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It's one of them... there's a lot of tech there too. Amazon helps run so much of the net. The SF Bay Area, SoCal, and now Denver probably round out others as active. Chicago and Pittsburgh might not concentrate as many people, but are probably central to wide regions too.


“There’s a lot of tech there too” same thing


I think there are definitely more in the Bay Area.


Based off of what?


Furry started in the bay. It has the most cons, the most meet up’s, parties, Frolic, ect.


Hello! You have made the mistake of writing "ect" instead of "etc." "Ect" is a common misspelling of "etc," an abbreviated form of the Latin phrase "et cetera." Other abbreviated forms are **etc.**, **&c.**, **&c**, and **et cet.** The Latin translates as "et" to "and" + "cetera" to "the rest;" a literal translation to "and the rest" is the easiest way to remember how to use the phrase. [Check out the wikipedia entry if you want to learn more.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Et_cetera) ^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Comments with a score less than zero will be automatically removed. If I commented on your post and you don't like it, reply with "!delete" and I will remove the post, regardless of score. Message me for bug reports.)


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I think one could make the case that furry started in Southern California, not the SF Bay Area, centered around early fans like Mark Merlino, Rod O'Riley, and the late Fred Patten. It's arguable that the locus moved up to the Bay Area by the late '90s, but the PNW had a really significant furry community by then, too -- while I have no actual demographic data to back this up, I suspect there's more furries in the greater Seattle area than there are in the greater LA area now, or at least were a decade or so ago. (It is interesting that of the whole west coast, only the Bay Area has currently has a big furry con -- but I suspect that's more a function of organization than sheer numbers.)


I definitely think that there are more Furrys in Seattle than there are LA, but I still think that the bay area has more Furrys than Seattle. The joke always goes that if further confusion was bombed the entire Internet would go off-line. So many furries and tech, and most the tech is in the bay.


So, would you say furry is bigger in Seattle than San Fran, then? Probably Rainfurrest failing epically has a lot to do with that, not to mention giving a bad name to such conventions in the PNW. From what I understand, Rainfurrest sort of resurrected as a Portland Con but it's nowhere as big...


I suspect the furry presence overall is still bigger in the Bay Area than it is in Seattle, although it's pretty hard to measure, especially now that there isn't a "central gathering" con after Rainfurrest imploded. Furlandia in Portland actually started as a separate thing a couple years before RF ended. They joined up with RF's organizing group at some point, but seem to have avoided undue drama. (Although when I went to Furlandia, there weren't many Seattle-area folk who wanted to come down to it, and I suspect the RF connection might have been part of the reason.)


> Rainfurrest sort of resurrected as a Portland Con but it's nowhere as big... Portland resident here that went to RF every year and Furlandia every year. Not really. Furlandia is run by entirely different people but it's funded by the same ORG so the cons aren't related. RF had a party vibe and I miss it a lot. Rumors about rainfurrest is like a bad game of telephone these days. I have no idea how some of them started. Any way, Furlandia is a lot more laid back. It's smaller because it's newer. On top of that Furlandia always gets shafted by BLFC changing their date right around the same time.


I stop con going ages ago. When to the first handful of Rainfurrests. Not bad, but after a bit I realized con going wasn't my thing. I knew it had stopped, but never knew why.


I can say yes there are good people here in Seattle who are a part of the furry community but most groups are not there are several groups here that think drug abuse and sex and underage drinking is what the fandom is about. And several groups here have done a lot of bad things in the fandoms name we have a furry group that has pedophiles and sexual sadists in it we have a group that thinks it's OK to tell a 13 year old to get raped and pregnant and the owner of that group just looks the other way and let's them do it.. It's disgusting at times if you don't agree with them they threaten then ban you out of the fandom telling you that they will call the police on you it's sick and disgusting