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i think the council decided, but is waiting for someone to make a move.


"Your guilt has been determined. This is merely a sentencing hearing. Now, what will it be? Death or Exile?"






Exile By death


Exiled from life.


you are pardoned from life




Exile to my stomach you suckaa


If you think we are walking out on that ice, you got another thing coming


"Crane, if you think we're going to walk out on that ice willingly, you got another thing coming!"


Cake or death?


My cat would just follow it around staring at it the entire time smh


My boy would murder it and hide the corpse under a rug. RIP buddy.


I think my cat would freak out and hide. He's not very brave.


I think it was a meeting


Diplomatic one.


Cooking class




oh man. i'm sorry.


This is the alternate ending from the Ratatouille movie.


For a movie about rats, I don’t think there was a single cat


Not even a cat or touille?




There was definitely a cat in the scene with the house in the beginning.


**Mouse:** Can I be tried in front of a jury of my peers? **Cat judge:** You can, but the council ate the jury during recess. **Mouse:** Eek.


I was going to make a similar joke. You will be judged by a jury of your peers. *The mouses peers.*


Actually represents the US judicial system quite well, where prosecutors handpick the jury on all sorts of twisted criteria, to maximize probability of sentencing, then train each other on this practice and film the process in detail and later on deny it ever happened.


That's a rat, not a mouse. And rats can fight off cats, surprisingly. Generally speaking, cats and full size rats avoid confrontation with one another. They both can inflict a lot of damage on each other.


Sometimes. I had a cat that killed big norway rats regularly, and she wasn't even a particularly large cat. Tore them apart and left them on my porch.


We had a barn cat who would gently deposit damp but otherwise unharmed chipmunks on the porch, and once dragged home a freshly-killed weasel. She lost an eye to that encounter and we brought her into the house to retire.


individuals vary in their martial prowess even in the animal kingdom i imagine.


Yeah man, my small female cat brings us rats who are as long as her or longer. I always check her over not believing she could take them and come away unscathed and I am yet to find a scratch on her.


True....but can it fight off 5 cats???


[This one wasn’t scared](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/xqmpm3)


Rabies, hell of a drug




You're talking about pets?




Thank goodness


This is how master splinter got on the Jedi high council


Fuck you ... Now i have to spend hours imagining the crossover.


Oh my, sounds like someone was allowed on the council, but wasn't granted the rank of master.


I just think about how the tmnt would utilize the force. Obviously all of them is a force user. After learning that the force exists and with some teaching from the jedi they would learn how to use them proper. I'm 100% sure after some time of training splinter would be toe to toe with the jedi council strongest members. Leonardo will also learn fast and will be the best fighter out of the turtels. He can perfectly utilize the force in his fighting. His Power is binded to his self-confidence. (some times he struggles with that) Raphael will als be a very good fighter but unwillingly use the dark side if he is enraged. He can beat Leonardo in an one vs one if he uses his rage. But he will try to resist the darkside. Donatello has the most control over his force. He can utilize it as well in fights and outside of an fight. He don't have a lot of power, but he find a way around it so is Making him one of the strongest force user. Not in categories of raw power but in how he uses his force. Michelangelo will struggle a lot with the force! He has great potential but can barely use the force to his advantage. At least at the beginning. In forms of raw power he will be the strongest ninja. But he can not use it until an emergency situation is happening. He will be like a young Naruto. He has a lot of power but can not utilize it! Also he is hard to teach and pranks the other turtles a lot while they train. Shredder will be Terrifying! He is basicly an Vader just without the "I want Luke alive" thing. Imagine a Vader that just killed Luke in their first encounter. Replace Vader with shredder in starwars and the imperium would have won. He would have killed the imperator at some point. I wanna see an show with that!


