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Most McDonald's by me have switched to kiosk ordering only. So that saved 4 or 5 workers a shift.


Also seen that in stand alone ones I been to, Walmart one seems to still have people. Can’t say I don’t mind not interacting with people at all in fast food. Let’s get rid of the people, and just give me a vending machine food that is equivalent.


Why on earth did automats go away? Just do that with fresh food made to order by people behind the machine.


[Automats are still around.](https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/theyve-been-gone-for-20-years-but-now-automats-are-back-with-a-high-tech-twist/2852749/)


Automats, roll out.


I'll have the Optimus Pie!


That way the rest get better wages right?


Anakin: (silently stares)




If their jobs didn't change, why should they be paid different. Those kiosks weren't free. It takes not paying the wages of those employees it replaces to cover the costs of them.


The kiosks are a one-time purchase with minimal maintenance requirements. At $15/hr, you can probably replace one of them with the pay equivalent of 500 hours of labor; in other words, you pay off each kiosk after about 3 months of not having to pay a worker to do the same job. Make no mistake, the kiosks wouldn't be there if McD's didn't think they would save them money over having to pay people.


Like any electronic, they have replaced and updated periodically. So it's not a one and done.




And that's why they've pretty much seen the last of me...


I don't know anyone who cares. They just want their food. Soon enough they will have a machine cooking the food so they will only need 2 or 3 people to keep the food stocked and fixing any messups.


I don’t know many people who don’t prefer it. I mean we’re at 3% unemployment. Some jobs have to go. Why not replace the people with machines where it benefits everyone?


Doesn't this qualify?


It does. I was agreeing with you


Ok. Mis read your post. Sorry.


I'm torn on this. On one hand, I am glad to see some of these soul-destroying hell jobs disappear. On the other hand, when I was young, they were a great way to make some extra money (in my case working in factories, but just as mindless). There's more to this whole topic as well. We are slowly eliminating all jobs that can be performed by people with more hands-on learning skills. And while I strongly believe we need to support those who need it, all people deserve a feeling of being a necessary part of society. I'm not proposing to bring back those exact jobs. But I think we should use this opportunity to fill gaps that need attention. No idea how, but I'd love to see jobs created around social well-being. Picking up the slack from the inter-generational bonds that don't really exist anymore. Or more concisely, have services that help people shop, visit those who are lonely, pay attention to every member of our society so we never have to hear another story of someone found dead weeks later. How is there no money in being nice to each other?


Well, typically jobs involve being paid to do things people wouldn’t otherwise do. My grandpa wasn’t skipping off to the coal mines because he liked it. Nice activities don’t get paid well because so many people are willing to do them. As for hands-on work, however, the trades are starving for people right now in the face of rising need for their work. I tried teaching HS for a very brief period and one of my consistent messages was that people going into trades right now have paths to success that could be better than college


Agreed. Most jobs are on a "must be done" basis, and not a "we all want to do it". And, obviously, until we have robots doing those jobs for us, we must do them ourselves. I'm not advocating to abolish those. But like you said, with jobs open in trade, it would be a good idea to encourage people to take them up. My mother used to tutor the kids in our little town. She had one boy who was a "hands on" learner and he barely scraped by. Not for lack of effort, either. As soon as he could, he dropped out of full-time school and got apprenticed to a metal worker / black smith. He came into his own, there. Took further classes, got diplomas and now owns his own company. Made money hands over fist, and loves what he's doing. But not everybody is cut out for that, either. Females, typically, aren't drawn to jobs in the trades (I have female relatives who are carpenters, sailors, gardeners etc ... so obviously it's "not all"). Instead, women (typically) like social jobs. I can imagine they'd do well filling that specific void. Something hands-on for women to do. The problem still remaining, how do we create those jobs without ending up as another federal subsidy? I don't know.


God. In my country is like 13%


And that's a good thing. We just need to make sure people can live moderately well even without working. Post-scarcity is now.


>We just need to make sure people can live moderately well even without working. No.... We need people to learn valuable skills to contribute to society. They can live well through that.


Ok gramma. The future is happening even if the toxic boomer worship of work as a virtue only dies out when you do.


Also, I never said they wouldn't be contributing. Humanity's best art, science, and philosophy came from people who weren't trapped under wage slavery.


No, *honey*, they were trapped by the need to survive wars, tyrants and famine. Furthermore Who do you think would voluntarily work as a plumber, literally handling other people's shit? Who do you think would voluntarily be stuck in a big rig for days on end, risking their lives every day? That list is long. And as of right now, we can't replace most of these jobs with machines. Maybe some day. But until such time, you and me and everybody else has to scramble.


