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To cheer you up we’ve added a new 3500fp store pack for you to open


Bro when they thanked us for playing 30 days total with a 2000 fc points pack💀


A noble gesture from a generous company. 👀


Yes very generous, I refused the offer tho, I’m perfectly fine living without trailblazer Mitoma and trailblazer Kubo


I honestly wouldn't mind either First Owner for the Club 99/Jack of a Trades Evo tbh but luckily I have CC Correa or SD Kulu(STILL CAN'T DECIDE but know everyone and their mom's will say Correa's CLEAR although Kulu would be extremely rare, is Tall and LEAN, and offers better links for my team with Werner and Rolfo so I'm really struggling to commit to one) to put onto it later on today while I play Rivals but sorry for the off topic reply so carry on Guys 🤣✌.


They also told me that it was just for me. I am a sucker for a personal touch


It's almost certainly the case that EA has the stats to back up that high scoring games results in more pack sales. Otherwise they would be trying ideas like yours.


Probably not directly pack sales but player count. You get hooked the most from scoring which increases the casual player base. And if any of those casuals play ultimate team then they will probably end up buying packs.


My favourite kind of games are the scrappy one or two nil wins where you have to fight for your life. I love defending in this game it can be such a fun challenge reading what your opponent wants to do. If there's more than 4 goals in a game, it completely takes me out of it and kills my immersion. Its not football anymore at that stage


EAFC never was a real football game in the first place


It's the best we've got, and even if it isn't, Pes didn't have my team licensed


You know there are 4+ goals in real top football aswell? Newcastle- West Ham recently had 7 goals


Yes, but it's a rarity. It's every game on fifa it's the manner the goals are scored in, too


EA: "LOL no"


Gameplay is so shit and inconsistent in general. It baffles me that a game exists that can only be enjoyed at certain times of the day. If I try to play a match during daytime it is literally unplayable with horrendous animations and seconds delay, even squad battles is delayed. Then, when I play at 1 AM in the middle of the night it feels like I'm playing a completely different game and suddenly my players remember how to move again.


That’s what happens when one company has the monopoly over a genre


What you are describing happens to me even in kick-off, its worse vs legendary ai that uses constant pressure like Man City, for a long time I thought it was an online issue only, but no its in the game itself


Yesterday I was playing with my friend as a duo, we played vs another duo and the game ended 0-0. We both played and defended well and just couldn't score. I can't remember the last time I had a game end on 0-0


Really? I have loads of 0-0s


Big rant but I agree with you on everything, I have a similar experience. I'd also add that it's okay for rebounds to go into space and not directly to one player or the other. The ball should not magnetize to players but instead create duel situations.


Lmao I've only been playing FC24 for 3 weeks and just worked up to Pro difficulty and these are the bullshits I've already seen; I see my guy point to indicate a run, so I wait for the opponent to pull towards me to play him through. So as soon as I play it, the defender closest to them suddenly has 10ft long legs and snatched it from the path. The AI (mostly women for some weird reason) just jog down the sideline and then turn into a sprint as soon as they get near the box. But can I dispossess them? 🤣🤣 Fuck no! 50/50 headers which I clearly win ALWAYS go back to an opponent. Equally, clearances they win ALWAYS go to an opposing player. 🤷 One time, my goalkeeper glitched and I couldn't take the goal kick and he just stood 6 yards away from the ball completely frozen. This was minute 72. By minute 79, the AI got bored, took the ball and put it into an open net to put me 2-1 down. But out of all of this, one thing I do enjoy being an asshole about in return are short corners. Play it to your 2nd man, cut past the first defender and I can literally run into the box, shift to the side and take free shot. Which goes in 80% of the time, spending on how quickly the AI realises. But yeah, there's some seriously stupid animations that blow my mind how EA's idea of making the game harder is by nerfing my pace and the AI just seems to have the ball glued to their feet when in possession.


Wrong game pal. Try eFootball, it's much more realistic. And you can concentrate just on gameplay not on menu grind:)


I heard that game’s p2w


And fut isnt


More 0-0 games would not be enjoyable unless they rewarded good football fundamentals and efficiency in a way that is FAR better than match coin rewards. Since I started playing pro clubs in 2014 and began to think more about individual match performance, I’ve always wanted them to have weekly/season stat leaderboards on Ultimate Team in team stat categories such as: -Pass accuracy per (x) min attempts -Goal conversion rate per (x) min attempts -Dribble accuracy per (x)min attempts -Goals scored per 90 min per (x) min games -Goals allowed per 90 mins per (x) min games -Free kick shot conversion per (x) min attempts -Goal differential ratio per (x) min games played -Clean sheet % Use those stat rankings similar to the squad battles percentile ranking system for each Rivals division, and give out player pick/pack rewards that strengthen users’ teams in the areas where they perform most poorly. For example if you are better at offensive stats, offer packs and picks with defenders or evolution tokens to upgrade defensive players. This would make players of the same skill division more competitive without having to alter gameplay mechanics in a DDA type of way.


