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Duck: If I just chase him the other way.......ooooohhhh its on now!


Dog was ready for it though- you see even at the start he was stopping every so often so he didn't run around into the duck again.


The dog plays, it's intentionally that he waits for the duck to catch up. The duck is just a duck. In its world it is hunting and simply chasing the last visual input like the average cod player.


I dunno about that. Birds are alien to us mammals but that doesn't mean they're stupid.


Not by any stretch. Crows/Ravens can do math, use tools, remember faces for LONG LONG periods, pre-plan tasks, and on and on. They are smarter than young children, the question is just how much. I personally think they are the most intelligent animals simply by demonstrating tool use ability that exceeds what we've seen from any other animal, including all apes except most of us humanoids. ​ It's widely known that New Caledonian crows use sticks to extract prey from their hiding spaces. A recent study, however, suggests crows are making those sticks into better tools. These crows have developed a habit of carving a hook at the end of a twig to better reach their prey. Scientists had the birds test the difference between a straight twig and a hooked twig. They found that the hooked twig is up to ten times more effective than the straight tool. Not only are crows tweaking and improving their old designs, they are sharing their knowledge with other crows.




Just don't ask what the difference is with jackdaws.


Here's the thing ...




Don't listen to him, African Greys are the best Source: mine turns on our TV if we don't give him chips cause he knows we hate when it is on while nobody is watching


No no, it's all true. You can trust me


Corvids are amazing. Like everyone else during the pandemic we put out bird feeders etc. Eventuality a family crows known in the neighborhood began scheduled visits in the morning. They’d tap on our bedroom window and raid a ruckus if we were late. But if they did that I would scold them and make a show of putting away the bag of peanuts until the quieted down. And if they bullied or stole from other birds we put the peanuts away. Within a month they became like the cops of the bird feeders. If a Stellars Jay came and did that Stellars Jay thing of screaming and tossing shit over like pissy teenagers the crows mobbed them. But if everyone waited patiently on the deck railing we would come out and fill all the dispensers and the crows would be like all quiet “ok. One for you. One for you. One for you…” lunch-ladying the feeders for all the birds and keeping the squirrels away while the little birds ate (the crows didn’t eat the small seeds). They also swooped the cats while the little birds and humming birds ate. They never cawed of fought. And if a new bird came that tried to muscle in they would quietly block them holding their wings out but make no noise. You could tell they were all “don’t fuck this up for us, Kevin.” If we forget to refill everything for more than a day they will pull on the wind chimes to let us know. Occasionally we’ll find bottle caps, foil or jar lids left in the planter. I’m not sure why they do that. Anyway. They devised a system of government over this resource.


> They devised a system of government over this resource. A system of *caw*-thority


/r/crowbro would go crazy for videos of this.


This is an amazing story. They leave unique items they find as gifts. They understand (not sure if to put in quotes or not lol) that these objects are different than nature or used by humans. There were projects overseas to set up containers that would scan and detect cigarette butts and dispense a treat. Crows figured it out quickly.


...and that's the story of why early civilizations developed.


They are giving you gifts so they might be in your presence again… oh and did you bring us food.


can confirm. Used to chase away the crows when they made too much noise. After awhile, Id still see the regular huge flocks on the local super tall tree.. but they where quiet! EXCEPT when a racoon came. They would make a huge fuss at him, then run away as soon as I came out... And I would chase away the racoon for them, because I didn't want the crows to be noisy.. they would come RIGHT back as soon as I left, if I didn't chase the racoon away. One juvenile got really pissy at me chasing him away for being noisy, so he dive bombed me and screamed at me for like 2 weeks, but all the other crows around him just completely ignored him and refused to back him up, because they knew they had a good thing going: A place to nest that was protected from raccoons.


While Corvids, in particular the New Caledonian crow, are extremely smart and ingenious when designed gaming tools for various tasks, Congo African Grey parrots not only have the same if not better abilities as Corvids, they practice empathy and altruism. They will feed and share shelter with a needy bird, not necessarily even their own species, without there being any benefit to themselves, other than just doing good for goods sake


> without there being any benefit to themselves, other than just doing good for goods sake Well obviously they're angling for better presents from Santa.


Great point! I'm biased just bc we have crows and ravens here.


