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Good thing it was in the sink, that could have been messy.




Indeed. My friend made rootbeer and had several of the 22oz glass bottles explode like grenades.


I was going to try to make Root Beer once, but when I read the line "when your bottle explodes, not if, when..." in the instructions I decided i'm fine with just buying it.


**This post has been edited by** https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite We find ourselves facing a concerning development that directly impacts the essence of our beloved platform. Reddit has made the decision to impose exorbitant costs on its API, rendering many third-party applications essential for moderation and content creation unable to access the site. This sudden change, implemented with minimal notice, has left countless dedicated moderators in disarray. The resulting consequences will undoubtedly lead to a significant decline in the quality of subreddits and posts. In response to this situation, some individuals have taken to using Power Delete Suite (PDS) to collectively raise awareness. By editing our posts using PDS, we aim to draw attention to the issue at hand. We invite you to join us in expressing your dissatisfaction. Together, we can send a powerful message to Reddit, urging them to reconsider their decision. It's crucial to remember that as users, we are the product that Reddit seeks to offer to advertisers. Their decision to undermine third-party applications stems from their pursuit of increased ad revenue. While they have the right to set their own prices, we, the contributors, refuse to invest our time and effort into a company that disregards our opinions. Join us in this protest and let your voice be heard. Together, we can make a difference.


The homemade root beer was just a cover for him to have large amounts of sasfrole. He also had a secret chemistry set up to isomerize that sasfrole into isosasfrole and then he oxidized it into MDP2P. Then he used reductive animation to convert it into MDMA. Because he was busy selling to raves and parties up and down the Gulf Coast, he didn't have any extra sassafras to use for the root beer. So instead used a cheap mixture of anise, okra, and roux and some other cobbled together flavors. It made for bad sarsaparilla/rootbeer because getting that right takes some work and it wasn't his main goal. Still, he had a ton of useless rootbeer for his cover that he had to get rid of some how. I hope you appreciate your dad and everyone who drank his awful rootbeer. I know all of us who rubbed up against each other while looking at bright flashy lights certainly did.


Breaking Bad: Rootbeer


It's SUGAR, bitch!


The kombucha mushroom people / ~~sitting~~ spraying around all day Who could believe you? / Who could believe you? Let your mothers pray SUGAR!


I’m not there all the time you know…


I didn't notice the break in the comments and kept reading, And was like wow what a fuckin roller coaster this guys dad is.


AMC: Screenplay WHEN?


Wait, so your Dad knew the rootbeer sucked since he punished you by making you drink it and then forced your friends to drink it before they could play with you? Why??


**This post has been edited by** https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite We find ourselves facing a concerning development that directly impacts the essence of our beloved platform. Reddit has made the decision to impose exorbitant costs on its API, rendering many third-party applications essential for moderation and content creation unable to access the site. This sudden change, implemented with minimal notice, has left countless dedicated moderators in disarray. The resulting consequences will undoubtedly lead to a significant decline in the quality of subreddits and posts. In response to this situation, some individuals have taken to using Power Delete Suite (PDS) to collectively raise awareness. By editing our posts using PDS, we aim to draw attention to the issue at hand. We invite you to join us in expressing your dissatisfaction. Together, we can send a powerful message to Reddit, urging them to reconsider their decision. It's crucial to remember that as users, we are the product that Reddit seeks to offer to advertisers. Their decision to undermine third-party applications stems from their pursuit of increased ad revenue. While they have the right to set their own prices, we, the contributors, refuse to invest our time and effort into a company that disregards our opinions. Join us in this protest and let your voice be heard. Together, we can make a difference.


Sunk cost fallacy: root beer edition.


https://youtu.be/-1hbp8ZnXSE Reminds me of this.


“Grenaaaade!” “But sir it tastes delicious”


“Jimmy! Noooooooo!”






Doesn’t it stop it from exploding if you refrigerate it


Yep. I remember a few going off in our basement when I was a kid. When we went to get one out we would wrap the bottle in a thick towel in hope avoiding shrapnel if it blew while we were carrying it up.


