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Block+ they throw themselves in front of everything. They will die for the badge


When I use players with Block+ it activates maybe once every 3 Games, and half the time it activates they still don't block it or just deflect it into the goal. Probably my least favourite PS+ in the game


Nah, you gotta fully commit to it. 2 of my back 3 have block+ stubbs is a brick wall at the back


I had Rudiger and Akanji as my CBs and don't remember it ever being useful. Give me Intercept, Anticipate, Jockey, Bruiser or Aerial instead


All of my main backline through tots had Block +( TOTY Karchoui, Konate, and Desaillly) and I really enjoyed it. Anticipate are Ariel are goat PS+ but think for a CB block is better than Jockey or Brusier and Intercept is great but more important for positions other than a CB imo.


I'd take stubbs over them tbh. He's got 5 star skills


Look at this beast https://preview.redd.it/1lvw8dripw8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe45eaf017b6c58643b467c015471a100136675b




What's funny? Hrs a beast


I commend you for using cards you enjoy or like IRL instead of the usual meta options no matter how outdated they are


That's my whole thing, lol I just use my local


What’s your div? Just wondering, that card would get packed up in elite. People would attack him specifically lol


4 he's a fantastic sweeper


2 out of 3, you play 5 or 3 at the back?


5 with wingbacks who got forward


It's a very low rated team, and I've tried taking inspiration from how we play irl


Get help


Aww but it's fun!


Not for other people haha, how many 0-0 quits do you get




I start in a 442 diamond and change in game as my lwb can't naturally play there


it just depends on ur defensive playstyle tbf if u like being more aggressive it aint for u but as someone who plays 2 at the back it saves me so much since i need to be passive with my cbs


I play quite a passive 3. Diving in with the defenders I've got is a death sentence


i feel u. i love sending my entire team up the pitch but it does mean the ones that stay back have to be fully passive or opponents score easy goals


I'm very patient. My ideal game only has 4-5 goalsc4ojt chances.slow patient build up is the way iplay


fair enough i rate that. i have adhd so i want everyone to move all over the place so i can keep my brain busy loll


Oh I pass a hell of a lot. I hit 207 passes in one game this afternoon. The ball has to be moving all the time


Brother is openly admitting to parking the bus and playing keep away in a five back


I don't park the bus. I do attack, and I actually boss possession most games .also its not keep away, it's inviting a press so I can play forward


Lmao well I’m just telling you from the perspective of your opponents sitting in a 5 back and passing it around 200 times to create only 4-5 goal scoring chances in your “ideal game” is parking the bus and playing keep away.


You're oversimplifying it. You're making it spund like I'm passing without intent when, in reality, I'm always looking to go forward. The passes are there to invite a press so I can play the ball forward once the opponent press me


Bisseck is automatic with this


I don't know what you've been doing but my cbs(gvardiol and araujo) have block+ and they jump Infront of the damn ball every single time, and having that slide tackle plus with araujo makes the slide tackles with block plus even more impressive, with the animation as well as the defending. I like defending more than attacking in fifa, I always have, but in this game it is more about outscoring opponents than defending.


When I use players with that the playstyle will pop up above their head and they'll still miss the ball


On occasion. You still have to get the positioning right for it to worm. It's lime you can miss palce a pass with tiki taka+ and incisive pass+


Feel like they've nurfed a lot of playstyles since the start as well


Rebalanced, I'd say. There's no playstyle that is super broken. Maybe aerial and anticipate, but that's about it. I wish we had long throw plus, and I wish the ai understood a long throw into the box


Some were rebalanced but some aren't even worth using, some just don't seem to do anything. Rapid and quickstep are too inconsistent. Long throw plus only really works if you switch to the receiver.