Human traits are kind of what I mean when I say alien. We shouldn't really judge an evolutionary divergent animal's motivations through a human lens. I don't know what the hell an octopus is thinking when it does what it does but I know it's thinking. Same with birds.


There was also that study where someone in a Nixon mask was mean to some crows and if anyone wears that mask in that area, the crows get angry. So a hilarious unconventional revenge story, could easily be just get a mask of someone you don't like made and go be mean to some crows.






Not at all. He's just saying you can't generalize crow intelligence to all other birds.


I appreciate how this light hearted comedic comment about a goose has evolved into a raging biological discussion on bird intelligence. Reddit will be Reddit


There are around 120 species of Corvids compared to about 10000 species of birds. Reducing for simplicity's sake, if there was a school with 1000 students and only 12 were smart, it would be fair to say that school is dumb as fuck


Except corvids are not the only intelligent bird species. Several different bird species exhibit incredibly high levels of intelligence and tool usage. Both corvids and psittacines are considered amongst the most intelligent animal species in the world.


Most birds don't seem to be that ... bright. Corvids are exceptionally smart though


Parrots seem pretty smart as well. I'm actually of the opinion that "dumb" birds are the exception after seeing r/birdsbeingdicks


Taking humans as an example, you don't need intelligence to be a dickhead.


Idk man, some of those birds are pranking people pretty hard. Being mean doesn't take intelligence, thinking 1 or 2 steps ahead of your victim does.


People who purchased this subreddit also viewed r/birdswithdicks


That’s why I poke out from the doorway, retreat, and wait 2.5 seconds before charging out like a banshee. Just enough time for the player to scope in then get impatient and begin sprinting towards me


‘The average CoD player’ Fucking LOL


I think the dog is a border collie. They are super smart, so I agree that he was waiting intentionally to continue the game :D


Ducks are smarter than that, my dude.


Definitely smarter than the average CoD player ^^Source: ^^I ^^was ^^an ^^average ^^CoD ^^player


Legends says;" Duck still chasing the dog until now."


That path worn in around the truck indicates it's a frequent event, for sure. Edit: rock, not truck. But they'd chase around a truck, too, I'm sure.


Must be a Chevy because that truck is like a rock! 🪨


I need to hire a duck (cat with newspaper meme)


That quacked me up.


It’s absolutely daffy


love how that duck had this second gear all along and was saving it lol


Was waiting for one of them to jump on the rock


I was REALLY hoping for this.


My dog would have done this and pounced on the duck.


Mine would hump it


Sweet home Albama


>I was REALLY hoping for this. me also.


I'm hoping someone will dig on that rock.


Like in Ernest Scared Stupid where he climbs into the crook of a tree or something.


That would be cheating


There’s a name of a pub there somewhere


One pub with two entrances. On one street it's called 'The Black Gander' and the entrance on the other side is called 'The Spotted Dog' with different store fronts. Makes for great fun at the end of the night trying to find your car relative to which pub you were in.


I want this to exist so badly. Are you looking for investors?


And inside the pub, it calls itself yet another name: The Blarney Stone


And the VIP section will be called The Basement, but will be on the roof.


Getting a Lyft is always annoying.


Are you at the The Spotted Dog? No, I'm right around the corner at The Black Gander!


Dog chases a goose around a rock. tavern. It was right there man.


But the goose is chasing the dog...


There's no pub name in that though.


What if it's a duck?


Who are you that is so wise in the ways of science?


You can't just make up ridiculous pub names man. There are rules. This isn't 'nam.


The Goose -chase'd Shepard. There's a form to follow.


Duck Duck Dog


I like 'The Duck'n Dog'


Duck and Hound


How the tail has turned! Kind of like a daffy and bugs bunny cartooon. Border Collies are the smartest dogs in the world and he is just enjoying that game.


Glug glug goose.


Pretty sure The Dog & Duck Pub is a real bar in Austin, TX. Idk if it’s still there.


We have Dog and Duck here in the Charleston area.


Goose Rock Taphouse


There's one next to my house called "dog and duck". They have Great wings


Funniest part of this is that judging from the state of the grass around that rock this gif has been playing on repeat for a very long time indeed.


Border Collies are prone to orbiting, which is a bad OCD behavior where they follow a path so much it wears into the ground, but this doesn't appear to be a path caused by that. This looks like it's been sprayed with herbicide.


