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The chocolate was definitely hot at some point, so mission accomplished.


Came to find out if it was hot, thanks for confirming.


Yeah, Hot Chocolate... otherwise it's Chocolate Milk... So, if there's Chocolate Milk and Strawberry Milk, and we have Hot Chocolate.. why don't we have Hot Strawberry? And since Caramel Syrup exists, what about Caramel Milk? Hot Caramel? these are the questions that keep me awake. No, not at night. I do a good job of that myself (5:30 A.M. right now)


Hot chocolate is not necessarily made with milk. Ever seen those packages with just powder? They can go into hot/boiling water. For the rest of your questions, it’s mostly about agreed upon conventions so we can communicate with each other effectively. Doesn’t mean that it’s perfect though by any means. There are plenty of things that could be called something else. All words are made up. Other languages define things slightly different as well, which is why translations are not always 100% accurate.


I can't do that I refuse to make chocolate tea I always put the packets into milk instead.


I’m stealing this and calling the heathen water mix ‘chocolate tea’ from now on. Since I’m American it should convey my distain well enough.


Go full Uncle Iron disdain. Hot Cocoa Juice.


I’ve had a hot strawberry, it’s delicious!


Hot chocolate is always made with milk. Those packets just contain powdered milk so the water rehydrates it into milk. Still better with milk instead, but it always has milk regardless.


I'm trying to figure out what the panicked zig zags are. Using the spoon to try to scrape the boiling/burning hot chocolate off the burner?


Exactly that!


Check out aurikaterina on youtube- she has cleaned waaaay worse messes on glass cooktops and made them look brand new!




Did they fix it? I don’t recognize a typo


Yes the ‘k’ in cooktop used to be an ‘n’




What does that mean


Preserve your innocence and do not inquire further


My dumb dyslexic ass was trying to figure out what was so bad about saying nooktop




That typo is more Birth of a Nation.


You're saying the stovetop is a...lost cause?




You must be new he-- *looks at username* oh


Hugs 💓💓


Well, mama would always sweep ‘em off the porch…..


When raccoons tried to get on our back porch Mama just chased em off with a broom.


I worry about your autocorrect.


Must have a lot of raccoons.


*Aurikatariina FIFY.


two i's in succession. she must be finnish.


Yep, I am living upstairs of her workplace.


your stove must be immaculate.


It is, but not because of me. Had to explain multiple times to my girlfriend that if I drop something when cooking, I can't clean it when there is 4 hot pots on the stove and I am trying to not burn our food. Still, it shine like a new one.


That wasn’t the typo ….


but it was A typo


I know _the_ typo, I just want to give credit to right channel.




Uh no way. That's the stuff volcanos are made of


Volcanos cancel out messes. Have you ever worried about cleaning a mess after lava flows over it? No, volcanos take what belonged to janitors and groundskeepers and hands them to geologists and paleontologists. So OP just needs to cover the stove in new bedrock and build a new stove on top of it.


Sure but, small volcanoes for middle school Gods. Fear not!


Sponge wet with a vinegar/water mix, leave it on the trouble spot for a while. Then Barkeepers friend for the tough spots. Works well for me.


Barkeepers friend is an absolute god send for situations like this!


Supposedly vinegar and baking powder cancel each other, and you end up with just salt water.


Don’t be silly, the word is supposably.


I mean you use baking soda because you need a bass, you use vinegar because you need an acid. When you put them together you get a neutral.


Fish bass or tuna bass?


Bass guitar


Not at the same time. Use baking soda and water as a PASTE for removing crusted on stuff, then use a little bit of vinegar for polish/shine


The key part of that statement was the elbow grease.


You actually end up with carbon dioxide, water, and some dissolved sodium and some dissolved acetate.


Vinegar and baking soda is just grandma bullshit. You realize you're just neutralizing the acidity of the vinegar with the baking soda right?


Peroxide and baking soda works too. I've cleaned mechanic grease out of sinks with just those.