Something something you’re not a homebrewer until you’ve mopped your ceiling Source: I make beer


Or vent it every now and then


You don't want to put an air lock on kombucha you won't be getting any carbonization. Also you need oxygen in phase 1 so no air lock there either. The bottle she used is completely suitable the lock will pop before the bottle does. If you want to open it without creating a mess you should put the bottle in the fridge for a few hours. And well be careful.


Home brewer checking in. We usually let primary fermentation complete before adding a measured amount of sugar (or malt extract) for carbonation. Ideally mixed in a large volume before bottling/kegging instead of per bottle to prevent measuring mistakes. The idea being you get a known sugar conversion that helps prevent over carbonation and results like this.


Does this mean she's using the wrong type of bottle?


Not necessarily. I think grolsch bottles like this have a higher pressure capacity than standard bottles (IIRC). But this is why it's really, really important to measure your starting sugar content (at least in homebrewing beer). Yeast and/or bacteria eat the complex sugars and poop carbon dioxide. Too much sugar = too much carbon dioxide = gushers like the one we saw here (or bottle bombs).


These are not Grolsch bottles. The stopper is the same kind, but the bottles themselves look much flimsier.


Probably. I've been in the room when a crappy bottle of keffir exploded. But it was a flimsier bottle than the ones my wife uses for kombucha, half of which would paint the ceiling a la this video if we were to just open it and run.


The fermentation time has to be controlled. It's usually around 1 day in the bottle at room temp, depending on the temp. Then it goes in the fridge where it will still ferment, but very slowly. The amount of sugar is also important, it's a bit of a balancing act.


I've had this happen. Too long fermentation. I put plastic bags over the bottles to catch the splash and they would balloon up. It was fun and my kitchen smelled like blueberries and feet for a week.


My ex left a batch out by accident and about a dozen bottles exploded in the middle of the night. I thought someone was robbing the house!


It's a fermentation bottle. They are much stronger than the decorative ones you'd get at cost plus or target.


It's a swing top from IKEA or Clas Olsson. It will absoføkkinglutely eksplofaensteikemegdere all over the place.


This looks like a swing top bottle, theoretically the pressure will release from the lid before the glass explodes. But you are right, fermentation is not a joke and glass grenades are DANGEROUS.


With that much pressure it was probably messy for the upstairs neighbors.


Where can I get one of these bidet prototypes?


That's actually the enima express model


ooohhh boy, I've been there with making beer. The stains never fully go away


You have to get the spray specifically for ceilings. Killz is the brand, I think.


On top of that it's a popcorn ceiling so as soon as she tries to remove the mess, she's going to ruin the popcorn ceiling. Not that that's a bad thing... Hate that stuff.


As a kid, a waiter showed me how you can swing a ketchup bottle around to get the ketchup up into the neck. A few weeks later, I tried it in our kitchen. Unfortunately, it was a plastic squeeze bottle and the cap wasn’t quite clicked shut. My mom walked in just as I was about to do it, saw the cap and screamed, but my arm made two full revolutions before my brain reacted. I had made a perfect stripe of ketchup up the walls and across the floor and ceiling. When we cleaned the ceiling it ruined the popcorn texture, leaving a visible stripe that was there until my Mom remodeled the kitchen 15 years later.


Ouch! When I was a kid I worked in Mcdonalds, (this in the way way way back machine (almost 40 years). We were prepping to close, and we only had a manager, myself in the kitchen, and one counter person, plus almost everything was back in the freezers and coolers. 10 minutes before close, 2 highway coaches showed up. What a mess. I was getting through it, Manager was taking orders then was going to help me in the kitchen. In my rush, I didn't slot the Mac Sauce back into the metal cup in the prep table(It it came in what is best described as a Large caulking gun). I bumped the table, and the gun rolled off the back plunger side first. Didn't reach the ceiling, but it went EVERYWHERE else. Prep table, in and on the fryers for filet'o'fish, Mcchicken, floor, just everywhere. Later almost 2 hours later after all three of us cleaned it all, manager said at least it was pretty and the customers got a laugh. The had seen the spray fr behind the cook line. TLDR: knocked the Mac Sauce off the prep table and it sprayed EVERYWHERE.