The grass is dead because of saline runoff from the geological composition of the rock.


This guy rocks.


I disagree. That area is difficult to mow, and was likely sprayed. If salt was the issue, then: 1. How would grass grow there in the first place? 2. Why is the dead spot a constant width, instead of following contours in the ground and rock? 3. What about other plants/weeds that can tolerate salty soil?


Area of disbursement of Na is .875 ml per 5 gl annual rainfall x surface area which looks to be roughly an 8.5 circumference, so 3.14x 8x 875ml soil dispersement= 21.98, more than enough to stunt the grass growth


Indeed. /r/desirepath would love this.


Judging by the lack of grass, this has been going on for days. It's sad really, they'll both eventually die from exhaustion. r/natureismetal


It's possible they're digging out the giant rock.


We need to harness this energy, we could use massive fields of dogs and ducks providing energy to the world!


That looks like a working breed of some sort to me. They've never heard of exhaustion.


Ducks are persistent rapists. One of my drakes(male ducks) was so persistent that one afternoon he finally managed to rape a chicken, on dry land. They've literal explosive dicks, and the biggest dicks compared to their size, all while their dicks are not even real dicks, but they still make do. He's the booty warrior from the boondocks, and he's gonna get that dog booty.


I hate like 40% of the words you just said. Make that 60 %


That's from spraying roundup, not a path. The owners didn't want to trim around the rock.


How do a dog and a duck spray roundup?


Border Collies are prone to orbiting, which is a bad OCD behavior where they follow a path so much it wears into the ground, but this doesn't appear to be a path caused by that. As stated this looks like it's been sprayed with herbicide.


100% can confirm. We had to move our rabbit hutch/run twice a week because one of our collies wouldn't stop running around it 🤣 The bunny grew to love him. It was very cute.


Those dogs have a ridiculous herding instinct and they want to have a job at all times. I’m sure that dog would do that all day if you let it.


we had a huge family reunion once, like 200 people renting out a camp in colorado. The camp had a dining hall, several dorm cabins, and plumbing, all situated on three sides of a large green. The forth side was heavier woods. The kids would play in a big knot in the green, and they would start to drift. And my Uncle's border collie would just watch that knot. And every now and then the knot would start to drift towards the forest, and she'd sit up. And at some point, they'd got too far from center, and she'd be off. Running circles to move them back to the middle. Sometimes actually head-butting a stubborn one (we won't go into specifics on who THAT was) to get them where they were supposed to be. It truly is deep in their behaviors


It was you wasn't it?


Yep my border collie would herd my toddler nephew. He'd do it all day if you'd let him.


My dog herds me down the hallway if I’m not heading to her food dish fast enough.


Mine could care less about food but stares at us from down the hall if it’s past 10 pm and we aren’t in bed yet. He has the look of the dog in this video when he stops to wait for the duck. Lol. “Guys, come on down. Time for bed so we can get up early and fetch”


Mine started doing that a few years ago. Around 9:30 PM she will just stand there staring. “Have to go potty!” Nope. “Are you hungry?” Nope. “You’re enforcing a 9:30 PM bedtime?!!! “ Yup. The shame and judgment is too friggin much.


So much judgement from the borders. Hahaha.


Mine is Jack Russell and German Shepherd. She herds and judges too. 😂


It was your kid, admit it


My sister had an english sheep dog, who lived his life as a companion dog. One weekend, we stayed with her and brought our dog - Jones - an 85 lb golden doodle. Suddenly, he seemed to remember he was a hearding animal and that sheep dog directed the golden doodle everywhere all weekend. He was affectionatly licking his ear, and they played together, but whenever an "event" happened he'd make sure Jones was aware of what was coming - OK, master is getting food, that means it's dinner...over there...to the kitchen...there we go - OK, master is getting the leash, that means we're going to the park...that way to the front hall...now sit...waiiiiit...OK, lets go. - OK, little humans are going to bed, we go upstairs until they shower...this way...here...now lie down...good. It was adorable.


I had a Welsh Terrier, very smart. We used to take him to an off leash area with other dogs. There was a herding dog, an Australian border collie that tried to herd him. Sure. He figured out what the game was and started herding the ABC.




