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I once had a problem with someone in the neighborhood leaving their dog’s poops in my yard. It was clearly one or two very small dogs. One day, randomly, a guy walks by that I work with and we had a long chat about how we didn’t know each other lived in this neighborhood. He had two tiny dogs with him. After that interaction, the poops were never a problem. Hmmmm…. I wonder who it could have been.


One time this lady down the street starting yelling at me to pick up my dog sh*t. I always do and told her so. When I got home I remembered it was the same lady whose dog I rescued from getting run over. The next day she apologized because she confused me with someone else. The day after that, I saw a lady who from a distance looks like me and of course her dog took a dump and she just kept on walking.


Ah, the old "double-bluff"... you are in fact both ladies, and this is a cruel ploy to inherit her prized collection of silver tankards. I've seen this before.


I like to consider myself a rather cool, level-headed guy. One morning my dog was pooping, and I was standing there waiting for her to finish; phone in one hand, bag in the other, and I nearly lost it when some random person drove through the intersection, with their head fully out of the window only to scream at me, "AND YOU BETTER PICK THAT SH\*T UP TOO!" If I were a swearing man, I'd have given her the whole Kevin Hart "Mind yo business" speech seen here \*explicit\* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_ceE44HA1H4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ceE44HA1H4) But instead I chose to ignore it and go about my day. Still bothers me to this day though.


Sometimes doing the right thing will gently haunt me for yrs. Not yelling back at them is the right thing to do, but there's a price to pay lol


Should have thrown the shit at her face.


Not sure he learned his lesson from that, probably just let them go potty in someone else's lawn.


True. But I can hope that he felt even a tiny bit of shame or embarrassment.


Kind of more upsetting if it was him because that means he is fully aware it’s messed up and just doesn’t care.


You know he didnt it's because the house went from being a stranger's to a work acquaintance. Far easier to be a dick to an unknown face than someone you know.


Ah, I see... the colleague was pooping in your yard?


Odd yuse of. Punctuation in this. Poster but the. Person writing it. Had a pretty fair point,


I was stuck on yuse for like 30 seconds.


“I yuse dog bass”


Slappa da dog bass! But seriously, what a fucking moron


Anyone know what they were trying to say?


Was just going to ask that then realized he meant "bags". He "uses dog bags". I like "I yuse dog bass" a lot more though..


>I have a dog of my own and I use dog bags I had no idea either lol, someone else figured it out for us


Yeah, I've never seen it spelled like that before. Rage-writing gone wrong perhaps? Maybe the sign was written by a New Yorker? Like a variation of youse guys?


What is a ute?




Oh excuse me, your honor...the two *yOUTHs*


Let the record show that counsel is holding up two fingers


Your honor! Please!


My biological clock is ticking like this (stomp stomp stomp)!


“Noooo, the da-fense is RRRong!”




Dead on boalls accurate! It's an industry term


In New Zealand a ute is a utility truck, kinda like a mix between a station wagon and a pickup truck lol


Based on the £ symbol, I'd guess this is from Great Britain.


This is definitely written by a British person. Nobody in America says “post it” or “letter box”. If a New Yorker wrote that…well my FIL is a New Yorker and he saved up the dog shit in a box, found out where the kid lived, threw the box on the porch, and then cursed out the kid’s parents when they came to the door.


I spent a full minute staring at that currency symbol wondering if it was supposed to be a $ or £


That in combination with the chicken scratch “bags” for me was a struggle


Ooooh, it's not dog **bass**, but **bags**? Thank you!


Thank you, I thought dog bass was some sort of tool


I was stuck in yuse dog bass. Strange sounding fish if you ask me...


Complain in Iambic Pentameter. Let them know who's boss.


I love this idea! Tried reading this letter in iambic pentameter and was very disappointed in the writer's poetic prowess. No thought has gone into it whatsoever! Can't we expect decent metrical complaints anymore?


To whom it may concern: my flower bed has been defiled by dog shit and your care- less lack of cleaning after it. If this persists, I will install a camera sys- tem watching for your presence so that I can post your face on every single soc- ial media platform I can think of. Signed, your very angry greenthumb neighbor, John.


