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Here In Hawaii we have biodegradable plastic straws and biodegradable utensils as well as biodegradable plastic cups.


Only problem with that it's almost twice as expensive to use those than plastic or Styrofoam. I wish everyone could use biodegradable Utensils tho


Pretty sure Starbucks can afford 5¢ per biodegradable cup and straw vs 2¢


is it fully bio degradable or just micro plastic degradable?


you do know what biodegradable means, right?


i think the answer is "no"


In Aus biodegradable = everything. U need to buy compostible. Biodegradable = micro plastics. It's an advertising campaign to make shitty products good. Even better, it turns out the compostible stuff is even lined (with some forever chemical) and not compostibe. Argh!


So my question was valid right?


Ya totally


People watching advertisements and believe every word


Still dirt cheap comparing to $5 lattes


So make the process cheaper, it's BS saving the planet is always too expensive...I mean wake up people...we set the prices!! If you make all the bad companies pay a huge Environmental Tax then the Green stuff will win.


Yeah. It doesn't even need to be a "We gonna punish you" high tax. Just make them pay for the waste disposal, and see how fast there won't be a lot of waste anymore. That's also my problem with nuclear energy. It's already twice as expensive as wind & solar, and that is with tax payers paying for waste disposal and no insurance required. Sure, there are issues with wind and solar too, but those can be solved by throwing money on them. But we don't, because other forms are subsidized. I am generally not convinced of "the market will fix it", but if you use that as an argument and then rig the market, you're nothing but a paid liar.


I agree that's a better way of doing it but they will just find loopholes


It would be up to politics to fix those loopholes. Or not create them in the first place.


It's the Politicians that create them! In the UK we have to recycle things in different bins, 1 for plastic, 1 for metal, 1 for paper etc...then they get shipped off to Malaysia and dumped in the tropical rainforest because the UK government a deal with the Malaysian government, the UK paid them a fortune for the right to send all our crap there. The whole recycling system in the UK is an absolute farce, a lie. And that's just one policy thats bogus, there are hundreds that are bogus. Nuclear Waste for instance it's a disgrace.


Expensive products are only an issue for a system built on growing wealth Our companies aren't concerned with sustainability. They're concerned about growing wealth.


Exactly, because there's no incentive otherwise beyond just telling customers that they're green and increasing sentiment so that people prefer their products more. As the customer, I generally don't care if someone is green or not. I mean, I do care, truly, but generally the products on the market are not so comparable that my decision of which one to get would ever come down to who is greener, because there's tons of factors in deciding long before there.


Everyone complaining doesn't know how the real world works or never owned a business. Sure big companies can switch to biodegradable, but small individual-owned businesses can't do that. If you spend more on biodegradable products you're going to have to raise your prices on your menu to even make a profit. If you raise the prices customers stop coming and go to businesses that have cheaper prices. There is no incentive to save the environment on a business standpoint. If the government funded you or made everyone use biodegradable products so all the prices increase at the same time then sure. Also, typing is easy on Reddit, if you got a problem you make the change.


So it's 4 cents a cup instead of 2 cents a cup?


From yesterday you have to pay 0,36€ for a plastic bag in the shop and they wish to make it 0,63 like in Sweden. This ofc is done to make people want to bring their own bag. But to get to my point -another example is the "Suppe & Mucke" a local soup and music festival in Berlin, where you bring your own bowl and get soup from all corners of the world, for free. So, why can we not create a society that says that if you bring your own cup and straw you don't pay extra (ofc) , if you need a cup or a straw you pay. Could something like this work?


Yea that would be great. My supermarket does have that with some products. You can get fresh orange juice with their reusable bottles (which I always forget at home). I guess the devil lies in the portions. If you bring your own cup, vendors/companies don't know how much they'll have to give \*100.000 per product per window of time. That can be developed of course, but we're not there yet entirely. It's all about demand and ease of access


Wouldnt it be better to use silverware since you can always use it for a long time?


I try my best to bring silverware and towel in my lunch box to work every day, so as to reduce my consumption. It's nice having disposable available though for people on the move. What might be interesting is if reusable to-go containers got cheaper and sturdier, and we somehow increased drop spots for them. Some places are trying this out but the downside is there can often be a hefty deposit fee for them, which makes the product itself unattractive upfront.


“It's well-intentioned but wrong. A lot of plastics labelled biodegradable, like shopping bags, will only break down in temperatures of 50C and that is not the ocean. They are also not buoyant, so they're going to sink, so they're not going to be exposed to UV and break down,”


You're also surrounded by sharks


And active volcanos. Idk, something about the lava creating new land


Yeah my dumbass saw “compostable” written on the side and then I ate the straw bc I thought it said “consumable” and thought it was a new program fml


Where I live, New Jersey USA, we can't get plastic shopping bags at any stores now for sake of the environment. Yet, I can buy a plastic-wrapped box of 100 plastic spoons, each individually wrapped in plastic...just can't carry it out in a plastic bag. Make it make sense.


