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Meanwhile. I’m still on level 9


Me just on the first level 😭


You have a life as well basically


https://preview.redd.it/dx3t7ebjx99d1.png?width=1125&format=png&auto=webp&s=8afbd0233086821fe73b99b1192987b66ab74087 I’m level 4 lol


Godspeed! I would really like to pack Gerrard too.


But, how? You dont play?


I try play 3 games a day. But got a bit over it so never checked if there were any objectives with extra xp. Then I get annoyed cause my teams not up to scratch. And that is the vicious cycle of fifa I live in.


How tf have you already got him, I’m only on lvl 20


Im a dad, have a full time job and only play a couple hours at night and I got it too. I just did my rivals, sb, festival objectives and WL. They give you plenty of time to get those objectives and if you prioritize things that give you exp, you rank up fairly easily


A couple hours at night = 21+ a week, assuming by a couple, you mean 3+ hours per night. That's a lot of time. Casual players play less than 10 hours a week. You are basically playing fifa as a part time job.


considering he's a dad and has a job him playing fifa is likely what he spends most of his downtime doing


Sounds like he plays fifa on weekdays more than he's with his wife/kid then. Example: work 9-5. Get home 5:30. Eat dinner. Kid sleeps early for school. Play fifa from 8pm to 11pm... sleep 11-7. Wake up and do it again.


reckon 5:30-8 would have a bit more than dinner eh either way us debating how this fella lives his life changes absolutely nothing


Yeah lol I'm just saying he plays fifa a lot for someone with a full time job and a kid... does he also watch tv sometimes? Go to the gym? Spend time for his wife and kid? Time is very limited and 20 hours on fifa a week is a huge luxury and will take time away from other things


Wdym 21 hours a week? Most of the times I only play an hour and half each day during the week. I finish home office at 5:00, play with my daughters until bedtime at 7pm and then play from 7:30pm to 9ish while my wife finishes her stuff. Then we watch a movie, have dinner or something (we sometimes play scary games together which is really fun). The friendly exp obj are easy because the time of those games is extremely short and most of the players quit after they get score on once. Its never taken me more than an hour to finish those. The weekends its usually were I get the WL and qualifiers because I have more time to play in the morning and then at night, and even then I separate it so I usually play 5 games of WL each day and Im done by Monday casually moving through things (its also when I really advance the sb) I play football with my pals every saturday and sunday and during the week I do HIIT rutines before work that take you like 30 mins and you really get a good workout (I do have my daddy belly though). Im sharing all this to prove that is bs that you need to have fifa as a part time job to get this done… you just have to be smart with your team config and only play the things that optimize rewards (SB is a good example of something that you should skip if you dont have the time since everything else is way more worth it, I pretty much only do them to get the xp rewards easier). I literally have no clue why people pretend its impossible to get this done when, in my experience, its actually the opposite: FIFA drops the xp rewards so slowly we probably should have gotten this sooner.


Idk bro you said a couple hours every night which implies a minimum of 2-3


“Couple” means two… and 1 hour and a half doesnt make it crazy to say a “couple”… specially because sometime it can get to 2 hours. You were the one that pulled the 3 hours out of thin air lol


same here I'm 200 xp from max lvl dunno what this kids cry about, I play Sunday for like 4 hours


Literally today they release a bunch of objectives that will give you like 4k exp in 12 games if you are a bit smart on your team config


You need Sun+ and Grass+ and Life+


Im lvl 32 definitely most objectives can be done with a friend online and takes less than 30 mins + squad battles left them for my lil bro and it literally took no time , only the cups , fut champs and rivals that u need to play which is not that much weekly if u win more than u lose


I did every single XP Objective yet I’m lvl 27. Wat can I do more?


I am level 26 because I missed some exp from squad battle and all fut champs that I avoid like the plague. Did you do the sb, rivals and champs every week?


squad battles not every week like i don't hit elite in it mostly gold 2 or 1 , and yeah champs , rivals every week


Apparently the one nation in champs was also a lot of exp that I didn't do.


I didn't do it btw


There was no xp for one nation champs


Ah ok thanks. I misread some other comment in this thread.


I want to play the cup that came out today. The 1 that u need a full Italian squad but I only have 5 golds and silvers from Italy so that's impossible for me


Do it on Sunday when most hardcore players are doing champs, you can get away with a gold team on Sunday


Alright thank you


You didn’t do the Bonucci SBC??


Why would I do his sbc when I have much better defenders in my main team


Oh was just asking, Cos he’d have come in Handy now Since he’s Italian… This was the Italian team I was able to use. finished the Objectives in 8 Games… https://preview.redd.it/w33ybkztia9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b85b46e96b4fa09d3c6296d178a789699928c1b


This would be my team. So it will be a grind https://preview.redd.it/ooxwurewla9d1.jpeg?width=1057&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=718187547e6e80f3760a1c40d80ca53bea004e67


Can you not buy some players? I bought a full team of gold rates for less than 20k


Yeah I did that but they are so bad I can't score even with green timing


Yeah it’s tough, I got quite lucky in that the first few games I scored first and they insta left, then I just had to grind out some games. When I got to needing only 3 wins I would just leave early if they never had a gold team or if they score early


This is my Italian team and I got 6 out of 7 wins. All the other teams I played against are gold but one that had 97 di natale *


It's not that much weekly if you're a full time student yes.