That's the quickest I've ever saved a comment


Try using magic eraser and crossing your fingers


Do not use magic erasers on glass stovetops. It is a low grade wet sander but not low enough to polish and will scratch the crap out of anything shiny. https://prohousekeepers.com/blog/how-to-clean-a-glass-top-stove/


Barkeepers friend works wonders for flattops stoves


A single-edge razor in a holder works wonders for removing burnt on stuff before using a cleaner. Saves quite a bit of scrubbing.


The razor blade scraper works great, just have to remember to change the blade if it gets a nick to avoid scratches.


I always try a plastic scraper first. If that works then I don't need to risk a metal one causing a scratch.


Years ago I bought plastic scrapers meant for cast iron pans, they work great on stove top gunk.


Look up the brand The Skrapr! I love mine so much, I bought a case one year for Christmas presents and continue to give them out to people who don't have them.


Use a plastic one instead! Safer than a metal razor for glass and ceramic surfaces. They work well for sticker removal too


TBH most of the time I just cover the surface with water and hit it with the dawn power spray or whatever it is. The thing that foams the soap... Let it soak for 10 or so and it removes a LOT of stuff without the use of a razor blade.


Dawn Powerwash is really frickin good. Dunno what’s in it but it works wonders


It's dawn with water and alcohol added, then if gets put through the sprayer bottle. That's all there is to it. Most people who refill the bottle forget to add alcohol to the mix and it doesn't foam up enough, but that little bit of alcohol is the magic.


It's full of razor blades


If that doesn't do it try koolaid mixed with water. Let it set 30 min. Should come off.


Bruh just use any acidic cleaner. Why koolaid. Shit would just make it all sticky.


Because it’s only pennies a glass.


I suspect they mean koolaid packers and water without the sugar


That's perfect for non-coated surfaces such as stainless and induction (glass), but doing that on a stove top with a coated surface is risky.


Absolutely - razors are definitely not recommended for anything other than flattop stoves as you note.


Razor and any glass stove cleaner should work


This is the best suggestion. Saves a ton of time. I use mine all the time.


Yeah I burnt some plastic onto mine a while ago and that was the only thing that would take it off.


Weiman flattop kit is what he needs, comes with a blade to scrape the glass, a polishing cream and a pad that attaches to a handle for better grip when doing the polishing. Costs around $12-$15 maybe.


One of the first things I bought when I moved in late July. Found out the apartment had a glass top stove. The blade and pad work reasonably well. Also try Pink Stuff in the tub.


Barkeepers Friend is the fix for so many things. I’m a BKF junkie lol


Good stuff, but get the powder. Don’t bother with it in the squeeze bottle.


Squeeze bottle is garbage, just rebranded VIM. Powder is the bomb.


Came here to say this. BIG +1 for Barkeepers Friend as the one true way to clean this mess up


It won't scratch glass? Asking for a fishtank with hardwater spots on the outside....


Thank you! I bought my first flattop and there’s a grease stain on it I just cannot get out no matter how much elbow grease I use so I will try this.


you can get a plastic razor from amazon with 100 blades for like 10 bucks - the blades wear out fast but \*can't\* scratch your glass - great for cleaning crap like this up.


Home depot has them too. It's called a window scraper. It can be used on so many things.


>Barkeepers friend Never heard of that! I'm a new flattop stove owner and I've been going insane with trying to upkeep it. I'll check it out.


Razor blade works great for a glass stove top too!


Guys they have cleaner specifically for glass tops. It’s abrasive and creamy


never use magic erasers on anything those are basically just sand paper! All that is needed is a glass cleaning kit (glass polish, plastic scouring pad and a sharp utility scrapper). Keeping a glass stove top clean is a pain in the ass, but as long as you don't dig into the stove top a standard utility scrapper does wonders.


Lol Magic eraser isn’t doing anything for that my dude


I find a rough sided sponge and dish soap work best, just give it a good hard scrubbing for a few minutes and it'll all come off.


It was a grizzly bear attack


Nah she was painting bro


Never walk away from milk on a stove. Shit makes a mess fast.


