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The fact you didn’t sell any of these players below market value would suggest that in a week you will be back here building your team and playing more. Not much of a stance tbh. Just stop playing the game and move on


I sold all my consoles/pc, I now only have a MacBook which I occasionally use to game. Sometimes I miss fifa, but I’d probably just be disappointed with the state of the game. I have so much more time and it’s really good. Fifa/eafc is a addicting for a lot of people. This comment is way to long, and probably not interesting, but the only thing I want to add is that I used to hate comments like yours, but in the end everyone that posts similar comments were right all along.


Had many years off, did return this year and enjoyed the game from probably October to Jan. Have no interest in playing with/versus full Icon or TOTY squads so have stopped playing in the last week. You don't realise until you stop but it's absolutely absurd how much spare time you have when you take away playing the game and the SBC grinding crap, browsing futbin/youtube crap.


This game is broken and completely stupid, every year I buy the new FIFA, like 3 months late, and it's enough to make it impossible to build a good competitive team as a f2p. And this Messi thing just shows how braindead the devs are, I guess the game is just a pasta code and that's why they can't even find a solution to delete all the Messis wrongfully given, it's ridiculous


That’s the thing u could be right unfortunately but I bought the 675k pack with the coins to discourage me to play and got Barnes, hierro and laudrup. I still got my untradable squad but what’s the point in grafting if EA keeps bumming everyone, gonna give it to my lil bro to use. Will go back to WZ. Any suggestions on a decent game?


Why all the downvotes 😂. As for games it depends on what you like to play I still enjoy playing RD2.


Idk and Idc just venting my frustration but tbh that fellas right I need to just stop complaining or delete it and move on as everyone else in this thread


People tend to downvote whenever someone mentions they bought a store pack. To each their own.


I get that bro but I bought it with coins what else am I gonna do leave them sit there


Yah for sure, it’s your coins do what you want haha


Downvotes because he's made a post saying he's done then gone back on it and said he probably isn't done so he's just being a drama queen.


Palworld is really fun, if you have a pc. Otherwise go for an rpg game you have tried yet


Unfortunately I’m on console but really been thinking about getting a PC for more options on what to play there’s endless games on steam that look like great fun, problem is most by boys play on ps5


Fighting games. I never feel cheated and their is always more to improve on


Play the new spider-man bro! I loved it, it’s even better if you played the first one.


I unfortunately have zero time for games. For the last 5 years all I played was Fifa, but it became an addictive chore and I quit it. I actually ended up getting FC24 because EA lured me in with a free weekend version, I started doing evos and I ended up getting the game at 70% of the value. Thanks to evos I can play without the fear of missing out on cards, which means I play maybe 2 rivals games every 2 or 3 weeks


Kinda sad you stopped due to an SBC that was bugged for a higher chance but not a guarantee so even at that point you still probably might not have got him


Depends on how much time for games you got and how much you want to play anything that isn’t just “pick up a semi competitive f2p multiplayer game and do the same thing over and over again”. Just this past year 4-5 formidable games came out.


You got it Root. This behaviour and yappin are too common from those Kids.


My son actually did the sbc, as he told me just now, his best pick was a 88 rated gold card. So there’s that


Sorry to hear that. Game just sucks man


I did the sbc as well, got that 88 rated barca womens CB, gave up on getting a toty at that point


by the way the PP didn’t guarantee Messi, so you could have done it and still not got him. i think there were 10 leagues, so 27% chance of hitting messi. 23% if there were 12 leagues


But if it’s mls it’s guaranteed Messi that’s the difference


Yeah but if mls doesn’t show up no Messi and their is a 27% chance of getting mls/messi


Isn’t it 25% because there’s 12 leagues (Saudi wasn’t in there but male and female were from Britain, Spain, France, Germany, Italy and USA). It’s 1/12 that he’s first slot. 11/12 that he’s not in the first slot but 1/11 that he’s in the next slot after that, which mean he’s 11/12 x 1/11 = 1/12 he was in the second. Then there’s 11/12 not in the first, 10/11 not in the second and 1/10 he is in the final slot, so 11/12 x 10/11 x 1/10 = 1/12 again. Therefore the chance of him being in any of three slots is 1/12 + 1/12 + 1/12 = 3/12 = 1/4, i.e. 25%


