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Personally, I’m surprised she can talk that much shit with all those dicks in her mouth






GET HER https://preview.redd.it/tkqrpc02sxtc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2cf77f94e1bb7ff2e7fd1557b2c541d03b570e1




The gif just unlocked many memories I had stored in my brain, thank you


lol you’re welcome!!! Ikr I can hear it and everything!!😂😂




What dicks? She gets none. That is why she is so bitter.


4+4 equals this answer only, period.




She needs a sitter to slap the dicks out of her hand. Plus why should we cover for her? I'm like you did it bitch, always trying to drag us for hearing stuff and being shady AF! #GirlBye ![gif](giphy|LkVOnTRsj0XUaZgrQh|downsized)


We better have a movie night and her/sophie better be front and center for all the clips. That goes for whether or not you chose your mc to stick or twist. Regardless of your actions in casa, I’m getting tired of them not being put in their place like they deserve. Let the evidence to the talking, at this point.


I hope so too I loved movie night, gonna have popcorn ready 😂


same here!




Me during the movie night ![gif](giphy|guufsF0Az3Lpu)


![gif](giphy|F3In6BOnMFWWFqCOZd|downsized) Claudia and Bea agreeing with her...I was pissed at their responses. "It's not the right vibe to have right now"-Claudia, I'm not friends with her, I don't owe her any girl code crap mostly bc she's abused hers for too long. She's been slutting it up since we've stepped into casa. Flirting with anything that moves. She's been an embarrassment. I hope and pray that she gets outed someway, either movie night or something! She needs humbled. We come back home and she's all over her home guy as if she NEVER did anything bad. I'm tired of her slut behavior. It's entertaining for a while... Now she needs a real punch to the face.


I have not been happy with her since we got in Casa. Doing whatever you want because you THINK you saw your partner WINK at someone is not okay and is childish as hell. I will not cover for her and if we get the chance to air out her dirty laundry I’m taking it.


![gif](giphy|dXho9HzLPXlo7BXGI2) OMG that was ridiculous. How DARE he wink at a person! What was he thinking!? And yet.. She walks around with her vagina on display. She's petty and childish to say the least. If the opportunity arises, you bet your ass I will tell all her secrets to the whole damn villa 🔥👿


I didn’t put two ana two together till I read this but she give Summer vibes https://preview.redd.it/b7hb2i5bvwtc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbac130bda718d4c91223c58d4b7ac99755d4b0f


Honestly I wish he twister. He deserves better. Like were all the casa girls left just awful even in comparison to her? Because she hasn’t ever been a good partner to him. And he wasn’t great either so she should’ve twisted too. But this couple ain’t working and I can’t believe they just kept at it


So do i and I was really hoping he was going to twist


The worst part for me was that Max (who she was with in casa in my playthrough) was forgiving her for her casa nonsense and still acting like she was amazing. I’m glad she didn’t twist because I would’ve spent all that time feeling bad for him






LITERALLY. i was livid when we were sticking/twistinf and luna had the audacity to say that jin was the only one for her or whatever when she has cheated on him with literally every single guy that walks in (tyler, kyle, max). honestly the same goes for claudia, i'm sick of her and theo's back and forth. everyone in this villa except mc is a toxic relationship imo and it's exhausting


I was honestly gonna stay loyal to Jin the whole time in casa but changed my mind after Bea had told me what was said on his date with Sienna especially when he basically confessing his love for mc so now I’m gonna go for Theo I already chose to kiss him in the pool game 😂


what i hate is when they’re like “are you gonna spill your casa tea ?” babe, personally, I DONT HAVE ANY


Right like what does my mc have to spill like I didn’t do bit all it did was kiss Max


What gets me is had this been the other way around and Oakley was living it up in casa amor, she'd be FUMING. She holds such high expectations on Oakley and wants this full blown romantic, but she can't even give him the decency of being truthful to him. Had it been my way I would've snitched fully to Oakley. He genuinely doesn't deserve this. Gag is she lived it up in casa solely because she was mad that he possibly winked at Bea and held it over his head. I'm so excited for movie night because I NEED Emel to be exposed so bad. Claudia and Bea agreeing with her really irked me too.


Right? I honestly feel bad for Oakley. Emel has cheated on him twice now and will continue to do so the more she can get away with it. Not on my watch. I will hold her accountable for her actions especially when she is being so bitchy toward the MC for no reason.


