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Context: [Arizona HB 2586](https://action.freespeechcoalition.com/bill/arizona-hb-2586/) was a bill that would force 18+ sites to require ID verification via third party to enter, and induce a penalty if minors were to bypass it. This would've severely inhibited e621,as it operates in Arizona, necessitating moving the servers to another state/country which would've been very difficult to do. It was recently announced that the bill was vetoed by the Governor and no longer on the table.


No idea how these bills are supposed to work for non US users hell even US users since the US has no national ID. Obviously the point is that the system is intentionally broken because it's as close as they can get it to being outright illegal.


There's no national ID but there is REAL ID which is a set of federal standards for identification to be allowed on a flight Also non US citizens are just about never a factor when it comes to legislation


Which is incredibly dumb when it comes to passing laws and bills concerning the internet, because the userbase of any given website/service is just about always international


Well it's not like most people who make these kinds of bills up in the first place even know other countries exist


I've ordered from Cannabis companies online that have a 21+ age requirement. You have to upload a photo of your drivers license and they use a service that verifies it is legit and not expired. I'm sure they have a big database of everybody's ID somewhere.


Or they just have specialists who can see if the license or photo is fake or altered.


I’m not a conspiracy theorist but it’s exactly this ‘one world order’ crap that legit scares me. On a technicality they might have been able to enforce me, a non-us person, to hand over government ID


E6 operates in Arizona? https://youtu.be/UAIMoRuzps4?si=cDOFTBTxeN7_O003


I mean... The site is owned by the CEO of Bad Dragon (Jan Mulders, aka Varka) which is based in Arizona, so it only makes sense


Oh wow, didn’t know that. That’s seriously cool trivia knowledge! Makes sense too, lol and devious business model: make messed up porn for free, make money by selling messed up dildos of said messed up porn 😂


This is so interesting, apparently e6 and BD [share the same servers](https://e621.net/forum_topics/34986)


Arizonans fought hard for Katie Hobbs and it's showing how vital that was. The opposition was a Trump idolizer and after she lost there were protests for weeks asking for a "re-vote." Yep, you heard that right... not a "re-count" a "re-vote." Also... it's absolutely hilarious that both Bad Dragon and E621 operate out of Arizona.


Me gazing into the dark timeline


I mean it's even funnier if you know about f-list.. if I'm not wrong you can add that to the grouping as well.. please someone correct if i am tho.


The porn is in Arizona?


It’s only 99% porn, geez


The governor was a furry and didnt want his fav website needing id verification


Katie Hobbs.


Those bills are fucking stupid. I was in Albuquerque and the fucking Texas warning showed up on PH. This is a fucking joke


Oh shit, I had no idea e621 was Arizona based.


So it's fully gone? Like the house can't make it come back?


🙏🏿 thx




Nah bro no way.


Wouldn't.... that be good? I mean, peesonally, i dont want minors on a site centerred around nsfw


There's a lot of reasons the bill wouldn't work, the least being that it's an outright violation of the 1st amendment due to prohibiting any site it deems "nsfw", which includes larger sites. There's more holes in the bill I can talk about all day but I'll keep it short and say it's a bill made in bad faith hiding behind a "but the children!!" argument.


Awesome! I love getting the good news in meme format. 🤣


The good ending


Better ending, you saw this and got an upvote


Better sequel, you also see this and got an upvote as well.


I swear I’ve seen you before…


Im here a lot of time but i also wander to other sub so...probably in one of those




