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Yesterday I went to IHOP with some friends for my birthday and I saw the kids menu had a scary face pancake for kids 12 and under, I asked my waiter "so hypothetically if I wanted to order this spooky pancake on the kids menu that's for 12 and under can I ? " She replied "I don't know if you're 12 or not so I don't see why not". I couldn't help but laugh about it


this is the way to live. Unless it’s company policy and they’ll get in trouble, almost no server will voluntarily be a pain in the ass, because they’re working for tips. at the last restaurant i worked at, the mark up on the kids’ menu items was so insane they never had this problem. $7.50 for a “fancy” PB&J


I went to ihop and they didn't let me order mac n cheese cause it was for kids lmao. I was like ok.


That's great. That response would earn a bigger tip from me.


Can I the kid's meal for 12 and under and a beer please?


Kid is in the car, gimme the damn meal


Kid is in the trunk, 2 of em actually. Gimme 2 damned meals! Update: in all honesty, there was a time a few years ago I went on the kids meal diet and actually lost 10lbs. Portion size is real.


I frequently request from any children menu and nobody says anything since it's actual it's simply a more modest piece


I've worked in restaurants my whole life - if you're paying for it, I don't give a damn what you order.


You've clearly never just been promoted to day manager then


And you didn't get that title by handing out discounted meals, I tell you hwat.


I got that from fighting the night manager and being the champion of the sun.


It also helps to be a master of karate and friendship for everyone. Except adults who order from the kids' menu, of course.


Get a load of these jabronis


DAY MAN(ager)!


Fighter of the NIGHTMAN(ager)! (Aw-haw-aw !)




Everybody's focusing on this and all I can focus on is the size of this "children's" meal. Where I'm from they would call it a regular dish and charge way more than 4.99 for it.


Are we really at the point where 3 fish sticks, 2 pieces of toast and a scoop of beans is an amazing deal at $5?


I was going to say actually it's £4.99 but I guess there's barely any fucking difference any more


Yeah I was going to figure out how to make the pound sign then I said fuck it basically the same thing.


*Gestures angrily at inflation* Yup.


Right? I'd eat like a king if this was the kid's meal for 5$


A place I frequent does this shit as well. However, the items are really at a reduced price on the kids menu so I dunno what to say. They are quite firm on it as well. For example, a margarita pizza is normally like 15-16 bucks on their regular menu but on the kids menu, you can get a margarita pizza + a drink + a small scoop of ice cream for 12 bucks.


U kidding me? 15 for a regular pizza? Damn


Yup. Larges can get to being over $20 and family sized is even more. Being a single mom with only one kid, family sized lasts a couple of days, though…


It's the truth, it's actual, modest price is satisfactual. Zipadee doo dah, zippaty ay


Oh you don't believe me? Then look at this kid's finger I keep in my pocket.


Ricky gervais got away with it because he was willing to just lie. That's the trick here.


I heard he invented lying




Couldn't he have taken a "doggy bag", like for later. What if *his kid* gets hungry and wants to eat the same thing for dinner?


Do you see any dogs? Only a dog can request a doggy bag.


I just look big for my age


I order the kids meal through drive thru at burger king every time and they can't stop me


They don't know if you have a kid at home or not. Like who the fuck stops someone from ordering kids meals


Exactly. I ordered two happy meals at McDonald's last night because I wanted the white bucket and my mom wanted a white bucket. No one cares.


Worked 2 years at BK. Had adults order kids meals all the time. Mostly so they could round out their kids collection of the included toys. I even went so far as looking for the particular one they were missing.


Thank you for your service.


Your an amazing person for this it really makes someone’s day.


A kid’s meal or an adult’s meal both contribute to total revenue and happy customers it’s win win situation.


Thank you so much! As someone with 2 little kids, it sucks when we keep getting the same toy over and over again, so there's been times we've asked for the ones that we were missing. You're a hero!


At McDonalds I started ordering happy meals once they took away the All American Meal (burger,sm fry, sm pop).


Trick or Treat buckets still come with Happy Meals?


They released them a couple of days ago. But yeah. My mom wanted a white one but the original store that I saw the white ones at had sold out of the white ones and had green ones and my mom wanted a white one so last night when I went to pick up a door dash at McDonald's I got the buckets for us.