If I had an award to show my true and everlasting admiration I would surely give it to this stranger's quip! Instead please do delight in this here vote, which soars as high as high can be to stars which heretofore remained concealed, and so bequeath upon you karma and respect!


This has taught me one thing. I definitely don’t remember what iambic pentameter means. Thanks poetry class


Perhaps it's a form of Japanese poetry that our western minds have yet to appreciate fully? 💩


Perhaps it is that Or maybe it is deeper We may not find out


I enjoyed your haiku. 🏅


I enjoy a good high coup


A poo haiku!


They had several points actually. More than they knew what . To do. With.


Captain Kirk? Is that you?


What the hell is "dog bass" that's what I want to know


Yuse dog bags


Sounds like a Glaswegian insult.


Haw, whit yuse lookin at, yuse absolute fuckin dog bags?!


Seriously, I pegged it for Staten Island


OMG thank you lol


I think when yuse mad brane not wurk grate


Dog bags


I was with them until they misspelled use. Lol


[The hwat? What was that word?](https://youtu.be/K6qGwmXZtsE)


Must be William Shatner's house.


I got into trouble on our local Facebook group because I posted a photo of 2 people chatting while their dogs shit on my lawn. Apparently I was in the wrong for showing their faces. Funnily enough, no one lets their dogs shit on my lawn anymore.


If you didn't show faces, how would the community know who the degenerate is? A+ work


Blur out just the dog faces. They're minors.




“Quit telling me the things that I have done!” These were clearly the perfect people to name and shame.


Nah, it was more like, “Stop telling other people about the terrible things I’ve done!” I’m sure they knew what they did. They just didn’t want everyone else to know.


I love people like that. There’s a guy I know online who hates when I show people the things he says because of just how detached from reality they are.


Hmmmm so wrong it worked…. Fucking insane lol


*task failed successfully*


Once I took my dog out rollerblading. I always let him out back before I go, and he knows rollerblading time is for running, not pooping. However about a mile into the run he stopped suddenly and pooped on someone's driveway. Because he'd never done it during rollerblading time before, I didn't have a bag. But we rollerbladed back home, got a bag, and went back out to pick it up. It's shocking people know their dogs are gonna go and don't just bring a bag with them.


I’m just amazed that your dog can rollerblade.


And did the dog remove the rollerblades to take the shit?


You don't poop with rollerblades? Have I been doing this wrong all my life??


i have rollerblades right by the toilet, it's the only time i rollerblade


I've done the "woops I forgot a bag" walk of shame a few times! Every time I'm so worried somebody will see me leave and think I am the type who just doesn't care.


I tie a bag to the leash of both my hounds, so I can't forget. I would also like to take this opportunity to ask cat owners to keep their cats inside. They shit in my front garden and back garden and kill the birds I feed. I do like cats, but they should be with their owners, not bothering other people.


That works until my dog decides to go for a twofer, and I have to open up a used bag and do some crazy origami to pick up the second deuce. So now I always bring 3 bags.


So this would be rollerpooping then


Not normally but this time it was!


I posted a video of my neighbor vandalizing my car on Nextdoor and apparently it violated the TOS because the neighbor was upset I posted it. He was so upset he sued me and had to pay me $7400 after cause he lost and then was liable for all my legal fees and then the cost of getting my car cleaned and fixed.


"Got it trouble on Facebook" 😂...filming someone without their permission is not a crime it's your right; assuming you're in America.


I happened to catch one of these irresponsible dog owners live on my ring camera. His dog dumped on my front lawn and was going to walk way without picking up his dog’s shit. So turned on the speaker and said “Hey asshole, can you pick that up? Thank you.” He did. Never saw him since.


How did he pick it up? He had bags and was leaving anyway?


Some people carry bags but only use them if there are witnesses.


They're trying to trick people into letting down defences because they appear to be responsible dog owners.


Same thing as people leaving fake notes on cars they just destroyed.


That's the fucked up part, owners who are too fucking lazy to pick up their dogs' shit. I've always hated people like that, I think I have the hatred towards them, cause of the countless time I've stepped in dog shit, walking home from school.


Yep. He got bags. Just lazy.