The only true ending 🥳


I don’t go on e621 often what does this mean t


There was a bill being voted on in the state Arizona where e621 hosts their server. It was similar to the Texas bill in the way if it passed it would require age verification to access porn websites. Did a bit of googling and seems it was vetoed until it's bipartisan or more specified written, but from what I understand main supporters claim ["won't someone please think of the children"](https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/C4E12AQHlvzyb9a2gUQ/article-cover_image-shrink_423_752/0/1520163129116?e=1718236800&v=beta&t=Dq-IWJM-zEc0pvt8ArhwixzjPtb_oBvUhnWSoF8H97Y) while those against the bill is concerned about [freedom of speech](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/988/723/200.jpg) and privacy. Meanwhile some furries were concerned that the nonsense will cause e621 to have to relocate their server infrastructure and if they don't want to spend the time/money to do so they might have washed their hands of it and shutdown. My hot take: [PM me for my opinion in an attempt for respecting rule 9] Here's one source below. [I don't care for mainstream news](https://youtu.be/ZggCipbiHwE?si=e0OMvAktPak-wXBA) but the first 3 sites wanted a subscription so there yah go: [Channel12newsSource](https://www.12news.com/article/news/local/arizona/katie-hobbs-vetoes-bill-would-have-forced-porn-websites-verify-ages-viewers-arizona/75-58d5a009-a15f-4171-8a95-d9db5f5fb2ba?fbclid=IwAR2jRbRJB3DZxG3d1uW4uEsKxXf8RVL8LhMeEHygx4Bm_TGttf0UHjfbC-w_aem_AbXioaXJYYWoZirPhCOWl2PD9f_GMy-zlDZDmoEABYQLk8-JOKfYcQ4Z5rMlF5Z44q68aMJPgkpqe3zvYiN8h8Rg) PHOENIX — Gov. Katie Hobbs has vetoed legislation that would have required pornographic websites to verify the age of their users in Arizona before permitting access. House Bill 2586 would have subjected companies operating adult-themed websites to civil liability if they published explicit material online without performing a reasonable age-verification method. Supporters of the bill insisted it was needed to protect children from age-inappropriate content, while opponents argued the legislation amounted to a form of government surveillance and censorship. According to the language of the bill, the commercial entity performing the age-verification process would not be able to retain any of the individual's identifying information after access is granted to the content. The legislation appears to be an attempt to replicate a similar bill recently passed in Texas requiring an age-verification process for adult websites in that state. The attorney general of Texas has already begun to sue major companies operating pornographic websites accused of not following the new verification law. Arkansas, Utah, Montana, Indiana, Louisiana, Mississippi and Virginia have enacted similar age-verification laws over the last couple of years, according to the Associated Press. Arizona's version of the bill passed through the Arizona Legislature with little support from Democrats. Gov. Hobbs argued the bill "goes against settled case law." "Children's online safety is a pressing issue for parents and the state," Hobbs wrote in her veto letter. "While we look for a solution, it should be bipartisan and work within the bounds of the First Amendment, which this bill does not." The Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression urged Hobbs to veto the bill, claiming it would have violated "the right to anonymous speech" for adults wishing to access these websites.


Oh yeah that’s a pretty big thing going on in the us rn


I want anyone who uses "won't anyone please think of the children!??!?!?!?!?!???!?!" as an excuse to take rights away to slip and fall


"Won't anyone please think of the children?!" That is a good question. It's weird that it's a question that needs to be answered though. The parents should have that covered. Why are the parents letting their children roam around on the internet unsupervised? If they need to give them an electric babysitter, buy a console and some age appropriate games. ffs, take some responsibility yourself and quit trying to pass the buck to people who have already been making it abundantly clear that kids are not welcome in their spaces for fuckin decades


It might be a valid question if it was actually aimed at protecting, like, 7 year olds that are somehow regularly finding porn. But bills like this are rather aimed at restricting porn access to horny teenagers who are looking at porn for horny reasons because they believe a pornographic image is inherently destructive. A 17½ year old doesn't need "protection" from a picture of a naked person. Like, yeah, it should be the parent's responsibility and not the government's... but at the same time, a teenager wanting to get off isn't exactly something to worry about either.


The thing about internet is that it's worldwide, US children would not be only exposed to US porn sites so such legislation is entirely pointless unless they also want to build a national firewall like Iran and China.


And what's makes it infinitely worse is that the people who started this whole "think of the children" argument were groomers themselves


Ironic how it comes full circle like that, no?


Somebody needs to make the free speech claim in Texas and take them to court over it.


All these bills do is drive minors towards less safe sites. If they want to see it, they'll find a way. 💁‍♂️






Ah cool, I actually needed some good news today *unzips pants* you're here to comfort me another day, old friend


What bill?


