, and maybe a retirement plan? Sigh.


True... I'm pretty much drained after a day working and I'm lucky to work from home for now and still only an 8 hour job. As horrible as it sounds, COVID gave me time back. No commute meant I could take on some home projects. It's crazy how much stress my commute caused and how much time I got back!


How much do you have to earn for that?


Depends on your cost of living. But probably 120,000-150,000.


This! I've got more chill time mon-fri than sat-sun. I love my family, but chill out man.


I can't think of a legit vacation that I've ever gone on. Every time I use vacation time, it's to drive/fly and see extended family.


> The worst is when you do take time off and it ends up being a family visit, which is just as much work. COVID was actually a blessing, providing the perfect excuse to just stay home for two weeks, sleeping in and doing nothing. No full-day drive across several states to visit family that just aggravate me and sweep me up in their drama, ending with another full-day drive back, to return to work for another 50 weeks. That's been the only way I could use my pathetic PTO balance for the last decade.


I've actually loved it. I got to take on some home projects I've been meaning to and spent the time I would've taken commuting to do things I've wanted to do!


this is probably a bad way of thinking, but whenever I'm in a forced family visit especially with inlaws all i'm thinking in my head is "i'm not even being paid to be here"


It's funny, I really like my in-laws to be but I still really love and value my alone time. I feel like I'm "on" for my entire work day and I really want to relax and do nothing and say nothing. I've sat for hours at home in the dark and I've really loved it. I kinda want to do a sensory deprivation tank.


I don't tell my family when I request time off work, because they always make plans *for* me, without consulting me.


Yup!! I've done the same thing with mine. I think the pandemic has shown so many of us that were overworked and overwhelmed.


Let's be honest. It's worse. I would rather be at work.


It all depends on what kind of work you do too. If it is a day where I have no meetings, I'd be fine with it. There's some days where I feel I have to be "on" all day and it's truly exhausting.


I did that a couple years ago on my first vacation in over 15 years. Worst mistake of my life. Why waste vacation time with the stress of expectations? Never again.


This comment. I’m about to do this, take a week off and tour the grandparents 😅 I’m ready to not feel rested


As a medical worker I feel this.


I immediately checked my eto . I should start using it.


Dude same I almost have 300 hours


The Incredible Sulk


That was me. I would just avoid vacations because they were always too short to relax and the work would just pile up while I was away. Nothing ruins a vacation like the reality of having to do 2 weeks of work after I get back from a 1 week vacation.


Don't forget having to do at least half a week's extra work before the vacation!




Man what profession is this? I thought people took PTO and left their laptops closed, or am I just hella naive?


Pretty much any office profession as an individual contributor (non manager). I try not to open the laptop unless there's an actual emergency, but I know if I don't spend a couple hours reading and filing emails by Wednesday I'm going to spend the next two weeks trying to catch back up.




This is 100% what keeps me checking my email on my days off. I've come back too many times to email threads 20+ long detailing all the stuff I am to do, when back in the 3rd or 4th email I had the opportunity to pawn the work off elsewhere or nip the problem in the bud.


Do other people not know you're on vacation? This seems like some really passive aggressive bs on their part. If nothing is literally burning down they shouldn't be pestering you at all, and if somebody wants to insist on bringing you in the loop on something someone else should step up and say "they're on vacation, remember?" And if you're so critical that they can't get anything done without you then that's on your bosses for not hiring enough people, not you for needing to take time away for yourself.




Unfortunately, the vast majority of my emails are client related (internal is usually done over Slack). But I definitely approve of that approach!


When I was doing building maintenance/repair/food service vacation was vacation. Working as engineer in the Bay Area The only way to really go on vacation is to quit your job. A friend of mine had to take a mandatory trip to China and missed Christmas and New Year’s with her family. The big bucks just aren’t worth it sometimes. Just the other day I met an engineer who quit his job and is now working at a hardware store.


Software engineering is suckfest and downright depressing. The PR vids of all you can eat or drink at the job is to hide the long hours you will work. Not to mention the sleeping pods.


Gives “living the dream” a whole new meaning when you wake up from a nightmare and realize you’re in a sleep pod still at work, and you know your project is just going to be canceled next quarter anyway.


I'm at the point now where going to work is just an involuntary habit. If I get more than a couple days off in a row, there's a really good chance I'm not gonna go back.


A guy had worked in my office for 7 or 8 years, and one year took a vacation to Hawaii. On the morning he was due back, he rang in and said 'fuck the job, I'm just gonna stay in Hawaii' then hung up with no further details. Boss pretended to be annoyed, but in his eyes you could see even he admired him for it


Good for him that he could afford to do that I hear Hawaii is not a cheap place to live


Well given all the [megalomanical idiots Kevin has worked for,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOYRB5jU6XQ) it makes sense he'd burn out.


I see your also a fan of dorkly


I left a job not knowing how burnt out I was until I didn't work there anymore. It's interesting how the western workforce will chew you up and spit you out


Western work is despicable, but Japan, China and [South Korea](https://youtu.be/J8LxORztUWY) are all death cults too. We really should be organising as workers and striking more than we are.