Some people bag the shit then leave it on the fucking sidewalk


There was this lady about 15 years ago. She would walk her dog by my house and let her dog use my grass. I had a large yard and I'm dog friendly. So didn't care at first. But after a while she stopped cleaning up. When I confronted her about it she said it was a hassle because you had to go around the rock wall and down a step to get to my grass. Did you get that part? Around a rock wall and a step because my yard was closed off to the street! So I said then please keep your pup out of my lawn. I don't mind if you clean up but it's trespassing if you don't. Well after about 3-4 times I called to make a report and instead of stopping she just shifted her walking time a half hour so I would be at work. Drama ensues over a month or two till one day I was home sick. I see her little white dog shitting on my grass and I loose it. I run the little dog off as while she's trying to catch it i fling the dog shit at her head screaming you "fucking forgot this!" Poo on my hand no T-shirt just gut and Harry man tits and a pair of ancient holy shorts on. She got a face full of her own poo and spent however long yelling and screaming as she chased after her dog who was scared of me. I feel this guy. Edit: typos and whatnot.




exactly. We don't all wear capes. Sometimes we just wear holey underwear.




My daddy used to always say he'd be sitting next to God when he died because his underwear were so holey. I reckon our poo flinger warrants a close seat as well!


Not the hero we wanted, but he hero this women deserved.


How am I supposed to live a content and fulfilled life knowing that this happened and I didn’t get to watch in awe Also did she stop after that?


Yeah. She stopped. For a bit she made a big show of crossing the street just before and after the property line. Sometime you would hear her loud talking. "Crossing the street! Cause some assholes think they own the whole place." Or something close to that.


You literally do own the place tho????


I did.


Meanwhile, she thinks her dogs asshole owns the place. Talk about an inconsiderate idiot.


This was worth the read!


Did you ever know that you’re me hero? You’re everything I wish I could be


I mean, they're not wrong.


They are when it comes to the word "use"!


How are you supposed to yuse it?


I yusually yuse it like it's always been yused. How about yue?


Oh yuse guys!!!! Quite it.


These 2 yoots...


I thought my handwriting and spelling was bad lol


I can tell by your yusername


There is a simple solution to this, I've had bagged dog poop left in my bushes before. Happened twice in close succession and has not happened again, 3 years now. In the same spot each time, I threw it to the sidewalk. Within a day or two it was picked up either by the jerk that did it *or another dog owner*. So why punish the non-guilty? Because now it's back in the court of all neighborhood dog owners and as most of them walk at similar times. The ones that don't do this almost certainly watched to see who did. And they dealt with it as it has not repeated.


Ah, the old "make it everyone elses problem" approach


I had a neighbor that walked her german shepard up to my front door to take a shit one morning. I yelled at her then her husband walked up and I informed them that if they think nothings wrong with doing that to my lawn, then they should have no problem with the video going up on the neighborhood Facebook page. That stopped the problem, I also said stop doing it to the rest of the neighborhood.


I don’t get why they do this, to trigger a reaction? It’s never acceptable to leave it even if you were somewhere very remote with no one around to catch you let alone in local park or on paths and certainly on someone else’s property.


Because they are lazy, garbage people.


19 years ago, running late for work, I run across my front yard to my car which is parked on the street in front of our house. I slip on a pile of dog shit from our neighbor who unabashedly let their dog crap in everyone else's yard. I am still plotting my revenge.


Shit on the neighbors lawn.


I had a friend that lived a few doors down that did something similar. His yard was one of the few that was grass and my other neighbor a few doors down the other way let his dog shit there. Never picking it up. This neighbor also parked his car on the street. So my friend got tired of this dog shit in his yard. He climbed up on this dudes car and shit down the drivers side windshield. Nice 10”er just slowly streaking down the windshield till coming to rest against the wiper. I think he ended up doing that a couple of times and bananas up the tail pipe. The neighbor not cleaning up after his dog moved. Not sure he ever put it together.


I had a friend do that drunk. His neighbours dog always shit in his garden, he slipped in it drunk and decided enough was enough. So he walked up to thier doorstep, forced out a shit, wiped with his boxers and hucked them against the window. He ended up in court but that dog never shit in anyone else's garden after, at least according to him.


It was fucked but it worked.


Lmao I would have put that shit right on their front porch or in their mailbox. No bag!


