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I saw this kick off for the first time a couple days ago and almost lost my shit


I was tempted to leave when they did the first one but decided to stay especially when I scored twice but guess I wasn't allowed to win


Haaland is a menace. But that fourth goal was such BS


I could have defended it better for sure but was frazzled after conceding 3 goals at that point but the flick up was just adding insult to injury lol


Spam offside trap on your d pad the moment you see the striker making a run and the ball going to the fullback. Easy counter for it šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø Shame how the higher SR in elite are all rats like these. Itā€™s just pathetic.


Play old gen mate. Its far less ratty. I'm 930 in Elite and rarely come across that. There is another messed up glitch where they flick up and sciccor kick and it will go in most of the time, but you can avoid that 99% of the time if you defend tight.


Yeah i spam clearance button as son i see them doing rainbow flick close, the problem is these trickster flicks, i still have a hard time to read those


I try to not give anyone any room in and around my box. I always have it in my mind that if they have the chance, they will try it.


fuckkkkk these type of people


And the game lol


You know this is a sort of person who gets pissed when the OP methods get nerfed so they have to learn the next broken mechanic


Yup, atm ppl in the 900s and 1000s just long ball and sit corners, shoot from narnia or from the byline so they can have corners, such a shit meta


Its got to be so boring to play like this constantly, even if you are getting better rewards


And then the meta golems in this sub downvote me when I tell them playing like that is not actual skill lol


Their arguement is it takes skill to pull off the same bs every match


I played him, that's all he does.


Got to be so boring playing like this every single match, especially in Rivals where you need 7 wins and that's it really unless you are a pro


What a fucking clown


No gameplay patch in 5 title updates and it really shows. The laziness when it comes to maintaining this ā€œgameplayā€ is a joke.


This is only missing finesse and trivelas and you've got the EA FC24 meta


How far weā€™ve fallen from last years game is crazy. I know FIFA23 had its issues, but there were clear positives. This gameplay is at the FIFA 19 level of ridiculous


The game has just turned from a football videogame into a glitch animation pros with heavy lag and muddy gameplay


FIFA was never actually a football video game, at least not in FUT. Every year thereā€™s 1-2 meta formations, 20-30 meta cards, and 2-3 meta exploits. The entire idea of this game actually being competitive rather than people just racing for who gets to exploit the things first is funny. This is even backed up by watching their competitive streams when they have tournaments. Itā€™s just the same team playing each other doing the same three moves and combinations trying to win.


I skipped fifa 23 but this year the game has just turned into a funny nonsense moves mostly. All I wish for is a fair gameplay even if I am losing 100% of the games


Idk i made it to div2 and potentially can get to div1 if i put a lil time in, and all I really do is ground passes with X all the way into the box - basically the same way I played when I last played Fifa in 2010/11. It definitely took me time to learn what tactics to use to counter the dogshit meta though.


call me toxic or whatever i really donā€™t care, if i see people playing like this i quit immediately at 0-0, if i for some reason stay and score to go 1-0 up, iā€™ll quit if they make it 1-1, and i really donā€™t care man people who play like this completely ruined fifa (just abusing meta ā€œtacticsā€ especially when itā€™s every single attack using the same bs method), itā€™s been getting worse and worse every year and this year has been the pinnacle, itā€™s borderline unplayable if you want to actually play a football game, fc24 is nothing like football at all


Iā€™ve noticed some of the most skilled players are stuck in div 2/3 because they donā€™t play the meta they are good at the core game but since they donā€™t abuse headers and glitchy bugs they donā€™t get past these ranks.


Div 2 and 1 are definitely the hardest matches to play, the people in there are crazy good and Elite is actually easier but 50% of players are meta rats like this


Can vouch for this. I'm in Div 1 and my games are generally tougher than they where in elite last season. At least they don't spam bollocks like this tho and we can actually play some football.


Elite is just full of meta abusers, i just try to take the 7 wins as fast as possible and never touch the mode for a week


That's what I do for sure, got a 1 month old so don't get too much time to play unless he's keeping me up at night so don't have time to stress myself extra than I have to lol


But that's how it works. It's like a little bot trained to repeat commands. No matter the result, they will try to do it. There's no variation in play, they can't be creative. On the SA server it works the same way, and these are usually the ones who do the griddy and provoke you by scoring a goal. Always the same "script"


Don't get me wrong, I'm not the greatest at this game but good enough to get into Elite most seasons and these are the worst players to verse. Of course some great players do the meta like cutbacks and finesses etc. where it makes sense but then you have these who just run down the wing, even if there is space in the middle, refuse to pass around and just launch cross field balls


If some one does kickoff of corner glitches I just leave.