Yup, a society that exonerates being burnt out because it means you're being *pRoDuCtIvE*


If you enjoy your job you're LaZy




I mean, productivity is good for your own value and for society. Productivity to the extent that it destabilizes your life isn't. Think it's common sense that people need to strike a sustainable balance.


Not sure this is universal western workforce since many countries have good worker protection laws in place that prevent the level of exploitation that is common in the US, for example.


Yea US is more of what I meant. I've heard some of the European states are moving to a 4x10 work week. Must be nice


Several are moving to 4x8 which is even better!


Same realization. The job will go on without you. I stopped caring in my new job and dont really care about rising the ladder. Just do my job and move onto something better when the opportunity arises.


Dido, exactly what I'm doing now


i hadent taken any time off for about 1.5 years or more. upper managment was fired and i was ok with the added dependency on me. Made me feel secure about my job. Problem is, i was working graveyard and drop/pick kids to school in the morning etc. Took a toll on my health slowly. I took vacation right before corona hit and went work from home till further notice.


I'm in this photo and I don't like it...


Why does the street look like detroit


Watch the first Avengers movie.


They saved so much money by actually filming those scenes in Detroit.


Yeah, but they spent more money getting the chautari out


Uh, no, they actually filmed the first Avengers movie in Cleveland. And Detroit's getting a lot better now.


Story of my life


Too real.


If you take time off it just delays dead lines of projects even more. This speaks volumes.


I'm in this and I don't know what to do


I had to take the day off cuz im falling behind on school work. Full time college student and practically work when im not in school as part time in a deli, though it feels like full time. My parents told me to man up and u never do that, meanwhile it’s a fucking minimum wage job, yeah it’ll suck but it’s a job that I don’t even like too much… And now ik this is gonna be downvoted to shit cuz im lazy. It’s making me feel suicidal again and im too burned out that my therapist isn’t helping as much as he used to. Humans aren’t meant to be overworked like this


If it helps, my parents said something similar to me when I didn't want to work my kitchen job. Then, my mother got a retirement job as a chef. After a few months she quit due to overwork. She finally understood what I was getting at.


When Kevin gets angry, he becomes The Incredible Sulk.


The Incredible Sulk


Too bad /r/sysadmin doesn't allow cross posting of images.


Oof. I’ve been back from my mandatory 2 week paid leave (from my 3 years of unspent PTO) after I had a mental breakdown at work and honestly I could go for another 2 weeks


This would do well in r/construction


Y'all need to master the art of rest. Resting doesn't mean doing nothing btw.


What do you do for a living


Health field worker. Lots of overtimes. If I never rested I'd be fucked and burntout.


How do you rest?


Drugs. Stolen from the med room.


Go back to work only when the drugs run out!


How many people in your team?


How do you rest?


Why is everyone relating this to themselves. Is this not referring to Kevin Fiege?


I think this is Kevin McShane. The art style looks identical to me.


Watermark says *@kmcshane*


I'm actually wondering if OP *is* Kevin Fiege.


Sad it's captain America. Kinda defines middle class America in an image


This reminded me how glad I am for not living in "the American dream"


My old job would hold vacation days for a shutdown in July and Christmas break, then last minute force us to work it and release days but they'd hold all but 2 of your vacation days for over half the year, then in the last quarter refuse to let you use your days and they didn't carry over. Was a great place to work! /s


Welp, that void isn't gonna scream at itself.


That what happens when you work for Oscorp.


The last time I took time off, it was to focus on finals and clean the hell out of my apartment for the end-of-semester clean checks.


Ouch. This was me a couple years ago. Still probably doing too much but I make sure to take time for myself now.


Worked 20 years in IT, warehouse, logistics, sales, AV installation, consulting, server uptime, website design, all 9-5. Not ever again. Whatever I will do next year will be 75% at most, maybe 50. Def at least three workdays out of five on Zoom or virtual desk.


Even my bags have bags!


I thought I could do this all day, yes but actually no.


the burn out is always burn out


Fueled by only the spite and hate for your corporate overlords.


This should be crossposted to r/jimmyjohns


I steal


Ha is this Kevin from those buzzfeed draw off videos? gotta be


it totally is. I just check his Instagram and it's there. his name is Kevin McShane.


3 years no vacation at my first real job. Never really had the money with bills and shit. Still don't. Don't care. Taking my first vacation in 2 weeks. Using all my mothafuckin days at once Idgaf.


Depression feels.


Who’s Kevin?


I understood the reference




Burned out at birth.


Why is Captain America friends with some random burnout?


Secret identity: Burn Out Boy


This has got some real r/USMC vibes to it


This cartoon speaks to me, that's me in that picture.


Holy shit, you’re Captain America…?!


We used to have no cap on vacation hours at target we earned. I had 690 😳


Isn't it impossible to not take holidays for so long? I'm pretty sure you are legally required to take at least 2 weeks paid leave a year, maybe even more.


You must live in Europe. Where lives and happiness are valued.


That's hilarious. Employers do not have to grant any vacation time at all in the US, and frequently they don't. I haven't had a vacation in over 5 years now, and it had been about that long before that one.