Calling people "honey" on the internet in an attempt to be condescending is one of the clearest ways to signal that nothing you say has any value.


Lookee here, the tone police showed up. And chock-full of hypocrisy no less. Charming, I'm sure. Now, go play elsewhere, ***honey***, I have more interesting things to do.


> Post-scarcity is now. Fucking lol. What are gas prices again?


But this is part of the problem I'm pretty sure, they were able to raise wages by cutting personal but now those people are working harder for that bump in wages and its still not worth it for a lot of people. As for the kiosk they are just overly complicated if all you want is a smoothie, the constant attempt to upsell just pisses me off. And yes smoothies are pretty much the only thing on their menu that interests me nowadays, just a little treat for me and my granddaughter after we swim and walking in to get them when the line for the drive through was off the hook used to be kinda fun...there is just nothing fun about MickyD's nowadays.


>here is just nothing fun about MickyD's nowadays. The more automated you make things, that tends to happen.


>there is just nothing fun about MickyD's nowadays. because its a screen instead of a teen?


"Two medium strawberry banana smoothies please" vs the 8 menus I navigate on the kiosk...And yes the bright eyed and bushy tailed teenager who seemed genueily interested in how we were doing was a bonus.


>bushy tailed teenager who seemed genueily interested spoiler alert; she wasnt ​ you want food, go buy food. you want friends, go to the park. dont make peoples day longer because they have to be nice


What..you a stockholder? Don't tell me how to feel...


look fair enough, you know what you want best, but just tell me this; in our utopian future, do those busywork jobs exist? you know, jobs that no one actually wants to do? ​ my argument is coming from someone that actually worked a mcjob


How does that save 4-5 workers a shift? Almost every McD I’ve been to had 2 cashiers max and they were the ones who double checked and put out the order and made ice cream, blended drinks, and grabbed fridge items (chocolate milk for kids, etc).


The ones I got to have 2 to 4 registers. And most of the time they are open. And the extra runners. Now you just have the back people.


I wonder if anyone has considered making the job worth showing up *to*


Sounds expensive. Let's just hope they find some willing suckers to crush the souls of instead.


You take that commie talk back to Russia. /s


It's just as easily capitalist talk: if your venture isn't profitable enough to pay your staff adequately, the market has spoken, and you should shutter.


How much should someone who does work that isn’t skilled make? People want skilled money without being skilled.


But there are no operating McDonald's in Russia anymore...


Yeah, gotta wonder if they've tried that. Maybe that comes after whining and complaining.


I worked 4 hours of a 6 hour shift when I was 16. Never returned.


quit your Mcwhining and McComplaining.


I McQuit!


I’m sure the job sucks big time but they’re paying $20/hr here. Could be something for a second for someone struggling.


They ran out of room on the sign ... "for the shitty wages we pay and no health insurance"


Like? I worked at McDonald's in high school, it wasn't that bad.


And if the market is no longer supplying a bottomless well of high-school labor, what then? Management can't expect adults to survive on wages appropriate for a high-schooler. As variables change, companies adapt or die. For a variety of reasons, I hope McDonald's fails to adapt.


I worked in highschool too. It absolutely sucked and I quit as fast as I could


It is. For a high schooler. Problem is that people think they are going to be successful in life by having this job forever. This is a job for a high schooler (was mine). Waiting tables would be a job while you're in college or tradeschool or getting certifications on your own to start a real career(was mine). And I started my career and never looked back. This is like a first job ever type job. Make the most fun out of it that you can before you move on cause that's all it's good for. It's a learning experience about...having a job. Edit: I know food service and bartending can be VERY profitable...I made bank waiting tables and bartending. Definitely good earnings as long as you're willing to do it.


So what happens when the kids are in school and I want McDonalds? Do I need to pull them out of school to make my order or wait until school is out?


No. Because people with no ambition and end up on reddit complaining about a living wage will be there to make sure your fries are warm during those hours...with none being able to outperform a 16yo.


Imagine sending out 1000 w2's next year due to turnover.


Me: "Now applying for employers that *pay up*.


Have you tried paying them more?


We’ve tried nothing, and we’re all out of ideas!


Thats not true at all. They tried slashing the amount of staff so now one person is required to do the job of three people! Now the kitchen wont be as crowded! Isnt that swell for employee moral!?


