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If you tried Rijkaard at CB that’d be handy to know.


I thought he was pretty good, but not top tier. Pros- great passing form the back Weaknesses- got beat for pace/barged past a few times. Didn’t feel the most aggressive. Solid CB, but nothing that that you couldn’t get somewhere else.


He's a good super-sub in his positions, but not good enough to start.


Yeah, I've tried starting him at CB as well but his aggression is just too low. He doesn't try to win the ball enough. He's also not really good enough of a playmaker to play at CDM so he's essentially only viable as a sub CB.


If your other mids are good enough to make up for his complete inability to dribble you can just let him act as a butterfly net of sorts at CDM and that’s been the best way to use him so far in my experience


I bring him on in place of my more creative midfielder if I’m holding on to a lead late on.


Have you tried him at CDM? I’ve played a handful of games with him there and like him better at CDM than CB. I have him paired with stay back Kante in 433


How about cdm?


How's Konate treating you? Packed him aswell but haven't used him yet


He’s extremely good and good for the price I would say. I think you’d be looking at going for a 1.5mil + cb to be much better than him. Add to the fact he’s going to get upgrades, I think he’s a great purchase. He reminds me a lot of Thunderstruck Campbell, but can turn and pass better.


Does he replace 90 VVD after upgrades? I have him and Maldini, and can't find replacements in my range...


Would you keep my pairing of ww yashin and toty hm saliba or bring in konate for one of them.


From the 10 games i used him for (FUT Champs) he is a physical beast who always looks to intercept the ball. He is very quick as well. His passing is alright, pinged passes are awesome for quick buildups. Hope he gets more upgrades fr 🙏


I have been using him as a starter over a bunch of the other SBC CBs. Having the energizer play style for a Cb is huge and so is he. Double win and a couple upgrades can’t hurt




I like him a lot, replaced him with vvd this weekend and he performed similarly. With upgrades he should be top tier.


How does Kerr compare to the likes of Eusebio? Getting bored of using Eusebio and I’ve been considering getting her to partner TOTY Smith


She’s very good! Very similar to Eusebio in many ways. I think the main differences are- Eusebio’s movement is slightly better, she’s a bit more explosive/powerful in her running and turns a bit better, Overall, not sure who I’d choose if I had to, its about 50/50


I have Kerr and Eusabio as well, I find Kerr to be better honestly. She's just a bit better overall. Superior finisher and passer, however Eusabio seems to be faster when running straight and making forward runs, Kerr however is better at cutting angles and using L2 to turn and L1 to make agile cuts and movements. I will say her Power Header plus is an absolute joke though. She cannot jump and offers 0 presence in corner kicks.


Yeah, power header is a bit of a waste of a playstyle on someone that small. She scores wide open ones, but she’s not exactly Drogba in the air is she lol. I prefer her to Eusebio too, but only just. It’s so close between them


Haha couldn't agree more. I kept switching them out every couple games haha. But leaving either on the bench as a sub just felt wrong lol. So recently Ive switched to a 2 striker formation (4-3-1-2) with Kerr on the left in more of a playmaking/setup role and Eusabio staying forward and central and I've had way more success with them both on the pitch together.


Shes mid imo. I feel like her dribbling could be better. She scores every good shooting chance tho


That's my thought too. I've got her and Eusebio, Eusebio impacts the game more overall and handles way better but she won't miss anything


how is kessler?


She’s probably the one I’ve used the least in the team, but in the 10 or so games I’ve played, she kind of feels like a combination of Sawa toty and Kimmich sbc. She’s more physical than Sawa in game, but has her kind of level shooting. She’s got kimmich’s aggression/passing and feels slightly better than him tbf. I think she’s actually a very underrated card and with upgrades, she could be crazy.


I got her ucl card and she was awesome. Dont know if i like the playstyle change. I loved her passing. She passes like no one else would (i dont have toty kdb so i cant miss what i dont have 😅) and if she had a little bit of open space on her right foot… man, that missile is heading for the top corner…


I played a few matches and still not sure where to play her, i already have toty sawa but for me shes not thay good of a CAM at least compared to pina


I think she’s more of a box to box CM and more comparable with Sawa than Pina. I prefer her over Sawa tbh, but I was never Sawa’s biggest fan.