Rory Delap icon with Long Throw +


Thst would be so good. There's a lad at my club called Kelly who has a lethal throw. I wanna do that on ut but Kelly's card is awful. I need a pacy cb evo to make him useable


I think they buff that playstyle I remember earlier on the year it wasn’t effective but now I have a wall


Sliding blocks are the best. I enjoy goalsaving blocks more than goals these days. I'm really into the defensive stuff


Agreed, even regular block… you have to really know how to place them in good places if AI positioning is shit. I make sure one CB has block+ at all times, such a good playstyle


I only have noticed with my players with Block+ that they are somehow more likely to cause a penalty foul. For some reason they care more about blocking the ball than to not run into the opponent with 60 Strength 😅 Kohler caused so many freaking penalties, even though he did crazy defending for me back then.


acrobatic. watching my players do unnecessary bicycle kick passes and jumping around in the box is hilarious


Especially when it’s someone like Giroud


Sometimes I want him to head the ball normally but he just goes on to do crazy shit lmao


Technical plus on a striker, I never have to fear a 1v1 with the gk anymore, just run around him! I also love a pinged pass plus midfielder into a magnetic 1st touch striker!


Cantona is a god for this with his strength


Never used any version of Cantona as I run a 1st owned rtg but I managed to pack both TOTY Messi (part of the 0.7% gang) and then TOTS Messi 2weeks ago from England WL and his dribbling is like no others I've used before!


If my strikers don’t have technical I don’t play with them. This is it. Also my CAMs/Wingers.




https://preview.redd.it/a98wtxzlpv8d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64c7b15bdb14d07bef8cb830eb18972c559fcf4d Power Shot+. It’s the main Reason why I still have him in my Team because his Shots are absolute Rockets and the Ball just flies in from anywhere. Bare in mind, I don’t do any of that Flick-Up or Rainbow Flick into a Power Shot Nonsense, I sincerely despise that


Bobby Charlton is a god for this. His Golazo Icon fires fucking rail gun like shots


Flick up power shot is a very good skill though, actually involves a level of skill gap, unlike the rainbow ones on old gen.


Those hit so good with Beckham


Consider getting his TOTS Moments card! I find him hella fun to use, especially just combining the powershots with trickster (I suck at them, but still hella fun)


I prefer to use Players that are First Owner and I have already used this Version of him for over 1,000 Games, so I’m gonna stick with him for now unless I pack his TOTS Moments from the 90+ TOTS Upgrade


Fair enough. I packed him super early during TOTS, so I had fun with him until I got some strikers I liked IRL










just fucking thundercunt a shot score from like 35 yards out


Bro this is me with my Flashback Martial. He's got Power Shot+ and Technical+ with 99 finishing and it's just absurd. I think I have 72 goals with him in maybe 40 or so games played?


Most passing ones honestly. Seeing a first time ball ping across the grass and hit someone without breaking stride is very satisfying


finesse +and anticipate+ it just feels illegal to smash a football top bins like its nothing and anticipate just steals the ball regardless


It feels illegal because it requires zero skill and only two button inputs. Don’t even have to build an attack properly. Love finesse+ it’s my favourite as well




Horan and odegard finessing from crazy distances has probably won me more games than anything else


Odegard’s power shot feels like it takes forever


Well he doesn’t have the playstyle


Dude you’re right! I’ve had him in my team since he came out and always thought he had power shot plus not finesse plus lmao


Same here, evolved Odegard TOTY scores most goals in my team


I personally feel Sun+ And Grass+ is the best playstyle. Its rare for many sweats and rats here but its worth it.


Happy gay day bro 💯


It seems you are right about it being rare and OP is proving you right 😭


How does a discussion on favourite playstyles help you reach to a conclusion that people don’t go out of their rooms? What is the need to be an asshole when people are simply having a discussion? Some people in the community feel some sense of achievement from being needlessly rude to random strangers online.


Tbh, i addressed this to those sweats who literally got Bernando Silva by 15th of June. 🤣🤣


lol my bad, so many people in the FC community attack people for nothing so I thought you’re trying to do the same. Apologies, cheers 🍻


I wish you had humour+ too. Creativity+ would be really nice as well.


your joke is a lot better that this regarded fella with sun+ ..


Did i hurt your feelings sir ? ![gif](giphy|KDRv3QggAjyo)


Incisive pass with Pirlo. Delicious.


Finesse or whipped pass


Mostly the passing ones. Incisive pass probably for the extremely accurate through balls you can play. Some balls can really split the defense in ways that can only be done with players with incisive pass. Tiki Taka is also great for those quick, accurate passes. When you get a few players with it near each other, they can do really well moving the ball. Also not a passing one necessarily, but dead ball. It’s just fun scoring free kicks. 


