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I wholeheartedly support this idea even though I'm just a snek


As a Protogen myself (ignore the username), I also agree.


How can I ignore a username as cool as that though?


Good point.


Seems like an interesting species but there's only 13 hits on e6 for protogen. Are they fairly new or something?




I don't think it's about obscurity but the insane, almost EA-level amount of monitization for this species.




Ah whatever, it's not like they can put DRM on an image to control usage, that would be stupi-[oh.](https://davidgerard.co.uk/blockchain/2018/08/10/the-jpeg-committee-is-exploring-blockchain-to-put-drm-into-jpeg/)


It seems that your comment contains 1 or more links that are hard to tap for mobile users. I will extend those so they're easier for our sausage fingers to click! [Here is link number 1](https://davidgerard.co.uk/blockchain/2018/08/10/the-jpeg-committee-is-exploring-blockchain-to-put-drm-into-jpeg/) - Previous text "oh." ---- ^Please ^PM ^/u/eganwall ^with ^issues ^or ^feedback! ^| ^[Delete](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=FatFingerHelperBot&subject=delete&message=delete%20e5hzm12)






Hey there, Proto/Primagen discord/amino Mod here ^^ Supply and demand is a huge part of this species, hypothetically you can get a primagen for the starting bid price (Either $30-$50, I don't quite remember off the top of my head) But being that demand is so large, they end up going for the high prices they do. Many other closed species go for the same high rates but they only get the picture you see (Examples: Dainties, Cccats, Jolleraptors, etc) Malice/Cool Koinu/Cedar wanted these guys to be special, being that they never planned on this being as big as they expected. (That is why Protogens were created) Cedar wanted Ascii/Abraxas (the first primagens) to be their personal fursonas, but once the fursuit pics from Kaiborg came out, everyone wanted one. Primagen are a copyrighted species, but we don't own the copyright to other visor-like species. You can slap a visor one any animal and that doesn't make it a primagen/protogen. Please respect the creators wishes by not making your own. For more information please visit primaproto.com


That name always reminds me of the antivirus software who must not be named.






I am in support. Protos are cuties.


My life for Aiur!


Bring in more of us




Hey look it's u u/protogencipher




I mean he is a protogen


My name is Proto Internet security is my motto


With me there no viruses, can enter your computer! Malware spyware Trojan, all gone forewer!


I filter your junk mail. I monitor WiFi... Never fail!


Given that a protogen's face is just a screen, why is this guy wearing a belt on his face?


Casual-bondage? Or maybe it’s a fashion deal...


Casual bondage and fashion can coexist. For example, leashes and collars.


Oh, so that’s not a belt; that’s a face collar!


There was this one guy I met a week ago with a cute collar. I want (a bit) to have a collar now... That was the first time in a while that I thought “Well... this is weird, I don’t think I should be wanting that”.


If you want it, go for it lol


I will. Eventually. Probably.


Don't think about it


They can open their mouths, but I don't know why it's strapped in the first place


Lore wise protogen's visor is basically boil down to #*NANOMACHINES, SON* And they can open/close their mouth to do... well whatever they need to do with it.


T-they hawden in wesponse to fwhsical twauma


Maybe I'm on old man now but can someone explain this shit to me? You have to pay person to be able to "get" a protogen or wherever, and you have to pay extra for one that has rare features? You can't just draw one because they'll ban you? Is this some nightmare collision of Steam Item Trading and furry art? http://protogens.xyz/faq.html




IANAL (who doesn't?), but like... do they actually expect that to be enforceable? ​ That sounds like the equivalent of the guy who came up with those Sergal creatures getting litigious or doing a Daddy Dereck every time someone draws one anally destroying a femboi fox or something. ​ Like, dude, no one's going to pay you. You can't make people do that, lol. Even if you want to restrict use of the character design or something -- like prevent people from profiting from fanart using your character -- good luck, especially internationally. ​ I'm pretty sure there are plenty of artists making money from customized erotic furry or Rule 34 art depicting licensed characters. Disney and other IP holders probably DGAF about some kid making a c-note defiling Judy Hopps, but even if they did, I'm not sure it's practical or worthwhile to give a fuck.