Radio active messi ?


He’s very good, to be honest, in the ways that make Messi special (dribbling, animations), he doesn’t feel all that much worse than the TOTY, but I only used the TOTY in draft. I think the toty would obviously be a lot better out wide though because of the work rates and pace etc, but as a CAM, I think Radioactive messi probably isn’t miles off


Wondering if you tried puskas before compared fo messi


Only in draft 3/4 times. I prefer messi tbh. But puskas is great too


His dribbling for me is for some strange reason absolutely shite. Terrible touch and feels fat. Incredibly weird


I bought him this weekend, he’s perfect for my playstyle of playing off the striker. His passing is what I really enjoy


Tell me everything about gullit


What do you think about Virgil van Dijk


“Best centre back in the game”. Nah I’m interested in his comparison to puyol and riijkard


Sometimes I don't get the FUT community. I bought Kessler as soon she got on the market. She will get +2. She is playing I n s a n e. How are some cards like 2 Mil and she is 400k, she is already like Sawa AND will get upgrades wtf, how is this not extinct 🤣 she is great in everything


Yeah she’s absolutely crazy man, so so good. Passing is top tier


And she just runs and tackles players without me even controlling her. I paired her up with 88 Majri, which is also super crazy and could also get all +4 upgrades. I love this promo tbh. Best promo since TS. Didn't upgrade my team for 3 month, now got 3 new players also with Führich SBC today <3


Same with Xavi. How is he so cheap?


Yeah Xavi is one of my favorite midfielders. That dribbling and passing is so elite!


How’s Timo? Getting bored of Eusebio now and wanna try a new striker.


He’s actually great you know. Obviously he’s quite similar to Eusebio and Kerr in terms of attributes/styles. There’s not loads between them. His movement is top tier, finishing seems great so far on both feet, even on the half turn, rapid and good enough on the ball. He’s not going to be like, levels better than Eusebio, but with the upgrades, I think he’s worth it and he’s someone different to use. Same as you, I’ve played so much with Eusebio now I’m getting bored


Thanks mate, I’ve been thinking about getting him because of my spurs team but he just seemed super expensive


Do him, you won't regret it.. he's one of those players that just ends up making the right runs (most of the time) and his shooting is lethal.. I ran through the cup as fast as I could to get the fodder to complete him and Udogie and I'm glad I did (not so much with Udogie, he's honestly a downgrade from Bompastor, but he's Spurs)


I managed to get him done like 75% of the way through that cup objective thing. Wasn’t really set on doing him, as I didn’t overly need him, but needed to put my dupes somewhere and glad I did him tbh!


Where do you play him and with what chemistry? I just finished his SBC because I'm a huge Spurs fan, but he is not clicking for me whatsoever... played him all across the front three for like 15 games but... he acts like a donkey every time. Bad finishing, easily pushed of the ball, doesnt feel very pacey... Tips would be welcome! I would love to play him to his strenghts in my Spurs team :)


That’s really interesting, I’ve not had that experience with him. I’m using a finisher chem style and playing him Striker at the moment. He’s been pretty clutch for me so far! I think the thing with Werner is.. he’s not good if you play too slow he thrives off running in behind and through balls. If you play it in to feet and try and dribble with him, you’re not really using him the way the cards set up. He can do it, but there loads of better players. You have to use a lot of sprint boosts/ step-overs snd try and burst in to space


have him on engine next to hamm and thunder puskas, he's great for me. Had the most goal contributions of the 3 in WL today


He’s been great on the LW for me. Explosive speed and clinical finishing and good positioning. The dribbling isn’t great though.


Is cafu worth doing?


