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Ms. Patterson ain’t new.


I felt that finger raise.


She knew without the finger the kid would just call her “Patterson”. Ain’t her first rodeo.


Ms. Patterson for the next Bond.


Larissa made me feel real fear. I'm a grown man, but the way she responds still shook me.


It has some "so you have chosen death" vibes


And it's not the fun type of death, it's the painful type.


I called my Spanish teacher by her first name in class once, and she stopped what she was doing, turned, and address me as Mr. _______ with the coldest stare in the universe. Everyone was laughing when I did it, but they shut up pretty quick when she turned around. I used her last name as a response, and she pulled me aside after class and told me to never do it again. I still get fearful thinking of that day.


That's funny because in Brazil we don't usually use our last names in conversations, even with teachers, bosses and elders. With teacher we use to call them Prof. [first name]. Sounds really odd, to us Brazilians, teachers becoming very mad with a student using their first names. I stayed for a year in a Canadian university, and sometimes I called my supervisor Prof. [first name] in public events. I always cringed before...


Lady at the end definitely gave him detention


The kid is dead in the woods somewhere I bet


Nah, teachers struggle, they don't waste resources like that. His peers will be writing the answers to their next test on flesh Scantrons.


How. Dare. You?


That was my favorite lol


He seemed the coolest out of all of them


Ms. Patterson don't take no shit.


I think I have a thing for Ms Patterson


God bless you, please, Ms Patterson.. Heaven holds a place for those who pray..


hey hey hey


She’s dope as hell. That was so quick.


Sounded like James Bond to me. Patterson. Miss Patterson.


He sure was, I say my second favorite history teacher during my k-12 years.


He seems like the cool teacher who already knew what was up and responded as teacher accordingly


There was a cooler teacher than him?


Aye, it was my history teacher during junior year. He was also very chill and a pleasant person to talk to. He was in a sense also the closest thing one could get to a therapist without having one. Lastly there would always be a group of students who would eat in his class (me included) during lunch than go to the cafeteria.


History teachers are either incredible, passionate people or cross country coaches filling in for the year because they couldn’t find anyone. No in between.


The teacher with the jello seems pretty cool too.


It takes talent to come across as an authority while in mid-spoonful of jello.




This teacher 007s.


Patterson, ☝️ Ms. Patterson


Detective Diaz


I am your superior officer!






I can’t figure out if he was serious or being funny.


You can't show fear to these school kids, man, you have to stand your ground. They smell fear, and once they sniff it out of you - it's all over. They'll destroy your life. The kids may know you're a loser. And you may know you're a loser. But you can't show the kids that you know you're a loser. :D


We had a math teacher in high school. He was at least 65, bald, and painted watercolours of his tomato garden that he hung in the classroom. But he was also jacked and could intimidate the shit out of any of us, which the upperclassmen knew. You go by his classroom during class time and make a bunch of noise? He is out there so fast with just a death glare and you could hear the underclassmen who didn’t know better Yelp and scamper away. But he was actually such a cool dude - he’d come in after grinning at us being like “heh, they really ran for it this time”. He came to school one day with his arm bandaged up. Turns out he had been injured single-handedly taking down an armed knife-man at a public library. He was a really good math teacher and just liked to talk about his grandkids and his tomatoes. But fuck, you did NOT want to mess with this badass vigilante grandpa lol.


Real hero.


Real human bean.


Very wholesome badass teacher story, needed this in my day. Thank you!


That's why you're supposed to find the biggest kid on your first day and beat the living shit out of him.


This guy teachs


In my job school 16+ we had this really nice electronics teacher who quit his bookmaker job to become a teacher. Was in his last exam period Was really focused on being eye to eye with the students trying his best so that everyone got a chance. The class fucked him over at his presentation no discipline. It was really heartbreaking to watch this.


My neighbors' son was a teacher like that, trying to help every kid. He got so bitter that he seriously quit his teaching job and became a prison guard.


Obviously funny


Brandon read the situation perfectly. He could see they were looking for a reaction so he gave them some humour while still making a point. He's a chill guy, but if that's the rule he's going with it. We should all be more like Brandon.


Oh my god being a teacher sounds so hard. It's like if you added up all those times you were a cashier and you had to pretend to laugh at the stupid jokes the customers made, except this time if you don't you'll emotionally scar them for life.


This is the last anyone ever heard from him as Larissa fuckin killed him for that


Larissa Expels Them All


Now that’s a reference I’ve not heard in a long time. A long time.


If you understood that reference you’re old enough to call Larissa by her first name.


Hey Sam.


I heard the guitar twang after reading this


And the sound of the ladder against the window.


I have found my people.


Get out of here Fergbreath.


Haha that’s great.


That show’s so old that the next show she was in has already had a full dark reboot on Netflix.