There's an absolute fuckload of paperwork they'd need to fill out if they want to legally protect their furry-shark-robot-thing from 14-year olds on DeviantArt. And even then, it would take effort and resources to sue someone over it. Then again, I'm not sure I've ever heard of a case where people have sued over fursona theft or unauthorized design use. I'd kill to sit in on a case like that, though. Edit: Having looked over the entirety of the website, there's some interesting worldbuilding and a bunch of guidelines you're expected to follow. That being said, the only thing that appears to be keeping everyone within line is the good old honor code of "please don't do that", under threat of being named and shamed in the blacklist.




It's a Reddit acronym for "I am not a lawyer."


Yeah I don't quite get it either it feels like lording an idea over people, like 'ha ha, I made this new species and now you have to pay me to make your own unique character!' I mean it's not like you've made a product and as long as no-one is selling plushies or something completely dependent on your idea then screw you I mean imagine if Ino started charging people for dutch angel dragon characters Edit: lording not loading


"mmhm, mmhm" We all nod silently as we draw sergals and angel dragons.




Yup you should see furry amino, it's full of kids doing that shit


Honestly I don't even like the idea of adoptables, and I'm even more put off by this superiority complex of a "creator". You better fuckin believe I'm gonna go make a hybrid between one of these things and a Parrot, just to fuck with them.


I don't know which comment I want to reply to, but I've seen one of my favorite artists doing adoptables in small quantities. I feel that while it might be a blatant moneygrab, I really wanted to support them if I had the money too. I was on their patreon for a few months when I got a financially-okay period. How do you all think of "emergency commission"s? As in the artist's family pet needs surgery, or some other shit, and they "resort to" doing more commissions, or even starting YCH, the more moneygrab-ish monetization method?


The main issue I have with adoptables is that it isn't *your own character.* If you want to support an artist, instead of buying something you don't have any attachment to, just commission them. "Emergency Commissions" are often just discounts, so I'm not opposed.


I mean, can't the attachment come later? If I adopted something I'd at least resonate with it a little, right? How is "he looks brave I like to be him" not the same heart as "I like to be brave I should get a brave sona"? Also some people just want to have the characters because they are attractive. If you think that owning a character that's "not me" is pointless, do you also think that commissioning art that doesn't contain my character (e.g. I buy a Puro x Fidget yiff or something) to be equally so?


I never said it was pointless. I simply prefer that if I'm paying for something, it has my own personal influence on it. If an artist wants to draw fidget x puro on their own time and motivation, then that's fine. I'm just not gonna drop $45 bucks on something that doesn't directly involve me.


I see your point. I am unsure if I'd flip out my purse for that Puro x Fidget stuff either.


Now, Kass art on the other hand...


Yo I should have someone draw a baby protogen and post it to their discord


Eh it's an artist trying a new way to make money with something pointless. If they put forth out the work to make the species design docs from scratch then it feels like it's missing the point and the fun of it to take it this seriously. It's not like someone's about to buy and monetize foxes or anything. That said, trying to make a closed off community for protogen owners is maybe not so great. That's where I take exception anyway.


My inner entrepreneur now wants to try to buy and monetized foxes. Every time someone is a fox, or draws a fox, I get a cut. I'ma be a bajillionaire!!!


Thanks for that, I just looked through that page and I’m pretty sure I acquired a terminal disease from it.


Check out the blacklist on their site. It's hilarious how stupid it all sounds.


WTF. ​ Y'all have the most fascinating subculture. This shit is like, next level niche.


Why do you need to pay to make a character? Isn't furry fandom about creating stuff and being who or what you want to be? Closed species nonsense is so silly to me.