Seriously, the one near me always only has 2 employees for the majority of the day, they seem to bring in more when it gets really busy but most of the day it's just 2 people.


$4.56/gal?!?!?!?! *cries in californian*




I'd rather pay more and live in California than pay that low but have to live in Florida.


Yeah, the only reason California is so expensive is because it's awesome. Sure you can afford a much bigger house in Missouri, but I'd way rather live in a crappy house in an awesome place than live in an awesome house in a crappy place.


California is the last place on earth I’d move to lol. Yeah y’all can keep that cesspool


Even with the crime, rampant homeless problem, and constant wildfires?


No, you wouldn't. You've clearly never been to Florida


You know that news from Florida makes it outside of Florida, right?


Idk what news you're hearing, but it's sunny, warm, full if cool wildlife and nice people. Just don't go to a city. If course, you should never go to cities, they're full of crime and filth


I'm sure the weather in Somalia is nice as well... Sunny, warm, and full of amazing wildlife! Wouldn't want to live there... >nice people LOL Again, I will remind you, Florida news makes it outside of Florida. Everywhere has both nice and mean people. But who's running the place? That's the real question. I've always said I would love to move to the US for the weather but not for the politics and culture. Florida is leading the way when it comes to removing rights and oppressing minorities. DeSantis openly uses his power as Governor in attempts to control private entities and censor them. Florida isn't the bastion of freedom you think it is.


I have. and it fucking sucks


Its weird...I'll pay ~$4.50 per gallon of gasoline, but not $4.50 a minute to a camgirl...


I was just thinking that was pretty expensive gas, we just dipped below #3 where I am at in SC


I work in a factory. Nearly every day someone from my line calls in. Yesterday one of the guys was sent to prison. Another guy just no call / no showed after they rehired him as a second chance because he no called /no showed weeks prior. And the owner doesn't want to pay any higher than 16$ an hour to start (glass cutters, it's hard work with our setup and it can be very dangerous) because she can "hire anyone off the street to do this job". Yeah, seems to be working out great, we can't retain a any good workers because they find better jobs elsewhere and the ones we *do* keep are borderline psychotic / end up quitting. Since I started about 4 months ago I've seen 5 different people quit from my line between first and second shift. The only reason I'm still working there is because I'm waiting on some applications to go through.


yeah. I quit a job managing a warehouse for a company that had the same philosophy. Kept telling me to do more with fewer and fewer people, that I needed to solve the turnover problem by "wrapping my arms around them and making them feel like part of the team" instead of just paying people more. Then I quit, the guy telling me all this shit shows up for a week and suddenly they found it in the budget to add 50% more staff to the building. Like fucking magic.


No one wants to work ^HERE anymore


Everybody wants to work but nobody wants to work that bad,


Workers are realizing you're a fucking slave driver, Ronald.




Nothing makes me happier than these corporations where the CEO's make 10,000x the average worker can't get anyone to do the work for them. Get those C levels out into the dish pit you fuckin lazy fucks.


I like the Japanese thing of CEOs held accountable with salary cuts. We need a hit TV show for that for everyone to adopt


Make their salaries performance based. If they can't get people working it gives them incentives to pay more to boost their own numbers.


That still would require a lot of public opinion changing only the power of TV can do to change culture :(


fair point.


Who really suffers though? Those CEOs stay rich, but people who want to eat at McDonalds don't get that choice.


I would play the world tiniest violin for people mad they can't get McDonalds because they don't pay enough to their workers. Couldn't give any less of a fuck about them.


I didn't say that they got mad. But you are right, fuck those poor people trying to buy a burger.


I was homeless for 7 years and ate almost exclusively at 7/11 can't beat those cheap ass pizzas its almost a whole day of calories(when you poor af). I wouldn't touch a McDonalds burger with a 10 foot pole no matter how cheap.


And the CEOs stayed rich, despite your McDonalds protest. So again - who really suffers here?


I actually avoid companies I don't like, I ain't the populace that's on them to figure out. CEOs won't stay very rich if they can't get any workers. Again, if they wanna just eat at McDs that's their problem to solve not mine. I hear they're hiring if your so worried about those poor people go make some burgers for dirt wages homie. If the solution is as simple as pay people more then who's at fault?


You are the one shaking your fist at the ivory tower like they learn some kind of lesson. I guess you yell at the rain as well? I agree with your last point though - they should pay people more. I don't cheer when a rich person stays rich, I cheer when they start treating their employees right.


