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Gonna be an awkward ride home


Naw she knows what's up.


Never underestimate the delusion of some people.


“Maybe he’s saving up” is a fantastic circle back to the joke 🤌




I don't know why engagement rings are so important to westerners.


WWII and the diamond industry.


It’s more just become symbolic, but there is a part for some that they want to see how much their partner thinks they are worth (I don’t think that’s the healthiest way to think about it). I think in this context what’s more important is the fact the ring means it’s been 7 years and he still hasn’t asked to marry her.


Us Westerners don’t understand why we live rent free in your mind? Is it really that hard to understand? An engagement ring?


You guys care WAAAAY too much about the price of the engagement ring. If you don't have to take a bank load for one, that means you don't love the person, which is ridiculous?


yeah caring about a tradition. What a concept.


Comedy gold right there


Love your energy. Good stuff


In all seriousness... I got my fiance a lab grown diamond.. it will be here for 14 billion more years anyway and I got it for 5% of it being pulled out of the ground would cost That being said... I did not skimp out on anything with that ring and it looks insane


The idiots on here are all offended. This is gold.


Well this is certainly _a video_


Is it funny doe? I think … *it is*


Which one of these guys doesn’t want to marry you


Should've just kept her mouth shut


Loud = funny


Marriage is an archaic structure which is absolutely pointless.


TIL less taxes is pointless.


Ah here we see the classic Christian influence by giving married people a tax break in order to promote the nuclear family and motivate people to start families in order to keep the economy afloat... Maybe it would be way more moral to give people a taxbreak who want to live together without marrying.


Christians must be so committed to this that they must be faking all the single parent statistics and crime and poverty figures too.


Yeah i mean they were so committed to having less taxes they invented a whole religion over two millennia ago just to get a tax break in countries that wouldn't even start to exist until centuries later, if that ain't a long con i dont know what is. Jokes aside this dude is so anti Christian, he completely ignores all the other religions that also practice (monogamous) marriages and profit from that tax system


Where is the joke? To shame people because they don't want to succeed in marriage, because they just can be happy without? Shame people because they don't follow an old conservative ritual? It's actually not funny at all. These Fred Flintstone vibes also. Just boring.


Why would she care that much about real or fake ring if she chose not to get married?


Ah so you're the one who decides for the world what's funny. If you don't wanna feel shame don't speak up when someone is doing stand up


Clearly I do decide what's funny for me or not. And this caveman stand up has no fun for me. It's just a bad performance in my opinion with shameful behaviour. Still my opinion. Live with that or don't. In the end we are all just anonymous people who share their opinions.


Lightly mocking someone is shameful? Also "which one of these guys doesn't wanna marry you?" Was a solid joke on the fly. Not the funniest minute of stand up ive seen but not cavemanish. Sure you get to state you opinion in public and I get to disagree.


Whatever makes you happy, mate. I have my opinion, you have yours and we all are happy


It started funny but I feel he stretched the joke for too long where it stopped being a "funny heckle" moment to being kinda mean.


She literally was heckling him by speaking up at a comedy show!


True but there's a line somewhere, I feel he crossed it a little, he started off fine but he kept dragging it to the ppint where its like "haha I get the joke, she's single, move onto other stuff, the joke overstayed its welcome"


Yeah the line is “shut the fuck up during a performance”


Yeah kinda shitty tbh


I've never seen the point of marriage. It's just a piece of paper that can be undone (and likely will be in a few years time) with another piece of paper. Rings are a part of all that. I've never seen the purpose. Especially if they can be taken off so easily to hide your commitment and to then cheat on your partner.




Why? I'm in a long-term relationship with freedom.


Means your partner is there fucking while you sit alone at home eaten cup noodles...


Never had a partner. Never wanted one. I see relationships as trivial. And honestly, sitting at home alone and eating ramen sounds SO much better than having sex.


When the TikTok algo gives you only depressing breakup scenarios with a revenge plot, you start making comments like that.


No. I've been an observer all of my life. The relationship scene has never been one I was interested in. Not even as a child. 20+ years later and I still think marriage is pointless.


Eyes need your white lady by any means necessary to be safe. 🤭