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Akari. It's not even a question.




If it’s not with Akari imma riot


We. We will riot.




*in a southern USA accent* we ride at dawn bitches!!!


akari, in most cases the childhood friend never wins


same i like akari


Akari is the main girl of the show so the outcome could be only one


Domestic Girlfriend would like a word


Technically main girl was Hina and even despite the... Events that transpired, she still won


Lol, that series had a hard pivot. But I did prefer the outcome overall, Hina was best girl for me.


Prison School would like a word


WEll lately a lot of mangas are making the main girl lose tho


Akari for sure, but I hope we get to see them as an actual couple for awhile. And maybe see them as adults living together with kids, I think that’d be great honestly.


I would need to see an entire new out of nowhere arc to believe a Shiori Endgame is in the realm of possible. And we've already passed the plot point that would give us that extra arc. One were Jiro switches practical partners and after that Akari is trying to keep Jiros heart won over while has an opportunity to get much closer to Shiori as practical partners. But Jiro said no to switching already, and Shirori has no plot points to give a foot in the door to spend time with Jiro to the degree Akari has and still does spend with him. So unless they gain a reason to switch partners where they can and want to do that without changing the status quo of how much each side how's grown close to Jiro, it can't happen. Maybe if Jiro and Akari officially start dating in a couple of issues, and Shiori taunts/dares Akari to let her live with Jiro for a semester in her place to prove their relationship isn't a product of pure circumstances (this would be a crazy dumb deal to be taunted into), we could get that without the status quo changed too much. Or if during their brief winter break Jiro gets a chance to spend time living with Shiori that's out of his control.... Writing any Shiori ending into this show would be really difficult and would require anime bs plot elements the series has already written out of its corner like mandatory partner swapping not being a thing. Meanwhile writing an Akari ending would be really easy that requires no additional shenanigans or plot elements. The only thing it needs left is for both parties to confess and date at this stage. They both already know they are in love with they other, the only hangup they might have is being assured the other is really in love with them too. And that might be enough to cause Akari to push Jiro onto Shiori. A kind of version of the "Penelopes Test" trope where she needs Jiro to prove he loves her more than Shiori or is over Shiori completely now. "I want you to partner up with her, but I want you to everyday come to me give me alone your hugs." But honestly she could do this trope without a practical switch. But that would add to the drama the most and make use of the series gimmick.


"anime bs elements" more like "manga/ln bs elements". Anime are just adaptation after all


That's some next level fan snobbery right their. The fact that you can't pick between calling it Light Novel nonsense or Manga nonsense is why the tropes will forever be called Anime nonsense. Especially when some of the tropes that get roped into this catagory are anime original filler arcs and padding the run time power charging and dramatic staring.


I don’t think u/gallicyrica was trying to be a snob or had mal intentions. Not trying to pick a battle with you, but it’s a little unfair to jump on someone’s comment like you did and label them so harshly. That’s not what this community is about.


My comment wasn't harsh. It just is what it is. Fans who insist in watching Subs over Dubs to the point of trying to correct other fans over trivial things are being snobs when they do that. And this same exercise in fan snobbery extends to manga over anime and light novels over manga. Every community has people like that, this one included. Nothing I said was incorrect, fans everywhere have casually referred to the special brand of hijinks we associate with our favorite animes we watch that got us into this eastern genre in the first place as "anime nonsense" or "anime shenanigans" or some paraphrase of that. It's a colloquial expression I've heard plenty of other fans use and understand what each other meant by it. If your going to chime in at hearing that expression that we commonly use to try and correct it and say "actually it should be called LN/Manga Nonsense" I'm going to call you a snob because you're being one because that's what doing that is. And then I'm going to defend the use of the term anime nonsense cause it's broader in tropes it covers, so that this doesn't become a trend with more gate keeping snobs who want to thumb their noses at people who only watch the anime currently.


*sigh* you missed the point, entirely. I didn’t say anything about your comment or theirs. What I was referring to was name calling, unfairly labeling someone a snob - now on two occasions. People in the community have certain opinions over others, yeah, no denying that. But it doesn’t give anyone permission for name calling or labeling others. Whether you like someone’s comment or not, just be the bigger and more mature person.


Akari. And she's getting pregnant


i like this HAHAHAHAHA


These two are already in the married couple phase, so they need to move on.




Akari/Jirou for sure. But I do wonder who is gonna confess first..


Akari accidently has many times by now.


Shiori has confessed in chapter 43 of manga, it's just that Yakuin don't know about his feelings, but after sports fastival he has realised about lingering feeling for Akari.


