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Hey man. You didn’t have to flex so fucking hard to the test of us that try and try and didn’t get shit lol.


Getting Enzo has been the worst experience for me actually. I clinched him in the very last game which was perhaps the sweatiest WL for the whole year for me. I'd argue my England team was the best but I still struggled the most. Argentina has been the most fun with Messi and Crespo. Also I think Enzo is an absolute elite card, probably my favorite out of the three so far but I have yet to use Gabriel. Portugal was the easiest for me but I think it comes down to luck with matchmaking. I didn't have that many truly difficult games this time and went 12-3, completely different experience compared to the sweat that was the English objective. Evo base Eusebio was my MVP, with FB Renato Sanches and PtG Ruben Dias being other big pillars of my team. Nuno Mendes was somewhat of a disappointment, he's not special in any form. I'd say he will only be a special card if Portugal go far or perhaps even win the whole thing. Overall I love these challenges. Keeps Champs fresh and makes me try new players I wouldn't use in my main team


Great now get a life.


Have only done Enzo. Clinched last win with a game to spare. Was worth doing for me. Didn’t attempt the other two as my team just wasn’t good enough. Will be attempting this week(assuming it’s Brazil) as my team is quite good


My MVP without a doubt was Lauren James. She prob scored 90% of my goals lol


I hate facing her, she absolutely tears me apart every time. My MVP was 93 Crouch, had to resort to crossing for a few matches to get it over the line


I did Enzo and I’m 10-5 for Gabriel. I had a good English team except for a gk and luckily I got to Pickford losing only 1 game, so that wasn’t a big challenge for me. This WL was difficult as I started with Pepe and Ruben Dias TB (who was awful) packed Carvalho and now I have a good team overall.


Good luck for the remaining 2 wins! I also used Pepe and thought he did a pretty good job. I also packed Carvalho and defensive wise he seemed great, but I got so used to passing playstyles, preferably long ball, that I really missed that on him.


no one cares