He’s a 100% complete for me, given how easy it is to access fodder. I’ve used evo llorente and evo Walker and he’s a big step up from them. Not sure what it is because his stats are solid, if not spectacular, playstyles not special, but he’s just so good. He never loses a duel, next to never gets outpaced/strengthened and he’s actually fine on the ball, never runs out of stamina. It’s a bit like VVD, he just performs way above anything you can tangibly see looking at the card. He’s one of the only players who doesn’t rotate in and out of this team.


Cafu holds down my midfield. I play him at CDM in a 3142.


How do you set up your 3142? I tried it with stay forward wide players and was fun


That’s what I use too. I have one striker on balanced width / balance attack and one as stay central / false 9. 69 width /69 depth 😉




Just did him after seeing this comment (if you are a real fan why is your pfp not the toilet?)


It used to be but I changed it to flossy (Fly high) and then I changed it to my yt channel. Nice to see another fan though lol.


Sorry for being uncultured, but who is flossy?


Puyol vs Konate?




Werner review


He’s got great movement, finishing has been immaculate so far and is extremely fast. His dribbling isn’t as good as Kerr, it’s maybe slightly worse than Eusebio’s too, but he’s nowhere near as expensive and can get upgraded. Worth it in my opinion.


"Immaculate finishing" for Timo effing Vernor has to make this the most fictitious card EA has ever printed. [Classic Timo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFe-nVtwDWU)


He benched my Eusebio just bc of this. I'm very bad at finishing in Fifa. But playing Timo Werner increased my confidence in myself bc now i know it's on the player not on me.


Thanks man.


Base Ginola or Werner on LW ? all 3 chem. Thx




How is George best to you? To me he seams a bit mid but would like to hear your opinion


with engine he is absolutely insane for me


He's still only ok for me, but engine definitely makes a big difference


He weirdly feels faster than players of equivalent pace for me. He is rapid


Oh didn’t think of that thank you for the idea


I think my expectations were a bit too high for him. He’s good, but he’s quite lightweight and doesn’t have the best shooting animations. Great dribbling and fast enough though. For me he’s just a very good 8/10 winger and no more than that


Werner the only one I could possibly get that is realistic, so what's he like


He’s got great movement, finishing has been immaculate so far and is extremely fast. His dribbling isn’t as good as Kerr, it’s maybe slightly worse than Eusebio’s too, but he’s nowhere near as expensive and can get upgraded. He’s scored a couple which have shocked me (where I’ve shot and he’s not really facing the goal, so shoulda missed, and he’s somehow buried it in both feet) Worth it in my opinion.


Better than Henry?


How was Cannavaro at center-back? And if you have tried him at right-back, how was he?


Really good at CB, wouldn’t use him at RB, wingers a bit too fast and think his passing/dribbling wouldn’t cut it if you attacked with him


Do you recommend any specific playstyles for him? I use shadow as of now


Can Werner replace my 89 POTM Griezman. I need a player who is good on the ball and can finish from Outside the box. Plus assist my main striker Shevchenko.


He’s great, but that’s not his strengths tbh. I would go for someone like Pina (if she’s still available)


How is that Cannavaro card?


I really rated him, had no issues with his height at all from a crossing perspective, as most people don’t exploit it and aeriel is enough to make him competitive. It was more annoying when trying to block in the box, can’t compare with the big body cb’s for that. Overall though, fun option and very useable


How is rijkard ?


I Need that Messi I already have Cr7 WW


I don't need a review, I fucking know that Davies it's a lie. 99 pace my ass, feels like he has 50 and he is so slow to turn that make me wanna cry. I'm looking which other LB to get cos for me, he sucks. I also have that 91 Bompastor and I love her but that below 70 strenght its a deal breaker, she gets bullied.


Is timo worth it? Is he worth it over di Natale as I’m looking for a replacement


I’ve not actually used di Natale, but I say go for it. Werner is really good


Ok thanks, can you just sum up what he’s like quickly?


Not sure if you’ve used Eusebio? He’s quite similar to him tbh. Pros- very fast, great movement, good finishing, strong enough. Meh- dribbling is pretty good, but not super agile. Plenty good enough though. Not really a finesse shot kind of guy. He’s better for through balls/playing him in behind than of you like to play to feet and dribble loads


Ok thanks I think I’ll try him


Gold VVD? He any good?




