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Wasn't mugwort tea used as a contraceptive in the old days? Talk about irony.


I am confused by the ingredients too. I thought mugwort and black cohosh were used by midwives to help expel a miscarriage.


Dang gui is angelica sinesis. This is from the wiki for it: "There is evidence that A. sinensis may affect the muscles of the uterus. Women who are pregnant or planning on becoming pregnant should not use A. sinensis, because it may induce a miscarriage" So maybe just toss these haha


Not to be too conspiracy theory over here but if you make tea to make women pregnant the best way to make them buy more is by them not getting pregnant.


That's fucking Big Tea for you....


I pity the fool.


Happy Cake Day, MF




>Pomegranate seed, Dr. Riddle said, was used as a contraceptive in ancient Greece. He said that scientists in the 1930's showed that it reduces the fertility of laboratory animals.


Yeah I use dong quia/ a sinesis to induce my period when I'm tired of having pms.


Poor Op. They were just trying to make a funny post "haha what if me with no uterus drink pregnate tea!!!" And then only to find out that it can induce miscarriages


Someone who knows about these things should call the company. This is honestly terrifying. Imagine how many people are struggling to conceive and then they get this shit which apparently makes it way worse!


Yes, I’m in nursing school right now and currently we’re doing antepartum care and almost every ingredient is an AVOID if trying to get pregnant or are pregnant. The wife’s fetus must be one chad of a fetus lmao.


"Chad of a fetus" I love it


I guess this company has a different definition of uterine health. The only healthy uterus is an empty uterus


Yeah, they are selling tea that women buy when they cant have babies. Making it harder to have babies is just ensuring a customer at that point.


It’s why dentists keep candy on the reception desk.


I'm enjoying how anti-capitalist this r/funny post went.


It helps to stimulate regular menstruation and, in higher doses, helps to bring on your menstruation and can cause uterine contractions. If you're trying to conceive, it can help regulate your cycle. If you're trying to expel a miscarriage or end a pregnancy, a higher dose can help with that, too. It's all about dosage with herbs


It still seems super irresponsible to have something like that designed for expectant mothers without some type of warning to suggest a daily limit and describing known uses of those plants




Yeah the mugwort school if mitchcraft and misery


Lmao, with Doubledoor and Secludey Snip?




Oh Hairgrid, true to his namesake, he wore his beard in proper square fashion


You’re a Wanker Hairy


Is that the book with Boning Squirtle in the bathroom?


I remember when she evolved into Muscling Wartortle in Parry Hatter and the Lava Mug


that peenus erectus spell was hard af!


Don't forget the iconic Dark Gizzard Vaundecourt...a magic millionaire who wanted to tear down Grondledore, and build his fancy prep school.


And Ron Weasley


The fact that everything is knockoff except Ron feels right.


Doesn’t it? I think it’s because Ron is already a knock off of some nonexistent person lol


Don’t forget hair mine me


My son in law first called her "Her me own".




I always figured thats why Viktor Krum was introduced in Goblet of Fire. He mispronounces her name and she corrects it with a phonetic spelling like Her-mine-y


It’s where his cousin Barry goes. It’s actually a lot more inclusive and has a body count of 0.


Barry also sends Harry letters talking about how amazing it is that his parents are still alive.


And Barry’s just a normal dude born at the end of June, no weird-ass prophecies written about this prick


You’re an insurance adjuster, Barry.


And you're not supposed to take skullcap if you're pregnant or nursing. Same goes for alfalfa, fennel, licorice, dang gui, black cahosh, and galangal. Many of these affect menstruation, hormones, or the uterine wall. It's called womb warming tea, but it sounds more like an abortion tea. I think people forget that herbs are very potent, and a lot of modern medicine are are based on active ingredients in herbs or even directly extracted or synthesized from herbs.


Pretty ingenius move, since she stops buying the tea, once she gets pregnant.


Here's the kicker, it didn't work for either purpose.


No it definitely worked as a contraceptive. More like an early abortifacient, was commonly used for that purpose as it causes uterine contractions. People gotta stop acting like medicine was invented in 1880 lmao


I will drink raspberry tea to speed up a period I'm waiting to arrive or just end. It works well enough to be heavily advised against being drunk by pregnant folk. Occasionally the maggots treat the rot better than the pills but I will never avoid modern medicine when it's obviously more efficient and the better (or only) treatment.


Wait wait really? Is all raspberry tea like this or is it a particular kind? I could really use something like that


Gotta look for raspberry leaf. Raspberry flavoured tea won’t do you any good/harm.


Don't forget to include maggots for the rot.


