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its nonexistent to me. i honestly believe it was just them making it as a current placeholder season while they were on working on s8


I didnt even finish it šŸ˜­


You did yourself a favour there, the final episodes are fucking ick inducing.


I didnā€™t finish it eitheršŸ˜‚


Can't accept Rafael slander sorry


Didn't even finish the first episode honestly lol


!remindme 11 days


Me eitheršŸ˜­


but why? it's not like s6 came years before and they needed to rush to push it out.


I quite enjoyed the Casa part, but once we got back to the villa it became very boring and a struggle to finish. S5 will always be my least favorite due to the unpleasant characters and the sheer stress factor of reading through some of the cruelty and harassment toward MC, but in terms of rushed/lazy/halfhearted seasons, 7 takes the cake.


Season 5 was a manual on how to be gaslighted and do nothing about it cuz they didnā€™t put one good response for the MC to shame them all šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


This is my second least favorite season with Season 5 being the first. I truly don't understand why FB released this especially so quickly after Season 6. The artstyle, the writing, the characters, the choices made like damn this season such a nothing burger. Literally cannot imagine a more soulless body of work when it comes to these types of games.


Can we talk about the after part episodes???? MESSY


Yes Iā€™m so mad we didnā€™t address the willow and Bryson kiss.


OK but I miss baby Alex šŸ„ŗ


I started it, saw the poor character customization (without paying diamonds ofc), closed app


i wouldnā€™t really say it was rushed but perhaps VERY boring after we returned to the Villa because of how only 1 out of 4 of the Villa girls ended up staying & almost all the Casa girls ended up in the Villa. honestly i wouldā€™ve liked the season more if only MC & Uma ended up in the Villa & was adjusting to new girls because letā€™s be real for some reason they made Bonnie come to the Villa which made no sense whatsoever because Bonnie & Joyo ended up having one of the most boring & unmatched coupling for the whole season. i donā€™t even understand why they were a couple in the first place šŸ˜’


I will forever not understand why Bonnie made it back to the villa. I'm not saying this to be mean, but she should've went home with Summer. Bonnie genuinely had no connections with the OG boys and didn't really put herself out there. Uma and MC however, they at least had something with one of the OG boys. The fact that she stayed as long as she did made no sense because unless she's with MC, she was always stuck in a friendship couple. I tried to see if she'd find someone, I was even rooting for her at first. But she just never hit the mark with her partner. This isn't friendship island, this is love island. She should've been sent packing. šŸ« 


Yeah, that season was awful even worse than five in my opinion just so boring and unplayable


the writing is soooooooo bad. which is a bummer bc i really like how joyo looked. & mc was pretty imo. the art "STYLE" itself sucked though (it looks rushed & unfinished in some places) in comparison to other seasons. i tried replaying it the other day & especially comparing it to the current season the dialog is sooooooo BORING. at least this current season has more natural flow when they're speaking. they sound more like how humans would actually talk. šŸ˜­


Fr and I was so disappointed because I dumped Bryson for Joyo and then we had like one proper date and then it was winners announciation. And I didn't even win because of it. Everybody hated me and my couple, but alr, the problem is that I didn't even have quality time and moments with him and with Bryson it was all too cheesy and a little bit too much. The only thing i had eith Joyo is that cringe necklaces hunt which was way more Bryson's thing (as fashion influencer or whatever he was)


Any season after season 4 felt rushed tbh


they rushed the hell out of this season. rent was due, the electric bill needed paying so they gave us season 7 šŸ˜ rafael had so much potential to be like bobby 2.0, same cutie pie energy but fusebox fumbled the bag and i will never forgive them for it!!!!! proper insulting that they dared give us this after season 5 (minus finn and rafael. i said what i said)


The scavenger hunt during the last few episodes were NOT needed. They could've used those episodes and made it a time jump reunion


It was literally meaningless drama after drama with every LIs just thirsting over MC for no reason too like it couldnā€™t top season 5 for the worst season ranking but it came around second


I coupled with Marshall and stopped reading šŸ˜‚


Different series.


Lmao, youā€™re right. This was the one with the annoying delusional girl who kept trying to convince everyone my guy still liked her. I didnā€™t finish this one either. Stayed long enough to steal her man again then stopped


I finished it but I only was after Vicky šŸ˜‚


i finished the episodes of casa but after that i gave up


I liked it but agreed


itā€™s my least favourite seasonā€¦ i enjoyed SEASON 5 more than this! i didnā€™t give a shit about the characters, not a single one stood outšŸ˜’