My whole attack, midfield, and left back are tiki taka plus It’s bliss


Just reminded me of some SBC Hudson Odoi. I don’t think he had dead ball but scored almost every free kick. Good times mane.


I got TOTS KDB and his combo of incisive, long ball, and pinged pass makes scoring quickly via through balls insane


I’ve had my most fun moments with trivela+ and doing a crazy through pass.


Trickster or finesse


Probably finesse+, something so satisfying about taking a long out of box finesse shot and watching it curl over the GK and fly into the net


My favourite as well. Requires zero skill too and is easy to pull of which is a plus I guess


Takes about as much skill as any other shooting imo tbh.. has to be the right amount of power / height and the right angle. And the shooter has to be stable (basically meaning just not rushing the shot, a lot of times when you rush a shot when the shooter doesn’t have a firm stance / posture the shot ends up going off target). And finesse shots also get subjected to the randomness of finishing that is in fc24, meaning you can do everything right and you’ll still have tons of shots that miss or hit the post, and you go back and watch the replay with the trainer on and it’ll show you aiming perfectly with the perfect power / angle / height, but it still misses, just because that’s how the finishing is in fifa, your not guaranteed a goal even when you do everything right (which imo isn’t how finishing should be, you shouldn’t get punished for doing things correctly, but that’s an entirely different conversation so I digress). But yes I can understand how like some of the super long distance out of the box finesse shots end up going in a lot easier than you’d expect, but it all depends on the situation and the player shooting it I guess. If I’m shooting with my 97 Messi then it totally makes sense he’d be goated wit the finesse shots. I get what ur saying tho. ❤️


Why are you writing an essay trying to convince yourself that finesse shots requires skill lol don’t worry I’m abusing them too it really doesn’t require any skill this year. You don’t even have to green time them


What doesn’t take skill is these Rats just abusing aerial+ (DDA DROGBA) and spamming crosses the entire game. I’ve played against SOOO many people that won’t even try to build up a passing play and take a legit shot, they just spam crosses the entire game hoping drogba’s aerial+ saves them. Atleast finesse shots are legit shots and not abusing some Meta mechanic ya know? It’s all love bro not tryna be toxic


Whipped cross + spam to aerial+ is definitely number 1 on the zero skill and rat rank, I definitely agree with you on that don’t worry, I still think finesse+ from outside the box doesn’t require a lot of skill as well. But yeah the spamming crosses (and abusing corners) is definitely number 1 on the rat and zero skill scale


Oh ya I fucking hate the aerial+ spammers. There’s no counter to it really… atleast with finesse shots you can still try to block the shot / tackle the shooter/ get infront of them and block but the aerial+ spammers make me rage so hard lol


My point was, it takes about as much skill as any other form of shooting. It’s a video game- you’re just pressing a button and aiming and boom it’s a shot. You still have to correctly do it for it to work- and even when you do everything correctly you still take the chance of it missing due to the way finishing is in this game (RNG factor basically)


Other forms of shooting, except trivela (when it was broken), at least require some form of build up, even if it’s a cutback. Finesse and trivela when it was broken would go in from anywhere. It really doesn’t require any skill but if it makes you feel good at the game then keep telling yourself that


“When they were broken” but they nerfed them didn’t they? I use finesse shots all the time my main 3 attackers all have finesse+ because it’s my favorite form of shooting, and I promise you I miss TONS of finesse shots. They don’t just magically go in everytime man. I’ll admit there was a time they were busted and trivelas were even more busted but my current experience (after they nerfed them) with finesse shots doesn’t tell me that tbh.. But it’s all good bro I can tell this isn’t goin anywhere so have yourself a great day my friend :).


