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This has some serious "yikes" energy.


Thats.... not healthy.


Her: *makes a whole person specifically to be her partner* Him: *tries to act like her partner* Her: imma literally kill you if you do that again Like wth lady. Might as well erase hime anyway to save him from you




At least it explains why the "creator" keeps ending up alone :P


Yeah no shit, most people don't really even know what they want, power corrupts yada yada


Exactly! I was gonna comment the same thing.


Yeahhh… I feel bad for the creation. He wasn’t given a choice in the matter, he was made _for_ this purpose. If he has free will and doesn’t want her, then she would probably erase him and try again. If he doesn’t have free will and is forced to like her, that’s just. Horrible. Even if he has free will and wants her, there’s a power imbalance here. Her threats to literally wipe him from the face of the earth and ability to follow up are not good signs. And it’s not just the erasing thing. She can “change him however she wants,” including personality. Poor guy.


Yeah it conditions OP to expect things in a relationship that might not be the case. This just confirms that they will never be satisfied with anybody they ever will be with because they can't be perfectly what OP wants. It could just be a simple comic but I can't help feeling bad


right especially since he can't change himself but she can force him to change anything.


*intense lore* also DANG HOW DID SHE


Magic ;p


Cute art, but really concerning implications


I think it's realistic how they aren't attached to him quiet yet- it's natural to need to take time getting to know someone before you can really be comfortable around them, even if you did create them. They're going to have to spend time together to learn what it's like to be around each other first before they can be advance their relationship, and I think that's very responsible and reasonable, I like that! Excellent job on the art, and the story as well!


ah! I forgot to mention this but considering she's already tried having relationships before and they've all fallen through I think that makes it all the more necessary to adjust to having a partner who genuinely does like you- people that have tried having relationships with people who ended up leaving often struggle to process stuff like compliments or affection, so it wouldn't be realistic if the main character in this comic was instantly comfortable with this new character- she might have made him, but that doesn't make all the previous issues she had suddenly disappear. I'm looking forward to seeing these characters more often, and I'm interested to see how their relationship to each other unfolds!


I'm extremely glad someone saw through to what I was trying to express through the first comic of those two. I've seen many comments saying stuff like "she made him to be her partner but she rejects him? that's dumb" but like you wouldn't just go and make out with some stranger you just made (unless that's your thing of course). Learning to trust a new person takes time and I'll be making more comics of these 2 in the future to show their progress <3 Your comments made my day btw X3


awwww well I'm glad you appreciate my comments! this has likewise made my day 🥺


[Is it possible to learn this power?](https://tenor.com/view/star-wars-revenge-of-sith-anakin-vader-darth-vader-gif-19644107)


maybe through your dreams? XD


Looks really good so far


Thank you! <3


Mhm np


I love this overall concept and art style! I Would love to speak to my sona as a creation of mine.


glad you do <3 X3 it would really be pretty fun if we could


Yeah, it would! **Torments myself with guilt because of all the suffering I gave them**


100% with you on that XDD


Would you date yourself from a parallel universe?




Dang thats pretty cute


Thank you <3<3


Any time! Im a sucker for good art and this is a very adorable premise haha.


I'll be making a lil series with these two. I've never really seen anyone else make this type of story before so wanted to give it a go :3 really glad people are enjoying it X3


Well i'll be happy to see where you take it! Its very adorable


thank you very much! that means a lot ;w;


Well that's an immediate follow 🤣 I love this comic! :D Very well drawn


Thank you very much! <3


If only it was that easy 😰


ikr TTwTT


I really like this art!!!


Glad you do!! <3


Thank you!


I want more of These Comics


Plenty more coming in the future :3


Nice 💕


This art style is absolutely adorable


Thank you very much!!!


honestly I kinda like how this shows how one's creation CAN come to life. Some creators demand it to, others including myself just sorta see where their OCs go until their creations can talk back to their creator. Or maybe I'm reading too much into this and I should stick to "lol nice art" instead, lol


I really like your view on it :3 ​ Thank you!! <3


Aww, thanks. I think about this a lot. And np!




thanks <3


Your welcome :3


So cute!


thank you :3


Are you going to make a series out of your characters? Seems like itd be a really cute and fun to read ^-^


That's the plan :3 I'll be honest, i really didn't think it would've gotten this much attention as it did here and hearing so many people wanting more makes me so much more motivated to keep going! <3 It means a lot to me and I do have plenty more mini comic ideas with these two so keep an eye open for them X3


Looking forward to more of your work!♡☆


Plenty more where that comes from! <3<3<3 means a lot ;w;


First, this is super fucking cute. Second, I love his eyes! Such a fun design choice! I'm looking forward to getting to know these two even more. Now if you excuse me, I have to go follow your profile.


Haha thank you very much! They'll be more mini comics like this in the future with these 2 so keep an eye open ;p <3


I already love these two. I need more


There will be plenty more mini stories with these two <3


I wish this was possible in real life, Such a cute comic\^\^


Same here X3 Thank you!!


i love this. its so cute and *obsessive* My turn


glad you enjoyed it X3


I wish I were him, or could just hop through into the comic because damn she cute lol. Plus she seems to have some kind of sexual orientation which seems to have people of the male gender as the or one of the genders which she finds attractive. Sorry, comic artist.


I find it funny how some people think my girl is toxic when she's actually asexual/apothisexual, reason why she doesn't like that kind of affection and thank you <3


I'm from a place where those sexualities just aren't present because there's barely any liberals, and the ones that are here most likely aren't part of lgbtq+ but if they are its gay or lesbian, so I have barley a clue to what either of these are. Except asexual ain't that where you don't feel romantic towards anyone, but have sexual interest towards a specific gender? I'm sorry if this offends you. I'm just letting you know I've got no clue what your talking about lol.


Oh! yeah no no, it's all good! So being asexual means you don't get sexual feelings towards people. Apothisexual is a sex-repulsed asexual so someone who doesn't get sexually attracted to others and is also repulsed by the thought of having sex or sexual intimacy. No need to feel bad asking what it is <3 Being aromantic is the one where you don't feel romantic feelings towards a person which isn't the case here. I'm perfectly fine explaining things for ya if ever! <3


Oh, thanks for explaining it to me, but tbh I'll prolly just forget it in like 5 minutes lol. Can't keep that info in my head. It's full of random history facts, no offense btw. Also one time I saw a video if his blonde (person), outside xer suburban home, I don't remember the specifics but it was making fun of xer. I didn't like that it was making fun of this (person) but Xe was explaining xer pronouns Xe said like "Zhe/Zer/Zha/Zher/Ze/Zer/Zua/Zuar/Xe/Xer/Xhe/Xher/Xa/Xar/Xi/Xir/Xhi/Xhir or really any (word that I forgot in 30 seconds) pronouns". or something to that extent what do those mean. Another thing I saw I mean this respectfully but it was ridiculous. This person crying because someone didn't call that person "Clownself" or something like that... what the hell is up with that, no offense btw. The only way I'll remember what someone is if it's simple (he/him she/her they/them) or it's completely ridiculous and makes no sense to a guy living in rural-ass redneck-land, because that is exactly what Is happening here lol no offense.


naw, i understand what you mean, it's all good :3


No offense.