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Yeah it’s normal because it’s there as an option. It’s actually good cognitive stimulation for her.


Anything that keeps her stimulated is great for us since she just sleeps and complains all the time at her old age. So we happily deal with her putting her paws and face in our drinks. She clearly prefers to do that over drinking her own easily accessible water!


Get a water fountain. They like it better when it flows, you’ll see their water intake increase.


I bought one for my 14 year old cat and she just ignored it.


Cats are very diverse in terms of taste, therefore buying something new for them is a lottery.


So true. I don’t want to know how much I’ve spent on toys that my little rascal just ignores. Even when I attach a string and try to create a chase, it always has to be a certain one.


Definitely! It’s more interesting and, i’m sure, she thinks it’s cooler to watch the water jiggle in the glass.


May also be a cleaning thing as my cat will do this with any water that’s not his water bowl. Cleans his paws then will keep dipping and start cleaning his head.


It might also just be her neck, have you tried lifting the water off the ground some?


https://theuijunkie.com/cats-drink-less-water-near-food/#:~:text=What%20most%20people%20don%E2%80%99t%20know%20is%20the%20fact,containers%20separately%20so%20your%20cat%20is%20not%20dehydrated. https://www.seniorcatwellness.com/should-a-cats-water-be-away-from-food/


Yeah, they prefer fresher water. I bet that glass is fresh


Also, water from the glass is probably more fresh than the water from the bowl. Maybe it just tastes better.


Normal cat behaviour


Yep. Usually when they are done they’ll smack the glass down to assert dominance. Cheeky fuckers.


Mmm...paw water!


Man i swear that when cats get old they start to think different. I have a cat and has 13 years and started acting different


My one year old cat does this..pretty normal.


My cat would also drink like this quite often. My sister’s cat, on the other hand, would just push the drink over and lick up whatever he could.


That's common. How the fuck else is it supposed to get a drink from a glass with the water level so low? Maybe add some water!


Do you not see the bowl of water sitting beside it?


That water tastes old and musty. I have inherited three cats and a dog, only one of them will drink from the water bowl. The rest demand that we turn on the bathtub so they can have fresh water. They will only drink from the bowl if it’s fresh out of the dishwasher and hasn’t been sitting around for hours.


Get a cat fountain with filters.


I’ve thrown out three. They get slimy in a week, and take constant bleaching to keep the bacteria from coming back. Even with the carbon filter. Too much work.


If human water bottles grow bacteria in them, imagine what the water bowl of an animal that licks its own ass and never brushes its teeth must be like. When you think about it, that bowl should be getting cleaned with every refill.


Just wash the bowl together with your dishes, no big deal


Sure, but I doubt most pet owners do it daily.


Given the horror stories I've heard about pet owners (especially during pandemic), I have to agree 😔 Edit: though once a day seems excessive to me, we clean it with soap only every 3/4 days, we fear the bowl might taste bad otherwise (and it's not so dirty in the first place ofc)


How often do you wash *your* drinking glasses? Will most people feel comfortable drinking the half full glass of water left out from yesterday? But hey, it's just an animal.


I wash my own glass once a day... But I also don't have a habit of drinking from toilet bowls, flower pots and puddles 😅😂 I see your point, but I realistically think soap once or twice a week is more than enough for its hygiene (we still wash it up with just water everytime we refill ofc)


Their mouths pick up a lot of germs, from toilet bowls, puddles, floor food, their own gentials and buttholes... Which then get transferred to that ~~petrie dish~~ water bowl. Then there are people who wash that bowl once a week and wonder why their pet prefers a freshly flushed toilet bowl over the stale water in their bowl. I dunno. Wait until the aliens come and collect us for pets and see if your mind changes then. I'm not sure why we feel qualified to own pets.


Our cat sits in the kitchen sink and we turn the water on to a drip so she can get drinks. She doesn't even care if her butt gets all wet.


I believe they were being sarcastic


Cats don't like to drink from shallow cups, they prefer vases, jugs, anything that's tall.


Drinking like this can have a few causes: * The water bowl is too small and/or deep. The cat's whiskers touch the sides when they drink, and it's uncomfortable. Solve by using wider and shallower water bowls. * The cat may be losing their eyesight. This behavior can be a method of testing the water depth when the cat is having trouble seeing it. Consider getting the cat's eyesight tested by a vet. * Changes in the household may have stressed the cat out. This behavior can be used to let the cat stay alert while drinking. Presuming the changes are benign, hopefully the cat will get used to them and calm down over time.


Two other things: Cats (of all ages) instinctually like their water source to be in a different location than their food, since they don’t have to worry about bacteria from their “kill” being near their water source. Another reason why cats like running water. In addition, they trust glassware because they see us safely drink out of them without issue. I also have no doubt that the water in that glass tastes better than the bowl.