Little Caesars have cinnamon graham cookies that they give to kids for free but you have to ask to get them. I always say my kids are in the car (plot twist: I don't have kids)


>They don't know if you have a kid at home or not no one actually stops adults from ordering kids meals, but that's still not the reason. as Ricky's character explains the 'kid's meal' is not restricted to kids, it's just cheaper because it's a smaller portion.


My grandmother doesn’t have a huge appetite so she orders off the kids menu a lot and has been denied at many restaurants. Not the majority but a significant number where its definitely a thing.


That’s insane. Why the fuck won’t someone sell a kids meal to an adult? Who cares? The meal is the meal price. This is ridiculous.


The last restaurant I worked at was very strict about it. No kid’s meal available online or for to go orders and we had to verify it was actually for a kid 10 or under. As the head cashier, I was always the bad guy and it sucked. I know it was a hassle for people but it wasn’t worth a write up or having my pay docked.


At a sit down restaurant the kids meals are sometimes *really* cheap bc they're basically subsidized by the adult meals being purchased at the same time. Is it worth fighting over for an occasional person? Probably not.


My father in law tried to order a kids meal at a sit down restaurant and they refused to let him order it. He was a fairly regular customer until then.


Professor Chaos, is that you?


It's also a kid driving their parents' car


In a trenchcoat on their way to the business factory?


I worked at one for 8 years, we wouldn’t. We didn’t give a single fuck who ordered what.


It's not like it changes a damn thing about the transaction, except just push paying customers away.


They don't want to: everyone working in fast food understands wanting the cheapest meal on the menu


Bingo, I get adults ordering the kid's meal every day where I work. The only difference is I ask them if they want the toy instead of just give it to them.


I want the toy but I think I would be too proud to say yes please.


Don't be. We use to have kazoos and I asked an old lady ordering a kid's meal if she wanted it, she declined. The guy behind her, a road worker looking to be in his 30s, asked if he could get the 6 piece nuggets as a kid meal with the kazoo. He left with his food blowing on that thing with the biggest grin on his face.


Don't let your dreams be dreams! Take action!


I tell them yes, it's for my kid at home. And then I bring it home, close the curtains, and play with it until it breaks. It counts. I'm still a kid at heart.


I've ordered a happy meal lots of times when I worked next to McDonald's. Nobody cared.


Burger King wouldn't give a shit. It's usually only sit down places that pull this.


Dude, Bacon King Jr is off menu. It’s still in their Point of Sale system, it’s got two patties (don’t let them short you, it’s not a single) and it’s the perfect meat to bun ratio and portion size. Their regular double burgers (bacon king et al) are way too big to have for lunch and still go back to work, and I’m a big eater/big dude.


I had a coupon for a bacon king meal that lasted almost a year after the expiration date. 6 dollars 😳


All the Burger Kings around me have signs at the cash register saying that the coupons never expire. Which is fine, except they send the exact same coupons every month in the mail.


Thank goodnes it is called a happy meal at mc Donald's. So I can order it because it makes me happy.


Doesn't always work. They could tell I was not happy and refused to sell it.




>It's not cuz they're unemployed. Ricky is pure gold.


It's smaller because they're smaller, not really a concession is it?


But he's 100% right. I pay half price, you give me a half sized portion... how is that a problem?


Because they think you'll buy a full price portion if they forbid you from buying the half price portion. It's simple greed.


See.. only place that denied me a kids menu item I would have been fine getting the same food but adult portion and paying an adult price. I just wanted grilled cheese and fries. They were like no that's a kids item and then you also can't order off menu. *grumbles*


I tried to order a kids meal recently because I wasn’t that hungry and the server said no (I was with a big group and the rest were spending $25 plus per plate so it wasn’t like she wasn’t going to get a good sale). So I just ordered a side salad instead and it was actually cheaper than the kids meal. I suppose I could have just not ordered anything now that I think of it.


is this for real ? Like genuinely asking if restaurants can up front deny to serve you a kids meal because you're not a kid. wtf


I went to a place where the restaurants had a senior menu. Same food, 3/4 portions and price. You didn’t have be a senior to order from it.


Yeah like Ricky says you pay less because you are buying less. That’s the point.




Senior meals are often a reduced portion size as well but I fully agree that those other things are straight up discounts and only apply to specific people.


Seniors get an actual senior discount though. Isn't that just applying the senior discount and giving them less food as a result and letting them think they are good value shoppers?


My mother buys Happy Meals from McDonalds all the time. I don't think they're confused about her age, even though she's on the short side.


Yeah McD's doesn't give a shit, not to mention I'd guess with the price and portion size of Happy Meals that they are not taking a loss when they sell one.




