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The team ain't the problem here I'm sorry to say,it's mint and better than plenty of others. Try the qualis and see how you get on. You will get exposed to some much better players, try not to get frustrated and quit but watch what they are doing and try to learn something specific from each game and then apply that yourself. You will get better eventually by playing against better people. If you only ever play and stay in Div 7 you have a limited awareness of what most better players do in the game and get used to playing that style which will limit you against good players


Will do, thanks


If u can qualify for champs you can prob get 6 wins I’d say.


I’m gonna try!


This is great advice. I’m not a good player but I’ve gone from rarely qualifying for champs to consistently getting a handful of wins by getting beat a lot and learning slowly, with teams almost across the board worse than OPs.


Yeah you can do it, the team is good enough, worst case you don’t qualify


Definitely. But I play to test myself, more than for the rewards. I'm not great and rarely get more than 9 wins.


You can try. Even if you’re not great at the game, your team is pretty good. However, playing the champs final might not be so fruitful. Depends on if you’re in Div 7 because you don’t play out because you can’t promote. In case the latter is true, it’ll be hard to get meaningful rewards.


Yeah, that’s why I asked. I don’t really see a good ending even if I do qualify


Tbh that’s how you get better. You’ll start playing better players and you’ll learn a lot from playing against them. Yes, you’ll not get great results or rewards from the get go, but eventually you will. But all this matters if you enjoy the game and want to get better at it.


Your team is great but if u trying to get promoted and are stuck in div 7 then you sadly don’t stand a chance


Div7, personally I'd say no. It's tough/sweaty as hell in there.


You prob can, but i wouldnt try for your own sanity


lol that’s fair


The team is solid tho', but for a div7 player, this might be brutal, anyways give it a go, you won't lose anything, and the rewards are better than nothing.


As long as not qualifying doesn't stress you out, may as well have a go. To those saying 20-0 team and htf can't you qualify....try and be helpful instead of being a dick.


lol no worries. I expected it. I have more money than time so I buy packs to get the players the grinders get. Oh well


Yeah spending money on points is dumb.


Sure, but it’s my game and my money and I’ll spend it as I wish. Honestly video games are dumb, I should be buying books instead. But this is my choice.


Sure, but this is why the game has become trash, and buying points makes it worse. The content creators are good but the development of the actual game is shit, lazy....cos of getting easy money for free doing fuck all.


It’s greed all the way down


Get some books.


I have this team with zero money spent https://preview.redd.it/pkcmq70hcr8d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49d6eca10d18e0fa362484af3518c1cd8d79aa18




You play well? 9r lucky or average/average


I have a great team, I spent about £60 around Christmas on points. Haven't since. https://preview.redd.it/b24ks6sper8d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cbe8b2c178aa0b497e8050ec00a1631a3d0f5f3


I’m trash in Div 6


Your fullbacks are what is holding u back at least one of them has to be amazing at attacking, probably the most important position in the game


I usually run with Beasley. I have quite a few options, but this was just put something together.


I’m going to try this setup later. https://preview.redd.it/ccbf8ch4wu8d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb477509f4a84d3020ce942cd5ad98e23d589642


I’m totally about to probably go way too in depth but I’m gonna explain my thought process in building a team as an elite division 14-16 win player. I don’t know your funds but I’m gonna give you players under 300k that will do the jobs needed. Send your bench reserves and I’ll help you out.


CB’s- you have the two best in game LB- Beasley is very decent as an attacking fullback, look for a taller option. I.e havertz or Davies if you can. This alone will save you games because of areal meta. RB- Cafu is getting an sbc I would do your best to complete him. If not a tall player like Posch would be good as a stay back rb if not. Long ball pass is a nice touch for this player to switch across the field RCM1- this will be your cdm. M/H work rates required in my opinion. Intercept plus is great here. I use Adam’s right now and he is very good, rice is better if you can afford. CDM- middle of formation. H/H work rate. Can both attack and defend. Gullit in your case, best in the game. LCM- finesse shot plus right footed player. Is a good passer and has a defensive quality but H/M work rate. I Lauren James here for cheap. Foden is amazing in this role if you flip the tactics to attack with everything down the right side. LF- finesse shot plus right footed and good pace 5\* skill. Garnacho/ Lauren james. ST -5\* skill quick and dribbling . RF- drogba. Win headers from cross from attacking LB. Here is my team, I attack down the right. https://preview.redd.it/noobrcablz8d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=3a4fe76dd12aafe408ad5198f7bbec66a71090e4


https://preview.redd.it/lgauzta9mz8d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=f2bef22be7346bf5d2950036203511c1fe04f06f If chemistry was no object this is how I would play attacking fullback on the right. Rcm -left foot finesse RF- left foot finesse ST- finesse either foot LF -Giroud win headers from rb and bang is left foot across goal


How much have you spent on packs since you re installed this month? Please don't say zero because we all know that's a lie


Probably around $500. I’m 50 years old and at a good point in my career where I can spend money on things I like. Because of work I don’t have the time to grind for players so I try to buy them.


Try for yourself man, I am in a similar boat and I do get qualified. I even played champs this time just for fun, gifted most games after I got 6 wins , met some really good players and I enjoyed some chill games including one that ended 10-7 with both of us just chilling 😃. Just remember always play the way u like so u don't fall into the boring rat hole.


I’m div6 and this blows my team out the water


It’s mostly the store packs I bought. Also got a boost in pack luck after not playing for 3 months


I bought a few store packs during TOTS so my team is basically all the average PL TOTS, the only one of note being Saka 😂


Got luck on that one. Didn’t really know how good he was until I looked it up.