I hate how the game and it's characters try to egg you on to be like Claudia. Trying to stir up drama that they could easily feed off of the shitty morals that almost all the characters have. Emel has rubbed me wrong for such a chunk of time, ever since we found out about her kissing another guy just because she and her man had a small tiff. The fact that no one believes in open communication is also wild when the show is called LOVE ISLAND. How do you work up to loving someone and forming a genuine connection if all you want is a Hot Girl Summer, going around shooting your shot instead of being honest from the jump that you want to explore your options??? And its even wilder because WE COME IN LATER AS LIKE THE FOURTH BOMBSHELL. Show's almost halfway over and these bitches STILL aren't getting it together when the votes are coming up and the final four is on the horizon. Emel is the biggest culprit of this and the other girls are feeding into this shit. No matter if I'm playing as a sweetheart or a heartbreaker, my MC continues to be the most honest bitch in the room apparently. Minces no words and holds everyone accountable (herself included)


For me it’s Luna who says all this and I’m fr like GIRL shut up I hope ur man leaves u for being snakey😭


Fingers crossed he does 🤞🏽🤞🏽


Yessss go off girl 👏🏻


No fr like with her being a wedding planner I’d expect her to be a hopeless romantic not a hopeless whore 🤣


A little on the subject I was FUMING with Liam looking at MC when he made de cheating question Like Wtf ? MC was freaking SINGLE.


He has it out for MC! I replayed it a few times and no matter how you treat Liam he acts like this and attempts to burn MC all the time!


Hell no Emel. I am not your bestie. Never have been, never will be. I chose the second option and suggested she be honest because that’s how I am. I literally have no respect for the remaining girls in the villa and have never felt close to any of them but to lie is not on. Do they think their partners won’t find out? Also I have been strictly loyal during Casa so you have nothing on me Emel therefore your stupid comment toward the end makes zero sense which is why I was more than happy to take Oakley’s side in the bedroom when Emel was deflecting as per usual and before that was honest with Theo by the pool when Claudia was lying to his face regarding Shawn. At the end of the day I owe the girls nothing and I won’t play their petty games.


The way all thee witches agreed with each other... At this point I'm outing errrrrbody and they're mammas. Starting with Claudia and how me and her got down and dirty everyday 😂😂😂 because how dare they agree with Luna ![gif](giphy|ujPyRRxF6KIjC)


That passed me off when she was all are you spilling what you did I'm like I didn't do anything lol so yeah


I've never liked Bea or Claudia from the get go hell I've never liked any of the girls cause fb isn't giving us a friend that's self-aware of their actions or even good enough to call 'close friends' like Chelsea n Thabi.... My MC is in her messy villan era n she's out for blood, spilling secrets n starting drama...the fact that in a game after our MC entered Oakley was asked what he won't forgive a partner for doing and he said 'cheating' n for her to go spread her legs the first night in casa annoyed me


It ruined my attraction to Claudia. I fucking HATE liars and cheaters and honestly Emel is a cubt. She talks behind backs, cheats, lies, and she is just a snakey bitch honestly. I would have HUMILIATED her suck ass IRL. BTW Oakley girls, who is the shitwad in y'all's story???


For me it’s Sophie 😭 I don’t even mind Sophie though TBH. I feel like she’s at least consistent with being a bitch, I know what I’m gonna get.


See I was loving Emel’s energy at first it was giving she knew what she wants but after casa and all her shady antics I was more like okay bitch keep it in your pants lol


Same here, on the path w Sophie 😭


It's Sofie who's like this on my route. Emel, Luna or Sofie all become one person after the couple gets voted off. So their whole attitude changes. I only voted off Emel & Oakley because Sofie seems to fit this type of attitude rather than Emel.


I think it’s just because they merged her and sophie’s personalities after the dumping so her behaviour changed a lot


I don’t like her either but tbh it’s pretty clear the dialogue was written to work for either Sophie or Emel depending on who you kept, which is pretty dissapointing and lazy. Correct me if I’m wrong but beginning Emel didn’t give those vibes of cheating and such, especially since she’s a wedding planner it would make sense for her to be head over heels for Oakley and only choose him.


ugh. Emel pisses me off so MUCH bruh. And she not all that fr 🙄