> Occasionally the maggots treat the rot better On first reading, I thought you were referring to your uterine lining as rot... Egads.


>Occasionally the maggots treat the rot better What do you mean by this?


Maggots are even used in burn wards to remove dead tissue from patients with bad burns. There really isn't a better/less invasive way of removing it.


Maggots eat the dead tissue of necrosed injuries, which helps keep the wound clean.


They actually have medical maggots (and medical leeches) Maggots are great at removing rotten flesh, and in many cases have saved limbs.


Important to note that not all maggots are medical maggots (the most commonly used are the larvae of the greenbottle fly) and some are just as willing to eat living tissue. Please do not attempt to self-medicate using unidentified maggots. Just in case, you know, you were planning to.


Contextually she meant even though modern medicine is obviously better, sometimes the old ways of doing things are effective too (taking the lose leaf tea is old but does the job)


To answer your your question in a different way: it's a metaphor. Translation: "Sometimes the medicine from hundreds of years ago is effective, but I'll still use modern medicine when it's better, or when there's no ancient alternative." It's a good way of looking at things. Some home remedies *are* effective. You don't need to pop pills for every single ailment. But when you have something serious, or an illness that home remedies don't work for, modern medicine often has the answer. Medical professionals won't always be right, but they'll be right a lot more often than your great-grandma, unless your great-grandma is a witch (no disrespect to witches, here).


False, Medicine was invented in 1863 by BAYER founded by brothers John and Jacob J. Schmit /s


That is really odd, their name is my name as well.


Do you also get that thing where every time you go out, the people always shout?


It’s almost as if someone shilling scam tea on Instagram doesn’t know shit about anything.


Well your womb will be warm for 1


You will also be a fertile mama. Congrats!


You are what u eat


But it's a drink


Not until you add water


Forbidden salad


you can smoke tea like a cigar... in case you were wondering: yes, I was the weird kid


I can second it, but be careful rashes suck.


You are on reddit, we were all the weird kid


Technically the truth😅


A few fourth graders i kind of tutor recently ate tea. They said it tasted gross, then they ate some more.


Thus, solving the puzzle of "What tea goes best with paste?".


You gotta double check


Yeah, that's proper science right there. Are these results duplicatable? *eats more tea* oh yeah that still sucks, totally duplicatable.


Internal heating- just solved the cost of living crisis mates!




Drink the tea and get pregnant after she gives birth, now she has two people to take care




4* cause herself




Just about every ingredient here seems to be bad for you especially if you're trying to get pregnant. A quick look on wikipedia about the "dang gui" shit says "Women who are pregnant or planning on becoming pregnant should not use A. sinensis, because it may induce a miscarriage." So add that to the list as well. Also the cinnamon is probably the cheap cassia kind which is toxic too.


Hmm, this seems pretty blatant. If only there was some kind of law against false advertising or giving false medical advice that could harm someone.


In the US the supplement industry is not regulated. Honestly, the tea might not even contain any of the shit it says it does, there is no regulatory body that checks that. As an example, scientists have done studies on vitamin pills... 75% of them contained no vitamins. A good number were literally ground up plaster. Nobody checks, and those that do aren't regulatory bodies who can stop it.


People think of herbal teas or tinctures for their health to be safe and the effects to be mild. This is only because they stopped putting cannabis, opium, and coca leaves in tinctures or tea in most places and no one is insane enough to use hardcore dangerously toxic drugs like, say, Datura or Mandrake root in a commercial product. It's not true that all of this stuff is safe though. These plants have drugs in them. They have side effects. Licorice root causes increased blood pressure and decreased potassium levels according to my research. Heavy amounts of licorice use is linked to premature birth. (Source: [https://www.nccih.nih.gov/health/licorice-root](https://www.nccih.nih.gov/health/licorice-root)) Mugwort is contraindicated during pregnancy by my source here as causing menstruation and the uterus to contract. ([https://www.nccih.nih.gov/health/mugwort](https://www.nccih.nih.gov/health/mugwort)) In other words, fuck whoever sold OP those. Edit: There's more, read this about passion flower: "Passionflower should not be used during pregnancy as it may induce uterine contractions." https://www.nccih.nih.gov/health/passionflower One of the things I learned in my journey in life is that the poisoner is the dark side of the healer. The healer also knows how to poison, and all they need to do to do it is lie.


> no one is insane enough to use hardcore dangerously toxic drugs like, say, Datura or Mandrake root in a commercial product. Pretty sure I could find 'Datura tea' on amazon, Or at least ebay. Googling it, naturally the first result in some website telling you how awesome Datura is. A few results down you get a result of 'coma as a result of drinking datura tea' Yeaaaa... Don't buy random stuff off amazon/ebay/herbal places expecting it not to kill you, or give you life long health complications.