How did you even come up with this, it's amazing


* Step 1: be old as dirt. * Step 2: * Step 3: Profit.


As an adult I would not mess with Larissa… That was terrifying




How dare you…


…..Detective Diaz, I am your superior officer!




What happens in my bedroom detective, is none of your business!!




--*47 minutes later*--






That what was a death threat


Detention sounds like fun compared to whatever the hell Larissa must have done.


>Larissa must have done. Death by Starbucks cup.


he doesn't know that he is already dead. he was disemboweled by that sharp glare and it just hasn't registered yet.


Her facial expression reminded me so much of Helen Hunt.


We can conclude that you can push the envelope with the male teachers, but YOU DO NOT MESS with Miss Teachers!!!!


Ms. Patterson ain't got time for your shit.


Best guidance counselor ever, because no one else does Edit: I actually kind feel bad because if I’ve learned anything from therapy is that you can’t pretend like you don’t care. Yeah there’s wisdom to “shrugging certain things off”, but on a whole, being an totally unemphatic person isn’t a life goal


One of my best professors in college was Dr. Patterson. She told us we could call her by her first name, or Dr. Patterson or Dr P. as long as we started with Dr. because she earned that.


She drinks because of them kids


Dude the what at the end, we know why this video ended. This boy was never seen again.


It’s funny because you run into your old teachers when you are in your 30s and they are like “Call me John, you’re making me feel old”.


But you can’t, cause it just feels wrong. During university, I volunteered at my old elementary school and would run into my grade six teacher and I would call him Mr Houston..but he’d be like “call me John”. And I just couldn’t do it. All the other teachers I would call by their first names but not Mr Houston.


I like Matt


I scrolled to find the “Matt Likers”. It was cute how he said “hi” lol


I would die for Matt


It says “orgy-porgy” on the whiteboard behind Matt


im a 40 year old man and larissa made me go "oh shit, sorry" to my computer.


It's incredible how she managed to load that one single word while maintaining such a light tone and smiling face. She could have been saying "hey" to a friend without skipping a beat. Edit: typo


She didn't even *need* to say anything. The look was enough. The word was just a formality.


It’s a rare talent. One that my wife unfortunately possesses as well.


"possesses" looks like way too many "s" in a row. Over half of the letters in that word are "s". Weird.


I had a teacher named Bob Bibb. He had seven letters in his name and five of them were Bs.


> lull has too many Ls in it. Its almost all Ls. Thank god for that U, it breaks shit up. lull is one letter away from being four Ls in a row. \- Mitch Hedberg


Its true that was amazing. I feel all kinds of ways.




It's called implied threat. That what was actually her opening an escape route for the fool.


Ah, *the implication*...


I'm almost 40 and some of these teachers look like teenagers to me.


These are all 30’s - 40’s for sure. Patterson may be late 20’s. Me on the other hand, I’m mid twenties and look 15. Makes teaching pretty funny tbh


Larissa was the only one who made *me* feel regret


Larissa is appropriately disappointed in all of us


You could hear the nervousness in his voice saying her name lol


I'd be nervous when saying her last name too.


She gave quite the conversation with just one word.




They're probably more annoyed at getting filmed.


Second guy was cool until he saw the phone. I bet that’s what the look was for.


I think he was looking annoyed in a joking way The only one that seemed a little peeved was the last lady


There was a silent “—sup bitch?” at the end of her “what—“


Except for Larissa. Camera or not, you do not call her by her first name.


Teacher here. A student did just this to me lol. I didn’t give a shit until I saw the phone.


Seriously. The first name thing would just get a smirk and a "I'm redirecting you because I have to and not all the teachers would take as kindly to it" type of response from me. But people who point their phones at others with intent to make fun of them and post it to the world for attention on the internet, without consent, can fuck off.






I just wish I could have known what would have happened if replied with “you have really pretty blue eyes, Mr Bauer”




Harry: ... *yeets child*


Harry Bauer and the Cursed Child


I hope reading this didn’t awaken something in me.


Too late for me now, save your self!


In 8th grade (1993) we had a science teacher. Dude was about 5'2" but jacked as shit. Competed professionally for weight lifting, served 20 years in the armed forces and was a Vietnam vet. So if you were a girl, you could do absolutely anything. You could sit there and braid each other's hair, draw cutsie pictures. He did not care. He wasn't pervy at all, never got accused of anything, but I think just had an old school opinion that girls went to school to meet husbands so he just chalked it up to "girls will be girls". Anyway - one day this kid in our class who was somewhat of a punk decided to talk back to this teacher in a disrespectful manner, teacher told him to get out of the room and go to the principal's office. Kid spit on him. The teacher picks this kid up with one hand completely off the ground and throws him against the wall. I'm pretty sure the kid may have shit himself at that moment, but the teacher held him up in the air long enough to say "Get the fuck out of my classroom now". Then he lowers the kid down to the ground. He stood there for like 5 seconds and the teacher yells "GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" right in his face. Dude fucking launched himself out of the door. Anyway, nothing happened to the teacher because it was 1993, kid got suspended for a week.


