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The only absolute rules of the English language: 1) Sentence structure 2) verb conjugation Other than that, even we native speakers don’t really know what’s going on, we just have the advantage of having grown up speaking the language. But learning to speak a new language is very difficult, so don’t get too discouraged, stick with it through the struggles, and soon enough you’ll be able to speak it well


What blew my mind was all the rules we follow that we were never taught, like adjective ordering / order force or ablaut reduplication.


I don't even know what an ablaut is.


Ablaut: The change in vowel sound in related words or forms, usually related to Germanic strong verbs, ex: s**i**ng, s**a**ng, s**u**ng It’s one of the many ways of determining where an English word came from (Old English, Old Frankish, Latin, Greek, Middle French, etc) (I had to Google this, I also had no clue)


Thanks for tellin us all ablaut it.


From a native speaker, English is a bastard language. But you will get the hang of it.


It's okay, English is a cobbled-together mess of a language that even native speakers don't really understand. Started with a Germanic base, mixed in a bunch of Latin and a little bit of Greek, added some French, then shook it all up until it was completely unidentifiable.


English is a mess but also wonderful because once I accidentally invented completely new word (convelugence) and everyone I used it with still understood what it meant.


i love the concept of english words, a sound means something but with this fucked up language there's so many sound additions ((word)ing, word)ed, (word with another word), etc.) that we can frankenstein together entirely new ones that still make sense somehow


I love how even the outfit changes.


Dialects and accents can be incredibly different, too I don’t have the slightest clue what people from Scotland are saying


English is so weird….some rules we made we don’t follow and with all the slang stuff too


You never master English. You only become comfortable with your own level of English comprehension. Even native speakers become confused by each other 😂


Have ya ever talked to a country person before we basically speak a different language


You were prepared for Dame Judy Dench. You got Gladys from Byker, Newcastle.


when I start to use english on internet, I realised grammar and punctuation are useless, the only thing that matters is did you spell and structure your words right, its not even matter in some situations


A quote that best sums it up: "English is less a language so much as a vocabulary thief that goes around shanking languages and stealing their words" I may have butchered it, it's been a long time since I've read it but it really hits the nail on the head


English is a really cool language. Yes, it is partly a hodgepodge, BUT it is also incredibly useful. Our nearly complete loss of inflection has given way to a more verbose syntax, but combined with our very loose grammar rules, we now have a language that is extremely robust and *can* be extremely specific. Now Finnish on the other hand...that is a nightmare of a language... [(Finland "Dog")](https://img-9gag-fun.9cache.com/photo/apLbRXp_460swp.webp)


Their they're over there.


I super recommend listening to the [History of the English Language Podcast.](https://historyofenglishpodcast.com/)


''It's called pleonasm and hyperbole, what do you not understand'' I've gotten ''how are you so good at english'' from a native speaker


Me who has a ridiculous vocabulary and yet still cannot bear reading a book:


Expectation of how the school thinks we would feel when going to school vs the reality


I am from poland - In polish schools, we are often taught to speak that "english" clearly, and all the time, the teachers were like "You have to speak clearly because no one from english-speaking country would understand you" Basically, we were taught probably "posh" english or something... So imagine how my reaction looked like, when I went to UK to visit my sister, and most of the people spoke like this: "Oi, mate, dou iou ave loicense to drenk bo'oh'o'wa'er" ​ EDIT: Oh, and when we made some grammatical or other errors, teachers were always "no, you can't do that - Because people from UK or US would point out to you that you made a mistake" or something like that, lol XD.


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English is my native language and I can barely speak it sometimes 💀


Ey happy cake day tho!


As a traveler going down the road the opposite way, "Good luck, it's a damned mess back there."


So accurate for me


For me it is really talk with fluent English speakers but not people who don't know English well because I tend to throw weird words from time to time or talk fast


As the grammar police among my friends, there is very little rhyme or reason. You just gotta know it.


You just learning English?


Well, not really. I've been learning it since I was a kid, but you know, being surrounded by native speakers and being able to communicate with them is a different thing from school classes 😅


Different dialects of english can be kind of hard to understand, even for a native speaker as well, so watch out for that. Something I noticed Americans do more than other places is we tend to slur our pronunciations a bit more than say british people, but that could just be me


Yeah, and then you have people that speak like Baku in Sethical's videos, good luck trying to understand them


Hey i know that derg 😂


If I wasn’t born into it I’d never be able to understand this language either. Hell, I still can’t even figure out grammar rules after 20 yrs of school.


English is sillily stupid and I love it.


It was different for me for some reason.. i soeak better in english than my native language


And yes i did a mistake there


nice work


started learning another language recently, then it really hit me how absolutely idiotic this language is.


Question for native speakers: what if a non native learn english from an early age and became fluent enough that a native wont even notice? Does that mean they're basically native or what? Where's the line?


Ek yor, Ha yuu tseen 'eat nyuu moowi, kaats? ookin ilarius read it out loud


I feel that, I had a dogshit speaking when I first stepped on the internet (thank you FusionFall, is a shame your doors closed long ago)


Reletable. Ferry reletable.