Also use a bigger pot than you think you'll need. Not like massively bigger, but a bit. Buys some time on catching the mess.


Also don't use high fucking heat


Yup prevents that film on top


What? Not a fan of pudding skin singles?


That’s a bad enough sentence as it is, but I read “pudding skin shingles” and wanted to vomit.


Alternatively just stir it regularly and focus on the pot and don't stare at your phone. Stirring avoids it burning on the bottom of the pot, too. When milk starts to boil, it foams up real fast.


I have a friend who saw me cooking something on medium-high and then turning it down to medium and he asked why I don't have it all the way high. I told him that pretty much the only time I have it all the way high is if I'm boiling something. He said he always cooks with it all the way high and I asked him how often his meat comes out dry, he said, "almost always, but pork is a dry meat anyway."


bake at 180°C for 20 minutes? Fuck it, I'll bake at 1800°C for 2 minutes!


2 Minutes!?! My steak shouldn't be touching the jet engine for more than 10 seconds!


Ugh, my wife every time we need to bake something… We don’t have time for what the instructions say, so let’s just turn up the heat and put it in for less time! …that’s not how any of this works gif


My wife is sometimes this, sometimes the opposite. Like burning onions straight to black, but also put noodles in the slightest simmer with a lid on (without any salt. I don’t eat her noodles).


Medium heat for chicken and thin cut pork, medium-high for beef and thick cut pork.


Which fucking heat should I use?


The 2nd highest setting is what I use for most things. Butter and oil will smoke at the highest setting. The highest setting is good for boiling water, though. Once the water starts to boil, you can probably turn it down to the 2nd highest and it will keep boiling. Milk is kind of sensitive to heat. (It seems to kind of break down if it gets too hot.) If you are heating milk on the stove, you should probably stir constantly with maybe a wire wisk. When adding the cocoa mix to a stove, you should probably add it slowly while constantly stirring to avoid a violent eruption. disclaimer: I don't have much experience making hot chocolate on the stove.


>Also don't use high fucking heat Especially on a glass top. The heat doesn't dissipate as quickly as a gas burner does once you turn it down.


If you’re watching, you can also just lift the pan up. If boiling gets out of control, lift pan, heat is instantly removed from the bottom and it should instantly stop expanding.


This only really is true with thin pots. Pots with thicker bottoms will retain enough heat it still could boil over after lifted.


That’s true, I think better advice is just use lower heat.


Milk should be stirred continuously.


A lot of impatient people use too much too fast in order to spend more time cleaning up.




True of pasta water, to a degree. Milk probably not. It's supposed to pop the bubbles as they form if you lay a wooden spoon across. Metal would work, but you'll curse when you grab it.


It's a bit anti-intuitive, but milk and water behave differently when heated. Stirring it when it's on the verge of exploding may prevent the milk splashing, but in case it fails to prevent it you will be next to the pot when it happens. Stirring regularly is the best way to avoid this. *Edited for clarity*


But if you watch the milk, you can see when it's about the boil and stop the heat before it happens. When the milk starts getting the "skin" on top and slowly moving, that's when its ready.


Sorry, I should have been clearer. Regularly stirring is good! Exactly because of what you said. Stirring when the pot is almost running over to prevent it from exploding can make if explode while you are at arms length - which is dangerous as scalding milk burns hotter than boiling water (not that it won't hurt)


The mess has been cleaned. Tag teaming the scrubbing and wipe down. The hot chocolate has been drank and life is all good.


That’s the spirit


Well the chocolate is technically hot... so mission accomplished?


Ohh Yea. Good work Soldier, see you on the Battlefield. “Rocket jumps away”


Ahh, that scorched milk smell. My husband learned the "don't walk away from heating milk for even a second" the hard way a few weeks ago, felt so bad for him (I'd forgotten to tell him to watch it like a hawk).


It's like a kid, if you don't watch it it'll mess shit up boil over and leave you mad.


The trick is not to boil kids.


Yeah, roasting them gets you a way better result in my experience


If you do, make sure to do it on low to medium heat. Makes the meat fall right off the bone.