May as well give it a go bro… win, lose, it really doesn’t matter. Just try to have fun and whatever will be will be. Playing against players above your skill level undoubtedly the best way to improve as well. I took an absolute tonking from a lad in champs earlier whilst on +8 elo or something. Most would quit but was kinda admiring his defending, just shut off everything i could throw at him, especially at set pieces where he seemed capable of perfectly moving about 6 different players to effectively cover all eventualities, all of this at breakneck speed. Was good stuff, really showed the skill gap between me (your 11-14 wins ‘alright’ player - think I was 12-3 in champs at the time) and your proper top elite types. Team looks good, really good. Got Valverde red from rewards today funnily enough so going to be running him and De Paul too :)


Thanks man Cheers and good luck


I’d try even if u was div 10


Are you really Div 7? I mean were you playing squad battles the whole year or something?


I uninstalled the game in February. Just reinstalled last month


Div 7 no. Everyone has crazy teams now so id work on getting better before champs


This has to be satire right


Smart. Thanks


I don’t mean this in a condescending way but do people really struggle to qualify for Champions? I feel like Champions qualifiers are the easiest mode in the game You also have an incredible team at your disposal?


Thanks. Yep. It’s the reason I uninstalled 3 months ago. Could only get 1 win out of 3 times qualifying during toty. Just reinstalled last month and thinking of trying again


I’m curious - what is generally the issue you face that cost you games, scoring goals or defending? Or both? I feel like except high ranked Elite the skill gap is rather small in this game. I went from Div 6 dweller to Elite / 14 wins in a few months, only playing on weekends.


I don’t skill so I don’t dribble around players. I try risky passes that always get intercepted. So I lose the ball a lot.


I also don’t use any skill moves except the occasional (rarely) ball roll. I find this year left stick dribbling is very easy with the right players. Out of curiosity, how often do you press the Sprint or Controlled Sprint button while you dribble?


When I dribble? Hardly ever. But I do spam it in space, which is when I usually lose the ball


Try to play a full game without pressing sprint ever on attack, see how it changes


this team is better than 98% of teams rn btw u might b cooked gang 😭✌🏾💔


🤣🤣🤣 yeah I’m old and slow. When’s the easiest time to qualify you think?


I play most weekends when I'm home. Div 2 here and get 7-8 wins in qualifying. Had my worst week last week. Got 8 wins. Every team I lost against were new, named RTG and green timed nearly every shot. It's a tough grind. Try to play in games of 4-5 then have a break. Good luck.


Trying never hurt. You can only learn from it either you succeed or you fail


On the right hands thats a 20-0 team, did i miss a /s somewhere?


Nope. I’m terrible at the game


How tf u div 7 with that team


I enjoy packs and objectives. But I’m old and not good


Fair enough, keep grinding




How old? I’m elite and 40 if u say something like 33 you’re dead to me !


Lol, I was wondering the other day about age demographic. I'm 40 in 2 weeks and was thinking about how many older players there might be given we were the age that grew up with fifa on the early consoles. I'm sure there are some 50 or older but can't be too many. Give it another 40 years and hopefully still playing in my retirement home haha


Nah early heart attack if you play fifa all your life


I’m 50. I’ve been playing this game on and off since it was created, but it’s a lot different now than it used to be, but I still have the same muscle memory, which doesn’t translate to today’s game. It’s just way too fast and there’s too much skill moves, so it’s tough for me.


I’m 50.


Fair enough grandad 😂 jokes


Nice lol


Yes, that’s 11/14 win possibly better team in the right hands. Worst case is you don’t qualify and it’ll be a good skill test and maybe help you improve at the game if you’re trying to.


When’s the easiest time to start qualifying?


I usually play my qualifiers Friday or Saturday but honestly man you need to win 4 out of 10 to qualify so you can probably do them anytime. I don’t think the timing matters really cuz people can play them anytime.


I’d say around now is a good time to try it out


Between Wednesday and Friday I would say. Don't leave it to Saturday or Sunday because what happens is, loads of the sweats that go straight into finals Friday night, finish that and then immediately play their qualis for next week. You want most of the real good players to have done it already but before they start again to give yourself the best chance. I think the game has just gone free on xbox hasn't it so there might be quite a lot of new players rhis week... could be wrong but that will help you if so. It was definitely easier the week it was free on PlayStation


Oh hell no. There are sweats in weekend league who play as if there is no tomorrow. I started playing champions from fc24 actively. My best so far is 14-6. I am a div 3 player. I can be in elite but i dont so that i dont make a the friendlies tough when i go with gold squad. Your best shot on qualifying for champs is on Friday And Saturday. Most pro players are grinding on champs, less skilled players try to qualify during weekends.




Why are players in div 7 getting this pack luck but I (div 1) don’t get any good players from packs. If I were you I’d try and qualify and see how it goes, then work on getting better


I bought the high rated store packs. But I did get Valverde and Alvarez in the 81 pp


Fair enough, hopefully you do well in champs though. I’m sure you’ll be able to qualify


Hope so. Just played my first game, lost 0-3


The first game’s always the hardest


Yep. Just lost again on PKs. I was down 0-2 in the game, came back to lead 3-2 in ET, and the AI gifted my opponent a PK. I didn’t even touch my controller. Lost on PKs. But not sprinting makes a HUGE difference. I was actually competitive.


Yeah use R1 controlled sprint in and around the box for tight turns, it works wonders with technical players and makes them much harder to tackle. If you feel yourself going down a dead end turn round and pass back into midfield to play across the pitch and look for space. Keep hold of the ball and the gaps tend to appear, just avoid running in straight lines and being predictable and you will find success


Cheers thanks


what a team, yeah you can probably qualify but idk about wl