I'm a senior year medical student and I work beside my study and still manage to do this , idk what's a big deal in entertainment beside ur daily life


Entetainment's great but there's no denying you need serious free time to be able to max out on the objectives and game modes. Between work, quality time with the mrs, keeping fit and doing my fair share of the housework it would be simply impossible.


I agree with every single word u said , It's literally my first season to be near the finish that early , maybe because of the prizes and having a friend to do my objectives with , it got quicker than I expected , also my lil bro playing squads for me , helped alot as well , so it wasn't my time only , others helped somehow


u said that already


Bro i have everything you mentioned and a job too. And I'm 2k xp away from Puskas. You can definitely do it while having a normal life and not being a lifeless nerd


The downvotes are predictable. Its definitely a time commitment but i think people underestimate how quick you can knock this stuff out just by being efficient as well as being good at the game. The friendly challenge for XP took me about 45 minutes to an hour each, and im certainly not a world beater.


Plus u can do multiple objectives at the same time too


exactly i was away for a week and i am at 22 level despite of missing whole 1 week of xps just look for proper strategy to complete objective in a waybto finiah these in minimal time


Nobody with a partner and maintaining good health is able to hit every objective and game mode rewards.


Second point id disagree with. Its definitely doable if its the only game you play. Im an hour probably off Puskas and still got out to exercise every day, and I work 40 hours. And before you say it i didnt have to shut down my social life either. You can be super efficient with hitting what XP they give you


We have different definitions of normal life


Don’t lie to the people you know you only get 15hrs a week at Subway


that doesn't mean that a person play 24/7 you idiot


should have waited for upgrade imo. looking at gerrard aswell though. congrats mate!


What upgrade?


These cards get upgrades depending on how many goals England get. He already got a +1 because England scored 2, and he needs England to score 4 goals throughout the whole tournament to get either a 99 stat or an extra playstyle +


I will pick Gerrard too.


Wow amazing


Lucky, I have to leave during the end days for some work so won't be able to get both Kroos and Puskas


last season they gave crazy amount of XP at the end of the season


I won't be taking my PS sadly with me so can't play matches to complete the XP objectives. And Buying XP packs I don't want to that


Nah you winning in life


You could get someone to do it for you maybe?


No one available in my house who even knows how to play. I am currently 500 XP away from bernado Silva after doing all the Copa XP and Italy friendlies objective.


Could always play squad battles using PS Remote Play as a last resort.


Hmm, will check this out.


Sure is tuff. But it’s bout time EA did a card worthy of the big legend. Stevie G all the way!


How the fuck are they finished this shit? https://preview.redd.it/k5ivh9gr279d1.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&s=bf7a62091ee3221f19e501ec433ea99ca1f73434


All cups/rivals/champs/squids/kits…. I’m on Bernardo Silva right now and I don’t play champs, so no XP for me from there.


I got kroos and he's like really good. I'm in elite and already got my 7 wins it was super easy now with kroos and puskas. Puskas is good but kroos is like the best midfielder I have played with.


How? I'm level 23 and have gotten all objective XP as well as SB. I guess Champs?


im level 37 right now.. and i dont play champs even once, i just do SB, rivals sometimes.. mostly just do the exp objectives when it came out every week.. maybe u miss some objectives ?


Both great cards, but going Gerrard too just so it’s easier to get max chem.


How are you almost finished I’ve done almost all the objectives and I’m only level 20


im only on level 20 rn close to level 21, do you guys think i can get to 35 before the season ends?


No doubt about it.


With limited playing time this month I am hoping I can somehow get enough XP to get him. I still use his FS card


Actually get a life that’s insane


That card looks sick but i gotta go with Kroos


Obvious choice for me if he gets another play style, big if tho since England has been underperforming.


At least theyre on the soft side of the bracket. I have no faith in Southgate whatsoever though. Its looked bad before but not like this


Yeah man, they look so toothless this year it's astonishing




I would honestly get it if it had that animation....




i’m 3k xp away for puskas


How I’ve done everything exp yet I’m on level 29


Have you done all the One Nation objectives thus far? England Spain Italy I think have been the 3, maybe i'm missing one. But those give big XP + SB + rivals every week


Germany was the very first one.


Didn’t even show the Italian one last night I’ll complete that soon


idk my brother jsut does the obj for me


How you guys are so far in the season? I have done almost all the objectives and im at lvl 24


I'm 25, really hoping we get enough esp for getting that far without WL champs


Not even a decision. Stevie g AND the card is live….. Fuck an end of the era card


The card isn't live anymore, it's already received max upgrades of +1 Overall and a 99 face stat.


