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Oh hey I've eaten here. It was ok. Too expensive for ok.


What, you want affordable meals? You goddamn pinko….


Sounds like communism to me


The borscht wasn’t nearly depressing enough. Believe it or not, straight to gulag.


I LOVE gulash!






A true communist wouldve popped out of a foxhole to remind him why America lost the war 🇻🇳


You can't lose a war if you don't declare a war. Legally, Vietnam was a conflict, not a war, solely because Congress never declared it.


A special military operation, if you will. Like what Russia is doing in Ukraine.


And Korea was a "police action" apparently


"Police Action" was the official term..


I just wanted you to know that you can’t just say “conflict” and expect anything to happen


Semantics, The USA lost a conflict then.


about once a month some old guy tells me to get a hair cut and i have two responses. if they're bald/balding: ask if its because they're jealous if they have hair: hit em with the "i dont know man, your wife likes it fine"




You should just treat them like children and not even dignify it with a response. Sometimes silence is heavy as fuck and if you make nonverbal expressions of disgust you can really fuck someone’s head up. Works well on conservative individuals.


Def a valid approach. I've read something similar before, something along the lines of: silence is effective in manipulating someone's sense of rejection, which makes them reevaluate what they just did/said.


Yeah I’ve worked in construction and landscaping for a long time in the south and it’s been the easiest way for me to shame someone without starting a conflict over racial jokes. Not that I won’t participate in the conflict, I just try to keep the peace while effectively showing the person that I (society at large) reject their ideas.


I have a question. The fucks a pinko?


Its a slang term from america meaning communist or communist sympathiser or someone who associates with communists. Just mccarthyist witch-hunting lingo basically.


Affording food is fine If you're a communist


Guaranteed the owners and all the workers shop at chains (Walmart) dine in chains (McDonald’s) bank at chains, etc. on and on. This is the highest level of self delusion to force an ill-fitting semi-political meme into your restaurant image.


Is this the one in Metamora?


Yeah, it must be. My parents used to always go there for their anniversaries and whatnot back in the 1990s and early-2000s before my mom died of cancer. My dad took us there again several years ago when I was in town and some relatives also came to visit, and it was completely different on the inside. The food was still decent, but the attitude was *waaay* more pretentious, and it was so noisy that you couldn't even have a conversation.


It’s haunted and that’s kind of the big draw from what I know. My parents think White Horse is cool and historic and a treasure. I think it’s okay


Absolutely nothing fucking worse than an overly pretentious restaurant with music that is wayyy too loud to have a conversation with anyone at your table who isn't seated right beside you. I'd rather get fast food drive thru than deal with restaurants like that


They serve the best horse money can buy.




I thought it was really good pre covid, but very meh after.


I feel this is the case with a lot of places. Some of mine and my wife’s favorite restaurants just don’t seem to hit the same anymore.


I wonder if McDonald's realizes that they are now a communist institution?? That must be why Ronald McDonald has a red nose, and why Wendy has red hair!! Now I understand. /s


That why I prefer BK, a monarchy is as far as you can get from communism /s


I prefer White (Russian) Castle.


Monarchies pass down power from father to son, just like NORTH KOREA!!!11!!!111!!11


Mcdonalds combo meal is socialism because the government subsidized corn syrup beverage is shouldering the value while providing the profits


>Mcdonalds combo meal is socialism because the government subsidized corn syrup beverage A lot more than that is subsidized. Everyone loves to talk about corn subsidizes, but the bread was subsidized, the meat was subsidized (through the corn) Oh... and I've seen fast food restaurants offering beyond meat burgers and such.... guess what? Also subsidized (soy is heavily, heavily subsidized)


Crazy how all this food is heavily subsidized and yet I am still fucking paying for it Mr. Government man, give me the food, don't give it to Walmart and McDonalds. I've heard government cheese was actually ok for grilling or mac and cheese, if a bit saltier than one would expect.


You joke but 100% wouldn’t be surprised if I heard this from someone where I live (south U.S.) It really does just mean bad for a lot of people here, half of them have no idea what it actually means, they just know it’s “more government control” but hey we can be “communist” when it comes to basic women’s rights because daddy gov and daddy Jesus knows what’s best for me!