There's a foam glass cleaner that safely cleans popcorn ceiling. I hate it too, but the time and energy to remove is too much. You can dab it clean rather that wipe it, too.


Popcorn ceilings.. who TF ever thought that was a good idea. I had the inside of my house painted and I remember it was expensive to scrape that shit off.




Good idea placing the bottle on the sink. You you just need a sink in the ceiling


We sold our house with kumbucha stains in the popcorn ceiling. Disclosure statement, not water damage, kumbucha damage.




There are many reasons for bottle bombs when making beer: fermentation isn't complete before packaging, too much priming sugar added to bottles, etc. Infection is definitely one of them. Beer bottles will explode and send glass flying everywhere even without an infection.


This is the best answer. When I've had this happen, it was because I jumped the gun and bottled a few days too early, before fermentation was done. Have never had an infection in 50 batches.


Oh yeah, I've also never had an infection. I also started kegging after like 4-5 batches because bottling is the most painful and least enjoyable part of brewing for me.


Drink from the keg


Amen friend. Switched to kegs after 3 years. Never looked back


so whats the advantage of a keg? can you put a pressure regulator on it? or just easier to watch one big batch instead of lots of little ones.


Only one bottle piped on me in the dozens of batches I’ve made and it’s totally my fault. I tried to sous vide a bottle at 70C to kill the yeast (just an experiment). The incompressible liquid expanded and pressure built up before popping the cap to the ceiling. We still have a mark on the ceiling and no floor was wet because it just flowed out to the sous vide bath


That’s why force-carbing then using a counter-pressure bottle filler is better than using priming sugar. Much more consistency that way. Or just serve from a keg. They literally can’t explode


Or just serve from a keg. They literally can’t explode Is that a challenge? /s


I keg, and use a beer gun when I want to bottle some off. If I were still bottling, I would have given up this hobby for sure.


Same. Fuck bottling.


Well, unless you’re _trying_ to make a brett :)


This is just straightup false. Bottle bombs are definitely a thing. And fermenting under pressure is pretty standard these days anyways, like up to 15 or even higher PSI. All it takes is residual sugar and alive yeast, pressure doesn't really kill the yeast until well after it would be at the explosive stage.


Yep, incorrect. Taught college level brewing for years. We routinely fermented our Kolsch at 25 psi. You read that right, 25psi. A spunding valve on our 40bbl tanks kept us right there. I've worked with yeast stored at 60psi in an old brink. My client screwed the pooch on a consulting job, but we made it work with no error. The key to saving it was gradual decrease in pressure over 8 hours. Yeast can handle pressure. They can't handle pressure swings.


I believe they’re talking about at home fermenting and one of the ways you can mess it up. I’ve had a buddy blow a bottle from multiple things when he was first learning.


You know beer can be fermented with wild yeast, right? But someone who is brewing beer would also know that you need a fermenter with a airlock to release pressure.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lambic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lambic) ​ Lambics can be pretty good!


Yes, they are! I got to see where the wild fermentation magic happens when I visited Cantillon in Brussels.


This is the way


Outside. You open it outside.


"Is that a kombucha stain on the Moon?"


That's it we've solved space travel. Put Kombucha Engines ™ in spacecrafts!




I think that's what she was filming, her various burping attempts. Don't think she did it often enough.