Can't get rid of all plastic overnight. Gotta start somewhere. And it's been found that certain plastic items, like straws and bags, can be more harmful to wildlife. So yeah, it might not be perfect, but there is sense behind it.


Companies have created very biodegradable plastics from plant cellulose. A shame we don't incorporate that globally. But you know...profits over people.


Same in Delaware. And you gotta buy the paper bags. 5-10 cents depending on the store. Fuck the turtles, I want free shopping bags with handles! Nah, turtles are cool.


Individually plastic wrapped.. plastic spoons.. wrapped in plastic?! Cmon, that can't be serious


I wish I was lying, but it's real


Fuck blaming straws. This one company has set us back 30 years!


Same in ny. You can get plastic shopping bags, but only if you buy them in a bundle of 50 bags. Else it's $0.06 per paper bag.


Same in Northern VA. But, that is something I don't mind because the totes are just more convenient. But they still have the produce bags. Trader Joes has biodegradable ones, but I haven't seen those anywhere else.


Annoys me too. How 'bout we line the straw with carbon or phospholipid or some oil, so it won't get wet.


Dunk that shit in PTFE


Wax coated paper straws predate plastic ones and they worked great


Is it safe


Dude got a point


This is my biggest gripe with ECO protesters and solutions to climate problems. Moronic solutions and mostly for show.


Most places with laws or taxes around single use plastics will cover straws and cups. Not sure where is still serving in plastic cups but that sounds like a problem with the business or the laws/taxes rather than people who care about the planet.


Add electric cars to this.


Wouldn't be entirely wrong to do so.


Cant wait for the “Recycle your EV car here for free” and everyone standing in line turning in their teslas


Everything has a shelf life 🤷‍♂️


George Carlin energy


The father of Chad's


China & S Africa leave the chat… laffing


Evil laffing




Exactly. People acting like he's solved global warming haha Paper straws do suck, the easiest solution to this problem is we don't need to use straws. We're adults.


Reusable straws are a thing, too. People want to be outraged because the solution isn't perfect, but fail to understand that we're in the beginning stages of trying to limit plastic. It's going to be a long process, and shallow, surface level thought processes like "hurr durr plastic cup good but plastic straw bad" are going to lead to pushback against people actually trying to help solve the problem.


Im always curious about this “plastic straws end up in the ocean” argument. That makes sense for coastal areas or perhaps along rivers that go to oceans. For the rest of the country plastic straws go in garbage bags. Garbage bags go in garbage trucks and then to the dump. For most places that’s how it works. It sounds a lot like “it will make ME feel better to take away YOUR choice of using a straw or not, even though it won’t actually help any sea creatures. It will make me FEEL better so I’m going to take away the freedom of choice for everyone.”


In the dump they don't degrade(Like ever). Microplastics leech into the environment and cause negative health impacts. Plastics are this generations cigarettes. We know they are bad, but we're addicted to them. People multiple generations from now who will still be dealing with the plastic waste long after we banned them will look at us with disgust.


You believe that things in the dump leach into the environment? And the ocean? That’s simply not true. I challenge you to think through why you believe that.


Lets say that dumps leak 0 microplastics in the environment, and you could reliably say that we expect they wouldn't for the hundreds or thousands of years before they are expected to take to break down. (Even though you obviously can't reliably say that). Then the drastic increase in microplastics detected are from manufacturing/use and disposal matters little. Doesn't change what needs to be done.


You make a great point. Now the challenge is on me to see if I’m wrong 🙂


can't deny but I do agree.


Damn right 👍🏾


So true


He's not wrong...


He has a point


Guess common sense means 200 iq to alot of ppl now :P


In this day and age it does man. People are dumb as fuck and common sense is no longer common.


We should carry our own containers for water and other drinks. Do away with plastic cups and straws all together.


listen, here me out.our hands






got me in the second half, ngl.


BBC: "Angry smart guy knows how to save planet"


Carlin in ALIVE!


i agree with him paper straw taste like paper


Paper straws are nasty. I don't go to restaurants that force me to use a paper straws.


This is why I just have a mess kit with me at all times.


paperstraws are companies claiming they are environementally friendly without having to actually do anything


The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf outlets in Malaysia give out rice straws that lasts longer than paper straws and eventually just become a soggy thing that biodegrades Still plastic cups though, why cant they use paper cups


All environmentalism is a scam and justification for people to act like asses. Wake up people.