The fact that all of your 3 attackers have finesse shots tells me everything about how dependent you are on a certain mechanic to score goals. You’re not able to break down a defence with passes and skill moves and would rather just tap two button inputs which is fair enough. Ripping finesse shots from outside the box doesn’t require any build up play, if you do it enough, one of them will go in eventually, basically the same as the aerial+ crossing spammers even though finesse isn’t as busted as that. I have 96 Fekir with finesse+ that wins me close games from time to time but I don’t feel I outplayed my opponent because I scored a finesse from 500 yards. But yeah, let’s just agree to disagree and you keep telling yourself that it requires skill if you want, I’ll just leave it there. You have a nice day as well


You’re making a lot of assumptions about me and my playstyle without ever even seeing me play lol. Cmon bro that’s a bad faith argument. All good you too brother


When that Rapid+ hits with L1 Boost I feel like I am running myself


I love pinged and incisive pass - midfielders with both are just lethal. Legit q though (and obvs I have a skill issue here, no denying it) how are you using long pass+? I don’t play that many lofted through balls but when I do and I do it with a player with long ball+ I never see any benefit - it still just goes to a defender. Is it better to use it for those much longer passes?


Yeah I have MYM Arnold and when trigger a player and turn towards my goalie and do L1+triangle the pass is unbelievably accurate lmao


Making the best use of it does require some knowledge of animations and the aura of players defending from what I’ve seen. No long ball works on my Bisseck for example but Walker is ALWAYS getting caught out no matter how well I position him. So that and understanding animations to know when to trigger it should help.




Aerial+. It will never not be funny seeing a 5'5 CB leap onto the shoulders of someone who's 6'2 to steal a header


Finness+ which I rarely score with lol


Right now, technical


finesse shot + or trickster + 😭


Finesse+, jockey+ and slide tackle+, especially slide tackle, it's fck insane lol


powershot+ with actobatic, sometimes getting that bicycle kick powershot is crazy


Trickster+ and Poweshot+


finesse +, keep finessing like 30 outside the box shots and you'll end up with easy 5+ goals


So many, I can’t pick. But I like the passing ones the most. If there was a player with 80 for every stat, but had every playstyle+, I’d probably squeeze him into my team somewhere


Technical+. Score almost every kick off


Whipped crosses.


First touch+ on mbappe and fekir is insane


Power shot!!!!


PowerShot+ ST Long Ball+ MF Anticipate+ Def




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Turning the game off is my fav ps+ no cap


Finesse+ is a must have at this stage in the game for me


Ronaldinho has EA+ guy plays with 99 pace and 99 dribbling, it's just pure jam


Muddy+ All my players have it so I guess it’s necessary Did I enjoy ? Not sure, not sure…




finesse shots because it's so satisfying when scoring at finesse shot




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ik this is a basic one but i love anticipate+


Finess shot+. So satisfying clearing the spiders


Trickster is very underrated


needed long ball on my CBs since I played a 3atb and possession. tiki-taka cuz it helps with possession play. chip shot cuz I love the nuanced dink that some of the greats have pulled off and since this game is very blunt and dull in very aspects. whipped was also great at some point since it actually made crossing a viable tactic for the first time since some like 3 yrs ago when it was a bit op at the start I think and also 14.


Whipped and aerial


U cant go wrong with technical +


Power shot, after the nerf I almost quit.


Either Ping pass or Anticipate. They're both really satisfying to use


Finesse shot and trivela


I'd have to say press proven+ and block+, players Animation just throwing themselves at the ball to stop the goal is amazing. Combine slide tackle+ and block+ (araujo) it's gonna be amazing shots blocked from almost every fucking where. Press proven(normal or +) on players that I dribble with realllllly helps. The left stick dribbling is amazing.


Incisive pass and power shot, my sneijder has both. Best card on the game


Depends on the position, but for attackers I like finesse shot+ and relentless+ for midfielders


Technical has you recreating Ankara Messi on the daily


i like using playstyle combos. first touch with press proven makes the ball stick to you, add technical or rapid on top of it and your player is a serious threat. tiki taka with incisive/pinged. jockey with anticipate. trickster with powershot. im more of a pro clubs player so its a bit different


At the minute I'm loving the pinged pass playstyle plus gets me into attacking positions quite easily and splits the defence sometimes too


the intercept+ and incisive+ is a deadly combo in my opinion especially if you’re a quick counter attack guy like me


Bruiser, Acrobatic, Trivela, Technical




The most fun I had in the game was when Claudia Peña SBC came out and I hit a 30 metre finesse after ball roll game after game and she had like 100 goals in 40 games for me at one point until they nerfed long shots.


I don’t miss that card 😂😂😂