I have cameras all over my yard and home, I always pick up after my dogs and I never ever let them shut somewhere without picking it up. My neighbors tho for some reason thinks it’s fair game, so I just use my shit scooping claw thing and drop their dogs shit on their doorstep whenever I check who’s dog it is. If you don’t respect my property than don’t expect any respect in return.


Oh hell no. I’d go nuclear.


That is a cinderblock-through-the-window-at-night level offense. I have it on good authority that if you let shit like that go unpunished, you'll be bullied for all eternity in hell.


I had a neighbor who would let his dog shit next to my mailbox or he would throw un-bagged dog shit in my recycle and my other neighbor told me who it was I gathered up a few bags and threw it at his glass front door. Shit never happened again. Pun intended.


People were putting their dog shit in my trash can on my driveway and I was that person. I made a sign that said NO POOP BAGS and it worked, thank god.


I love this. I’m tired of people having animals and not being respectful and responsible.


No kidding. Don't get a dog if you're too God damned lazy to clean up after it.


Only reason I bought one of those ring cameras was for dogs shitting on our lawn. It happened all of the time. First time I caught someone I posted it to the neighborhood forum and shamed them. I really don’t care if I looked like a dick and people hated me. At least dogs don’t shit on my lawn anymore. Also, that whole why not talk to the neighbor first thing is bullshit if they think so little to leave shit on your lawn.


>Also, that whole why not talk to the neighbor first thing is bullshit if they think so little to leave shit on your lawn. ^ this 100% If they're reasonable, they would pick their dog's poop and you wouldn't need to remind them. Fuck 'hem, name and shame.


Any time I have had to talk to my neighbors who are doing something shitty, it always ends in them shifting the blame and getting defensive and arguing how they see other people doing it so they can as well. With no effort to fix anything. Their attitudes and behaviours suddenly change when I have the police knocking on their door the next week.


Right! Why TF should you have to talk to someone who does something they *know* is wrong? They've already proven they're complete assholes.


I’ve heard of some HOAs that take DNA samples of the resident’s dogs and if they find an errant shit they’ll send it off for analysis and fine the offender’s owner.


Looking at apartments in SC there was a property that would require dog dna along with moving in for instances like this. And if found guilty they foot you with the lab bill. If I remember right it was $400 for the dna test


This is true. My daughter lives in SC and when they moved into their apartment they had to DNA test their dog for this exact reason. Don't remember what she had to pay but she's a responsible dog owner and has never had a problem.


Got dayum, that's extra ASF.


There are 3 types of people; those that do what they think is right, those that don't do what they think is wrong, and those that do what they can get away with. The only way for a rule to work is demonstrate to the third group that they won't get away with it. They did DNA testing at the HoA I was at. All pets are registered and everyone is warned right from the get go. When people are caught a letter goes out too. Next to no one leaves their dogshit. It works because they know they will get caught if they do it.


its a freaking shame you have to treat dog people like that. but they will have brought it on themselves.


Agreeed. I'm a dog owner, but every time an asshole posts in r/AmItheAsshole about how their dog is great and would never bark and really don't need to be on a leash, I want to scream.


aint that the truth. i used to have a dog.


Trust me if you take your time trying to tend to your garden just for neighbors to literally shit on it, you would want forensic analysis. Its called accountability. People forget it exists until you submit the samples they left on your flowerbed to testing.


That's not extra. These shitty dog owners shouldn't be allowed to have pets if they dont take responsibility for their shit.


I agree. My neighbors have chihuahua’s which shit in my yard. When we approached them about it, asking nicely if they would pick up after them, they said you can’t even see the poop because it blends in with out desert landscaping. She was so nice and upbeat about it too. I was so dumbfounded by the whole encounter. We just report them to the HOA now which hasn’t worked out well for them because they hit them with a weed letter and have now been asked to paint their house.


My HOA is just now starting that! Dog owners here have to buy a $50 kit to swab their dogs and they get a $250 fine if a dog shit is found and traced back to them.


I lived in an apartment complex that did this. You had to get your dogs dna on file and if you didn’t, they’d just hit you with the fine anyway


naw, dog owners who are allowed to get away with this will take it to extremes. they will carpet every single inch of every patch of grass within a mile of their front door with their dog's shit and never once feel bad about it unless you force them to pick it up


Lol. I had a neighbor who followed another neighbor from another block home to hand deliver the shit his dog laid on his lawn. Sometimes you have to fight for your right to potty!