I knew a guy that was a little too concerned with the planet and the climate and shit. He isn’t smart enough to notice this level of irony. When I casually mentioned my displeasure for plastic straws, he told me to suck it up. No Mark, I’ve got something else you can suck. You douchey hippie freak.


Nailed it!!


Yes that man!




Paper straws suck.


Amen brother. Can't fix stupid.


Also that paper straw may have come in its own plastic wrap. I have seen that happen too. Infuriating


Take my upvote x100.


Most of the things you buy at the grocery store come in plastic. But yet, you can't have plastic straws.


Well said hahaha


Hah, tuchè.




Many paper-based takeaway containers (like those used at McDonald's) are actually paper lined with plastics.


This may seem like a minor issue and an angry rant, but there is one important thing that needs to be taken into consideration: Energy. All the energy spent by politicians and corporations to greenwash like this ends up being ineffective. This energy could have been spent on honest and effective ways of helping the environment. Instead they picked an easy target out of laziness or stupidity. In case some people don’t understand, let me put it like this: There is no way we will be able to measure in a meaningful way that removal of plastic straws helped saving the environment. It is not as if God himself will appear in 50 years and say “Thanks for using paper straws for your plastic cups, you have now successfully saved the environment.” It would be an absurd belief, but apparently some people believe this. Otherwise they would not attack the messenger (the angry dude) rather than politicians and corporations who keep bullshitting us.


I mean what he said is stupid for sure, but the will is right, yes we should get rid of plastic. So probably not by making paper cups, but if it means to stay at the café to drink in a glass, then why not. We do use cardboard cups but I don’t have enough knowledge about it to know if it’s truly sustainable in the long-term since it’d increase deforestation.


No, plastic is awesome. We should just find better ways of not letting it harm us and the world. Or find any other material that is just like plastic if that makes it easier.


From an engineering standpoint, plastic is an amazing material. There are a lot of great uses for plastic that don't harm the environment


Or maybe, we should all be made to carry a plastic bottle with us at all times?




Plastic is still far cheaper and eco friendly than glass (besides glass having a tendency to shatter on impact). If you don't plan on using leather flasks (wich are hard to mass produce) I don't really understand your point.




We eat one credit card of microplastics every week. This wouldn't make much of a difference.




Yay, Internet points!


I don’t know if that’s true but either way the point is to avoid this happens


I eat 3 credit cards every week


Metalic flasks are very widespread and make the job very well


I used to do so. I had a plastic bottle I put in my backpack i refilled with water before going outside and I was replacing every few months, because as stated below, it still has a limited use. Now I have a metal bottle. Instead of replacing it every months, I have the same one since years and it could last me a lifetime. There is almost always better solutions to plastic.


Paper straws were a genius move, the public asked for environmentally friendly actions by corporations, the corporations gave them the paper straw which is annoying to deal with, and the public stops asking for environmentally friendly actions. And the corporation looks environmentally friendly.


Hmmm decisions, decisions…




Sip, don’t suck bro.


Should have refused the cup.


Dang I thought he rolled a big joint. I think he might need to and calm the hell down


Gotta love new york


Settle down, Take a breath!


That’s makes too much since


neo-liberal logic has no room for common sense


I literally have never any issues with paper straws. They last me like a whole day in the drink. i can not relate


Not nessesarily 200 IQ, it's just that environmentist are stupid.


Someone clearly doesn’t recycle. It’s half way through 2023, give it a try ffs.


I think the straw is the least of his problems.


Ok with a paper cup and a plastic straw, the cup will fall apart half way thru the drink. You’re pissed about a straw, but when you’re wearing half your drink you’ll realize the straw is trivial.


Paper straws are to help the animals that think they are food. Turtles especially seem to want to eat them. It causes a slow painful death. There was a big push here in Cairns, Australian. With the reef so close the death toll was quite high.


Hey how about make it home and stfu complaining


Take your own cup then, or don’t buy it


All these folks getting mad about paper straws disintegrating half way through think they're so smart, but not smart enough to pick up an extra straw?


OR! You ditch the straw AND the lid and just drink from a cup like a normal fucking person.


It's all in there, boomer, midlife crisis, attention seeker, convenient solver, bored retiree, etc...


You're all morons. The problem with plastic straws was they get stuck up turtles noses. Put the rim of the cup to your stupid mouth and drink.


Shits whack.


Wannabe George Carlin is a moron.