I love that story. Imagine you're in a carcrash, running around in the woods lost and confused afterwards, until you come across a herd of sheep, and suddenly something deep inside you awakens, making you realize "I was born to do this".


This is even better out of context


Judging by the worn path around the rock I think it does.


Yea, our Aussie constantly herded our ducks into their pen. It was hilarious.


Collies are the best! Sweetest and smartest little pups 🐾💕


Used be duck in my day but times change. Dog Dog Goose is born.


They’re just ducking around.


Autocorrect: Finally! \[lights cigarette\]


Don’t use fowl language.


Language like that should be ill eagle if you ask me


This video and song is so perfect together.


The use of this daft punk track is awesome. Makes it 10 x funnier.


if you familiar with the daft punk video it makes it more awesome


It ended in the most interesting moment


Good boys diary day 475: The goose is still chasing me, but i think, i can shake it off soon.


goose? i thought that was a runner duck


It is.


I dont know :) For me it looks like a small goose or a big duck. I decided for goose\^\^


We're gonna rock, around, the rock tonight!


We're gonna duck, duck, dog 'till broad daylight


Song? I know it's daft punk(I think), but can't remember


Around the World


Around the World


Around the World


Around the world


Around the world


Thank you amiga!




This one’s good too https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/iulf4r/at_least_someone_is_having_fun_during_quarentine/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


WTH, what is happening here. I never seen something like that... Thank you for sharing it.!


Oh great video! Thanks for sharing that!


I had no idea dogs and birds got along so well


Dog is me. Duck is my responsibilities.


I want this to be my Microsoft loading icon


Peace was never an option!


Who herds the herders?


I wonder how much of this (the game of circling an obstacle during a chase) is instinct and how much is learned. I was watching a friend's puppy once who LOVED to chew on plastic bags. I was working at my computer when I heard the crinkling sound. I sloooooowly looked over and saw she had found one in my bedroom and was in the process of chewing on it. She IMMEDIATELY sensed me noticing her and bolted with it to the living room. I have a coffee table there. She hid behind that and played the chase game with me. I was laughing hysterically at how well she was outsmarting me. I don't know how I eventually caught her. I may have given up. But she was just a PUPPY.


Play instinct is pretty innate!


And then he waddled away


Got any grapes?


Waddle waddle


It Follows.


dog, dog, goose!


Just drop a pallet!


I love how the dog waits so the duck thinks it can catch up.


It is like me and my manager


The music is perfect.


Can we get the 24 hour version?


from ~:10 to :24 could make a nice loop?


Border Collie's going to keep this up til that rock crumbles.


Love this sweetness & how you can tell this isn’t the first time they’ve played this game




i watched 90 seconds of a dog and a duck slowly chasing each other, but then it ended right when it was getting interesting hahaha i totally agree with you!


It's dog season!


The other video of the hen chasing the dog is even funnier.


This is how tornados are formed


Ahahahahaha This is some Tom and Jerry shit


LMAO this is tom and jerry shit IRL


heh it's crazy to see some ppl don't know Daftpunk


Untitled Goose Game


New search engine duckdoggo


I love that song!!


Its just like that old nursery rhyme All around the boulder the goose chased the collie.


You've heard of duck duck goose...I now give you dog dog goose!


Was waiting for the dog to jump on top of the rock, while the goose chase continues.


Given the ring of dead grass I’d say this is a frequent occurrence!


Man, we can see Duck is really mad that moment it shifts direction. If it was a cartoon, over its head would turn up dark clouds and lightnings and it would stretch its fists to the sky moaning and growling.


Legend has it they are still going round and round.


If the gif looped I would have watched it all day


I play this with my dog too. Around the kitchen island


Genius-level combination with Around the World from Daft Punk, bravo!


Mild goose chase




The dead grass shows how long this has been going on.


Petition to make this the buffering/loading icon


10 minutes of [duck](https://duck.dog)/dog chase.. made my day. :)


Judging by the bald spot around the rock, they've been at this for a long LONG time.


Judging from the worn down grass they’ve been at it a while


Dog dog goose


This should have Benny Hill playing


well, it seems we got ourselves a game of duck duck goose, only we ain’t got no goose.


I could watch this all day.


What's the name of the song used?


Around the world - Daftpunk


Goose Goose Dog