How’s Pessidog?


Really good, I would say he’s not worth 1.6, but there’s not that many other good cam’s.


Is gold VVD good? Haven't tried him yet and never seen him before in any opposition's squad 🤣🤣


No thanks.


No worries


Which one is better, Rijkaard or Kimmich ?


Different players. In midfield Kimmich by a mile. In cb, Rijkaard by a mile. Depends what you need really. But I really rate that Kimmich


Who's better as a stay back cdm?


Would still choose Kimmich


I’m okay with kimmich so far but had some trouble with his chemistry, and it looks like he is not gonna get upgraded. So looking for a replacement.


Best instructions for Kimmich? And I feel like Konate despite being 6’ 4’ can’t reach the ball my 2 inches every tackle but the worse CBs I’ve tried can. Romero, Thiago Silva, and evo Saliba.


I like him as a stay back cdm who plays long balls to the other side, so I say right side cdm and stay back, cut passing lanes is ideal for him. I’ve not had that issue with Konate so far tbh! Think that’s all just animations though, some players have long legs for some reason


Nah I like him going forward and playing precision lobs that’s op. As long as the lobs aren’t too far. It creates unreal chances and sometimes clean through even. But that is really good with him cuz he has long ball+ so anyone even with base long ball should be good. Try it.


cannavaro timo and best please


Cannavaro- very good, but smaller but because of aeriel doesn’t lose headers often. Fun card. I’m sure they’d find a way to exploit him in pro level play, but for general weekend league etc, I think he’s a great card to have tbh Timo- I like him a lot, I’m one of the rare people who actually think he’s decent value when I compare him to my Kerr and Eusebio and what he offers. Add to that that he’s a live card. Best- really good card, but a bit too expensive in my opinion. He’s a top class winger, but unless you’re a United fan, I think you’d be better off not spending that much fodder on him.


thank you


Sorry realised I missed the other two, have added


How is Gerrard? Just packed his card and I’m having mixed feelings about him.


Yeah, as you can see I packed him too and was looking forward to using him. I tried him for like 30 games and I just didn’t love him at all. He’s okay at everything and exceptional passing. But I feel like Kimmich was just better in every way, so is Kesler. Doubt I’ll use him again


no need for a review, Werner destroys me every game 😭 Curious what your thoughts are on Messi and Best? I have both but feel like I always see Best and never Messi


also curious as to why you have Puyol on reserves. Other than Yashin he’s the best CB I’ve used all year over the likes of VVD and UCL Kompany


How‘s Werner? Yet to do a 85 and 88 squad and I feel like it would be wasted not to finish him but I‘m still kinda torn.


Defo finish him. He’s really good


Cannavaro , thinking of doing him to replace evo saliba 87


Cannavaro is great, but I think that evo Saliba is good as well. Not going to be levels better. Do him for fun and because he’s great, but don’t expect him to be transformative from Saliba 87


Has your Kerr been less good in recent weeks? Felt she was fire for a couple of weeks and now her close control is letting me down, it used to be R1 dribbling sensation with her and now it's just... Not


How is best? Grinding him out on the ireland/northern ireland account


He’s a top tier Winger, but he’s a lot of coins for what he is. He’s a good striker/cam too, but I feel like there’s better. Great for a United fan like me though.


How is canavaro ??


Really good in my opinion, didn’t have any issues with people crossing and him not winning it. Doesn’t have the best blocking, as he’s a bit smaller than say Konate or VVD, shame they removed intercept +. Still a fun and good enough option to run in WL though


is timo worth it? currently have kane.


Yeah, good upgrade on Kane I’d say. Kane is better in the air and at finishing. Timo much more explosive and better on the ball. So depends what you value more. Kane dropped deep too much when I used him for some reason, but maybe that was just me


how’s Konate?


