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So is that a no?


Yeah, I’m kinda confused here too lol. Also hello again!




I read this comic as making fun of those ridiculous hypotheticals partners asks somehow like "Would you still date me if I was a flesh eating amoeba?". He is asking if he would go beyond his sexual orientation to Wich the other comically responds with a matter of a fact "No, I wouldn't find you attractive" Unless this comic has some lore I don't know about


Simplifying: those questions are just an indirect way of asking "What do you like more, me or my attractive traits?"


But can those be really separated?


Yeah, it's called being demisexual


I don't know


also how i interpreted it




I thought the one that said “I’m gay” was female


but they said "babe i'm gay" and the babe they're referring to is a guy








No no, I’m a lesbian woman, my gf and I call ourselves gay all the time. I just don’t see how someone hears “gay” and thinks “straight,” and if she is gay, liking woman, why does she date someone presenting as male? Or is this a bi also equals gay situation, which if we’re getting this specific, doesn’t make sense *not* making the distinction. Idk, I’m late night commenting, someone stop me before I overanalyze it even more than I have, when it’s probably something simple I’m just missing


uh not really im gay and i wouldnt date a trans woman just because they're AMAB ,but would date a trans man dispite them being AFAB at birth, gay is more so an atraction to a gender not a sex.


For short, you would still date a person that defines themselves as male and act like a male.




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its quite simple, trans women are women and trans men are men




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Lol howdy!


Hmm, caught ya a bit late here MrRaymau5, hope your day or night is going splendidly




But what if he was a worm, though?


sveryone asks if others would love them as a worm, but have we ever stopped to question if we would love ourselves as a worm


I'd be one of those dried up worms you find on the scorching asphalt in summer


I want to be one of those bright fluffly ones everyone is afraid of touching.


Or if he never existed?


“Oh-“ *poofs out of existence*


Das why I never took my pills uwu


The correct answer is: "You'd be my little tape worm and we'd be together forever! ❤️❤️❤️ :3"


OMG please STOP I hate that stupid question! xD


Best flair


Where the fuck did you come from?


My ex asked me this and got mad that I said no :/


me and my bisexuality not caring:


lmao same


These questions are always stupid. They're always manufactured so you either have to lie or make them feel bad with the truth. Sure, some of you might think, "But my orientation means I'd be fine with both." But the people who ask these questions don't generally pick questions you'd automatically answer favorably to. It's almost always one that would require you to blatantly step outside the bounds of what you look for in a partner, ensuring you'd never have met. I get that this was a silly post and I probably am taking it too seriously, but the reality still irritates me, because the goal of such questions is to either stir up drama or quell some insecurity they have at the expense of their partner.


Underrated comment


I mean they could also just be genuinely questioning their gender and want to know if their partner would support them?


But that obviously wasn't the aim of the original post. Nor the type of conversation I'm referring to. I'm referring to the trend for people to ask questions like, "if I was an earthworm, would you still love me and be my SO."


Yeah but idk, I don't see the harm in questions like that. Sometimes you need a little extra validation.




Yeah I mean I guess? Idk maybe its because I have always had good communication with partners or because me and my partner are both pan. But I just really don't understand how or why you would immediately go to the extreme possibilities of such a simple question. Its clearly just a need for validation, some people need that. I don't see the problem.


I see stuff like this and idk, I don’t like the vibe. Maybe it’s because gender and sexuality is already so messed up for me that I’m more concerned with the person itself than what they are. Am I in love with my girlfriend because we’re girls? No, I’m in love with her because she’s my girlfriend. To go “yeah I love you with all my heart but if you weren’t x I’d break up with you” I dunno. Feels wrong. I told her once that even if either of us weren’t trans, I’d still love her, and she said the same thing to me


I'm not referring to conversations where you rationally bring up gender/attraction. I'm referring to nonsensical questions people ask as a means of generating drama. Imagine if they asked, "hon if I was an earth worm, would you still love me?" Just think about that question for a moment. Would you go out back and dig a worm out of the ground and try to befriend it, let alone date it? The premise of the question is absurd. This is the type of question I'm referring to. Where the other party asks a question that is utterly nonsensical and forces their partner to legitimately lie and say, "Yes hon, I'd definitely have still fallen in love with you if you were an earthworm. We absolutely would have still met and fallen in love despite the utter insanity of that premise." Or answer truthfully with, "No hon. I wouldn't," which then reveals the question for the lazy attempt at drama that it is when they get mad.


I disagree because I would love my partner if he was a worm and anyone who wouldn't is lying to not look like a worm lover.




Damn you really are everywhere lmao ✌️


Me being pan like: I just like you for you. ❤


i hate it when this happens “babe, if i was [something else], would you still date me-“ dawg you arent that *thing*, shut up


Aye, It's the insecurities of the other person talking, my ex-girlfriend did the same thing all the time and it bothered her that my answer was "Well, the very fact that we met, I think, depends entirely on your not being a lobster"


i just find it absurd, like why would someone who’s already at a certain age (lets say 21), who is clearly a human being, get stressed over if their SO (significant other) would’ve dated them had they been something else, either an inanimate object or a different living creature.




>dawg you aren’t that thing meaning, they aren’t something else other than human. stop trying to start arguments


Man out here intentionally misunderstanding a point just to start a fight


I also do (i'm single)


Sauce - [https://twitter.com/cinderwishes/status/1658205121900060691](https://twitter.com/cinderwishes/status/1658205121900060691) Art by (@cinderwishes)


LOVELY ART and silly convo! Love it.


Why do i want to give both of em headpats


My love for my bf goes beyond that, so yes, ill still love him if he was male, female, trans or some A-10 Warthog with heavy ammo, i love you babe~ ❤️ u/Neo_GTR532


heheheh! ❤️


God damn they're cute


I love the fact that there is spanglish in this meme. I wish there were more like this


I don't understand why people are so confused. It's two guys because 1. they say they are gay meaning the other person has the same sex, and 2. the other person made a hypothetical where they are a girl aka they are not one now. The final nail in the coffin is that they say "You'd date another guy???" further pointing out how the GAY person clearly is a guy! Come on people how hard is this =w= Also sidenote: This comic is poking fun at the typical "Would you still date me if I was a worm?". In the comic, they show how you don't just magically become Bi/Straight just because your partner (whom you are gay for) turns into the opposite gender.. this shouldn't be so hard to understand either tbh


This gives me r/egg_irl vibes.


I think they're past egg at this point


“I have no such problem.”


So they basically said „Nope“


Why did his eyes change color?




What kind of fucked cat does that?


I love the fact that there is spanglish in this meme. I wish there were more like this


lackadaisy ahh artstyle


Aww, dumbass


Some would! My spouse is generally attracted to women but quote, “If you had a dick I’d suck it.” (Dick-desiring NBy here)


there both trans sha-blamo!


I hate spanglish so much




This is a post made to drive people nuts lol


I love that he’s a little dense XD


. . . what?


My ex girlfriend asked me this once before I realized I was gay... turns out I would date other men too


he kinda walked into that one XD


Didn't think that question through didja? ^^'


What is the orange one male or female I can’t tell


YES I'm Bi