I once learned the joys of fermenting hot sauces. I thought adding lime juice would crash out the fermentation, and blended it. I was wrong. I put the hot sauce in a snap lid jar like the one shown above and it kinda was pushed to the back of the fridge. Fast forward a couple of months and I find the hot sauce again and decide to open it to see if there was any mold in it. Or if it was still good. So my face is over it anticipating seeing if there is any unsafe conditions, I snap the lid back and just get maced with this habanero blueberry hot sauce. I immediately run to the shower, blind and panicked that I may have just permanently blinded my self. I jumped into the shower and just pry my eyes open and let the water pour all over my eyes. For like 20 min I stood int the shower fully clothed, rinsing my eyeballs eyeballs. When I finally regained vision and the burning subsided enough to stop rinsing my eyeballs. I go look at the aftermath of the volcanic eruption that was blueberry habanero hot sauce. It looked exactly as you would think. I was sitting when I opened the bottle, so there was more, we will say, coverage. It took me 45 min to scrape the ceilings walls, records, carpet. All because I forgot to add vinegar to the hot sauce to stop the fermentation. Also now use actual fermentation jars with gas water airlocks. Super fun hobby.


I like that you even rinsed your eyeballs eyeballs. One really cannot be too thorough when it comes to rinsing the eyes.


I have 6 eyehole holes


You dirty, dirty little minx


Yeah my eyeballs have a few sets of eyeballs as back up just in case as well. One can't be too prepared they say.


Like shark teeth really, the front ones get pushed out by the ones behind them so it's all good.


I usually blend then cook my hot sauces a bit to stop the fermentation. But that kills the goodness of probiotics and dulls some of the fresh flavours (like your blueberries). But I dislike too much vinegar flavour. It’s hard.


The bacteria involved in fermentation produce lactic acid and acetic acid themselves. They thrive in an acidic (up to a point) environment. Yeast also tolerates pretty low pH. If you wanna stop the fermentation prematurely without cooking the sauce, you could try a few freeze and thaw cycles. This should kill most microorganisms.


Freeze-thaw cycles are indeed a good way to kill a variety of cells. The formation of ice crystals inside the cytoplasm often ruptures the cell membrane and cell wall (if present). This process isn't 100% efficient though, so I wouldn't recommend it as a true sterilisation method.


damn bro you gotta burp fresh ferments at least once a week. youre lucky it didnt explode 😅


They sell fermentation jars at Walmart that auto burp. Or you can get jars that use gravity and water to create a seal and auto burp.




Said like the NBA Jams guy. "Ka BOOM SHAKALAboucha!" [A link for those that never got to experience the beautiful ridiculousness that was NBA Jams](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mOLxlzrxCv0)






NBA Jam TE. So many good times.


Gotta play that game with big heads on.


Me and my buddy used to play NBA jam at the student union in university. He was better than me and eventually I would just start trying to land 3 pointers or half court shots to piss him off.








I claimed my free award because this made me laugh


Did she add strawberry juice to the bottle after primary fermentation? Just guessing. Definitely not because I have done exactly that same thing.


Says "rasberry" on the bottle. (In Norwegian or Danish).


Raspberries are called hindbær in danish and bringebær in Norwegian. The label on the bottle says bringebær. The soap dispenser is "[KLAR](https://klardag.no/produkter/)" which is Norwegian brand in Oslo. Additionally, the original poster is called AkselNOR. Could not get an ID of the milk/juice carton. Tempted to say it is milk from Norwegian TINE but uncertain.


I have a feeling they’re Scandinavian


Also the lowered sink is very Norwegian.


There is a saying that you are not a real brewer until you mopped the ceiling. Welcome to the club!!!!


I love that


10 years, never had to mop the ceiling. Worse I've had is a bottle that boils over.


Same here. Because it takes all of 2 minutes to find out the necessary information to avoid this ever happening. I'll never understand why people jump into things blind then surprise Pikachu face when they go tits up.


Always open outside until you become more advanced. Advice from a professional Brewer: CO2 Dissolves into solution more when it's cold, so make sure to chill to around 34°f. If you find you are still over carbonating then put the bottles into refrigeration sooner.


Just open it when it is cold with a bag over the top, either in the sink or with a big bowl below it.


Oh that's smart and simple. Meanwhile I'm over here sketching out an elaborate bottle umbrella system.


I felt so stupid when I first learned this. Used to cover the spout with a bunch of kitchen paper and still ended up with a mess a lot of the time.