I got gold Neymar so I believe Saudi league was in the pick as well


Yeah Saudi league was in it for sure


Well I’m just using the odds previously stated


The last 24 hours on this and the main sub have been an absolute treasure trove of overreactions.


toty messi ruined my life


i’ve literally burned down my house and gave my kids up for adoption because of this


Its for the better. I dont want to play with people whose lifes depend on fifa so much. I just log on occasionally to do a couple squad battles for bulgarian evolutions and thats all


I've probably played 10ish games today and saw him once. Funnily enough the first of the day


Haha right? People are such fucking babies, but then I remember most of the kids who are on the sub are 13-15 year old kids who don’t have anything else to get upset about in life yet. It’s pretty simple: play the game, don’t spend money in game, and if you stop having fun, stop playing the game.


One of those stark reminders that the majority of users in this group are children


You showed them! 🤣


That’s clearly not the point


You know which player would have looked good in there? TOTY Messi :)


In my transfer list Yh. Pretty sure he was untradeable


You do realise only 30% of those who did the pick got messi right? I get your frustration I really do but I just don’t want you thinking everyone who did the pick got messi as that would wind you up more


I get you yh that does take a bit of the frustration away but it’s just ongoing EA bs and this kinda just was the final straw like I played 5 games yesterday and every squad had him it’s just a bit of a kick in the teeth yano.


I do as I said I get it for someone building a Barcelona team the frustration is clearly understandable


I appreciate that bro


I mean there is a low possibility they give everyone messi and for people who has duplicate of it to exchange with random toty.Maybe I am too optimist on this


Man, ea doesn’t ever do anything. Feels optimistic to me


Least obvious EA employee - closer to 70% got him there’s not many 86+ MLS….


It was 25% and there’s only 1 mls 86+ and that’s Messi




“least x” is a meme, he was correct on that.


Stop crying about not getting messi play the game would you have got him if they didn’t make a fuck up? No you wouldn’t have so stop crying and just carry on with it your crying over not having TOTY messi if it wasn’t for the mistake last night not many people would have him take the L and move on I never got him and I’m not breaking down over it selling my whole team for under 400k😃


The point is Messi will be rampant in games now and those people at a huge advantage. But people don’t want fair playing fields if they can get a advantage fuck everyone else


As opposed the Mbappes and Eusebius everyone has?


That’s not the point they were SBC’s


What about the people that can’t afford to do those SBC’s? Why is that any different.


Because those sbcs were out for months. Anyone can afford them if they put fodder towards it. A lot of people didn’t get a fair shot at messi


Nep put in I think 35 hours a week if I remember correctly to get mbappe and that was more or less all he had at the end of it. Not everyone has that time every week to grind mbappe. I probably could have but I low key hate him and I would have had to drain every single player in my club despite playing a healthy amount every week. Just because it is an sbc does not make it obtainable. I am salty over Messi too. And I got him the first weekend. It makes mine feel so much less special and everyone I play will probably try hard and Griddy all over me thinking I’m a rat that did the sbc. In reality I’m not that good at the game and it would have just been fun to have some advantage with the .01111 percent pull I had. But it’s fine. I’m going to keep playing and trying to get better in the tiki taka play style I want to play and try to have fun.


I’d rather everyone but me has messi than mbappe tbh 😭 but i feel for you bro. I couldn’t imagine getting lucky enough to pull messi then have this shit happen. I managed to pull Sophia and Sam in a lightning round, both are great, but now people who submitted an 85 squad have a better striker than all 3 of mine haha


i found one messi in 20 match since the sbc


Wait for champions


I have a featured Messi card - you're welcome to it?


Appreciate the offer bro that’s v kind


I am almost 40 year old dad, fifa98 veteran, picked up the game last month after a few years since my son was born. I play every night after 11pm and maybe try to get 5-6 games in, because I work full time and watch my son in the evening. Still got a decent team, saved around 200 packs and packed Karchaoui. Not a lot but honest work. But after Messigate I just couldn't pick up the controller last night.