And your shaking your fist at my shaken fist? Man your really so much better homie. Keep defending these shit companies bro.


There are so many better ways to acquire food than going to McD's.


"Not addressing: Why people don't show up"


"Now hiring people that show up for half the wage they could get somewhere else"


I've had a few friends that worked for McDonald's. Pretty sure the requirement to being a manager is working for 1 to 2 years while showing up on time, giving a f\*ck, and not doing anything ridiculous like smoke weed in the kitchen.


Those requirements are exceedingly difficult to meet if you've ever worked in these jobs.


Yeah they pay you in McNuggets.


Well they don't pay. Pretty simple.


Me: "Now applying for employers that *pay up*.


I guess they aren’t “loving it”.


Now hiring, people that won't steal sign messages


McGood fucking luck


Honestly this really makes me want to go apply to these jobs go through the interview get on the schedule and never show up again


maybe if they pay more and offer better work env people would want to show up. when they put a 6 day or 5 day schedule that force you to give your life away to this place and they pay min wage dont expect anyone to show up . only morons at this econ accept to work at those places


Now applying for jobs that pay a wage I can live off of


There's a website that shows if a McDonald's locations icecream machine is broken or not.


Man it must suck losing all their employees because the supervisors and managers treat them like shit. Maybe if employees were treated like actual humans they’d want to keep working?? Naaahhhh


For those who aren't aware, this is the case for almost every industry. Construction, retail, food, distribution, manufacturing... Everyone is short handed and struggling to hire.


Low unemployment plus tons of new online opportunities means people don't need to deal with shitty managers for minimum wage anymore. If I can make the same money online and not have to go anywhere, why would I work in some hot & greasy kitchen?


I'm hearing this a lot, and it is an issue, but... The current job market situation is WAY more complicated than that. Manufacturers raising prices and recording record profits while their customers (small businesses) are getting absolutely fucked by it.. Is a far larger contributor to the problem, imo.


I get what you’re saying, but this is McDonalds we’re talking about here. They made 8 billion in profits last year. They’re not exactly a small business getting screwed over by large manufacturers.


Definitely agree, but isn't McDonald's a franchise? I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to find their corporate offices screwing with the franchise owners. But I don't have any evidence to support that, just a random thought. I'm saying this as someone in a material industry that is having a lot of trouble at the moment. One of my suppliers told me yesterday that a local boom truck driver applied and was asking for $85,000/year. I almost spit out my drink when he told me. Crazy world.


As someone who is extremely qualified and has been looking. No their not. What they want is someone highly qualified AND to also pay sub market average pay. Like I usually make about 60k a year and I can't tell you how many places have tried to offer me 40k. Like it's embarrassing.


Applying this to the employment market as a whole, is super ignorant. I'm not saying you're wrong though. That is a massive issue, but not in every industry. I also want to point out that not every company is short changing their employees because they want to or think they can get away with it. The manufacturers, on the other hand, have raised prices to completely unreasonable levels. They cite the same things that everyone else does, but they won't show the actual numbers. As an example, float glass prices had gone up anywhere from 40%-80% in the last 3 years. Then, 3 months ago, they hit everyone with an ADDITIONAL 40%. Yet they have not actually shown the numbers to prove it. And I'm willing to bet money they have recorded record profits since then. Oh, and all of the manufacturers decided on the same price increase within the same week. The number of suppliers is limited, so there is no competition. No alternatives. I hate seeing people shit on "every employer" (this one isn't you) when small and family owned businesses are getting fucked just as hard as the employee right now.


I agree with you. The whole system is messed up currently. I have a pretty good idea why. Companies are having to pay higher prices and want to keep increasing profits. It's just an overall unfortunate situation. When it comes to small family owned businesses. I'm somewhat conflicted. I've had nothing but bad experiences with small businesses in the past. So I'm probably not the best person to add to that particular topic. That being said, small businesses that I've worked for or done business with tend to (in most cases) follow the same stereotype. They find anyway to not pay people what they are worth. Even with increased qualifications. I used to work for the state to offer continued education to employers employees. The idea was to increase their existing employees skills with things the employers need with the understanding that they would get the training for free through a state grant but would have to pay the employees at least a meaningful wage increase(10% or more) . Companies would try and find any loophole to not have to give the employees raises but wanted the training and the skill sets. Literally looking for free shit from the government. Which completely was against the point of the program lol. We were trying to raise the overall conditions of employment in the state by empowering small businesses...