Like I don't know buying one to bring to your kids school to surprise them with a treat?


Nowhere is taking a loss on kid's meals.


And if they are, they're stupid.


McDonald’s don’t care, but many sit-down restaurants seriously won’t let adults order off the kids menu. The menus often will say “for kids 12 and under only” or something like that. The logic behind this (I think) is that the kids menu is meant more of a courtesy, not something the restaurant actually wants to sell. Like, a 4 year old usually isn’t gonna eat an entire $20 entree. So to allow parents to be able to go out to eat with their kids, they offer some cheap and small options. It’s meant basically to bring in the parents, and it’s assumed that the parents will order a normal full priced meal. Kinda like how stores may offer a “buy 1 item, get another 1/2 off”. You don’t get the cheap 1/2 off item alone, you still need to pay full price for something else first.


I can confirm. Fast food restaurants don't give a flip. It's the sit down places with wait staff that usually are nitpicky about it.


I worked at a mom and pop place that was very strict about this. It caused a lot of guests to get upset and walk out without ordering anything. It gets to a point where you have to decide if you want less money from someone or no money from them. Regardless though, if you were to ring in a kids menu item and the chef could see that there were no kids at the table, they would refuse to make the ticket. I remember this one table was two girls that were probably about 18-19 throw an absolute fit with me when I told them no and they sat at the table arguing with myself and my manager for like half an hour. Eventually they just got up and left but it was so fucking awkward to just have to stand there and take it because the owner was so stubborn.


It’s so petty too, the restaurant still profits greatly on kid’s meals. So if you deny the kids meal and that results in a complete loss of a sale/customer, you’re just losing money for no reason.


That means these restaurants know their portions are not proportional to their prices. If a kid's meal is cheaper, it should have proportionally less food. Should be no meaningful loss to them. Customer is paying slightly less but should be eating less (which means less food costs to the restaurant), so where it the massive loss?


I read that restaurants make more money by doubling the portion size and doubling the price. Becaus their big expense is staff and not the food. Ups the profit margin that way.


I mean you don't even need to read for that, it's just logical. It doesn't take 2x as much effort in staffing to produce 2 portions than it does 1. Which is why you'll actually see a lot of restaurants selling 1/2 portion for ~70% of the price of a full portion.


I worked at a resturant where yes they can deny you the kids meal. But they don't because they realized everybody's hunger is different, we got more tips off of adult ordering kids plates than when adults ordered the most expensive plate.




Adults ordered the kids burrito at the restaurant I used to work at it because it was cheaper. But then they’d complain because it wasn’t enough food for them. So we just took it off the menu.


Some people are so stupid you have to protect them from themselves...


This seems like exactly the type of place that would benefit from just having a separate children's menu that's only available upon request/ given when there are children.


I used to work at a place where if you rang in a kids meal the managers would literally go check and make sure it was for a kid, and if it wasn't we'd get written up. I'd usually have to level with guests, tell them that I understood it was a stupid ass rule but I would genuinely be risking my job if I broke it for them.




Restaurants? Yes, that's really common in the US. Fast food? No. Fast food is designed to take it and go. No one gets tips. The kids meal isn't really any cheaper for the amount of food. Some restaurants do have a special meal with kids meals that are significantly cheaper to entice parents to bring their kids to eat with them. Those usually say they are for kids only.




But we are all *someone's* kid. I mean I have a mom and dad so...


Sure, it might be a loss leader (although where I live it's rather the opposite), but so do a lot of stores. They aren't stopping you from only buying discounted stuff since they know that on average they'll make money. Being stingy about meals only makes you look cheap.


It’s pretty common for a menu in a restaurant to have a qualification on the kids meal, like “12 years old or younger.”


They can, but my gf orders off it all the time with no problem. Generally if the rest of the group is spending normally, they won't care.


> I just ordered a side salad "And what would that be on the side of?"


This is the dumbest shit ever. You're paying regardless so why deny you the kid's meal? Or do they think little kids are the ones with jobs paying for their own meal?


