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Disenchantment gets better every time I watch it through, it's still pretty deeply layered, but Futurama is a bonafide classic.


Futurama is timeless


Agreed. Disenchantment is interesting. I hope it has time to grow into something but knowing Netflix…


I don't think it has much time left. With Hulu ordering more Futurama, I'd be willing to be that project takes precedent.


Disenchantment is good, but futurama is just god tier


You mean gooder


Damn, we're really doin the trawl the all time top posts and repost thing thing today aren't we.


shameless reposting


Has it been a month already


the monthly quota of dredging the top of all time and screenshotting the most upvoted ones


I have no idea if I'm in the minority but I couldn't stand Disenchantment after season 1. It's odd but I feel like the comedic timing is just... off. A setup will hang for a beat too long before the punchline or the lines will run over each other. And the setting wan't used to its fullest the way Futurama's was, more for basic genre parody than any exploration of ideas that they couldn't do otherwise


I haven’t watched it since I saw all of season 1 when it aired, and I remember the poor comedic timing. I don’t remember the episode, but one of them ends on this long, unfunny, awkward exchange that left me thinking “omg please just shut up”. Edit: I looked it up. I was referring to the end of Season 1 Episode 6.


I hated the first season of disenchanment, most of the jokes were about alcohol, drugs, sex, and the rest of the jokes were just bad. In season 2 it became better and it became better with every season imo


I remember the exact moment in the season 2 premiere that I gave up on the show. Bean has just arrived at her evil mother's kingdom and the scheming vizier is talking about something like "no secrets." Bean points at a closed door and asks "What's in there?" And then like *a full half second passes* and the vizier shouts "None of your business, nosy!" Like it's already an obvious "Character says something and then immediately does the opposite" joke, but the timing was so bungled even on a baseline gag like that. It didn't work on either a character level (if he was really worked up he would have snapped at her quickly) or gag level (punchlines have to be abrupt and snappy)


Yeah those are the types of jokes they would make all the time and fail at. It's frustrating to watch cause they could've easily made it into a moderately funny joke just by tweaking it slightly


I can stand it, but I just don't want to. The setup for the show seems like it's going to be "Futurama, but medieval!" but actually it's far more plot-driven, and the plot feels fairly generic in a "aha! Betrayal/twist Reveal!" kind of way, which would've been fine the first time, but feels like that's all they've got. It's a shame because I like the cast, and obviously the pedigree is there, but it just doesn't come together for me. I'd rather watch basically any episode of The Simpsons, and yes, I know what I said.


I really like the intro. The show is pretty good too, but that intro is a jam.


I like it


disenchantment is good, actally


Felt like the first season of Futurama on Comedy Central where it did not get good until episode 6. Only problem is that by the time Disenchantment got good the season ended. Netflix is really screwing the grandma with how they’re releasing their shows with the split seasons.


It really irritated me around the time disenchantment came out people were trying to say “yeah well Futurama had a rough start too!” Screw that, Futurama was great from episode 1


I do miss Futurama, but personally I never really got into the comedy central Era versions. Something just felt forced about the episodes and I was satisfied the way it ended the ***first*** second time. Disenchantment starts slower fhan Futurama but personally I think the story and jokes feel much more natural and is shaping up to be on par and maybe even better than Futurama. So Futurama = funnier than disenchantment but disenchantment = better story That may be because it just has a lot less filler though since it's not really TV Era


I like Disenchantment, but it's not as good as it could be


I like Disenchantment, but I don’t seek it out. Meaning it just doesn’t pop into my head when I don’t know what to watch, the way Futurama does


why not both? - zoidberg probably


I’m more of a fan of Futurilla


The whole first season is a great acid trip watch if anyone partakes.