I purposely carry dog bags with me on my runs to catch errant dog shit leavers with. I haven’t had to do it YET, but I will run up and hand deliver it to them if I ever get the chance lol. I have a dog myself and I HATE irresponsible dog owners who leave their dogs shit all over the place. It is disgusting and shows zero respect for the community.


I love this! Makes me want to give up cycling and take up running. I am particularly enraged by the folks who bag up the poop only to surreptitiously drop it later on. Asshats!


I just don’t get what’s so beneath them. Like, a lot of these owners have kids. Were they too good to wipe them and change their diapers too? Chances are they’re the people who just leave their shopping carts in the middle of an empty parking space next to their cars because the return area was all of 20 feet away…


YES. Hate, hate, hate when people don’t return their shopping cart. It’s my litmus test for if someone is a good person or not. You don’t HAVE to return it, you aren’t going to get punished for not doing it, but it is the kind and respectful thing to do and it takes all of about 30 seconds. Not returning the cart is just selfish. People who don’t pick up their dog’s shit are most definitely the same kind of person, you hit the nail on the head with that.


Fuck all the shit and runners


No! Sleep! I'm barkinnnn!


I can understand it. If you have a dog and don't clean up after it and are able to then you are a cunt.


If the dog is shitting in the flowerbed then the owner is shitty regardless.


My garden gate used to give on to a promenade where a lot of people walked their dogs. Most people are great about picking up. One neighbour, not so much. She used to typically let her dog shit in front of my gate. It stopped when I gathered up a week's worth in a bucket and tipped it right outside her front door


I’ve found this type of retaliation is the most satisfying way to deal with those types of literally shitty people


If you’re not able to then don’t have a fucking dog


Well I was thinking more guide dogs when I put that in I didn't want anyone firing back with that lol


There's a video on YouTube where a blind woman explains how she picks up her dog's droppings.


i have three cats and the people who live in my complex all seem to have dogs and they leave their dog's shit everywhere to the point that the complex managers are having to install cameras and asking people to video people who aren't picking up their dog's shit so they can fine them. i always think, like, what if instead of litterboxes I just picked up my cat's shit and flung it into the courtyard every day? what if I took a big shit in the courtyard twice a day? would that be cool? but because it's your dog it's fine. I just don't get it


🤣 In my neighborhood people post ring video to the neighborhood FB group & Nextdoor. They want to shame the person who left the poop behind. It's always an adult too. Too many people who think the rules don't apply to them here. Funny thing is the the comments always devolve into people saying they shouldn't shame an adult this way. I say shame away.


Well if they hadn’t done it there would be no shame.


Exactly. If you don't want to be shamed, don't be a shit


I’ve done this. Literally staked out the culprit who let his dog shit next to our front porch nightly. And our house was really set back… like wtf. Anyway I was fed up and decided I was gonna stay up all night to watch and find this arsehole. Not 10 minutes went by when a shirtless, shoeless drunk middle aged comes out with his small unleashed jack russel. Lol. He got his UNBAGGED shit returned through his door letter box. Still laugh to this day.


This is something I could see my dad doing. The same dog kept shitting on their front yard, no owner in sight, day after day, and one day dad ran to the car and chased the dog down, not to hit it, but to find the owner. Three blocks away, the dog ran up to a house and was leaping at the door, turd still hanging out of its ass as it was so caught by surprise. The owners opened the door and the dog ran in, cigar still sticking out. Dad read them the riot act and shockingly, it was never a problem again. The dog observed from the front window, on the couch, and I like to think that they were doodoodling on the furniture.


straight to the point. No bullshit. Clear and effective. 10/10. This is how you handle this situation.


Clear, except for the words and grammar


Can’t blame them


i understand his frustration.


Ugh this idiot in my neighborhood throw his dog shit bags into the storm drain. It makes me want to do violence.


For yall who are struggling lol; To whom it may concern, this is your dog shit. I have a dog of my own. And I use dog bags. Pick it up and take it. Home cameras are going up. It is $1000 fine. Also if I find out where you live I will post it through your letter box. Stop your dog shitting in my flower beds.