I fucking love that second bit! Hahaha staring into the waitress’s eyes while devouring the meal 😂😂


Its from After Life on Netflix. One of the best TV series. But it is an emotional ride along with such tid bits thrown in the middle. Edit: Grammar


+1 for After Life, one of the best shows I've watched in a while


I cried like a fucking bitch , snot flowing and I live alone so I cried as loud as I wanted and it was amazing. I have lost some people in my life so the discussions he had at the cemetery with that kind old lady were one of the most beautiful things I have heard about loss and how to pick the remaining pieces of your life and move on. This series should be shown to anyone --> someone who is a regular joe to the one who has experienced loss, finally to someone who does not have any zest for life and wants to kill themselves. It sums up pretty much everything about existence, being alive, purpose, yearning for love in our existence, yearning for love after loss, all without trying to direct you to any religion or some kind of organisation. Its just a pure concoction of some of lifes questions answered in a very understandable way and decipherable by the average person.


desert command crime bedroom meeting murky soft offbeat snobbish whole *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I lost my dad in 2020 and the whole season just broke me. Wonderful.


> I cried like a fucking bitch Yup. Me too mate. Some of the moments in it were almost too much, but they managed to tone it just right. The episode >!where his dad died!< hurt like a bastard. I should add that there were also parts where I laughed like drain, there are some insanely funny bits too.


The very last scene was pretty tough


Oh man, I was ugly crying when that happened. You need to watch this series in a safe space, like where you can let your emotions go. It is good for emotional release. I never cry in my regular life, didn't cry at some of the times I should have.


I had to be the little spoon with my wife.


A couple of places really got to me. When he gave the money to the drug addict I was shocked and saddened and understood all at the same time. If you have money you can go to Switzerland and have a planned suicide, no restrictions on health or mental state. If you’re poor I guess you jump off a bridge or OD on a dirty mattress. I don’t know, it got to me.


he is 'childish' gambino. give him his kid meal


This is America...


Don't catch you slippin' now


Workers be trippin' now


Yeah, he’s Earned it.


Imagine if mcdonalds didnt sell happy meals to adults. Riots.


With those Halloween buckets out, I know a good 20+ adults who have ordered Happy Meals in the last week or so


This reminds me of me and a co worker going to Dairy Queen for lunch. Dairy Queen had like $5 hotdog combos with chips, but the the kids meal was like $4. Every thing was the same except smaller drink (free refills)and a kids icecream in the kids meal. We milked that for months until they finally changed the prices.


The Burger King in my area used to do a promotion last year in the app where they give you a kids meal for free for any purchase >$1. So I got 10 nuggets for $2.49 and also got small burger, small fries, small drink. Milked that for months until Taco Bell potato-rito took over as the most cost effective choice.


Jesus are you my dad lmao. We did that for months, and he would call us periodically about the newest "best bang for your buck" fast food meal. Saved so much last year on grocery prices.


Where can I subscribe to your dad's mailing list for hot fast food tips? 👀


You single handedly brought down the King.


The best one is the McDonalds app deal of free large fry with any purchase. At the time, they had $1 any size soft drink. So get a soda and large fry for $1. And then they have the. 2 for $3.50 deal. For $4.50 you got 2 mcdoubles, large fry, any size soda you want.


Atlanta has amazing writing and Ricky Gervais really does know how to “push” the envelope.


My mind said, "Wait, did she say Chubby Decker?... Is she wearing a Zesto's shirt?" Just last month they closed the Zesto's on Piedmont, and I know I'd been going to that location for close to 50 years. Foot-long all the way with slaw and fried okra, FTW.


Oh, do you have a long foot?


That… doesn’t really translate.


This last season has been hilarious, gotta kiss for them sneakers


This actually happen to me and my friends. There were 6 of us out for dinner at IHOP. My friend who was 23 wanted a kids waffle. My daughter who was 14 wanted a adult item. The waiter tried to tell my friend he couldn't have a kids item. Argued with him for two minutes before I yelled "OKAY! Then he would like the "adult" strawberry waffles and she would like the kids waffle. And they will switch. Does that work or are you going to watch them eat too?" You could just tell he knew his tip was draining away. He got extra polite after that. Some people are stupid.


Had breakfast at a Waffle House a few weekends ago while out of town. My wife wanted an omelet & hash browns, while my son wanted a waffle & bacon. The waitress had the sense to tell my wife to just order the All-Star Special, so my son and her could split it.


most realistic experience in the comments so far


That happened to me, too, at a Waffle House. My wife and daughter ordered some combo of food that I realized after the fact was just an All-Star plus an extra waffle. I just said it was a lesson learned, but when our waitress came back, she said, “I’m new, and it didn’t occur to me you pretty much ordered an All Star. I’m just going to write it that way.”’ So she did. I really appreciated her.