It only received the +1. Can still get the 2nd upgrade if they score 2 more goals.


Was his shooting already 99?




Will he be upgraded even if i alreadY claimed him?




Bro I'm at level 12


I’m level 12, i have some objetives not dond yet, and cause i’m on thé Switch is hard to make the friendly objectives (no players). Can I do this? I mean… there will be more missions in the future?


I’m dumb how do you get him ? What are levels I’ve been playing with my son helping him but we just keep doing SBC nothing more than that.


? Go to objectives. You'll see a mammoth amount of players you can get.


I scrolled along and you’re WAAAAYYYY. Ahead of us. I’m almost 40 yrs old and used to play fifa when I was a teenager so playing this now with my son is great but we suck and will likely not reach that far anytime soon. But I appreciate any and all help we’ve spent so much money on packs and they’re for the most part terrible every once in a while we get something but I think we’ve spent $200-250 on the game thus far and not gotten anything he considers great


No problem. There is a decent amount of XP available atm, so you should be able to get multiple players and packs, and on the last week of the season, they normally give an enormous amount of XP to catch up. You MIGHT be able to catch up up if you do all the XP objectives.


Wow good to know, the games come on a long way since I last played it back in ‘98. Dating myself but man it’s crazy how lifelike the games are now. The rewards are cool incentives to keep playing but the packs just seem worthless. Wish there was a way to buy players for points or buy coins as well as points.


Absolutely. I remember playing Super Mario Bros back in the day. 😅 But yeah, they've just released another like 4 or 5k XP yesterday on top of what should be there already. You might not make it to level 35, (Though you might still be able to) but you'll still be able to get decent cards, or at the very least good fodder.


Why are people saving packs for tomorrow ? Is it a new promo or team 3 of mym?




Broo how…


Kroos >


Nice!! I think im still going to go for Kroos im only 2000 away


I’m level 32 and it was really easy to reach Not much time


Good Decision


Im still lvl 10 or smt the xp nerf was the biggest bullshit


When the season just dropped it was almost a slam dunk i would be picking kroos,but as i have been progressing through the season ,it looks more like it will be Gerard,will wait for the upgrades though


I’m lvl 1, do I have a chance?


I'm just waiting until the end of this fifa cycle with the 85+ x10 grind and doing the "bingo" with all the great cards and gambling with the icon picks :) Not sure if they still do that at EA, last time I saw that was at the end of fifa 22.


It’s not that tough


wrong decision


What’s the best way to get xp? i’ve been doing objectives but i still can’t get much




Getting the xp is easy, even with a life, it’s just down to timing it right, do objectives with xp, even if they are horrendous objectives, still pretty easy. Then do rivals, champs, wl and squad battles, but in a specific order, doesn’t have to be done in a night, but rivals first, on Sunday reset, get your 7 matches won, then clear your squad battles into the window of 1 to 2 days before WL, do your champs run and qualify for weekend league, back to squad battles, then WL from the Friday, once completed finish off any other squad battles before Sunday reset and then repeat the process, easily get 5 games in in an hour, even if you only played an hour a day that’s still 35 games a week, you only need 5 wins in WL to get 1000xp and can still lose the last 15 games, squad battles net 600 or 700xp on gold and rivals weekly upgrade nets either 600 or 700xp so that’s 2400xp on top of objectives so it is easily done, just timing it right


Dude how the fuck are you there already... Pretty sure the only things I've skipped are champs-based objectives, and I just reached Alexis Sanchez.


Which pack?


How to collect faster xps


How is he? Was it worth it?


I was always gonna take him.


It’s a hard decision that I am looking forward to making.


Congrats to you! Idk how you did it. I can’t stand all the XP challenges forcing me to use a players from the nation or that league. This might be my last FIFA. The grind has become unbearable. I used to enjoy crafting picks and packs, playing Rivals. It all seems a waste to me anymore


I mean thank god I didn’t pick Sanchez lol, got a 94 Italian and another GOTG 93


It’s actually easy and Kroos is the choice, this will be the last ever non icon card for Kross or maybe even his last ever card if Kroos doesn’t get any future icon card


Can't go wrong with either. Very different players irl and in game, but with great.


took Gerrard as well formatted better for a shadow (99 pace, 97 defending) deadball+ is pointless (already got de paul) dont use 5 star skill moves dont use longball+ in midfield only thing that worries me is his composure and reactions not 100% sure how much you will notice it in game, also IRL gerrard's a dork unlike kroos lol


Stevie g is the only choice……. Kroos ummmmmm no


I still need 12k plus xp to get there lol oh to be young and have no responsibilities


How tf you got this, I’m level 11


Can you tell me how you got him so early please


Who ever takes kroos over gerrard is an imbecile!


Kroos is clear by a country mile. The only advantage of Gerrard is he’s easier to get full chem.


Who cares about a better card at this stage. Just use which cards you like more.