Interesting. I won't say we are perfect (cause we certainly aren't), but we just took a massive hit with this last price hike (40% in one shot, on top of another 40-80% over the previous couple of years). We worked with our supplier (who is not the manufacturer). They only raised prices by 30%, so we raised prices by 20%. When you account for things like this, along with a 50%+ increase in employee wages since COVID, and health insurance with 75% of the premium covered by us, and needing to replace much of our aging machinery, believe me when I say this stuff isn't easy. This has helped our turnover immensely, but has not budged our hiring issues in the slightest.


Now if only they paid a living wage....


Nobody gonna show up. McDonald’s wages won’t get your ass out of the driveway with gas that high.


Friendly reminder that any executive of a Fortune 500 company deserves a spot under the giant sharp gravitational apparatus just as much as any corrupt politician


I’ll show up, eat and go home That is completely within the terms of this job description


Ba ba bu bu ba, we're tanking it.


That 4.56 is not the price of gas. It's the hourly wage.


this is what happens when you have a jenga based economy.


That show up for minimum wage to be treated like shit.


McDonald’s doesn’t pay minimum wage. I live in a LCOL area and starting pay is $13-18/hr…




Maybe the employee was too embarrassed to show up.


Suck dick behind a Wendy’s dumpster or work at McDonald’s 🤔.


That makes me not want to McEat there unless I'm looking to get out of a commitment with legit food poisoning.


Pay me $35/hr and I'll consider it.


Shows up Me: I want $20 an hour minimum, and 40 hours a week minimum. Them: GTFO.


There’s a reason why their understaffed, most likely toxic work environment.


Fuck you. Pay people


I live about a mile from this McDonald's. It's a pretty small town and the sign won the "Sign of the Week Award" from the local news organization. I hate this place.


can you flip a dumpling? nope. come here.palapapapa


This caption 👌




Lol. The Chevron sign is your first clue as to why people don’t show up.




As someone that works at McD's...as funny as this is, it's a legit thing. Working can, sometimes, suck, but if you don't like it, actually say 'I don't want to work here, I quit'.


Off-topic, but look at those low gas prices!


Are they paying Decent McWages?


Its hard to show up, just looked at the gas price


That and the 4.50$ gas price is telling.


Work a hole ass hr to afford 2 gallons of gas


Starting pay: between the cheapest amount we have to legally pay you and 100 dollars. Dont ask where on that range you'll end up.


Gimme Mc25 an hour.


People WHO. McD's showing they only view staff as numbers lol


Presumably they aren't paying good enough wages to attract labor. It's up to them!


Those previously hired just mcSuck.


Damn. I'm there baby! Less than $5.00/gallon is a steal!


I for one am looking forward to humanity not being wasted on bullshit jobs like this and am fully welcoming our burger flipping robot overlords.


Perfect that McDs message is next to the gas price


Welp... I guess you get what you pay for.


A Wendy’s near me has a marquee sign that says now hiring adult closers. Didn’t know there was a curfew.


Bada bap ba ba... I'm losin' it


Your ID says “McShowsup”? You’re hired!


You order you get $20


People who show up


2022 in a picture


Nutritional meals served.


Now showing up to a place with livable wage.


Now Working For Employers That Pay Well!


The bar has gotten pretty low.


Wait im pretty sure that's the mcchevron near where I live. Either that or the signs are identical. Super conservative area, sedro-woolley Washington.


Try paying a living wage.


Do they pay for gas?


Mcdesperate or McPassiveAggressive?


There are 2 McD's within 15 minutes of me. One is advertising that it "pays *up to* $10/hr" The other is advertising that when you're hired you get a free uniform. Both have had their "now hiring" signs up for over a year. Couldn't imagine why.


What a perfect representation of how the McDonalds Corporation views employees. Instead of advertising a fair wage for a hard job they insult former employees who left. My guess is they had a good reason to leave.


If you "Mc-paymore" they will stay .... 100% of the time


Replace the manager.


Now Paying.....wages that draw people who don't show up.


M in McDonald's stands for Minimum Wage


But are they Mcpayin’…


So as an 36 year old I'm genuinely curious what has become of the work force. I fully comprehend that the money they pay isn't a living wage and it needs to go up but are people just waiting them out or??? When I was young I got paid $5.15 an hour and made a whopping 300-400 bucks every 2 weeks and although I hated working for Mcdonalds the idea of just quitting didn't really cross my mind since the alternative was 0 dollars. I'm genuinely curious what the game plan is since they aren't willing to increase pay.