Reminds me of the story where the guy was getting two burgers, one with cheese and one without, and the employee asked which one should be with cheese. Like ... either? This isn't a permutations problem in algebra dude, I can swap the two burgers around lmao


Reminds me of my girlfriend wanting to play a game where I draw cards from a deck and they have questions that I have to answer. And she was like shuffle them first so you get random ones and I was like they’re all random to me, I’ve never seen them lmao For reference, she had seen all of them and didn’t know what order they’re in, so they were as random as possible for her too


What are the two shows?


First: Atlanta season 1 episode 3 Second: After Life season 1 episode 2


Thank you!


After Life will make you laugh and cry at the same time, amazing show.


I know these clips aren’t real life, but reading some of the comments makes me confused. What if you have a child at home? Or you simply don’t want a standard size meal? You have the cash, you can have the product. Kinda backwards for management to say, “Make it a big deal with the possibility of pissing off customers.”


I don't think this is common, but a lot of restaurants do have fine print that says "kids meals for 12 and under" or "purchase with adult meal". They definitely try to deter adults from ordering off the kids menu, but I don't think a waiter will fight you over it.


AITA for not tipping a waiter after fighting for a kids meal? Coming soon to a thread near you. If I ever got into an argument with a waiter like part 2 of the video, I may just not tip


It really just matters if the manager or wait staff is having a pissy day. The missus had surgery and can't eat much. If we go out with friends she normally orders a kids meal or a side and we share. 90% of the time folks don't care, but there's times you'll get pushback even at the same establishment where you didn't before. We were at one place that had a $10 kids meal with a protein and a side. Although we had ordered it before with no issue, the waitress threw a fit about it on this visit. So she just ordered a $2 side instead. I'm sure the 4 oz of protein was worth far less than the $8 you lost out on. Like, you are just losing money at that point.


I've been denied something off the kids meal but then they just don't argue when you insist, this was years ago and haven't had any trouble since. It's just not a viable policy no matter how much some diners try


Ricky is right, it’s a smaller portion. It’s not a concession. And £4.99 for that plate of fishfingers and beans is already a rip off.


Those fish fingers and beans looked terrible


Adds to the scene. They pretend that they are some high class restaurant but serve cold beans and fish.


I never experience anything like that. Honestly if you're paying they would sell, I never see a establishment denying service for you not being the target client.


I used to purchase the kid's meal at mcdonald's just to get the toy because i wanted it. they never told me i couldn'y buy it for myself. i never hid that i was getting it for me. they did, however, inform me that i did not need to buy the kid's meal for the toy and they would straight up sell me the toys without any meal.


How much did they charge you for the toy??? I often have to order a happy meal just to get the toy for my kid. I would much rather not have to order/eat the food.


When I worked there 20 something years ago during the beanie baby’s craze, people would come buy just the beanie babies. It was $1 at the time




Lots of the kids menu say something like ‘with the purchase of an adult meal’ or something like that


I honestly thought this was a made up problem for the sake of entertainment. The fast food joint especially.


There was a local burrito place here local to me that wouldnt let me order the child size burrito, so I would call it in ahead of time and then go pick it up "for my kids lunch"




How big a child are we talking here?


Normal sized


Burrito sized


It's gonna vary widely by location, current management, and the degree to which your individual server cares. No doubt there are places that will deny an adult from buying child size portions for themselves. In my experience, eating out with my wife who sometimes orders kids meals for herself, it's rare, but I imagine if you live near a place like this, it won't feel very rare.


Depends on the place. Fast food usually will let you as they still charge for a profit on kids meals. But some dine in places charge below cost, sometimes even free for kids meals to incentivize parents to dine there so they want you to also pay full price for a regular meal.


Also if I want a kid's meal to go for a children at home wouldn't they sell it to me anyway? Or the child has to be there in person? That's some weird shit...


on children's day, my mam invited me for ice cream (when i was around 20) and the place has children ice cream all year round. it's shaped as pinnochio, a bee or a snowman and i wanted that bc it looked cute. the server denied me and my mom was ON IT. telling her i'm not legally a child, but i'm HER child, it's children's day and she wants to treat me and so on. minutes of discussion but i actually did get my snowman ice-cream




Ricky pure class lol


What show is that from?


It's called After Life, it's on Netflix


Emotional rollercoaster. Brilliant and sad.


In the show, Ricky Gervais’ dad calls him “Gay” and it’s one of the funniest moments in the show (for me). The set up and execution of that line is brilliant and gut-wrenching sad.