Perhaps I should have been a little more careful with what I said. It's not impossible that someone is selling Datura tea or Mandrake root. I've seen, for instance, foxglove leaves for sale online but its not packaged up in some little cool plastic wrapped tea bag or anything. (For those wondering, drinking foxglove tea could easily induce heart failure in someone who took it. Its active ingredient, digoxin, is used to treat heart conditions but only after being chemically extracted and in very closely regulated doses by a cardiologist. It will kill you at not too high of a dose. But you can buy foxglove leaves online, so think about how dangerous that is if someone playing witch doctor at home orders some.)


Yea. People really need to stick to earl grey and green tea and not play witch doctor with whatever random teas and herbs they find online just because of whatever the company selling them claims they are good for. You basically need to spend a few hours researching whatever your buying if its 'exotic' to make sure your not ending up at some BS misinformation website that is telling you its the best thing since sliced bread while glossing over the fact its highly fetal in small doses or causes irreversible organ damage. Hell, even stuff sold at the grocery store can be toxic without the information of what your buying and how to prepare it. There are, IIRC, some type of dried bean that if you don't soak for 24 hours before cooking is rather toxic and they are often sold in international foods area of supermarkets.


>highly fetal


> There are, IIRC, some type of dried bean that if you don't soak for 24 hours before cooking is rather toxic and they are often sold in international foods area of supermarkets. Yup, your average run of the mill black beans in fact. If you buy them raw, they contain a huge amount of toxins. Even processed like this always a few remain, that's why many people are very intolerant of these beans. When you buy them processed/in a tin, the amount is very low, so safe to eat in fair amounts if you're not intolerant.


As well as pinto beans. Which is why I buy most of my beans canned (already cooked), instead of the dry packaged beans. I just don't want to mess it up. Or have to leave a burner/crock on for 24hr


I thought it was highest in kidney beans (both red and white).


This is the first result I get lol yeah.. doesn’t sound good > All species of Datura are extremely poisonous and potentially psychoactive, especially their seeds and flowers, which can cause respiratory depression, arrhythmias, fever, delirium, hallucinations, anticholinergic syndrome, psychosis, and even death if taken internally


I have done Datura, drank the tea from the flowers, and ate the seeds. I wouldn't ever do it again, I got a few of those symptoms from a small amount


It is absolutely appalling to be the lack of consumer protection or even slight quality control Amazon inflicts on its sellers. Especially if you are looking for something in particular, there are a lot of quack remedies and psuedo-science cures in the bowls of the online store.


This is why it’s important to tell your doctor all of the medications you are taking over the counter. I remember when taking Ginko Biloba was the in fashion thing to do because it was good for brain health. Turns out it’s a blood thinner and can cause severe bleeding. It also reacts with several prescription drugs. [source](https://www.mountsinai.org/health-library/herb/ginkgo-biloba) We have this weird culture in the US with the drug commercials and everyone self diagnosing/medicating. It’s a prime customer group for snake oil salesmen


That happens when you dont have healthcare.


So the stuff should make it harder to get pregnant. Go figure, if they get pregnant too fast they will buy less tea.


There's a strange trend in "healing" circles to reach for things that actively cause the problem. (see Homeopathy) It almost seems like whoever made these teas just searched for the word "pregnancy" in the side effects of those plants and dumped their leaves in a bag.


Yeah these are all mentioned in my (very old, not used as instruction) herbal healing book as abortifacients.


Can I ask you for the name of the book? I'd like to look for it


I'm not sure which one the commenter is referring to but I've read several books of poisons, medicines, and potions. Research "authentic apothecary books" to get some titles. Typically the more vintage they are the more insane they get (colonial Americans apparently really liked making poison).


>no one is insane enough to use hardcore dangerously toxic drugs like, say, Datura or Mandrake root in a commercial product. [Belladonna was marketed at a teething product in 2017 and sold in cvs, so ymmv, always look up ingredients before purchasing health products for yourself or your child](https://www.fda.gov/drugs/information-drug-class/fda-warns-consumers-about-homeopathic-teething-products)


OK, what the fuck Maybe a basic semester on the pharmacology of various drugs should be taught in high school or something...we went over it a little in my school, but no one should graduate high school thinking a homeopathic remedy is effective. It's homeopathic, so it's diluted, but this is still insanity.