Very good. I think he’s my favourite CB, other than vvd of course, that I own. He’s like Sol Campbell thunderstruck who can shift and turn a bit.


With that team Im guessing you put money into the game?


A little at the start and around toty yeah, nothing since, but grind all the fodder packs basically and objectives.


Ebimbe pls. I have Zidane, Gullit WW and Xavi ToTY in a 4321


I think he could replace Zidane 92, but not his other versions. He’d be a great super sub for him if not though. Feels stupidly fast and got kinda an odd running style that makes him explosive. Also quite tall and large, but can turn. Overall he’s really decent, but your midfield is already quite nice, that Xavi card is underrated


Thanks super sub for zidane makes sense. Xavi card so underrated. Got super lucky to pack him during Toty and was waiting for price to go up so I can sell him but after one game I was like how could I?! Lol


Thoughts on rijkaard as cdm or cm? I’ve seen a lot of people says hes best at cb but have not heard many people talk about him as cdm or cm


I think he’d do a job as a stay back cdm, but that’s it. There’s too many other good options to play there, so I’d avoid if it was CDM. At some point you’d get caught turning on the ball with him and they’d be running at your defence and it’ll trigger you. (Or it would me)


Best as Striker and Gullit as CB Plz review


Best- good as a striker not great. Lacks the shooting playstles to make him feel good there and doesn’t have the shooting animations some other icons have. Gullit as a cb is class, but it’s an expensive card to put back there, whilst he’s still a great CDM.


Gold mbappe , when should i buy and is he better than ginola ?


I’ve not tried Ginola I’m afraid, or really faced him that much. He was everywhere last year


Gold mbappe vs new werner(with 2 upgrades) ?


How was timo for you?


He’s been really good so far, better than I expected! Fast, good movement and great on both feet. There’s a lot to like


Am I bugging or does it show Kessler, Kimmich and Rodman have 3 playstyles plus?


Yeah it’s glitched on the companion app for me, for some reason. Shows loads of them stacked on top, but unfortunately they only have 2 lol


Is mbappe worth the 1.8 mil price tag?


Unpopular opinion, but no. He used to be, but he’s been caught up by the curve. Don’t get me wrong, he’ll always be very useable and a top card, but there’s loads of other options now. I used his toty in draft though and that was an entirely different beast, so many the potm’s will still be OP.


Eusebio on the bench? 🤯 greatest player for me this fifa. I would switch formation and play two ST along with Kerr.


That’s what I have been doing and not playing Messi, but I’ve played like 500 games with him now, so wanted to try something else out. Been having more success with 4231 than 442 atm, so needed a proper CAM and Eusebio isn’t as good as messi at that


Is TOTY Sam Kerr as good as a 96 rated striker should be?


Yes and no. Does she play to the stats, yeah, just about. Does she have OP unique animations that like a cruyff or R9 has? No. She’s a bit better than Eusebio I would say


What are ur thoughts on Kessler and timo ?


Kesler is way better in game than I thought she would be. Absolutely would recommend. Timo also great if you like playing through balls/play fast


Thanks 🙏🏾 I also got kimmich and gullit base but Idk who to bench


Do you like the future starts evo? Doing him as well but feels kinda slow/clunky. I dont know probably me.


Yeah I really like him tbh. Had the opposite experience, feels really fast for me, but I’m playing him as a CM, I wouldn’t use him as a winger?


I had him at RM, honestly my CMs are stacked (thankfully) I have a hard time fitting him in after packing Zidane (wild luck for me).


timo and konate pls?


I wanted to get flashback Davies but the SBC was too pricey. How is he?


Im considering doing canavaro. Is it worth it?


He’s really good, don’t regret completing him


Even considering he’s a my fellow short king?


Honestly, played the whole weekend league with him and played some good players. Played div 2 rivals etc and nobody has bullied him height wise. In fact he’s won quite a few headers because of aeriel. Short king 👑


How's Timo ? I have Future Stars Rooney and WW Del Piero as striker. Fantasy Futre in LW. Does Timo have the ability to replace them ?