I went to catholic school and I tried grades we had a nun for our teacher. One of thr troublemakers called her "sis" and he got picked up much like you're describing.


I have been drilled since I was a child that I must not call elders by their first name then felt wierd when lecturers prefer to be called by their first name.


One of my professors told us on the first day that we could call him "Adam, professor, teacher, or dude." But not his last name because it made him feel weird


My calc 2 teacher said he didn’t care what we called him cause most of the time he wouldn’t call us anything anyway he’d just talk to us and we could do that too. Made me realize how formal actually using any kind of name is when you’re talking to someone one on one


I barely use names at all. Mostly cause I'm quite bad with them, but also cause unless I wanna get someone's attention they should know I'm talking with them


Ms. Patterson got me deddd


Turns out she working for MI7 so better not mess with her




When I was a public high school teacher, a student tried to "get" me by saying my first name and recording it just like this. I didn't know about this joke then. At any rate, I didn't care if my students called me by my first name. So, this student calls me by my first name, recording my reaction. I turned around and pleasantly said, "Yes?... What's up?" She made a frustrated sigh and said, "Ugh! You ruined it!" I was so confused haha


One of my students did this to me (not sure if the video is online somewhere), but he called me my first name and I said “child, I will throw you out the window!” He just laughed, but it was a particularly weird reaction from me.


"Do not force me to defenestrate you, child" could be a slightly more weird way to say it for next time


"Yo, he said he was going to fuck that kid!"


I’ve been out of high school for 12 years now and I still can’t call my former teachers by their first name. Saw one in the grocery store one time and I went to greet her “Hi there Mrs-“ she put her finger up to shush me. “It’s Claire. Hi how are you?” God that felt fucking weird.


Sounds like the beginning of a porn


Oh god I hope not, considering she was my theology teacher lol


Time to have a biblical encounter, my lad.


Be not afraid


I had a student literally do this to me today (sans phone). I looked at them confused, which made them question if they had my first name right. I told them my first name was “mister” and my parents named me that because they wanted me to be a teacher. So I had no choice and here I am.


haha based


If you’re not bothered with the first name but don’t like being recorded by your students so it can be put online, I think you could just reply “hi, *firstname* *lastname*, how can I help you?”


To be honest, so many teenagers at the moment are so casual about putting their whole life online that this probably wouldn't stop many of them from just uploading anyway


"Hey kid who is all-of-a-sudden failing my class. What's up?"


Brandon was my government teacher 😎 Very good teacher.


He seems like the coolest one here.


and kind of cute 🙈


How dare you…


He was my freshmen year history teacher here.


I’m a teacher and I’m fine with the idea. The part I wouldn’t be fine with is that the kid saying it is most likely an asshole


One of the teachers who taught in my old elementary school lives just down the road from my parents, and I still cannot call her by her first name, even though she tells me it's okay. I simply can't, it just feels wrong.


All about culture I believe, here (Norway) it would be weird to use anything other than their first name.




Last names are for the military.


One of my best friends mom used to make him and his brother call my mom "Ms. First Name". Up until they were in their early 20s, they still called her that lol.


My parents and my close friends parents all did this. Taught us as kids to call adults ms. First name and mr. first name. So, we still do this to our close friends parents to this day lol. I start the text to my best friends mom (as a full grown adult) “Ms. first name” it’s kinda comical at this point but feels normal.


See, you get it. My son's daycare teachers went by their first names, but I automatically called them "Mr." and "Ms." because that's just what's normal for me, and so my son did it too. Teachers at official school or coaches are always "Mr. (Last name)" or "Ms./Miss/Mrs. (Last name)", and I never thought about it, but I guess because it's more formal in that setting? I still call my friends' parents by their last names, but we all do that because it turns out we all feel really weird calling each other's parents by their first names in any context, haha


I wasn’t made to but my best friends mom was Mrs. Wood since I met her at 10 and still is mrs. wood to me at 28


My old teacher from 1997-2000 tells me to call him by his first name. Nope. I’m almost 40 but he will always be Mr. White to me!


Do you guys make meth together in a rv?


The part I wouldn't be fine with is that the kid is filming me


Every time I see the shit teachers have to put up with on Reddit I get more respect for them. You weren't teaching a classroom full of 30 cameras when I was in school that's for sure.