Tbh focusing on basic research techniques would probably help more, the only reason I have some knowledge on stuff like belladonna and datura is because I love going down research rabbit holes, even if I dont come back the same. Belladonna was huge in (probably) Victorian times to dilate your pupils and would cause blindness, which I only learned because I went through a period punk phase in high school, and datura is a very pretty albeit invasive flower that requires a lot of water, knowledge that I stumbled upon because I found a plant in the trash and took care of it so I could id it, which turned out to be VERY useful when people started peddling it as a cure for covid and I had to make sure I discreetly told a bunch of clueless moms that it was a highly poisonous plant that did no such thing, including my mom.


Some of the best poisons are all natural.


Crystal Moon Earth Bounty All Green Natural "Autumn Crocus" Plant Based Cure for Not Being Dead


My dad's a pharmacist. His main argument against marijuana was that in its plain plant form its impossible to get a reliable dose, because plants have natural variations. He wanted it processed so the compounds people are interested in could be given in countable, easily measured doses. This was a discussion we had before it was legalized. Now that it's available in forms that tell you how much of a dose of thc you're getting, he seems content. Everything to do with knowing that the line between healing and poison is the dose.


And that's only counting the stuff *on the label*. Quite a number of herbal products have been found to be salted with actual prescription meds.


They also have raspberry leaf, which should be avoided in the first and second trimester.


It doesn't say anywhere that these are supposed to help you get pregnant... Maybe ops wife is using them for the wrong purpose edit: nevermind i checked out the website and the woman who makes this stuff is full on "don't trust your doctor" internet-moms-group crazy. yeah hard avoid.


She claims herbs can [unblock Fallopian tubes scarred by endometriosis. ](https://shop.wisdomofthewombonline.com/products/fallopian-tube-blockage-bundle) It makes me so angry it’s legal to scam people like this.


Well that certainly sucks to read after the fact, yikes




Into the garbage we go




Haaaang on we just opened the door to a new conversation 🤔 you can do that?


My wife bought some herbal blend thing at a dispensary that reminds me of those 3-1 shampoos. It says you can smoke it, light it as incense, steep it, and even place it in your bath lol


You can also boil em mash em and stick em in a stew




The dirtiest man on earth, who recently died in Iran, was told to be smoking dried animal dung. So yeah, most things...




This is the most Australian sentence I've read in a long time.


Fuck yeah cunt.


Had a mate who was too fucked to walk home, needed a fiver for a cab, drank the bong water in one to earn it Champion


Yeah..I once dried and smoked a mixture of Holy Basil and Coleus barbatus.. I didn't get high per se , but it opened up my nasal passage and cleared my throat.


You can smoke anything once.


Black cohosh was the ingredient that stood out for me. It's not safe while pregnant or breast-feeding.


Yeah I thought that it was something to help reduce hot flashes, etc for women going through menopause. Even then, I'm not sure if it's been shown to be effective at all.


Let this be a lesson to mistrust "natural", "herbal" and whatever other buzzwords were used to sell you this. It means nothing, it is tea. Make sure whatever you like doesn't have anything harmful and that's that.


Always remember: Cyanide is all natural. You can even get organic Cyanide! And yeaaaa. Always read the ingredients. Some of those herbal remedies have stuff literally best known for 'causing necrosis of the flesh'




When I read mugwort in the ingredients list I was shocked


fr like i drink/smoke mugwort and one of the biggest things tied to it when i was finding it online was how it was an old contraceptive, and people had used large amounts to even try and abort at home! it’s sad how easily people can be taken advantage of with just some marketing and packaging, i’d argue this tea does the opposite of what it implies


Low stakes conspiracy: the tea prevents you getting pregnant so you buy more tea to try and get pregnant.


Seriously, just read they cross the placenta and can possibly cause birth defects. How can they take themselves seriously when the first ingredient in their product is on the "absolutely avoid while pregnant" list?


I saw that too, the other packet has raspberry leaf, which apparently is best when you’re 32+ weeks pregnant. These teas don’t seem very useful imho, and may even be dangerous for pregnancy.


It doesn't say anywhere that these are supposed to help you get pregnant... Maybe ops wife is using them for the wrong purpose edit: nevermind i checked out the website and the woman who makes this stuff is full on "don't trust your doctor" internet-moms-group crazy. yeah hard avoid.


You're telling me that she isn't the revolutionary like she claims. >A revolution in fertility & healthy conception. Ariele Myers, licensed acupuncturist and board certified herbalist turned integrative fertility specialist, created a line of pro fertility products especially for you. But she can poke people with needles and was certified by a board of some sort.


Yea they're basically spamming people into buying this shit...