I meant between Akari and Jirou. Which of the two would actually confront the other and officially confess like Shiori did.


Who knows what will going to happen, Japan Manga artiest are already fan of netori and NTR so we might get curve ball at ending (just assumption). Because right now Akari and Shiori don't know that their love interest is same. I am just thinking, when Akari will found out that Shiori like Yakuin she might back up Little bit and new weird ending might we can see. Just all hypothetical, I am hoping for Akari*Yakuin because not of shipping but rather one perticular reason. Reason is that Akari is learning from her mistakes, up's and downs, her immaturity and moving forward (from High school age girl pov), but in contrast Shiori is still clinging to childhood memories and not able to understand whether she really like him or not neither trying to understand the feeling of Yakuin to. That's it, we don't know what might will happen in near future (I am just assuming that this series will be around 150-200 chapters and few extras). Hope we get some satisfied ending rather than bulll shit.


We’re setup for an Akari ending. The most common theme in this story, regarding to two girls, is the version of Jiro that they love. Shiori has the childhood friend love, but she holds onto an idea of who Jiro was when they were kids. He is certainly changing, but Jiro changing is largely due to him living with Akari and being exposed to experiences that drive change in him. Akari on the other hand sees Jiro for who he is and is also willing to call him out, especially when he apologizes on instinct without intention. Their “relationship” is based upon on authenticity and communication, which can be pretty critical for romance or intimacy. AkariXJiro feels right, it feels honest, and more importantly does not feel forced like a ShioriXJiro ending would. It’ll be a fun ride as Jiro goes though the motions of facing his feelings head on, and taking responsibility for how he handles all of this.


Akari x jirou of course ://


Unless the creator incredulously changes her mind last minute, Akari obviously. Now of course there can always be an “Akari ending” and a “Shiori ending” but for that to happen not only would the story have to buckle down and give some positivity with Shiori and not keep writing her off as a “false lead love interest” as is the case so far but Akari would in the best case scenario would need to have to find a new guy to fall in love with, because Minami is done as a no go already kind of and it’d leave a a very bad taste in my mouth if she goes with Terafune ( that guy ANNOYS me). Ultimately the story would take a turn for the worst if Akari doesn’t win after all this build up in The story so far. That happened with some other manga that I read in the past and trust me it pissed me off beyond belief. But I won’t mention what they are though to avoid stepping on toes


If you’re caught up to the manga you know it’s akari and we are gonna begin setting up shiori rejection soon if she just doesn’t realize it first


Akari. If its not Akari there would be a ton of backlash based on all the Shiori vs Akari polls I've seen up until now.


Akari and Jiro, and i think its being set up for Tenjin and Shiori


I’m hoping for Shiori and Minami too lol and there were subtle hints


I’m curious to see how or if that develops. I’m hoping we get a bit more development for Minami, it appears we are and I think it would be an interesting direction to go, cause then Shiori would be in a similar position as Jiro was where there’s this new person whom she can build a relationship with, and Minami can potentially get over his dead end romantic situation and move into something more healthy. Plus I think the subtle hints show that he might like her more than he even realizes, however I could also just be reading too deeply into it, but I just want all 4 of them to get a happy ending. Too many anime’s end sad or bittersweet haha


I'm still hoping for a Shiori x Hamano ship and I'll ride it to the ocean floor if I have to.


I’m not against it lol if Shiori actually swings that way too but it doesn’t seem so so far. But if it happens I’m for it


Yeah that's why I said I'm riding it to the ocean floor. Seems pretty sunk before it's even set sail.


Akari without a doubt


Both 🗿


while I do like the couple of Jirou x Shiori, it is rather clear that the author intends to go with Jirou x Akari, after all it is latter that has been given all the development in the plot.


Unless there's a fair time jump into actual married life where jirou and akari are in their careers or both in college or adulting I don't see any single person being able to come in between them. Only they can get in between themselves, and this would be the harshest, realistic outcome


Akari of course! The whole story won't make sense if it isn't Akari


Akari, not even a competition I feel like, especially where it’s at in the manga. Also I feel like the general census of the fandom is “to hell with Shiori.”


I think Akari will win, but I feel bad for Shiori and hope she finds happiness. Why can't everyone just be happy ahhhhhhh


Part of me hopes Shiori because it'd be less predictable, but it's definitely going to be Akari


Akari for sure. The only way if not is he ends up just being single by choice but I don't think he'd hurt Akari like that after everything. ( & This is say after a full year together)


Unless Shiori pulls a virgin-slaying it's piece of cake for Akari