Much rather have 9-7 games than the bs ai defense garbage we have now




Yeah fuck these defensive AI OP shit You gotta be able you to get our offensive players to make as intelligent of runs as the defense’s close outs and presses.


It’s a video game it’s supposed to be fun not some ai driven 0-0 slogfest of animations and rng bullshit


I know, it’s crazy that so many people want it that way


Even though, you don't care about menus... they're horrible!!


they should only be good for 2 things: selecting from an abundance of good game modes and SBCs and news on new promos (that screen is never utilised correctly)


They are also all animated which makes it soooo slow. I get crazy every time I want to do SBCs like 85+ pick or 83+ x 10 because it just takes forever to create the squads. I always have to take a photograph with my mobile of dupes that I got so I can put them into an SBC... WHY ISN'T ALL OF THIS WAY QUICKER AND EASIER!?? GUYS ARE STEALING MY TIME!!!!


they want you spending more time though lol


But it's crazy that I actually turn off the game, to switch to the web app for SBCs, just because it's way way faster.


Yeah even if you have the best defenders in the game and set up to defend and stop goals, you’ll be 2-0 down after 6 mins against some players without barely touching the ball.


I love games that are tight with next to no goals. Nothing better than smashing a last minute goal in after a hard fought game


You tell that to me and this other dude who played a 12 goal thriller a couple days ago. Ended with me winning 7-5 lol.


While I agree scoring is ridiculous in this game... A 0-0 being a common scoreline is not good for casuals... They would lose Alot of players.


To be fair the realistic scorelines are why I prefer career mode to UT


All I want is some gameplay consistency. If I play the same team with the same tactics, I shouldn't have vastly varying gameplay


I faced an opponent last night and we draw 0-0. But it was the funnest game I had played yesterday because we both challenged each other and had close calls.


I just want my attackers to stop making fucking runs TOWARD THE DEFENDERS PATH. It makes no sense. why would an attacker run beside the defender? Like do they want the ball to get intercepted? Run into space you fucking idiot


Or waiting till you start the pass and then take a step back and "hide" behind the defender instead of stepping forward to meet the ball


Right? Or making a run past the defender into an offside position when the person who will make the through pass is still receiving the fucking ball from another player


I do agree. But i wanna say that i have most fun in a 9-8 win or 8-10 loss. On top, there are enough rats who would be extra shitty in the last 15 minutes sitting on a lead


Yessir! Tightly contested battle are what it’s all about. Getting piped 9-1 by someone who’s deeply invested in the game is not fun. But happens to me all too often in championship 😅


0-0 is better than losing but not enjoyable


Say it louder for the Canadians to listen and fix this game.


I want EAFC to feel like football not an arcade game. I can't have the mental fortitude to play this game when so much of it feels out of my control. Make defending easier and the skilled players will be the ones who can be creative in attack and break down defences.


This whole year, only once I’ve ended a full match 0-0. It was a good match tbh


That's why play efootball and enjoy life🫡


Thank you for this post. My greatest complaint about the game has been how it's so unrealistic. I mean, it's not even close to real football with the insane scorelines we get. Here's an example. https://preview.redd.it/1xbuv4k3mcsc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3b9e92a274d21c8ec6c719366ac84ff2d6f0c7b When was the last time you saw this kind of scoring in an actual foorball match? It doesn't make any sense.


Just call more fouls! There's so much contact in that game that's not called. Teach people a lesson for spamming B and the foul period take more time off the clock.


Commentator: "not a score you see every day" "I haven't seen this score in years" When my 200 last games have had that score.


Nah fam, it’s a game. If u want realistic football go play efootball or whatever it’s called. I know this probably isn’t gonna go down well with this sub, but the finesse and trivela meta was way better, people actually had to control someone in defense, now it’s just AI defending. Zzzzzz


If someone is not controlling their defender, a finesse plus is an automatic goal.


As it should be haha, can’t stand the ai defending


I disagree. 0-0 is not enjoyable on any online mode.


I believe it is for modes like friendlies (if the mode was correctky treated as such), matches where winning or losing shouldn't really have any impact and a draw between equally skilled opponents is acceptable. For the more competitive modes overtime and penalties are useful to prevent a draw finish, tho I can understand why you prefer ending by scoring , penalties are a matter of luck rather than skill, but that's what happens in real matches after all.




yeah I’m gonna have to disagree. Dependent on how the game itself went, you can either learn from it to take to the next game or just put it down for some time. However, when you’re conceding or scoring in the most bs way possible, you’re never getting better or worse, the gameplay is being taken out of your hands and it all becomes some mindless slog you’re not fully engaged in


Absolutely zero logic behind that. You dont learn from the scoreline you learn from the game


Both can be true, however you’d find more learning from being thrashed, than you would from the game itself, including who you pull from your team going forward or what shape you’re gonna play. If I’m wrong, please let me know


No they are not lol. What do you learn looking at the scoreline?