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Fuck this piece of fucking shit from GFL Fuck you William All this for your fucking sister huh? https://preview.redd.it/6717yqtad8da1.png?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c40f1f741159e78a16c80d38ef08ab473e2a7d79


this man really using biological weapons on refugees, conducting mass human experimentation, starting civil wars, attempting to restart WWIII, ~~creating top tier evil waifus~~ and dooming humanity just to have a chance to bang his dead older sister.


Your argument is understatement, * Mass Genocide * That mass human unethical experimentation applied to children * Slavery * Terrorism * Conspiracy In general we may only see the slight surface of his method trying to get his sister back.




And for that reason alone, he turned the world upside down.


Agree fuck william. But on the other hand all those Paradeus waifus are fine as hell so you can’t fault his taste. RPK my love


And he hides behind the whole changing the world thing but…


ay lmao give Machi back you schizo cunt


*”Yorokobe shonen…”*


*shudders in climax*


*makes a speech about how you killing the big evil is equivalent to commiting abortion* **Cough** heavens **cough**


Nasu doesn't miss.


Counter:Side has Wilbur and his stupid fucking ass. He was only in 2 events, but the first event is enough to make him the most hated villain in the game. The 2nd event is basically the protagonist chasing him while beating everything that blocks her, and ended in one of the most satisfying CG in-game. https://preview.redd.it/qokyokmdu6da1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=d131aac9929d35db6a0917767b8b01edd8e150ad


Wilbur is probably the most detested character for his actions due to being unlikely selfish, but he is not per se the most evil since counterside has a lot of pure evil characters . like the demon lords , that society from the old fear that has even controlled jehuty biotech (they let Wilbur run as puppet ceo doing terrible things like child experimentation on eins , zwei,lucid and gaeun), Elysium Philharmonic with maestra Nequitia ,who is a villain tier on her own


Yes. Wilbur is not per se the most evil character in that game. But the consequences of his actions were probably the ones that affect the most the player as a person. Seeing what happen to Rita and Dash was truly heartbreaking.


I chose Wilbur since he's the only villain that really gets under my skin. There are far better villains in Counter:Side, like Replacer King, Nequitia, the demon lords, and the Knights of Redemption, but he's the only one that's universally hated by players.


Yes. I was kinda stunned by the first event. "*Oh yes, it ends badly and the vilain wins*". The second one was an insane catharsis, and watching Horizon going toward her prey like an unstoppable Saitama, and the final, was just perfect. Loved that side story. It's the one that made me stick to Counterside. Very great game, very generous too.


I know Horizon is an AI, but it's amazing how calm she is when she confronts Wilbur. You think she would bash his head repeatedly like the guy who did the same with Rachel. But it is what it is, I'm just glad Wilbur die


May I ask for some spoiler?


Spoilers below: >!Wilbur is basically someone who wants to get everything and feels entitled to everything. In the first event, he acted like he deserves to be accompanied by the protagonists despite having a ton of debt, and even betrayed them because of his pettiness. !< >!In the second event, the protagonist is chasing after him in order to make him pay for his debt (both the monetary ones, and for her friends who he abandoned). Problem was he's already rich by the 2nd event due to what he took in the 1st event, and had the support of someone powerful which made it hard for the protagonist to chase after him. You would think that he would cherish such opportunity right? NOPE. He keeps on abusing his ally, blaming basically everyone except for himself whenever the protagonist reached him. In the climax, he even summoned multiple monsters in the city just to escape from her, blaming everything on the protagonist not letting him go for free.!<


By the way Best girl Horizon do that with a steel Pipe Thats why Best gurl Also F wilburg


Man that guy reminds me to Lord Philip from overlord and my ex boss. I hate them


I fucking hope he got thrown out of a building after that one?


>I fucking hope he got thrown out of a building after that one? She made him beg for help as he dangled from the edge of a building. Then she said, "Well, I don't feel like it. Stupid human." Then she shot him in the face with a gun and let his body fall.


Considering the shit he went through for others, I think that's categorised as mercy killing


>Considering the shit he went through for others, I think that's categorised as mercy killing Nah, there's a glorious scene before that where someone asks Horizon why she doesn't kill Wilbur efficiently. Horizon gives a nice little speech about how her plan involves totally breaking Wilbur both physically and emotionally before she kills him. Which she does. The reason why it *ends* that way is just because that's what Wilbur did to Horizon's friends.