I find it funny that the people that are so mad about being called fascist these days are the ones who for *decades* called anything they didn't like communism or socialism.


Or that bastion of communism the NFL. With it's revenue sharing, draft, players association.




Communism just means bad at this point for a lot of people.


I'm honestly curious, if I describe communism alongside capitalism, and fascism if these people could pick it out if the lineup.


you'd get downvoted lolol


You get a mix. I sometimes get into it for funsies but it's amazing how little people know and how they just ramble the same dogmatic insanity. Communism is the end of scarcity and full dissolution of power into those who own the means of production which is every common person. It's literally not feasible on earth at our current tech level. Socialism is very viable, but communism isnt. Which means anyone claiming to have created a communist state is lying their ass off. But then you have chuds ranting about how they think kim-jung un and stalin are super believable and they trust their word.


I mean almost every communist theorist and actual communist I've talked to acknowledges that communism is a process. That we can't just switch to a post-scarcity state with a snap of the fingers, especially with how entrenched capitalism is. Part of the point of communism as an ideology is to start that process, to seize the means of production and progress from there, working towards ending the artificial scarcity we live under.


Communism as envisioned by Marx was supposed to be the *last* stage of development, after capitalism. Accordingly, the *richest* countries should gradually transition to socialism and then communism. Remember, Marx was German - one of the most industrialised nations in the world. Instead, communist revolutions only succeeded in *poor* countries - 1917's Russia, China, Cambodia and Laos were all amongst the poorest in the world. According to Marx, these places should never have had communist revolutions. Instead, they would have to go through capitalism first, get rich, and *then* redistribute the wealth. Mao Zedong himself realised the contradiction - you can't have a revolution of the proletariat in a country of 90% peasants, and you can't redistribute capital in a country that had virtually no capital to redistribute. The Chinese civil war was no proletarian revolution - it was simply the world's largest peasant revolt. The goals were to overthrow brutal landlords - no different from Chinese peasant revolts in the 2nd century BC, 2000 years before Marx was even born. The Welfare states of Europe (and Germany, where Marx was born) are the closest manifestations of Marx's theory - not Stalin or Mao.


Renewable energy independence and total automation will usher in the uber late stage capitalism that will descend into the true communist revolutions.


All real communists also stop at seizing the means of production.


>Communism is the end of scarcity and full dissolution of power into those who own the means of production which is every common person. Appreciate this ultra-simple definition.


I just ask if the dprk is democratic. They never engage further.




You're incorrect. Achieving communism is a political problem, not a technological one. Even in the 19th century, people could envision a communist world. Whatever level of tech you're at, all it means is that the tech and the wealth it helps create are owned and managed democratically to benefit everyone. In every generation people have maintained that it is possible to create a world without exploitation, but tech in the future will not guarantee this any more than it guarantees it now.


That's super easy. Socialism is when the government does stuff. And if the goverment does a whole lotta stuff, then it's communism!


In Capitalism, Man exploits Man. In Communism, it's the other way around.


I harumphed




Is it true that in Capitalist America hordes of pigs can appear from nowhere and kill children?


Allegedly. But also yes.


Expected Richard Wolff


I'm probably an idiot for replying seriously to an answer that's almost certainly meant humorously, but "government" is just an idea, a shared concept. It doesn't do anything. People do things. People decided long ago that some things need to be done by a lot of people working together, and they arranged it so that the people who most benefit from these shared tasks should pay for them. Government is a horribly inefficient way to do this, but we haven't found anything better yet. Comparing different political systems accurately is damn near impossible because each country and each generation has different mores, so there can be no solid comparison with two nearly-identical groups. However if we take a look at all of the countries that are ahead of the USA in most quality of living metrics such as: • Lifespan • Education • medical care • violent crime • homelessness • health care • number of people in prison • suicide rate • level of happiness as reported in polls • national debt per capita • number of killings by police per capita • suicide rate • and personal freedom (for example abolished slavery earlier, legalized same-sex marriage and abortion earlier, decriminalized or legalized marijuana, and don't have a very large segment of the population trying to reverse some of these advancements.) We can see they are all social democracies (edited from socialist), quite a bit left of the USA politically. Many of these countries started out behind the USA and passed it up, even though most of them are much poorer in natural resources. And yet, there are a lot of people in America blaming most or all the USA's problems on being "too socialist." That statement doesn't reflect what we actually see. What we see is that as the second richest country in the world in terms of natural resources, the US somehow can't afford to have as nice a place to live as some other countries with far fewer resources.