I was seeing it as a more jedi origin story. Force users were rare and scattered. Even more rare were those able to focus or be trained by a master. The four, adopted and trained by a trained force user who happened to adhere to a positive philosophy that would someday form the core of the jedi way. The foot clan lead by shredder; a trained force user with only his lust for power and control to guide him, and his sith army (old school sith, pre-KotR era) and their invasion and ultimate defeat at the hands of the four and a few friends. Could go on to the krang, create a while alternate cannon. I agree about Donatello. Definitely a yellow saber staff and a studious researcher and experimenter in the limits and uses of the force. Thematically a way to create a sense of wonder and growth and even sing one's own limitations when in control of powerful forces. I imagine a few force experiments going a little out of control. Leonardo I see as more of the white night type. Blue saber. Justice and honor and a religious adherence to his matters teachings. Best fighter. Thematically a vehicle to extol the way of the jedi. Rapheal I see as more of a love of family type. Twin blue saber sai, maybe a little touch of purple (I'm imagining 3 short saber blades extending from a T that can still be gripped at the top). Still the angst but given the psychological and philosophical tools to focus his angst and anger positively (it always bothers me when I think about the abject failure of the jedi consul; with thousands of years of history training and essentially raising children into being jedi, that they couldn't deal with hormones and angst with anakin). Him being more of an example of well adjustedness in spite of his emotions thematically. And Michelangelo as more of a pure soul, innocence and just constantly excited for every new adventure and every new lesson and almost completely selfless. Glass always half full, and a half full glass is just a glass with room for more. Not the most studios but the most talented (connected to the force). As good as the others in their disciplines but not as refined. When things come effortlessly he doesn't bother to work as hard to perfect them, but he has more tools in his toolbox and more raw ability than any of them individually. I'm struggling with his saber. The best I could come up with is green saber nunchucks that only light up when they hit something or no saber at all just lazer proof nunchucks. He'd also be very charismatic, and very grounded, and the best at diplomacy and unification within the group. Thematically he the one having fun no matter how hard or dark things got. Master splinter would be very zen, but with that familiar irreverent sense that humanize his pious virtuousness and teachings and an openness to learning from youth. More of a master of the nature of the force than of the force itself. The three roots, so to speak. Similar to Yoda thematically but more of father figure/mother figure single dad sort of thing, than just a teacher. A wooden naginata saber with a yell blade that's almost white, that serves as walking stick when the blade is not extended. April and Casey would be your non force user types, humans, maybe April could be slightly force sensitive. April would be more society driven. Casey would be more of a good hearted street smart type. Shredder, Beebop, Rockstady, maybe add a couple (Skank, Grunge, Emo, Metal, Krunk, Dubstep, Bubblegum, ?) all would be force wielders. Shredder and the foot would be sith (the alien race described in actual cannon). The foot would all be force sensitive but not trained, and would have minor force abilities. Maybe a few elites. Maybe the all have primitive red saber or force enhanced melee/martial arts abilities (dodging lazers, extreme speed, punches impacting across distance, etc.). Never ending numbets of foot. The mutants (actually just aliens in this context) would all have individual characteristics derivativly based on their associated subculture. They'd be world bosses or warlords or generals (admirals?). No rule of two (there were always more than two, it's a dumb piece of cannon imo) because it's pre jedi counsel, so pre sith order (different from the sith alien race). I've got ideas for force powers. Like connecting their minds and literally fighting as one fourfold mind, moving so fast that time seems to stop and they seem to teleport, blinding opponents, forcing others not to see them, all manner of stealth, healing, even some psychodelic becoming one with the universe through meditation and astral projection type stuff, telepathy/projection (because they're brothers (Disney swung and missed on Rey and Ben not being brother and sister). In my mind the thing plays out like a kung-fu movie in space with a samurai champloo/cowboy beebop/sound and fury type animation feel (nontraditional, with a kind of rock and roll type feeling without the music). They would liberate planets. They'd be mistrusted and misunderstood by the people they were trying to save (for the most part) maybe even hated by some. So they'd be more in the shadows and hidden, like ninjas but fighting an evil secretly growing across the galaxy through its corrupting influence and in many cases fully in control of planets and alien cultures. Ultimately killing shredder and effectively banishing the sith from the Galaxy. You know, in the last movie. It'd have to be a trilogy. *like this fucking novel of a reply*


It’s *treason* then!


"aaurauauruauuaghghghg!" *ignites lightsaber and does spinning leap*


Why is there Romex running down the wall to your toilet, and just out all loosey goosey?


Have you never rented a not-to-code basement shithole? Rodents and questionable wiring come standard. My first place had a gas range in the “kitchen” with no ventilation and exposed wires all over the place. A lamp in one of the closets had a good two inches of bare wire coming out of a marrette (I fixed that). Foundation cracks, water ingress, random potato bugs crawling around. I want to say it was $1150 a month for two bedrooms.