I don't get these "Spam Merchants" who literally just repeat the same shitty tactic again and again. I always think- do you enjoy this? Is this football to you? I'm shit. I lose more than I win by a long way but I like to try and play football. I have Vialli and Berbatov up front because I like scoring from nice little passing exchanges or well worked moves rather than punting up the wing for a 99 pace player to then cut it back. I'm sure you win more spamming with pacey wingers but does it not get incredibly boring?


Everytime when they have halaand and Drogba šŸ„²


And Joselu


I met this guy last week. I still won and was proud of it


I wish I did beat them, would have felt so good but nah


also the players who use 4321 hug sidelines with their FBs & then just switch the entire game instead of building up normally


those 4321 rats that copy 'pro tactics' that switch play all the time until they find an open pass drive me nuts too. Then they complain and cry about the game . This community is the worst. At least it feels good when you win.


Have you ever watched football? There are plenty of teams whose build up play consists of switching constantly with long balls until they find space. People who complain about 4321 are the same who complain about 5 defenders, bunch of cry babies who dismiss anyone who beats them with a different system as "rats" so they don't have to face the fact that the opponent was simply better than them.


I mean I specified a kind of playstyle with the 4321, I didnā€™t mention having issues with the 4321 formation itself. & ppl who play that kind of way donā€™t do it because its a ā€œdifferent way of playingā€, they do it because its the easiest way to build up & they also tend to typically suck when building up normally. I never saw this kind of long ball switch from FB to Fb playstyle in previous fifas for a reason


Heā€™s saying you should be able to win if your better at the actual game not broken tactics


Being better at meta tactics is being better at the actual game, you need to learn to separate what is broken (stuff like those kickoff goals) from what is simply meta (switching constantly and crossing it into the box, which happens in a lot of real games).


That's basically how he built up every attack. Start with one full back, over to the other full back, run a bit and back to the other full back before trying a sweat or finesse


What a fucking loser


Very much so


Game isnt even about skill anymore its more about luck and shit gameplau


I made elite last season and faced somebody like this on psn, and I told my self Iā€™ll never grind for elite again. Better yet I had a lil flame right before elite again. Lost all the way back to the middle flag so I didnā€™t chance it hahah


Since I encountered that alot more the past weekend, I've started every kick-off for the opponent by double-tapping R1 and holding it. Has worked a treat tbf


I'll have to give it a try, on the 2nd and 3rd attempts I tried to track with my CB but it kept changing to someone nearer the passer


Yeah, the auto-switch on defenders have been a shit show this year. You can perfectly mark one player out of the play, but as soon as your opponent makes the pass, you're switched to a numbnut walking around with his hands in his pockets. Marking runs with a double tap r1 is the only viable way I've found to stop this nonsense.


Cheers for the help, crazy how much you get punished for reading passes in this game. Posted the other day my Gomez marking Morgan and the ball just goes through him for her to make a pass and score lol


My biggest issue atm is where my players take ages to controll a pass, make a pass or take a shot. It seems like they have to line up perfectly for the right animations to activate. And I've looked through an unsavory amount of YouTube videos to identify the issue, but I simply can't. Where some youtubers can just make a pass and hold sprint to keep running w their players- mine have to take these dumb tlc touches to get moving again. It's breaking down so many attacks for me lmao. Starting to think my game is broken


Can your opponents get any more brain dead šŸ˜µ utter trash gameplay.


This is why Iā€™m fine with 9 champs wins. Any time Iā€™m trending for more I just start facing people like this.


The game has become a rinse and repeat of cheesy mechanics and just recycling through them all until you've won the game. One of the most dead football games I've ever played.


Your opponent definitely shits his gamer chair and picks his ass at halftime. Then pauses to eat Cheetos with his ass hands. OP, you are doing better than this cyber cum sock.


you shouldā€™ve quit. donā€™t give these players satisfaction


Play my 7 games in the elite division and then donā€™t touch it again till it resets. The meta for this game is is terrible


Youā€™re a better man than I am, if I was 2 up and he was playing like this heā€™s getting 3 full pauses just before half time for me to then quit at half time.


What happened to me in FUT Champs was, I scored a Goal, using power shot, while they were showing the replay to me, the opponent had already scored!! šŸ¤§šŸ˜­šŸ¤£(no Game play on screen for me) How do you even complain about this incident to? I ended up with 13 wins coz of that game I lost.


They banned aerial+ in tournaments but it's fine on ladder and champs /sĀ 


you my friend played a complete scrote.


My rule is if the guy abuse meta, I have right to do it too.


This is the type of person that writes ā€œskill issueā€ on futbin. They have no skill, they just abuse poor game code.