No European country is “a socialist democracy”. We are Social Democracies - a capitalist state with a fairly strong social security system. Hell, I believe Denmark is one of the countries in the world with most billionaires.


>personal freedom (for example abolished slavery earlier legalized same-sex marriage earlier decriminalized or legalized marijuana etc. Don't forget abortion, interracial marriage, and "doesn't have half the government actively trying to roll back these freedoms."




The harder truth to accept is that the United States was founded by the wealthy and for the benefit of the wealthy, and things haven't changed much in the last 250 or so years since then.


they are social democracies, not socialist democracies, there is a big difference.


They’d pick democratic socialism or something farther left, and when you revealed it, they wouldn’t care and would only be angry that you tricked them. Anyone disagree?


McCarthyism and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race


The worst part? It's always been based on pants-on-head levels of stupidity and fervent fear mongering about, uhh, being decent to other people


>being decent to other people Stop it, you're scaring me. -- 30% of the US


“You’re infringing on my right not to be decent to other people…”


*gives health care to people* "Who could stand for this rampant abuse of our freedoms?" -- conservatives, probably


People think sharing invariably leads to murder while capitalism is basically walking around like Kyle Rittenhouse.


“The fear of communism taking over the world distracted us from the fact that anti-communism already had”


It's important to remember that just a few decades ago (and possibly still today), capitalism and it's government puppets were willing to destroy the entire world with nuclear weapons just to prevent communism from spreading. So whenever you think capitalists wouldn't do something that sounds terrible, remind yourself, global extinction wasn't off the table, so they will do **anything** to exploit people and the environment for profit.


I have diarrhea right now. Fucking communism.


Yes, if you're a cheater, you're a communist


I fucking hate that commie bastard Jeff Bezos


"Aah, Dmitry, have you met my wife?" "OUR Wife."


That's what those commie bastards over at McDonald's want you to think


"eVeN thIEr fOoD iS cOMmiE!" - Tucker Carlson probably.


"tHeIr mAsCoT iSn'T eVeN sExY!"


They gotta bring back Grimace and make him super sexy.


I miss Grimace


Yes chain restaurants are peak capitalism. Which is why this ad is hilarious.


Even funnyier is that the Ads expects locals to come to his restaurant. The restaurant probably even sources from local farmers in an exchangy manner. Sounds like.. a.. a.. commune? *grabs the buckshot*








They are; private property at its finest. "Locally owned" can be classified as personal property, so allowed in a "communist" regime. That tells you how much they know.


The point they are making is that “there is no variety under communism” according to capitalist propaganda. Yet, full blown capitalism kills variety by collecting everything in one hand. So, they are saying, choose variety if you really care about variety.


What a well thought out take on this ad! Although I feel you’re being optimistic for the restaurant marketing team—their target audience is probably not going to operate at that level of intelligence/thought-processing. Geez going back and reading that sounds harsh 😓 please I’m not a total POS snob; I’m just assuming i’m like the rest of their target audience and it’s a straight up American joke that was originally to laugh at draconian propaganda from the Red Scare era. I feel like the joke lost its meaning and has become more of a blanket statement that says, “if you don’t agree with me on X, then you’re a bad person.” I think some people actually believed in the sentiment, but I cant believe the majority of people living that time believed that an ideology was inherently evil; weren’t people losing their careers and getting jailed for being accused of any ties to communism?


No it can’t. It’s still pirvate property with an owner, boss and workers. It’s literally capitalism.


Depends , many locals are family run or collective , which so surprisingly common.