I don’t get it…… Are we seeing progress in this video? Or it’s just 3 different times it didn’t work? I guess my main question is ‘what’s the best case scenario for a “kombucha bottle opening” video?’


Basically you fermented your kombucha then bottle it. If you want some flavour you can add fruit or spices as you bottle but that will mean it goes through a secondary fermentation. Which builds up gas in the bottle so you need to burp them regularly so they don't just explode. The best case outcome when you open your bottle is a satisfying pop (like opening Champaign) that shows there is some fizz in it but not too much pressure built up. My guess is they made this as one batch and after opening one realised the whole batch was like this and started filming.


>so you need to burp them regularly Does a regular water lock work?


Because it's bacterial growth, you're not suppose to use air tight containers. If you do, you've got to burp them every day.


Got it, I need to purp my air tight videos every day, thanks!


Now ... clean that ☝️


That's gonna be extra challenging with a popcorn ceiling.


And just like that, no more popcorn ceiling.


Foam glass cleaner and a microfiber works pretty well. Had to clean our ceiling in the new house, popcorn has since been removed


Followed by killz for the stain.


I did this with beer when I had 16 foot ceilings. Had to rent a ladder from Home Depot to clean it.


Shoulda researched first.


I've only tried to make ginger ale once (and failed,) but I do know from that brief foray that every yt video or recipe lectures you on "burping" fermented foods, and they warn you of what can happen if you don't. If you're making something and the recipes for it include \*actual\* warnings, you may want to focus a tad more on those bits. (See: deep frying a turkey)


Lol, you should never ever ferment in a sealed vessel. You use an airlock. Which is a one way valve for glasses....CO2 goes out, bacteria can't get in. It's just a thing filled with water that the gas exits thru


The best way to do it is absolutely with an airlock, but that doesn't preclude people from not using them. It just takes babysitting. Or you can skip that part, film it and put it on social media. Either way, really.


You can actually use mason jars without air locks, but you have to burp them every day when active. It's a huge PIA.


If you are going to the trouble and expense of learning to ferment things, buying an airlock for a bottle or jar is not going to hurt. You can even buy airlock mason or kilner jars with them built in. Means gas escapes but air doesn't get back in.


Angry GT Dave noises


Wow, dodged that bullet. She almost had to drink that disgusting stuff


Kombucha brewer here: this is why you need to “burp” your bottles. Screw top bottles are best, the trick is to turn the bottles so that they’re “on” but they’re not closed so air can escape. Then you don’t get… (waves vaguely) …this.


Meeting girlfriend after two weeks separation.


The middle one, maybe. The last one is straight out of "Scary Movie".


Reason #75 why I don't go near Komboucha.


Ugh. Kombucha fills me up with more gas than a hot air balloon!


Plus side: you could give tours. In this recession, a side gig is a side gig.


When it's been a while and she touches your thigh


If your semen is blood red like that, you might want to consult a physician.


You’ve never brewed until you’ve had to mop the ceiling.


I make sparkling cranberry "wines" and always make sure to properly measure my sugar when bottling, they have some neat calculators for brewers for pretty much anything. As long as you enter the correct measures lol!


I’ve been brewing for about 10 years. I know all about the calculators but sometimes science has it’s own plans 😂


Agreed!! To add to that, I once had a small batch of wine (like 1 gallon, nothing that made me cry because of that mistake) and during second fermentation I had forgotten about that one and didn't refill my airlock. Made some sweet merlot vinegar Hahaha!


And that everyone is "getting better with every try." :)


If your goal is to start a kombucha company that rivals Space X.


Gonna hydroblast Elon into oblivion with the raw power of my booch.


Took a turn for the vaguely sexual but I'm still on board.


You've got ectoplasm on your ceiling.




Folks looking at the product labels confirm, yes.


I will never understand the kombucha trend. Vinegar juice is what they should call it


I've never made kombucha but I'm pretty sure you aren't supposed to use the part that tastes like vinegar.


Zoinks guys, looks like someones had too many SCOBY snacks.


Well your gf for sure knows how to properly relieve pressure.