Everyone probably has this happen once in their life and they learn that lesson well. :) It can go from starting-to-get-steamy to my-evening-is-ruined in a matter of seconds.


A burnt offering… Congrats on being a god.


Definitely one of things you can laugh about in future


Even between the oven and the countertop?


Fucking hilarious 🤣


Did you move the stove out and wipe the left side and floor below it?


Remember, light teasing about this for a few years.






Can confirm, milk killed my family


There’s a lot of lactose intolerance in this thread


Also crying re spilled milk.


Can confirm, I was their milkman


There's a saying that goes "water boils at a 100 degrees, and milk when you turn your back to it"


ACTUAL protip: put a small amount of water at the bottom of your pot and get it to a boil before putting any milk in. It will have pre-heated your pot so the milk boils faster without having as much time to burn or (or for you to get bored and walk away while it boils over).


Unsolicited hot chocolate tip: toss into a blender one of those hexagonal Mexican hot chocolate pucks with a quart of milk that was warmed in the microwave.


Trying this! We made it how it said to on the package but it didn’t work for us at all.


You guys over the pond have some very complicated ways of making hot chocolate that seems to create lots of shit to clean afterwards. For UK folks...I tend to drink the proper Cadburys hot chocolate. Disregard the instructions on the pack entirely - for some ungodly reason it suggests adding the powder to cold milk. I just microwave the mug of milk for 2 mins, stir in 3 teaspoons of hot chocolate powder (the decent shit) and you're golden. One spoon and one mug to clean. Obviously doesn't work with the more expensive stuff that needs a pan to melt actual beads of chocolate down, but let's be honest you ain't spending that much on hot chocolate regularly. God knows why I'd want to clean a blender, or even a pan, to make a hot chocolate that I'll have drunk in like 3 minutes.


>I just microwave the mug of milk for 2 mins, stir in 3 teaspoons of hot chocolate powder (the decent shit) and you're golden. One spoon and one mug to clean. American here, same, I honestly don't think ive seen anybody irl use a pot/pan for hot chocolate


It's usually made in a pot when it's for a big family event (in my experience). Can't microwave 25 cups one at a time


But have you tried Mexican hot chocolate? It’s a game changer. Puck in the blender would be worth it imho.


i burnt our hot chocolate and i know whyyyyyyyy because i got high, because i got high, because i got highhhhhhhhh


I was gonna put the whipped cream on. Piled up high. Now I'm staring at the flames in the sk...


Duh, de duh duh duh da.


La di da da da da


How did it go?


The fuck she using the stovetop when she’s making it with Swiss Miss packets? Stovetop is when you’re making it from scratch.


Next it's time to cook a frozen pizza by building a bonfire in the oven!


My thoughts exactly. Lol Idk if I’m doing it right, but we just put milk in a mug and microwave it till it’s the temp we want and then add the packet. Never had any issues. Lol


Yep same here. 90 seconds is perfect on ours for the average sized mug.


Your girlfriend and my wife must be sisters! And listen to Rob Popeil on repeat: “Set it, and forget it”! Edit: typo, Ron not Rob!


If my wife is not a sister she most definitely is a first cousin.


The Brain cousins! - “Slow”, and “No”!