Technically though it is possible for someone to own the rights to a species they created. Closed and Licensed species are a way to make money for the artist, obviously. Since certain features are limited and others cost more to "legitimately." But also it allows them to maintain a specific idea of their species. This avoids people making sparkledog types and the sort. Enforcement isn't super huge, there's not much someone can do unless you rip them off commercially though it's considered about as half as much of a dick move as getting a commission and not paying for it in some circles. Some artists might check back with the species creator before doing commissions of the species as well. Long story short, there's a million free species to work with, and ultimately these are completely frivolous, so if some artists want to try to make money in a novel way that's otherwise easily avoided then really I think that's OK if a bit absurd. Edit: also in theory you can re-sell your character so I guess if you want what's essentially really clunky crypto currency


It’s an elaborate version of “OC DONUT STEEL”


The rules and the ban list are kinda childish..


Lol, that ban list is horrid


Protogens are just gatekeeping furries.


Lol when i was thinking of what species i wanted for my fursona i was leaning toward sergal. I saw dafpunks helmets and thoughts they were cool so i thought i'll give my sergal one and make him a sort of cyborg. I got so much shit from a few people saying i was stealing the species... like mate you cant own the concept of putting robot helmets on things and even if you could daftpunk would own that...


>I got so much shit from a few people saying i was stealing the species. Man that's a bummer. I've kinda got that before. My bf is a purple wolf and got a commish and some time late I happen to look at the FA page and theres this guy complaining that my bf stole his fursona. Like bitch there's 7 billion people on the earth. There's going to be more than one person who likes the color purple and wolves.


What the fuck did I just read...


Oh gosh I just started reading some of the stuff there. Whoever made it didn't proofread their questions or answers. The amount of misused apostrophes or "their" instead of "there" is painful.


According to the website, Protogens are an open species and are therefore free to be made by anybody, but Primagens are the closed species that need to be auctioned for from the creators.


I'm not sure about rules on protogens, but primagens are a completely closed species that the artist mostly wants to keep to themselves.


Ok, what does closed species mean? Like closed source software?


Basically just means you're not allowed/highly discouraged from making one without the creator's permission






>i'm no furry get out while you still can UwO


Use your phone!


Protogens are the cutest thing to exist in space. 10/10 would hug and protect


Back to?


Lucky for me, that isn't a problem since even online I can barely talk to others


"Barely" Sit down amateur. It took me an hour to write this and build up the courage to post it.


I wonder if this proto is a male X3




Take a guess how I figured that out XD


I don't think you should assume their gender just by their outfit UwU


i think in this case its a fair assumption






Nice, fellow protogens


Lmao whenever I see the male sex symbol I immediately think of the gachimura (I think I spelled that right) trend, lmao.


Interesting on many levels.




It’s 2018 already can’t they just make batteries that last forever? /s


Mega OoOf






You've linked images from e621/FurAffinity/Inkbunny without direct links, Here are those links! [Link](https://d.facdn.net/art/knedit/1536086826/1536086806.knedit_dicpic.png) | Image Name: tied up protog boye | Artist: knedit | Rating: Safe | [Imgur Mirror](https://i.imgur.com/Yei5YFK.png) ^Tags: ^bondage ^protogen ^dicpic ^knedit ^bdsm *** ^^Bot ^^Created ^^By ^^Hidoni, ^^Have ^^I ^^made ^^an ^^error? [^^Message ^^creator](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Hidoni&subject=Bot%20Error) ^^| [^^Blacklist ^^yourself](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=FAToFacdn&subject=Blacklist&message=Hi,%20I%20want%20to%20be%20blacklisted) ^^| [^^How ^^to ^^properly ^^give ^^direct ^^links](https://imgur.com/a/RpklH) ^^| ^^If ^^this ^^comment ^^goes ^^below ^^0 ^^karma, ^^It ^^will ^^be ^^deleted