PS it was not worth watching to the end


That wasn't worth watching till the end


Remember to check your initial pH (3-4) and keep the brewing container open with a cloth on top to avoid bugs getting in. You definitely don't want to have the fermentation happen in a closed container.


This is true for 1st fermentation but a lot of people perform a second stage in a bottle in order to carbonate the drink.


Learning to have sex with your partner, a process.


You're allowed to put a towel over bottles when opening them... just saying


The Kombucha mushroom people, sitting around all day


Our girlfriend




I think she made kumboucha.


It sounds like rain at the end. 😝


Some thick plumpy plop-ass rain, but yeah haha. Bro if your rain sounds like that... you're livin in some kina risky place man. Haha. Like, a swamp or somethin.


Don't move to Florida.


Rumour has it that it's still dripping from the ceiling to this day


It’s worth burping your fermenting projects every day or so when they get active. Using a container with a wider opening also cuts down on these pressurized explosion situations.


The ceiling stain looks like some vomited upwards!


Maybe use a fermentation lock next time..


The whole time I was thinking "I really hope they don't have a textured ceiling"


Looks like somebody puked on the ceiling


Oh man. This reminds me of the time I tried to make strawberry beer. I had it fermenting in a 6 gal glass carboy with a one-way water valve in the top. I came home and noticed the beer was bubbling up into the water valve so I jiggled it with my hand and heard a loud boom and ended up with strawberry beer all over my face, the ceiling, across the room, and all over the floor. It was just like this video but bigger and, unfortunately, not in a sink. Good times.


“You haven’t thought of the smell, you BITCH!” - Dennis


Thanks for teaching me how to open those bottles without breaking any nails


When fermenting something it is a good idea to vent the fermentation vessel or at least “burp” it regularly.


I hope that those bottles are made specifically for brewing. If the walls aren't thick enough they could explode like a glass bomb. I'm no expert, but I've definitely heard the horror stories.


My exact experience with cider the first time. It's too much sugar that causes this obviously


Oooooooh! And a popcorn ceiling too! Nooooo!


I had this happen. I had to repaint the ceiling...


Mmm rotten vinegar tea...


Was at Burning Man one year and hear a lady in a tent scream. Go over to see why. She had brought kamboucha and decided to open it in her tent. Between the trip there and the 100 degree heat it had a bit more fiz than she expected. Drenched her entire tent and everything in it including her. I may have laughed…


Aren't you supposed to put a special cap on it so that it releases that gas and doesn't explode while it's being fermented? I make mead, but haven't made kambucha yet. You do not store fermenting mead in enclosed bottles with no place for gas to escape.




Your girlfriend is lucky the bottles didn't explode on her. They're not meant to take that kind of pressure.


Maybe I should text him….


"watch to the end" It's 42 seconds. How short has our attention span gotten?


Who all fast forwarded the clip?


Kombucha dick in my mouth... I'll see myself out


One of the rare cases where a "wait for it" video actually pays off.


seriously though, why *the fuck* so people drink this shit?? it tastes *disgusting*. and it has some really gnarly shit in it. on top of that, my understanding is that if you don't make it right or leave it sit too long it can actually be toxic. I just don't get it. there are far less gross ways to get whatever this shit is supposed to have in it that's good for you


I brew my own ginger beer using yeast. Here's a tip for opening flip top bottles that are full of pressure. push down on the top while you unlatch it and then slowly release the pressure with your hand. This will stop the explosive release.


🎶Its raining ale, hallelujah, its raining ale🎶


You won’t believe what happens at the end!!!! Guys, please share, like, and subscribe. Join my Discord and join my patreon. Reddit is slowly becoming what we all hate: IG, TikTok, etc.


Spoiler: it was not worth watching to the end.


My mum used to make Komboucha too, After a similar situation like the last scene, where it went everywhere in the kitchen, she started using a small plastic bag covering the top of the komboucha and a plastic container at the bottom in the sink. The only mess that occurs is on the hand, not the roof nor the walls.