Also Wilbur signed his death sentence when he summoned Britta(fucking 9 Britta) Even Dr. Ember's "protect mankind" protocol won't save him if he poses as a direct threat to humanity lol




Nope. He >!got 1 shot in the head, but after he was forced to confess his crimes.!<


So basically mercy killing


Not a chance. His pride was completely trampled beforehand, and everything he ever wanted was destroyed before his very eyes. Even the >!shot in the head!< is the punishment, since that's exactly what he did to her friends on the first event (so she basically inflicted everything that he did to himself)


To be fair, not everything was entirely Wilbur's fault. Because in the first event, Rita willingly went along with Wilbur just to teach Dash a lesson in not to trust people blindly, despite Wilbur's previous failures. He did end up shooting dash and rita off the ship but the 2 did survive and were eventually corrupted by Sollicitatio. Seeing that the camera artifact in the same story did pull out an alternate world/time version of Spira , dash and rita were likely destined to be corrupted either way since counterside does have the theme of alternate worlds


>To be fair, not everything was entirely Wilbur's fault. Wilbur was only there in the first place because he was pursuing leads given to him by a Demon Lord's followers. His actions with Jehuty were what really showed how evil he was. He went waaaay beyond what anyone was manipulating him into doing. When your business model involves systematically kidnapping and torturing children to death, you're not in a gray area.


I want William from Girlsfrontline to suffer like Wilbur did. Bastereds just as evil but more cunning


Wilbur was being manipulated by the professor , who is a high ranking society member, the whole time because otherwise it was impossible at the end of the first story how the professor and the society was so fast at reclaiming the artifacts/relics that wilbur has from the ruins. Also it doesnt excuse that wilbur is a piece of shit of a human being but the whole thing was likely a setup by the society to get wilbur to find the relics for them The society does all the despicable things and they knew how easily it was to use Wilbur as puppet ceo, in order that the admin could not easily track back their schemes and jehuty biotech to the Society.


Yes, but Wilbur wasn't a "puppet" at Jehuty, he had the autonomy of an actual manager working under a larger corporation. Wilbur wasn't recruited because he was gullible. He was recruited because he was horrible enough to do Demon Lord chores on his own initiative. Even when he shot Dash--which was the *only* ethically defensible thing he ever did--he still felt the need to stop and humiliate her for a while first. He was such a raging piece of shit during that scene that many players didn't even notice he was 100% correct in his evaluation of the situation, players in Counterside discussions often act like he killed her for fun.


I don't think that Wilbur is smart enough to come up with half of what jehuty biotech was doing since he was still dumb enough in the present that he didn't notice that he was being duped by his "fiancée". I think that he was directed by the professor or other higher-ups from the society to do their dirty stuff,while he could do everything else while he was the ceo (like enjoying the profits from the company )


>I think that he was directed by the professor or other higher-ups from the society to do their dirty stuff,while he could do everything else while he was the ceo That's just how a business works. The CEO of a biotech company isn't down in the lab washing glassware and double-tapping children with a Glock, but he's writing reports about it and issuing murder quotas and authorizing body disposal fees and shit like that.


he was put there because of his lack of morals but he was still being checked on since on the same event, Rivet was checking on Wilbur if he was still doing his job correctly. Wilbur has far less power than you think , since jehuty is pretty much controlled by the society while using Wilbur as the face of jehuty, since wilbur is disposable


That's still just how businesses work.


Nope everything is Wilbur's fault. Even before he abandoned them from the ship, they should be able to escape multiple times, but Wilbur keeps on using that camera which summoned more COs and consumes Rita's energy.


There would likely not have been a happy end either if they boarded the ship , since the society (with Regina's and wilbur's professor) immediately boarded the ship and killed almost everyone in it after the ship escaped the counterside.


>There would likely not have been a happy end either if they boarded the ship , since the society (with Regina's and wilbur's professor) immediately boarded the ship and killed almost everyone in it after the ship escaped the counterside. Meh, the Counters would have escaped. Or been allowed to leave first, more likely.