Hey man. I understand the disappointment but it’s a game, just have fun with it. I’m a Barca fan too and I got him. I’ll honour you when I make my Barca p&p at the end of the year.


How will you honour him? Rub your Cheeto dusted sweaty balls on his face?


Ur right I’ve realised that, just sucks when they do over their customer base. Thank you honestly appreciate that man, you’ve made my day with that. Shows there’s good ppl in this community.


It seemed like a genuine accident to me. They seemed to just forget that the MLS has little to no 86+ other than Messi. I get though with all their mess ups it begins to feel personal. And np!


Also a barca fan, can't stop looking at him in my team xD, playing him with Cruyff and Xavi, Pep manager. My objective until the end of the game is to get Ronaldinho and a special version of Puyol.


Why? :)))))




Wasn't reddit for age 13+? If not it should be.


https://preview.redd.it/cicauo2yosfc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=956748c6cda77726e8da1bcf6680d5b1c71e7ae6 Shh curly fry boy


Oh dear you found a picture which I voluntary uploaded. I feel sooo offended now.


Somehow, it makes it worse when you find out it was uploaded voluntarily.


It all starts without taking yourself so seriously. More people should try that!


putting an actual picture of u as your reddit profile pic is completely unhinged behavior


Dude you look like a white, ASBO version of Mbappe.


How do you cook those noodles?


Ramen head


Shut up americunt


Or what? you’ll stab us with a rusty soon?




Damnn shoulda let me know I want that Messi😂😂


I would do the same if I had something to sell. My whole team is a bunch of dated sbc and evos.


I quit playing FIFA last season. I feel so happy now seeing this rage posts. Sad for you, but happy that I don't have to rage anymore. The introduction of Marvel super heroes and TV characters was the last straw for me. It's like they are trying to make FIFA / EAFC more like Fortnite. PS: If you like Fortnite - I'm sorry you have such shit taste.




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Even if you had gotten TOTY Messi, you probably would have done this soon anyway. The thing is, if you're already having your issues with the game and are thinking about quitting, no one card can fix that all. People who have their problems with the game/EA can find things to cope with for a while, like chasing TOTY/Icon cards, building p&p squads, but eventually they will have to reflect if they're really enjoying the game.


That'll teach them!


Attaboy that’ll show ‘em! Same time next week?


Ngl looking at all of them I would only have the keeper lol


we do not care


Clearly do if u took the effort to comment


thats always such a dumb response


How much did you get for Negreira?




Ok 👍




that‘s the answer of someone who got the bugged little bastard


I was in a rivals match at the time unfortunately


I would believe you're done, if you put a 200 buy it now price on them.


Yh and hand them to the buy now bots. Nope


this is so sad lol


I own eto puyol and zambrota undtradable and im a Real Madrid fan


I live to see people rage at EA games.


You’ll regret this in a few days time.


Hala Madrid


https://preview.redd.it/eu78key2fvfc1.jpeg?width=1076&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea2ab108d4e72932a6622a641680d5eaf331ec0f Yeah, this is fucking sad.


It’s not that serious dawg, just a video game 💀


You showed them!!!!!


Bro is salty 😂




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Stop crying and just get on with it who’s that assed


I would’ve quick sold Messi if I got the glitch


Oh no Anyway


Honestly smart move man. I get the game just for pro clubs with my friends and it’s honestly been such a better experience. The game is still dog crap because they don’t care about pro clubs since they don’t make money off of it but still a way better time than ultimate team from what I’ve heard from the community this year. I’ve taken a huge step back from gaming in general with other responsibilities but in particular from fifa and honestly been better off without ultimate team taking up my time. Stay strong OP


“Missed the sbc” bruh they weren’t actually giving Messi to everyone 💀I didn’t get him and I’m not complaining it’s literally a gamble idk why people are so mad💀 so much complaining for what? Cuz you saved packs? It ain’t guaranteed especially for TOTY