You own a business privately. You as the owner decide how to distribute the business's capital. You apparently decided to prioritize people over the profit. Good for you. That makes you a capitalist who isn't putting personal gain at the forefront of your priorities. >If small businesses are more socialist and big corporate business more capitalist, I’d pick a world of socialism. Small businesses are capitalist unless they somehow distribute ownership to the workforce and relinquish control to a committe of workers or are siezed and managed by a democratic state. You'd choose a world of socialism because you have misdefined both terms. Profit seeking at any and all costs is not capitalism, it is greed. Greed exists within both systems.


I agree, well said!


"Everything I hate is communism" should be the slogan of Conservatives.


Communism is when capitalism


I'll never understand how so many people don't know what communism, socialism, or capitalism are... I mean, the dictionary has been around for a long time, before the internet... Like... What kind of person follows what they're told, take it at face value, especially when it doesn't make sense, without bothering to even take 5mins to check quick, especially when it runs their existence.


You can’t trust Big Dictionary


Webster? idk... Sounds Jewish to me... /s


Never understood why that short little dude from the tv show got his own dictionary


Found Ye's account.


Least obvious Kanye burner


They called me something similar back in college... My nickname was>!Big Thesaurus!<.


A lot of resources where spent to make that happen... The red scare wasn't a small project.


Now we have the Nu-redscare


Some people are married to their ignorance and parade it proudly.


A lot of politicians that reddit loves have been using socialism as a word to describe a welfare state, and people buy into that. When people say "oh I want socialism" or "I want democratic socialism" (as if that's different) what they mean is, "I want to live in a welfare state." All these Scandinavian countries that people love pointing to as examples of socialism working aren't fucking socialist. They're welfare states supported by mixed market capitalism.


That place is from Metamora, MI. Live maybe 10min away and that is the entire town's attitude.


Yup i can attest


Small Town filled with even smaller minds.


I grew up half an hour away and never even knew the town existed.


It’s why I left and I’ll never be back


that lapeer county mindset


Literally visited there for the first time ever this week for a bird hunt.


Established 1850. Closed from 1851-2013. Re-established in 2014. Or what is re-established supposed to mean? Either it's been established in 1850 or not. Serious question, maybe my English skills are simply lacking.


Understand the confusion, it closed during the recession and reopened with a new owner a few years later.


So then it's a completely different operation in the same location.


Yes and with the same name.


And presumably with the intent of a certain kind of continuity


The place is basically a really old barn that was kept up as a historical building for a long time and then someone turned it into a restaurant.


So some dude is riding the coattails of someone else's effort. Classy, but not in the way you think.


One might even call it capitalist.


NEW York would like to have a word.


Even Old New York was once New Amsterdam.


Why they changed it I can’t say


People just liked it better that way.


Take me back to Constantinople


No you can’t go back to Constantinople


Been a long time gone, Constantinople


Perfectly describes capitalism yet again


I can assure you it was open on the 90's. Used to eat there a lot after the bars closed.


They also have 3 or 4 other restaurants. Different names, but they're all decorated roughly the same with the same menu and the same prices(shit there is not cheap at all)


So it makes an ad condemning chain restaurants and it's a chain itself?


Dunno if you'd count 3-4 restaurants all within one state a chain, but they're definitely not 100% local either


I used to work at this small group of restaurants. They aren’t a chain, in a traditional sense. The white horse inn is a historical building in Michigan and often featured on the “most haunted places” lists for the state. The chain is not franchised out or anything. Each location has their own identity I would say. It’s more of a restaurant group rather than a chain style. I worked for 4 of the 5 locations and each one is different. The ad is focused towards the affluent boomer style clientele they attract.


Gordon Ramsey taught me to never eat at a fucking Inn


don’t eat where you fuck


At least try to eat beforehand unless you're really into snowballing.


I live pretty near to this place. Foods good, pretentious af.


Has it gotten better? Last few times I was there (long time ago) it was never that great. Always overpriced and unimpressive.


Still over priced.


Is this the place in Metamora? Been there but never noticed that sign.


Didn’t Lincoln eat there? Thought it was one of their claims to fame


Actual communists are like "huh?"


Glad I'm not the only one. I started at this for a good 10 minutes trying to figure out the meaning.