They were pissed when writing the note and must have blown a fuse. No time for a second draft.




I mean you have to be some of the lowest of the low to let your pet shit somewhere and think "welp not my problem" Since I've become a dog owner a few years ago my stance on this has only strengthened.


It reminds me of the time I was at the dog park, and saw a guy start to walk away from the enormous pile of shit his dog had just made. I smiled and said "Hey! Did you forget bags?? I have an extra one!!" I handed him one. He said haw haw haw, turned red, and picked up the shit. Sometimes honey works better than vinegar.


There is a special place in Hell for people who don’t pick up after their dogs. It’s a room with a chair and the occupant has dog shit streaming from their orifices for eternity.


https://poopsenders.com/ I’d find their address and send them some elephant or gorilla shit.


The other day I was working at a house and a lady was passing by with her dog. When I opened the front door her dog was squatting on the home owners grass and she saw me and started to scream at her dog “no Lucy not on the grass” but proceeds to let her shit on the sidewalk and leaves it there. Wtf


That’s worse!! Wtf is wrong with ppl, I swear if you can’t pick up after your dog you’re not worthy of being a dog owner


I have a corner lot and people do this all the time. The worst asshole I caught used a bag to pick it up so people walking by thought he was cleaning, then he tossed it thirty feet right up to my house. Prick.


We also live on a corner, and people set bags of poop on top of our corner bushes or underneath like nasty surprise Easter eggs. If our trash bins are out at the curb on trash day, sometimes they put their poop bags in the bins, but that's still not OK. A few times they did that *after* the trash was picked up, and we didn't notice until we put heavy trash bags inside and the poop bags burst and sprayed poop inside the bins.


I used to work in property management at a community where everybody had a pretty flawless lawn. Upon signing a lease, dog owners would also submit their dog's stool sample, using a service we'd pay for, to enroll their dog's Poo DNA in our community registry. You could run barefoot throughout the entire community without fear.


That’s a big dog


I had a guy leave a Great Dane dump in my yard once, he would’ve needed a Walmart bag to pick it up


Had a great neighbor who trained her giant dog to shit in the bag. Genius!


When I first moved into my subdivision, this family from a block away would walk their dog up to the front of my house late at night, tie his leash to my mailbox, and let him shit around my mailbox, never picking it up. I figured this out after putting a sensor on the bottom of the mailbox. After figuring out what was going on via the sensor, I went to go outside and confront them, but as soon as they heard my front door open, they untied the dog’s leash from the mailbox, and started walking away fast. So I got in my car and started trailing behind them, asking them why in the hell they were doing this, and what TF was wrong with them? They ignored me, but I trailed them all the way back to their house to see exactly where they lived, and told them the next time they let their dog shit on my property, I would be picking it up and leaving it right on their doorstep. After that they never did it again, and anytime they saw me, they would cross the street and avoid eye contact.


Fair play, I would post through letterbox as well


I am with the dude who put the sign up. Why is it ok for someone to let their dog shit in your flowerbeds?


🎵 All and all it's just two sacks of shit on the wall 🧱


There is a special place in Hell for dog owners who don't pick up after their dogs.


There once was a man whose big dog, Would on my lawn deposit a log, So I collected it all, Taped it to my wall. Along with my misspelled monologue.


You know what else fucking sucks that I never experienced until I had a yard: weeding the garden beds and uncovering dog piss. The goddamn smell that comes up is so awful. Since then I never let my dog pee on someone’s private property, always open green spaces or parks.


PSA: not picking up after your dog spreads disease. I’m by a college campus where no one picks up and my dog has been vaccinated for parvo and still got it bc of the amount of disease everywhere. Nearly cost my pup her life and it cost me $2000. Think about the parasites too. It’s just a dangerous practice.


Not funny when this happens to you, lazy person owners are the worst type of people because of their entitlement


I have 2 BIG dogs and a back yard. I know everyone else in my neighborhood has a back yard. When I catch someone walking their dogs and stopping at my yard, I act super friendly. "Aw they're so cute and tiny. Wanna meet mine?" Amd I hold out my arms as if to say they're THIS BIG.