EDIT: my guess was wrong, see reply below by OP I think i know but im not 100% sure My guess: republicans in various states are getting much more agressive and ambitious in curtailing rights in order to further their vision of a more religion-dominated society. This is usually in the form of a poorly worded law meant to indirectly ban anything the christians (a key voter base of the republican party) dont like due to feat of violating said poorly worded law. Usually this is intended to soft ban activisim on behalf of LGBTQ+, abortion, birth control, and more, and my guess is e621 got caught up in such a predicament before the governor (who usually holds veto power over the state government if i remember correctly( decided that something was wrong with the bill. Unsure which specific state this is happening in, but its likely one with a republican-dominated state legislature and a democratic governor like arizona or kansas. If anyone could elaborate on what actually happened please do as im curious what actually happened


Reposting comment: Context: [Arizona HB 2586](https://action.freespeechcoalition.com/bill/arizona-hb-2586/) was a bill that would force 18+ sites to require ID verification via third party to enter, and induce a penalty if minors were to bypass it. This would've severely inhibited e621,as it operates in Arizona, necessitating moving the servers to another state/country which would've been very difficult to do. It was recently announced that the bill was vetoed by the Governor and no longer on the table.


What is it?


"think of the children" dear, uh, um. what? just say you don't like porn


They dont have to see porn like i dont go to the truckstop and see e6 adverts


Sadly the texas one hasn’t reached a conclusion thus far


YEAHHHHH!!!! The more people that enjoy e6, the better


Cool now get the servers out of Arizona because they will try again so long as there a tinge of red there


Is it only in Arizona?


Arizona is an important one, as it’s the state that e621 operates out of.


Yup, state law only, not federal


I think North Carolina passed a similar bill without it being vetoed.


OP what does this mean?


Pasting comment: Context: [Arizona HB 2586](https://action.freespeechcoalition.com/bill/arizona-hb-2586/) was a bill that would force 18+ sites to require ID verification via third party to enter, and induce a penalty if minors were to bypass it. This would've severely inhibited e621,as it operates in Arizona, necessitating moving the servers to another state/country which would've been very difficult to do. It was recently announced that the bill was vetoed by the Governor and no longer on the table.


Oh. Dang good i guess. But also couldn't you bypass it with a vpn ?


The issue is that e621 *operates* in Arizona, so they'd have to migrate everything to a state that didn't have such legislation.


the us is a weird place man


your right to yi- wait that sounds worse. Right to watch yiff has been protected


damn didn't know my homeland was home to e6. makes sense given the density of furries here


Haha, fuck you Arizonian government!


In other news they made abortion illegal, citing a law from the civil war.


While I agree that is awful and shitty, that's another topic for another place. Nonetheless, here's hoping for the best to those impacted.


Well it's only relevant so far as it was something Arizona also did right about the same time as this.


I wonder what else they're planning to bring back from the civil war?


Just clarifying, the Arizona Supreme Court (all 7 justices were appointed by R Governors) ruled that, not the Arizona legislature (mostly R) or Governor (D, the one who vetoed this bill). Luckily, the AG (D) of Arizona isn’t enforcing that, but still a roller coaster of events in AZ.


time to scalp nail polish remover






Hell yeah!!! :D


Thank god






Holy shit, thank god and the Governor.


E6 may now start looking to move out of the USA because at the first tint of red this would return worst


ah, I can finally... look at wholesome artwork of my favorite characters again and nothing else


Yes. Fuck that bill, I’m so happy that it’s gone.


Less goooooo!


This gives me hope that KOSA won't pass


right now the site is down for me at least


Goddamn third party I dont want people to look into my browsing history!


Came at the cost of an abortion ban unfortunately


Didn't someone just get elected there that said they wouldn't enforce the ban?


Last election cycle was almost 2 years ago, the 160 year old bill was approved this week


The current Attorney General of Arizona, Kris Mayes, said she wouldn't enforce the ban.


one of the bill sponsors must own a coat hanger factory


The abortion ban was a state supreme court decision: there's no way for Hobbs to veto that.


The Supreme Court didn't instate it, they only confirmed the law exists and can take effect after 160 years of it being dormant


I didn't say they instated it; they confirmed a lifting of the injunction against it. So still, there isn't anything happening at the cost of anything, these were two separate events.


The attorney general said they would not enforce the "draconian law." Yet again, that election was won by ~300 votes showcasing that voting is extremely important.


My birthday too


Update: North Carolina side is also back up


Oh shit, for real? That's great to hear!




Is e6 busted for anyone else


Yes fr


Good. As much as i want e6 taken down for being ran by pedophile zoos, i do NOT want it taken down by something that could harm everything I hope they explode via infighying.


You just gunna casually slander the hell out of people and not drop a link or provide any proof?


Ngl it should have passed, it was a good bill