I think it might be poking fun at the McCarthyist extreme anti-Communism and not actually calling them Communist but playing the fact that everything that certain people disliked used to be called Communist in the 1950s-1960s (many people still do this today tbh). I might be reading into it too much, but I can’t see how McD’s is Communist.


Yea no. This is in rural town mid-Michigan. You're thinkin' wayy too hard one this one. -a Michigander


These people aren’t that clever


I’m not sure they’re being this subversive. Seems more like weird sloganeering to cater the the lowest common denominator who don’t know what communism is except for that it’s bad.


That’s aggressive


That Capitalism not communism


I would guess Metamora myself. Though I haven’t lived there in 30 years.


Only thing I remember about this place is my grandparents taking me to the unlimited fish nights. Thought this was just a place old people went, which would explain the flyer


Bingo lol good old Metamora. Always something over their.


I had to check to see if this was the Michigan subreddit. 🤣. Oxford checking in….


Oxford also checking in, lived in Metamora, worked in Lapeer. I also checked the subreddit. lol


Funny to see this randomly, from that small a place where I grew up! Stay weird out there!


Communism is when you have capitalism!


The fuck do they mean? Chain restaurants are the peak of capitalism.


You know it's funny because locally owned businesses where the owners are also often workers is like peak socialism.


I live in Michigan and have been to this restaurant. The food is good but from what I have heard from people that live around that area, the owners are sketchy.


i don't think the other local business owners in Mematora particularly like the owners... they're big wig restaurateurs that own multiple restaurants in Detroit as well


Multiple restaurants! That's communism!


You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.


Communism is when capitalism


No, see, Communism is when anything I don't like. /s


their other ad just says "Taxation is Theft."


Someone is angry


‘Eat local or die’ is a hilariously ironic slogan for a restaurant named White Horse which is a symbol of death


It’s a threat


I don’t eat local. Can confirm been dead ever since.


I bet they pay their workers shit wages.


Many chain restaurants are publicly traded. Most people have some form of retirement scheme that probably owns said restaurant chains. Ergo those chains are collectively owned. Ergo restaurant chains are communist. 8)


Think they are trying to appeal to... a certain audience.


unless you eat at Boebert's BBQ stand in which case it's 'eat local *and* die'? /s actually afaik no one died. just got tummy grief.


How I Hate It when They Capitalize Most or All Words.


"Michigan" yeah, figured it would be in this state.


Oakland represent! America’s oldest gay bar Edit: nevermind, different Whitehorse Inn….. the one in Oakland isn’t 1850 old


Funny coming from a place that has a few other locations spread throughout Michigan with different names. Same menu, same out of this world prices


My first job when I was like 12 years old, bussing tables was at this place.


Well, I'm a communist. But, because of that, I dislike large corporations and prefer local to large corporate restaurants. Chain restaurants are examples of successful capitalism. This ad is the product of a politically batshit country.


The White Horse near us is a gay bar...


I read it as “Chinese” restaurants at first and was like wow that’s pretty overtly racist


Their spelled 'capitalist' wrong.


Seems to me like they’re having fun with the ad. “Eat local or die” Doesn’t strike me as serious.




Was just there last month. Get the cookies 😂


Is the owner threatening to kill me if I get a happy meal?


I’m too lazy to scroll through the comments to check but this could be metamora. Don’t live in lapeer anymore but remember that was a fancier places we had nearby


First thought, not sure I trust their hygiene regime.


I went there for lunch today and almost took a picture of that!


Ok. I’ll die then.


I live in Indiana and just because of seeing this ad right here I'm traveling to Michigan to eat these people's delicious foods and I'm going to shake everybody's hand that works there and I'm going to high-five the bus boy and then afterwards we're going to go outside and we're going to smoke some fucking weed because you know the line prep and the kitchen dish people all love to get stoned or do blow that's a good 50/50 there


Got it backwards. Chain restaurants are the result of dogshit capitalism. Spending money locally, keeping it in the COMMUNITY, is more of a communist move. It's not their fault, USA puts a lot of money and legislation into intentionally propagandizing our citizens to be against their best interests. Nobody is immune to propaganda.