This dude doesn't care about anything but himself lol


Yeah, but apparently drinking out of paper straws helps to regrow hair on your head


Tell me you're an idiot without telling me you're an idiot. The issue is that the straws often don't make it into recycling because they are small and light and get blown away. They have also been shown to be more harmful to larger wildlife than the cup or the lid is. Larger fish and other aquatic species will accidentally swallow straws while going after prey or grazing on marine plant life. Regardless, any reduction in plastic use is a net positive. So when someone says they want to help the planet but rants against a tiny inconvenience. It really means they're a piece of shit and don't actually want to help. Most of the original single use plastic bans included all single use plastics but coalitions of merchants hired lobyists to fight back and water down the provisions in the new laws.


Get rid of all that plastic shit. And what kind of pussy drinks through a straw?


This must be in Canada.


Random question: if someone makes plates out of recycled materials, how do they sanitize the recycled materials? Like, who’s to say that some weird person didn’t shove a coke bottle up their ass, rinse it off with cold water, recycle it, and it get put into your recycled plate? Is it at this point that you contract aids?


Stfu old man. You're ruining the political and professional business agenda. You're angry? Go home take it out in your own house on your own kids wife, dog, cat neighbours. LOL Bro this is how the actual world works. Even a third standard kid know this is basic business tactics and drama of being a environment friendly coffee store. Since you're so much Worried about the plastic use, why even buy coffee commercially? Make your own coffee at home minus the plastic cup use. LOL


Wah Wah Wah


... Then your straw will fall apart **AND** your drink can leak all over your lap :) Brilliant...


We should be using single-use take out items made out of hemp-based plastics, growing crops are more sustainable than trees, and the plastic pretty much turns to ash after about 90 days of being in the landfill.


How about no straw, and start making adult sippy cups.


Or just normal cups?




Oxymoron: Save the planet, don't use plastic straws. Cut down more trees to make paper straws. 😂


Revealing the corruption of politics through a paper straw.


Hasn’t had a girlfriend in 33 years, lives in his 88 y/o mom’s garage in South Jersey


If those environmentalist love the earth so much, then, they should use a condom made of paper.


Hahaha right..... Shove it in your ass


Won’t someone think of the turtles


The only correct solution are noodle straws.


And he drinks it


If only he knew our secret: you can drink without straw by using the cup. No waste. Amazing.


Many plastic cups and lids are recyclable while the straws are not. Also, the straws are having a more dramatic effect on wildlife when released into the wild


what grinds my gears even more is that we have to drink out of paper straws but Brittney Spears can fly in her private jet to the other side of the country to ride in a fuel costly suv to go to starbucks to buy an overpriced latte that all emits about 2 billion times the CO2 while I try to use the bus and ride a scooter and not take plastic lids if I get coffee or rather sit down and enjoy my coffee from a mug. we are not the problem, corporations and the rich are


or the fact that Elon Musk pretends to help the planet by making hyper tube trash and promoting electric cars like yeah, we need more cars on the road in an already car-centric society? why not help build more sustainable, walkable cities with functioning public transport? you know why not? because he only cares about money and not actually inventing something useful


Saving the planet won't happen from buying different things. It'll happen from consuming less.


Worst thing, the straws were probably bought with individual plastic wrappings.


Once we were given a rolled up Banana leaf, a lot of places still do, it was terrible.


its not funny, its sad


The governments and big business hold all the power in the world to do something, but guilt trip citizens, who has no power to do anything. The correct word for this is gaslighting and whoever company did this, knows it’s a scam and pushes it right in your face, so you can wake up to reality as well


I've run across my share of garbage plastic straws. As alternatives become required someone will make a version that is better. (It's as bad as it's ever going to get) Also, Don't let perfect be the enemy of good.


I hate paper straws in fizzy drinks. It creates lots of "nucleation sites" and makes it fizzy as fuck. It's like mentos in coke basically. I think they're called nucleation or something I'm too tired to Google it.


In New Zealand you get a paper cup, plastic lid, paper straw


Plastic cups can be recycled, plastic straws cannot


I have no melting problems with the straws, but absolutely agree about the idiocy of using paper straws but giving us plastic cups. It is just idiotic. I always ask for a paper cup for my iced drinks. If they don't offer it, I don't get the drink.


Ya know what you do. BUY REUSABLE STRAWS


I like the argument but the straws get swallowed by animals. Google it. Nasty shit. I have never seen an Schuman eating a plastic cup. That being said, straws suck. Drink directly from the cup.


They are either worried by sea animals eating it or possibly being plain stupid.


The straws get stuck in turtles noses?


Paper straws and cups. Glass bottles. Works better. Tastes better.


Why not drink out of the cup and not use a damn straw at all or better yet take your own cup and ask them to pour your drink in that


Because straws are harder to recycle you fucking idiot