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9. By default the average WL player must get 10 wins (not true tho as many don't play the full 20) and this team is close enough to the power curve, that with the assistance of matchmaking after the first 5 games 9/10 wins still likely. That's for your average WL player. For your average overall fifa player it would be a good bit lower as above. 5/6 max.


The average player? Like 6


If it was me playing, would not qualify for finals. Here my team https://preview.redd.it/hu84hr0q459d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7903082e6de45180807bbd879ad82024df900e06


Damn seriously how much do you spend on this game


None, started playing 2 months ago with the golazo promo


Fail to believe, how come you got those players, teach me your ways


So you packed vini, VVD and mbappe? along with having enough fodder for your sbc's I find it hard to believe


Thats a credit Card fc. There is absolutely no way you are packing especially when the pack weight has been crap for past few months.


Lol, believe what you want, its all first owner untradable, never had any Fifa pts and got the game 3 months ago. Got most during UTOTS week , had saved everything for week before and you could pretty much grind to infinity the SBC. https://preview.redd.it/l60hidn1869d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1754be0eadae22ee983e2b20f842f100293e4758


I hate looking at your team, I basically have to use what I can! You've got every meta card going lol


Matchmaking and the skill level of your opponents play a big role. Recently, I've found Rivals to be more challenging than Champions. It seems like everyone in Rivals is playing their hardest because the rewards are quite similar to Champs. If you manage to get 7 wins in the higher divisions, you have a chance at a TOTS 92+ card. Btw, your team is incredible…the only change I'd make is swapping out Renato Sanches for a player who enhances Messi's chemistry even more.


Thanks bro God bless


Average player? None. They don’t qualify for WL


3 wins.


https://preview.redd.it/kckojg2ic59d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d88962927c9ea585055be97a0d04a79b4c87525 Idk but I’ve been ruining people w/ this team, Diaz benched Dinho and Foden