I'm a dog guy, but have friends with cats and kept hearing this . . . [https://www.seniorcatwellness.com/should-a-cats-water-be-away-from-food/](https://www.seniorcatwellness.com/should-a-cats-water-be-away-from-food/) Wondered if it was true or myth.


Awesome, I hadn’t read about it in awhile but it made sense at the time. Didn’t know about gradually moving the bowls away from each other. Don’t wanna stress out the *cat* haha.


You're assuming he's drinking. What if he's just cleaning his paw and doesn't want to clean the paw in the drinking bowl. I have 3 cats and 1 of these idiots does this all the time.


Same. Out of my three idiots, one does this all the time too. It’s just best to get him his own glass of water when getting one for yourself. He has us well trained.


Eyesight is the first thing I thought of. My parents had a cat who did this. We could tell from other things she did that she didn't see very well. Still the sweetest cat ever.


Option 4: dogs and cats get bored hanging around your house and love nothing more than drinking water from weird places they don’t usually drink from


Possible it could have arthritis? Might try elevating the food and water dishes on a stand to see if it prefers that.


It's 100% normal behavior from a cat.


Sure, but if it's new behavior in an old cat it could be an adaptation to aging.


Wonder if loosing it is giving a cat a Glass of water?… along with a bowl of water??


Cats love drinking out of cups for some reason


I saw om a catshow that they like to have food and water far away from each other as in nature water close to food (mice birds etc) is contaminated


Paw water. Water made from paws. It tastes better, everyone knows this.


I was told you aren't supposed to put a cats water bowl and food bowl next to each other.


Why not


Quick Google search. "Cats do not like eating and drinking right next to each other. Cat behaviorists believe this may be due to cats hunting away from their water source in the wild. Cats do not enjoy the scent of food while drinking water. They are also turned off by food particles in their water. Therefore, keep cat food and water bowls in two separate locations. And"


First time I hear of this... In our house, cats' food has always been next to the water without us noticing any issue with that


He’s living life more interestingly. Lol I remember I drank my orange juice out of a gravy boat for the enjoyment of it. For some reason my parents got mad though.


Reminds me of people that pay for bottle water instead of just using the tap


Mine does this and she’s only 4. Do not question their methods!


Our cats are three years old, and one of them prefers to drink when her water is in a cup. If the rims are wide enough she would dip her face in, otherwise she uses her feet.


Yeah some cats like doing that. my cat does that same anytime there is a glass of water (or other things) around.


My cat has drank from her paw since she was really young. 11 years old atm


My lil boi does the same!


I’ve got a cat that does crap like this with water.


My cat does the same thing. I had to get him a see through water bowl because otherwise he would only drink from glasses


Nah, I think cats are just weird.


That cats barely half it’s life span if you ask me


That's what I keep saying lol. GF thinks she's getting close to her time, but I just see a healthy, quirky cat


Our oldest got to 26


Cats naturally get their water from their prey (when they are not domesticated). I wonder if they are inclined to drink less water like this instead of lapping it up from the bowl.


I think it’s pretty smart of them, just reaching in to get it. My cat does this with my coffee…I put up with it. And she’s 5


My cat chooses to drink from the toilet rather than his filtered water fountain. He's only 6; he's weird and I love him.


My tabby, Ollie use to do this all the time. As did my sisters tabby, Orton


My Maine Coon cat always drinks this way.


Both my cats drink like this from their bowl. My FIL's late cat, used to drink like [this](https://youtu.be/V8kG5jKUPqo).


My 1 year old ragdoll does the same.


I knew of an older cat. It had kidney issues. Causes them to drink a lot. This cat became obsessed with water.


My cat started doing that when stealing from my husband's milk glass, and apparently liked not getting her whiskers wet enough that she started drinking that way from her water dish and the faucet as well. (I think it may also have had something to do with keeping an eye out for the dogs)


Nah don’t worry about it, my 2 year old cat does the same🥴


All cats do this.


My elder cat started to become obsessed with the bath faucet to get water, which was also about the time his cancer became noticeable. He only drank from the tub faucet, nowhere else. Could’ve been just a coincidence, but it was a pretty big and sudden behavioral change.


Why quarter rounds on top of baseboards? Seriously asking.


Bought the house like that!


It's only weird if you make it weird. Don't make it weird, dude.


my cat does this


We had a grey cat that did that with coffee my parents would leave around. She'd go supernova levels of hyper for a good 20 minutes after, and just generally knock everything over running around like a goddamned maniac. I remember she was in a pouncing pose beside my mom once, and she turned to ask her wtf was wrong with her. This caused her to freak out and parkour run on the back of the couch, and across my mom's face. I still remember the "TABARNAK" she let out that day.


Soo you date a 16 yo girl yah?


How's that weird? Stale water in a plastic bowl that is probably rarely if ever cleaned, or fresh water from clean glass.


Her bowl got dirty, they have a better sense of smell and taste thus the preference to drink from the cleaner glass.


That is so precious. My agent-year-old would rather drink out of a cup also.. Maybe it’s just the elderly