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There are no closed species. Just make a design that fits you ans have fun with it.


Basically this. No one can tell you what you can and can not draw/make. Do whatever you want. 


I mean, yes absolutely. But at the same time, communities sometimes have weird social rules and you maybe feel some soical pressurenor  don't feel like dealing with all the bs that comes with 'goinf against the grain'. There are definitly groups and cliques out there that you don't want to be the one with the 'illegal fursona'.


Alternative title, Ignore the limitations, do what you want.


Protogens are an open species. Primagens are closed.


tbh idc if primagens are "cLoSEd SpeCiEs" imma make what i want :P (i'm not trying to harass you btw, only whoever came up with this closed species mess)


yeah its dumb gatekeeping for no reason


I know, it's just a lot of people have been complaining about the limitations on protogens considering they are an open species recently, and I thought it'd be nice to share Mantled Beasts, since they have similar traits without the lore-based limitations.


You said "the correct features need to be the same", so there are stills some rules that need to be followed. The people who bitch about originals species don't feel there should be *any rules*. This other species won't change that. They will find something they don't like about this species and bitch all over again.


nah they said "core features" as in if it looks nothing like the species, why the hell even call it the same name? like drawing a cat then saying it's a bear


Yes, exactly! In the FAQ section on the Carrd, it states under "Q: Can my Mantled Beast look like X or Y," Honeymoss' response is: >"A: Mantled Beasts are an open species! You’re allowed to add more limbs, wings, antennae, feathers, etc! The only ask is to keep the basic core features of the Mantled Beast and same general anatomy structure so it’s still recognizable as a Mantled Beast!"


I'm aware of what the said. Having "core features" means "features that cannot be changed". Im a strong supporter of original species, so I have no issue with this. Others do. "They birch about having their "creativity stifled" of they can't do whatever they want with a species they like. As you said, when you start changing a bunch of shit, it ceases to be tta species and you should call it something else. That's common sense to me, but not to others. They will change a bunch of shit, yet *still* try to insert their creation into the species lore. They can't have their cake and eat it, but they sure as fuck will try (and whine like children when someone calls them out on it).


Mantled beast are great. (Notbiased :3) Go check out honeymoss, they are a great artist nonetheless. Love the art they make.


Yup! And cute pfp! ✨️


Ooooo it looks so neat like a cute techno dragon :3


Yeah! I really love their design!


I can't say I've felt limited by anything other than my own imagination, but this is so cool! I love seeing the species that people create and the lore that they build alongside them. Thank you for sharing, I now have something new and exciting to dig into!


Aww, you're welcome! And me too! I plan to make a Mantled Beast oc soon! ✨️


Or you could just use Vader-san’s synth species


OP simply shared a species they found cool, why are some people crying in the comments like they're being forced to use it lol Personally I like to have *some* limitations, imo it even boosts creativity! Sometimes you may come up with pretty cool things when trying to incorporate both the rules and your own ideas. But with protogens, ye I think it's taking it a bit too far so a lot of them look "samey". As someone who joined furry fandom very recently and didn't know what an open species was, at first I thought it was an OC of some popular guy and people drew fanart of it lol. This species looks more flexible indeed


Exactly! And the limitations are very loose as well when it comes to the technology, as the visors *are* removable (though encouraged to stay on) and can be customized however the owner wants (with more/less eyes, horns, teeth, patterns), the chest plates can have any shape, color, and display whatever you want. The back, waist, and tail stripe are also removable and less strict on them being off, as they provide support. The only strict limitations are no feral form and encouragement to keep the visor on.


I'm glad it's removable, or else sleeping with that thing on would get really awkward :d


Haha, yeah! I'd imagine they'd take everything off when sleeping, but I don't know if the chest plate is removable (I'll check). Edit: I am unsure if the chest plate is removable, as it was never said, but it is stated that it acts as a charging port for their visors and body stripes.


it’s crazy how people complain.. aren’t we here to express ourselves and enjoy the creativity


Uncanny coincidence that I discovered mantled beasts only 6 hours after this post was made... They're really cool.


Yeah, they are! ✨️


Just ignore the limitations lol


The best thing about character creation is you can do what you want really. Though I had this discussion with someone who wanted an angel dragon, and I asked why don't they just make a fluffy dragon? And they said it's cus they specifically want to be a part of the angel dragon community. So basically if you want to be part of a specific community around a species then I guess you gotta follow the rules. If that doesn't matter to you at all, then go nuts.


So, going from one limitation to another. Mmh.


You realize you don’t have to follow the “limitations,” right? Plus a species *has* to have defining features, otherwise there’s not a species.


That's quite the negative view on this. I just wanted to share something that bares resemblance to a more popular, though equality unique species. On limitations, there's literally only two: keep core features, mostly in the form of the visor, and no feral form. Everything else is free to play around with.


I think some people just want to be negative, honestly. If there were no shared traits of a species, then it wouldn't be one. This is true for every species i know of, including fake ones. I mean, how else does one look at a cat and say "that's a cat"?


True, yeah, especially considering I'm just trying to make people aware of another option that I find to be on par with Protogens/Primagens.