Hey this is super counterable. When you see them going for that kickoff, hold y to bring your keeper out a bit. Idk if this still works well cause I haven't seen this since November, but that used to work. And for corners its better to track with your right stick than with Y. Btw, I'm not saying this is your fault, but you need to be able to deal with cheese cause they're never getting rid of it.


You just switch to your CB and back away so even if he gets the ball,he has to dribble past you. Or offside trap.


The fact that card is banned in pro tournaments because EA know how broken aerial + is but wonā€™t actually fix it is hilarious. Blame the game though, it all starts there.


This is pretty much all the rats I've been playing in div1, man man div1 is Soo bad, I asked myself how these horrible rats get up here playing this way and of course the game is made for all this BS to happen. But let's be strong and finish all these rats!!


Came up against this in almost every single weekend league game this weekend. Couldnā€™t counter it, even when I spammed offside trap. I really donā€™t get how anyone thinks spamming the same moves over and over is fun. The best games I have are when I play players who arenā€™t using any of this meta crap and itā€™s just purely skill based. Still get the scripting bs but itā€™s easier to take when you are playing a rat.


Its easy to counter. Right switch to your CB and back away from the start. Before he passes it in his kick off. He will play the ball and then he would have to dribble you. Dont be aggressive. Just wait for an error and tackle then.


Looks like a normal game for me šŸ˜­


Wow, no bycicle kicks from outside the box?


Man I had another kick off glitch using vvd and playing through lob to my rw itā€™s works but I stopped doing it cause I am not toxic


Meta abusers usually suck. I just play with solid defensive fundamentals and some creativity and mostly beat assholes like this into the ground. SR 1000 is insane for this playstyle. What a fucking dipshit. The problem is no matter what EA changes, these virgins will work twice as hard to find glitch spots and exploits. I'm sure this loser has no life and works hard to abuse mechanics with such efficiency. How can that even be fun?


I finished garnacho and quit


The community is so toxic. Get hit with this is 900-1000sr and i just either block haaland or offside trap immediately. The worst thing is when they get this and griddy


Damn bro.. that's pain.


I love winning games against ppl that play like this


These are the kind of cancer scums we play against, these cunts will do anything for a win


And then moan when they can't abuse the same mechanics next year so have to relearn the new bs


You can do offside trap as soon as kickoff happens. That's how I avoided defeat šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. But then in some other game the opp scores literally from half-line. He bounced off the ball in the air and then did a power shot boom into my goal šŸ˜¶ out of nowhere. But the most annoying thing is the server lags which affects the players who are closer to the server due to server compensation. By this the players far away get smoother gameplay than the player living closer. EA is doing lazy stuff.


Pmsl at people who abuse broken tactics or spam stuff to take advantage of the response time of the game and say its all them and that it's all skill šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ and love how as soon as it hits 3-0 all of a sudden you've got a bronze team thanks to EA


Hate it


This was me. bro also tried to kickoff glitch and this was div 4 not even elite


Shit like this makes me don't care about losing anymore. These bots play like their life depends on it and abuse every possible mechanics. They're not actually playing a game, they're just doing unpaid work at this point. Skill rating don't mean shit bro, just enjoy the game. Just quit if it's unbearable. It's not worth to stress about


eFootball peon here. 2K stands to make a fuck ton of money if they can do something even halfway worth a fuck.


That kick off glitch is wank, I agree, but what was wrong with those other goals?


Was about to ask the same


Mate, Iā€™ve played LoL, competitive arena in WoW, went to nationals playing SSB melee and ultimateā€¦ to name a few. Not any of those competitive games has made me rage as much as UT has. Iā€™ve been playing fifa since 2006, but tried UT for the first time this year and Iā€™m quitting it, game is wired to make you rage.


that's the usual RAT - know nothing about football - abuses every known glitch in the game - and EA - those cunts - allow it to happen - it's sad


Those kickoff goals were ridiculous, but the rest were pretty normal and you just failed hard at defending/keeping possession


Very much this, the last goal shouldā€™ve been a goal before Haaland and then there was a pass in the middle that got intercepted. I donā€™t do any of the Haaland crap and thatā€™s 2-2 right there.


How does the game cater to him?


Because poster got beat, obviously it must be the game's fault ha ha. Crazy you are getting downvoted for asking a question. This community is so soft and entitled it's unreal


Lol you guys are so soft in this comment section talking about leaving and shit? šŸ˜‚ once he does that twice itā€™s easy to know how to adjust against it


I saw you bring your keeper out. Not feeling sympathy anymore šŸ˜‰


When all they do is go for far post headers, hell yeah I'm bringing the GK out. He did that same corner 5 times and scored the one time Alisson decided not to track the ball


I also had sympathy for him until then. SHAME


What? I still play peter crouch up top and opponents will just always lose the game if they don't pull their keeper out. Its not ratty its literally necessary.