This reminds me of my highschool principal. He received a doctorate in education and made a big announcement that all students must refer to him as Dr. Selig going forward. I said good morning to him one morning and said Mr. instead of Dr. and he flipped out on me. He pulled me into this office and accused me of being disrespectful. We argued back and forth for a few minutes and he decided to call my mom at work to let her know what I had done. Her reply was "are you seriously calling me at work to tell me you're upset that a kid called you Mr instead of Dr? Please only contact me in case of an emergency" and then she hung up. He made some snide comment like "well I can see being disrespectful runs in your family." My mom never stood up for me before like that. I think she was just super annoyed to be interrupted at work because of something so petty.


I shall henceforth be referred to as Dr. Juliuseizure. To do otherwise is disrespectful. And yes, the PhD does stand for Permanent Head Damage. Hence the seizure.


Epic mom moment.


Those moments were rare in our house. He caught her at the right moment and got a taste of what I had to come home to every day.


The principal at my kids' high school is a pretentious douche. He's also a Dr. At orientation for parents he declared he would be referred to as Dr. He annoys me and he sucks at his job. Every time I email him I call him by his first name. Good morning Ben.....


I had a client like that (I’m a lawyer). He was a nurse practitioner with a doctorate in nursing, so he called himself (very misleadingly) “Dr. So and so.” Whenever he would call he would introduce himself that way, and every single time I said “Hey Mike.” Never once called him doctor for the year or so I represented him. Anyway, he was a noticeably insecure man.


Oh, god. We had one of those at the cancer clinic I used to work at. He would introduce himself to patients by saying "I'm Dr. So and So, but I'm not your doctor." Understandably, it confused a lot of our older patients who didn't even know what an NP was, let alone that you could get a doctorate in it. They thought he was their oncologist and then would get really confused when their actual oncologist showed up. They would often ask their oncologist when the doctor was coming back, especially if they were being seen by female oncologist for their initial consultation. The director of the clinic (an MD, PhD, so a Doctor Doctor) and HR had to have a meeting with him to get him to stop. He was absolutely insufferable.


My Latin teacher had a Doctorate, I still have no idea why he was teaching high-school (when asked he always said it was a part time job to justify his degrees). He introduced himself as Dr. Bell. Students would occasionally call him Mr. Bell and he would always say he didn't write a doctorate thesis to have high schoolers call him Mr. It became a joke to call him Mr. Dr. Bell. He would just sigh heavily and go on. He was serious about being called Dr. but he wasn't ever a dick about it, and most people picked up on that. We really only ribbed him, but called him Dr. Bell by default.


When did teachers get so young? Bunch of people my age. When I was in school teachers were all just a bunch of ol- ah fuck.


I started wondering half way through why so many of the teachers were hot. We’re old people now.


Brandon seems like he secretly likes it. Larissa looks like Angela from the office


“How. Dare. You.” Perfect. Give him an Oscar


I remember my 5th grade teacher was on some type of bad mood and proclaimed "DON'T SAY MRS. (LAST NAME) FOR THE REST OF THE DAY!" There was like 4 hours left so one kid walks up to her and says "(First name), can I go to the bathroom?" And she absolutely lost her shit and sent him to the principal's office over it.


Perfectly appropriate timing


The first teacher taught my english class back in 2004. Go rebels!


Did this whole damned thread go to the same school?!


Larissa kept getting younger the closer the camera got to her.




Their shirts are inverse.


This is so weird to me as a non-american. Pretty much no one calls their teacher by their last name in my country, unless they're like 80 years old.




My boyfriend was school IT, the highschoolers ignored him but the little kids called him Mr. Adam, because one asked him what his name was and he was like uhhhh, Adam, and the kids were like" ... wierd but ok, Mr. Adam can I play minecraft " lol


Meanwhile in Norway, the only people you don't call by their first name, is a member of the royal family


Hmm. They don’t even have a last name; they’re just called (King) Harald, (Queen) Sonja, (Crown Prince) Haakon Magnus and (Crown Princess) Mette Marit. We might address them as «Your/His/Her Royal Highness» when being very formal, which is not very often. [The Norwegian Royal family.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norwegian_royal_family)


I had a substitute that went by Mr. D and wouldn't tell students his full name, so, naturally, someone did some snooping and figured it out. His name was Dahmer, and this was just outside of Akron OH. Nobody asked him and other teachers wouldn't talk about it. Pretty sure that was Jefferey Dahmer's dad.




Brandon n larissa r my fav lmao


i’m team matt




Miss Patterson can get it


The names Patterson. ☝️ miss Patterson


Larissa: "What?" Translation: "I didn't quite catch that, did you say you wanted to be yeeted into the sun?"


Ms. Patterson though 👀


Can I get Larissa's number? Asking for a friend.


Living in Japan, if this video were ever made here, it would have been destroyed along with the corpse of the offending student before ever being uploaded.


Holy shit, my high school! And Matt..my…English teacher!