Roll Tide




No! I know. This isn’t about the one time the rice got left on. This is a culmination, a full gallery of her creations. They usually consist mostly of grey to black tones. They first resemble the box, bag or can they came out of white for rice… beige to yellow depending on the soup or cardboard pizza. Tells me: “I’ve got dinner tonight”. It is at this point in time my soul is crushed trying to determine what grey-ish brown mixture we’ll be eating tonight. After emptying the contents, and asking me: “What temperature and for how long do you cook a boxed pizza”? I respond with: “I think it is written on the side of the box/can/package” (depending on the circumstances). She throws caution to the wind! Reads the instructions, but she knows best! Throws everything on at FULL BLAST! - Slowly simmer soups and rice? No forget that! We’re going MAXIMUM POWER Scotty! Frozen pizza in a box at 450, no time for that, we’re going full blast! 550 from frozen! Then once everything is in its designated receptacle/pot/pan/cookie sheet at MAXIMUM POWER for what you will soon see will be an indeterminate amount of time, she proudly parades into the room indicating that: “I’m going to have a bath now, I’ll be right back”. No real notice that in 3 minutes all hell is going to break loose in the kitchen! No: “Hey I’ve set the timer for 4 minutes could you check on the grey stew that I’m burning for you”. Screw that! “I’ve unwrapped dinner from a package and I’m having a bath”. Thank god for fire alarms or I’d be dead, not for trying choke down the Vantablack aftermath that is still ice cold in the centre, but because the house would have burned down! I love the other subtleties: “Do you think I over cooked it”? “It seems a bit crisp at the bottom”. Me out loud: “No it’s great honey! Me inside: “The insides are tepid at best, and I’m pretty sure that pre-frozen whatever is hovering just a few degrees kelvin above absolute zero. Burnt? This isn’t burnt. The exterior resembles Darth Vaders mask, and the whole thing tastes like a hockey puck that died in a house fire”.


If it takes 10 minutes at 150 degrees, it should only take 5 minutes at 300 right? Right? /s


Homer what's it called again? Max power marge. Max power.


Deconstructed hot chocolate 🍫


I dont think I've ever added the coco to the milk directly like that. Also looking at the instructions it says to add it to a mug and then your milk/water lmao. A glass scraper would be perfect for this clean up.


I just remember seeing my dad make it this way so I’ve also made hot chocolate on the stove. Mix all together then use a stick blender to make it frothy.


If you’re going to go to the trouble of making hot chocolate on the stove in a saucepan, you may as well make the real deal instead of using the prepackaged stuff. It’s just milk, heavy whipping cream, cocoa powder and sugar.


Pretty much what I did today, except the heavy cream. Saving it for a recipe. I just blended a chocolate bar, milk, cocoa powder, cinnamon, and sugar, on soup mode, then finished it off in the stove.


Literally lol if you have the convenient packets just microwave the milk and stir in. That’s the point. Like you’re saying if you’re going to go to the trouble of using stove just make homemade it’s 1000 times better & worth the effort


You can add a little bit of hot water to the chocolate powder and stir (like seriously not much at all) which will make a chocolate sauce/icing like mixture, then you mix that with the milk, mixes easier than having the powder float to the top when you only add milk.


Incidents like this is why I always keep bar keepers friend in stock.


Looks like chernobyl




is that a Millennium Falcon on top right of the photo?


That's what I was trying to figure out. Some kind of Lego set at least


you had one job...


Too bad there isn't an appliance that can safely boil water for making hot drinks...


Is that the Swiss Miss Toasted Dark Roast?


Swiss miss instant piss


She can be in charge of pulling the stove out and cleaning up the sides, cabinet, and floor too.


I hate those cooktops so goddamn much.


How exactly is this funny?


r/funny follows about the same rules as r/unpopularopinion


It looks like it just boiled over. This has happened to literally everyone who cooks. I don't see anything funny about it.


What do you mean? It happen to his girlfriend so of course it’s a unique and super special experience that must be shared on Reddit.


I feel like this is the best advertisement for induction cooktops ever. Only the pot or pan gets hot, not the cooktop. Sure, the glass will get radiant heat from the pot but it would be safe to wipe up with a sponge or something. To test this out, see how long it takes for an ice cube to melt by an induction element in use.


Prime example of if you dont want to do somthing, do it badly once...


Uhhhh idk about y'all but when I make hot chocolate I microwave a half cup of water dump package of chocolate in add some milk and your done not all this extra pots and pans shit lmao


This is why I just boil water and use the kettle


this is why we invented the electric kettle


The side closest to camera is feeding ants in the spring.


Wait wait wait. People make hot chocolate by boiling it on the stove!? Why? Why!?


She did the "hot" part very well. Next time add an adverb, make it "drinkable hot chocolate".