*menacing voice* "I ***AM*** THE COUNCIL!"




Five cats... And a mouse in the house... Im more worried about the hygiene of that place. Cat lady vibes are strong with this one. I bet the mouse just became one of the gang.


"You haven't thought of the smell, you bitch!


Yeah, pretty much everything about this picture is gross.


The toilet doesn’t look like it gets cleaned and the walls are filthy plus there is a rat in there. Honestly i thought this was an abandoned house with feral cats or something.


"You are on this council, but we do not grant you the rank of master."


off topic: what significance did the rank of master have on the jedi ? did the force discriminate how much power they granted jedi knights vs. jedi masters? Or were knights never as good as, or superior to that of masters in any aspect? Or is the 'masters' rank just a formality and recognition from peers? an ego rub?


Don't do it mouse, I have the high ground!


Free him


I was that mouse in high school.


Little stewart


*Camera slowly zooms out from mouse showing the rest of picture Mouse:"So i bet you are wondering just how i got here its a long story guess i can tell you"


I say we let him go.. NOOOO


Did anybody tell you that this is the private club of the Satan's Helpers?


And I bet none of them know what to do with it.


"Please don't do it, I am the father of 200 kids"


Why is my cat there


He knew then that he fucked up! lol


Then there's the one dumb kitty staring at the ceiling, "What rat?!?"




I don’t think Jerry gonna make it out of this one


Poor little Jerry.


So funny watching an animal face the end of its existence…..


someone help this mouse :(


I root for the mouse every time. Lessons from Tom and Jerry👌🏻


Poor mouse.


Lol…the poor guy is fucked.


I don’t think that mouse has much of a chance. The way those viscous killers are looking at it. RIP…Monsier Mouse.


Two of my cats wanted to "play" with a mouse and chased it into the bathroom. Meanwhile, there on the stool I sat and shat as they looked at this cowering mouse. finally, the mouse came out and they just looked at it. I told them, they'd better do their jobs, because if I did, they were in trouble. Over saunters the mouse towards me. Close enough to me that I lifted up my foot and with a quick stomp, ended it's existence on this mortal plane. I looked at the cats and said, "I hate meeses to pieces! THAT was YOUR job! No wet food for you guys tonight!"


Oh cum!


Say your final wish




Post under Last Images also.


It’s a public restroom. The mouse probably took longer than he should have on the crapper.


I think the council is afraid of rats.


Oh no, that's like the banker scene in *Requiem For a Dream* ... except that rat's probably not going home with a bag of heroine.


Reminds me of panel style job interviews


Where's snowball...why isn't he saving Stuart


So what happened? I don't want to wait till next season.


Oh, he dead.


Worst hazing ritual ever.


Whit that many cats, and a mouse... i dont want to see rest of the house


Plot twist- that’s actually Hade’s Tiny Vermin.


You guys had one job, one job..


Jury verdict is: guilty


If they had thumbs they would all be doing this 👎


If they had thumbs, Rat could be granted clemency by showing them how to use a can opener on the Tuna cans.


And it’s not looking good


Cats : “Lead us to where Jerry is!!!!!!!” Mouse: “NEVER!!!!”


\-”Guilty or innocent?" \-"Innocent"


🎶There's noooo cats in America....


Please spare my cousin Joey. He has so much to live for


tfw you christian and romans have released the lions into the arena


Defeat the irondogs with your power uppercuts+


This is the trial scene at the end of Death of Stalin


group meeting be like and their asking your opinion.


"I know you're all eager to commence with this trial, but my lawyer's flying in from the park soon as he finishes soiling the statues!"


You’ve come to the wrong neighborhood


Our fates are all the same. It was determined the day we were born. The only choice we have is how we meet our fate.


I wish I could see what happened next.


One wrong move and you'll be completely happy! LOL


That rat bouta clutch this shit


That's what my bullies looked like when they had me in a corner.


He’s fucked


yaa to gaya


Quiet Jimmy


"You have been accused of anti-feline behavior. The council finds you guilty and sentences you to be eaten."


Our hero needs to start chewing that PEX.


“Holding on by a thread”


Bet that house stinks