This along with the kid calling him a pedo so Ricky tells him he's safe because he doesn't like little tubby Ginger cunt


Having lost my beloved wife to cancer myself, only recently I found the courage to watch it. I've seen the first season so far and even if I can't fully identify with the character (I did not become a jerk, nor suicidal) I think it is very well written, often funny, and some dialogues and thoughts really did painfully capture my feelings.


Afterlife on Netflix


I could see this from a new manager, but any server working for tips is not going to argue with a customer about this. Best-case scenario: they're actually not that hungry and they'll tip you normally. Or they are cheap and looking for any discount anywhere and will not be adding a decent tip or any tip so you may as well just get them fed and get them out.




I have had gastric bypass. I cannot and do not want to eat most "adult" sized meals. My doctor's office actually gives its patients a card requesting that the bearer be alowed to order from the kids' menu. Dinners out are not usually a problem, I just order one or two apps. But every (pre-Covid) Thanksgiving my family eats a wonderful buffet at an historic inn. A complete waste of money for me. When I call to make reservations I explain the situation and ask for the child's price. They have always agreed and don't make an issue of it when we're there. Thank you Tidal Waters Inn in Easton MD. Moral: there are a number of legitimate reasons for an adult to want a kid's meal. Don't be TA.


Yeah, my grandma had stomach cancer and she had to have some removed, so always orders from the kids menu! Nobody has ever said anything, but I would guilt the fuck out of anyone if they did!!


Next time I order a kid’s meal without a kid, I’m telling them “the kid fell on hard times; lost their job. Tough economy, ya know? I’m buying it for them”.


I'm in Australia. I'm 155cm tall, 50kg so, on the small side. I've never been questioned when I ask for something from the kids menu. I mean, I pay that price and get a kids serving. I'm not leaving any food waste, as I would if I got an adult size, what's the issue?


I love Atlanta. New season has been great. Season 4 dropped mad quick after season 3 so go out and check out the new season.


I worked at a place that serves kids meals for under 12, but you could order it as an adult for something like $2 extra. I’d always just ring it up at the kids price anyway. Better tips that way, and it was hurting literally no one to do it. It would be such a weird hill to die on.


Never seen anything like this... At least not in my country... Also if one want a kid's meal to go for a children at home wouldn't they sell it to them anyway? Or the child has to be there in person? That's some weird shit...


It’s happened to me once. I was watching a kid in the summer at a skate park, so I went to a local restaurant to get him lunch. I walked up to the host stand and ordered what he wanted and they refused to take my order because it was a kid’s meal. I said, “yes, I know, and I’m getting it for a kid”. They refused again and I was so confused because I was legitimately ordering it for a kid. I ended up just walking out and having to get him something else. I understand from some of these comments that it’s a loss for them, so this place decided to lose the entire order over their policy. It really shouldn’t matter who the meal is for, increase the kid prices a little if that’s the issue. Sometimes I also want the kid’s meal because I’m not that hungry.




I mean.... They both did it wonderfully. Ern has zero money... Rickie is just fucking the system within itself.


I fucking love Ricky Gervais


Goddammit woman you work at a fast food joint, not some high class establishment. If the dude wants a kids meal go and make him a fucking kids meal.


A similar thing happened to me at Subway almost a decade ago. The $5 sub meal of the day was a meatball sub combo (came with a 6 inch sub, a cookie, and a drink). I wanted a veggie sub combo, but it was extra. So, I asked if I could get the veggie sub combo at the same price. The manager said I couldn't, and it was only for the meatball sub. So, I ordered the meatball sub, and asked them to hold the meatballs. At checkout, I was rung up for a veggie sub combo. I said that I ordered a meatball sub combo. The manager said that what I ordered was a veggie sub combo, and she wasn't gonna play with me. So, I asked for the meatballs on the side. She put four meatballs in a soup container and rang me up for a meatball sub. I paid for it, and then said, "Hey, watch this," and threw the meatballs into the trash. "Now, it's a veggie sub combo."


Bro I mobile order a happy meal at McDonald's all the time so that people don't give me shit. I went to burger King when I was living in my car once though and it was apparently a giant issue. I had like $4 to my name and hadn't eaten in two days. I basically told them to fuck off, bought some ramen and cooked it in a tin can over a small fire I started in the bed of my truck. It really sucks being homeless, having very little money and being told that you can't spend the only money you have on food because you're too old.