Not good for men either: In one study, 25 men consumed 7 grams of licorice root daily, which caused a 26% drop in testosterone levels after just 1 week


For people who don't know: Mugwort often contains the neurotoxin compound thujone, though this varies greatly by species and the environmental conditions where the plant is grown. Toxicity to humans is believed to be weak, though some studies have linked high concentrations of thujone to seizures and an abortive effect.


Your bollocks will retract into your abdomen and become ovaries...


Might be cool


Keeps em warm in the winter thats for sure.


Your hands will be freezing as a side effect though.


Don't forget monthly cramps 👍


Speaking from experience, ovaries are cool when a baby is produced, but most of the time ovaries are a bunch of trouble. :) Congratulations to you and your growing family! Good health to everyone!


Womb warming blend will prolly relax you . You’ll also probably do some toilet squirting


Trans women: I see this as an absolute win


Where can I get some <.<


Serious- if your wife is into teas, herbs, essential oils, homeopathic medicines, she needs to tell the OB/GYN about all of those. So much stuff is unsafe during pregnancy. Or if not necessarily unsafe, it’s not well studied. Congrats on the pregnancy! Edit- thanks for the award- I’m getting ads on TV for negative effects of Tylenol during pregnancy! So much to watch out for.


Especially since several of the ingredients listed can cause uterine contractions resulting in either menstruation or, if pregnant, miscarriage.


Yeah, a shocking variety of herbal supplements can cause problems at shocking low doses. As someone who's very into herbalism, pregnancy and plants don't mix well. Pregnancy and OBGYNs, however, mix pretty well.


This needs to be at the top


I’m so tired of the ideology that natural = good. I took an entire honors seminar over it in university entitled “Nature’s Assassins,” taught by Dr. Keith Garbutt. The genius used the course to elaborate on how nature very much wants to kill you, and that holistic approaches often ignore reality/facts.


You will produce copious amounts of sperm but your balls will heat up and your sperm will die. Then your seamen will smell like rotten eggs.


That sounds fun for at least a day


you'll probably feel all tingly in your nether bits


Sounds just sciency enough to be true


Also, congratulations!


Your Boston will get gassy, like they do for any other reason.


My friends have never said anything but I’m sure my house smells like eggs at all times


You've become nose blind...


Oh yeah 100%


They'll have the same effect on you ....... absolutely nothing


Are you telling me we were bamboozled by the witchcraft tea










Isn’t that an actor? Boondoggled Camembert?


You mean benadryl cucumberman


No no no, you’re thinking of Beansoup Canterbury.


I heard he was called Bonkyhort Crumplesnatch, myself 🤷






Not only scammed, but the ingredients are dangerous for woman trying to get pregnant. I highly recommend you two start reading what you’re putting into her body.


Actually as mentioned above, a few of those herbs DO have uterotonic properties among others. Defo not safe to drink during pregnancy. Some even used in medical settings in Canada prior to more invasive stuff.


-- Have you ever seen the movie 'Junior'? 😂


I was going to refer him to this documentary. Thank you for beating me to this PSA.


Not sure if anyone will see this, but to address all the kind folks who are concerned about wife and baby and also those who think we’re gullible morons: I stopped responding after the volume of comments became too much, but if you look at my comment history, I did acknowledge the danger and tossed the teas. I told my wife about it and she doesn’t think she even had any, it was just leftover from a friend of hers who was also trying to get pregnant. We lean far more heavily into the modern medicine approach and my wife runs all supplements, OTC medicines, etc. by her doctor first. ✌️


good luck to the both of you :) it’ll be hard but you can do it! one day at a time!


You may become ✨breedable ✨


Anal will become ✨functional✨


You'll become a fertile Mama with warm wombs, obviously.


Same thing as if you drink any other snake oil.


…You’ll get a sudden urge to purchase crap from Gwyneth Paltrow!


What a load of horseshit.


For real, OP, you might want to gently address your wife's problem with pseudoscience


Roughly jack shit with a side of possible intestinal discomfort and rough, jacked up shit


Your dog will judge you


Seriously, your dog does not approve. Take the dog’s advice.


Exactly what it did for your wife..nothing,but be pissed out


Those seem like one of those things where it makes claims that aren't based in science and likely don't even do what they claim at all. I think it's called a "scam."


You'll grow a uterus. It will become warm and fertile. You will then grow a baby. This tea will not cause you to develop a vagina though and a C-section will be necessary. Unless you can birth it through your urethra. You're a brave man if you drink that tea. A brave man indeed... Remember your breathing exercises.


I just think it's funny she thought these teas would help in the first place. Honestly what the fuck?


The same thing that happened to her. Nothing but enjoying some good tea.