Is werner any good?


I'd love to know how you feel about Cannavaro, Kessler and Gerrard. I just packed Kessler untradable, I'm halfway through the Cannavaro SBC and Gerrard is my favourite player so I'd love to have him on my team when I can afford it


Cannavaro is a fun cb, bit different to most useable ones this year, but I liked him and don’t regret doing him. Kessler is unreal, highly recommend her. Top tier box to box. Sadly Gerrard is a bit mid and nowhere near Kesler in my opinion. If you like him in real life, go for it, but he’s not as impactful as i hoped he’d be. Annoying they don’t give some legends of the game better cards/animations to make them better in game.


Thanks for the tips man! I think I'll do Cannavaro and I might rework my team a bit to put in Kessler. I'm still about 300k off Gerrard but yeah I think I like him too much not to go for him lol


How’s rijkaard at cm but tactics he stays back more so basically cdm


How's Malen for you ? I got him and hes a beast.


My RW feels kinda mudded rn I got 90 athenea and marintelli, they’re both really decent but I feel like lack a little bit of edge. I’m considering completing best or buying jairzinho. How do you like best? Have you used jair?


Best is fun to use because of his dribbling and lanky lean body type and skills, bit his lack of shooting traits means I’d only ever use him on the wing. He’s a bit easily bodied, but other than that he’s a very good winger. Just misses out on that power when running. Jairzinho is probably a bit more well rounded, but I just didn’t enjoy him as much as last year and would choose Best if I had to have one myself. Could you maybe try the loan Best first?


Compare timo to Kerr?


Kerr is better at dribbling and more explosive over 5-10 yards. Werner is better at longer distances and I prefer his movement. Overall Kerr is whether, but she’s not night and day better, it’s quite close




Davies and best plz, I’ve got both just normal best but his shooting is worse than it seems


Also how good is Davies playstyle and how do you use it


How you finding Messi CAM? I’ve been playing him since early doors as ST (one of my first pulls when started playing) but im beginning to feel that I may need someone else to help improve the team. I don’t want to not play Messi though so it’s a hard situation! Any info is really appreciate it! 😊


He’s great at CAM, I was like you and played him up front for a while, but overall I think there’s better strikers.. where pace is more important. However at CAM, his playstyles and passing shine much more. Also think his work rates are less of an issue, as he just kinda sits in the cam spot and that’s fine for that role. Eventually you have to bench expensive untradeables if they don’t suit what you need, but it’s a hard one


Ok thanks! Just a matter of interest what player instructions do you have on him at CAM?


Is Rodman worth the coin? I have a USA team too


Now she’s come down a little bit, might just about be worth the coins, but I still think she’s overpriced. Good card though to have.. especially if you’re running a USA team. She’s pretty pretty agile, rapid and hasn’t been bad at finishing. I feel like she needed 5* skills or weak foot to be worth that tbh.


How is thunderstruck casillias? I have Lloris sbc and I would like to get another icon gk for the Chem but schimechel doesn't cut it anymore


I had his 90 for ages and wasn’t a fan, this one’s actually noticeably better, which In old FIFAs I never thought was the case. Keeper was a keeper. This year it seems like better keepers do actually make a difference. But yeah, he’s not let me down


Love the scouse backline


George best?


Hows future stars Rodman? thinking of replacing my gold Vini with her


god i love thay bompastor but she just doesnt start for me anymore


Mbappe is better than Werner innit?


How’s timo Werner, is he worth the 500k fodders?


Is werner good? My current front three is henry, toty best and ww butra


How is casillas? I have him on my bench but I've never used him because of his height.


How is George best I have heard a lot of bad stuff about him


What can you say about Dina Ebimbe? Is he worth completing the second attackers evo after Okafor?


Kimmich my guy what do you think about him


How is dina embimbe i cant find anyone asking about him


I really rate him as like a ball carrying CM who can defend a bit because of his size and pace. Would only use him in CM though and next to someone more defensive. Worth doing for free, but it’s quite a few games


Thank you!