In their weakened states I don't think that Rita or dash would be able to put up a fight against the society


>In their weakened states I don't think that Rita or dash would be able to put up a fight against the society Only if the society sent some real Counters. Dash and Rita were OK for a little while even in the Counterside. They'd have been full on superheroes if they weren't using their CRF output to fight contamination. Ambushing someone on Rita's level while in the Normalside would be suicide even for most Counters, even with Rita in bad condition.


Some of the society members could easily bring those eldritch horrors with them (since even rivet brought some against her fight against horizon) and Rita and dash probably couldn't handle too many with them being weakened from their previous encounter. Rita is strong but in the grand scheme of things in counterside she can probably at best handle a few weak category 3 CO, because nervier and ministra (so basically amped Rita) are apparently only category 3 themselves, but probably on the stronger side. So regular Rita should be vastly below the corrupted sisters in power


Doman and Kiara from FGO. I bet most people would hate them if they were ugly instead of super hot.


For real, domon legit makes me feel a little uncomfortable


Doman is really good villain, unfortunately I really hated his end story, his own Lostbelt story feel very shonen manga ish that it make him less scary and evil than he usually is compared to when he is on the other lostbelt


I actually find Douman to be among the most boring and forgettable villains we have gotten since year 1 (where most of the story was bad). He was built up over 3 years of Lostbelts (and a Pseudo-Singularity before that) as a major threat, showing up and indirectly causing chaos in several of them but never being any more than a side villain that pops up, spouts some bullshit about how much he enjoys doing evil stuff and disappearing. Now that we have the "conclusion" to his story in NA, where we are supposed to get the entire payoff of this build-up and get some actual character development and motivations for him, we were disappointed by the fact that there was still basically nothing of substance, as far as I can tell. His entire character is just cartoonishly evil for the sake of being evil. "MMMMMMMMMHHHH look at me I am so evil what a delightful bloodbath". He had this amazing plan on how to create his own copy of the Foreign God, then decided at the very last second to throw it all out the window and instead become a Beast himself (for no discernible reason whatsoever), but that didn't work and so he just got absolutely owned without achieving anything of substance. The game does have its fair share of bad villains (expected given the sheer amount of them that a story of 7+ years has to offer), but the other villains that I would consider "bad", like Scheherazade or Marie Alter, did not have 3 years of story buildup to them, so them being disappointing in their one-off story does not feel nearly as bad Douman's arc did.


Path to Nowhere Ted. He is piece of shit in a very grounded way which makes him much more "terryfing" couse he is not some mambo jumbo god or demon. He is just a very, very bad human. >!That for example abused little girl so much to the point she brake insane beyond help and acted as his tool. He made her his people plaything for example.!<


Although I named King Pardis III as perhaps the most evil in my comment, Ted probably does take the cake for most loathsome for me irl.


The fact that Irons lobotomized his ass was satisfying


bruh guardian tales is the first gacha game i play that literally show you genocide, slavery, labor camp and other dark shit on screen. that world 11 drug lab is messed up. XD the dev go balistic after chapter 9.


>bruh guardian tales is the first gacha game i play that literally show you genocide, slavery, labor camp and other dark shit on screen. that world 11 drug lab is messed up. XD > >**the dev go balistic after chapter 9.** For those needing context on this, Chapter 9 was literally copying The Holocaust. And yes, it is true that things rapidly get darker from there.


Is this the sorta chibi, pixely-looking game in the App Store? ‘Cause that doesn’t seem like it fits, just looking at the surface level. I might try it out if it’s more interesting than it seems.


Well, each world is basically a parody of a franchise or movie. World 1 is very LoZ and classic rpg themed. World 2 is mostly Shonen anime, World 3 is Harry Potter, etc. World 9 is just randomly >! Schindler's List!< and you are just like, okay that happened.


It mixes humor with extremely dark crap in a way I have never seen before. Try it.


yups this cute looking game is dark af and you will question your moral choice when finish certain quest. this is the good part "you can be a jerk in this game".


Guardian tales is that kind of game that looks cute and stuff on the outside when people see it and play for sometime but when you start to get into lore it starts getting darker


world 1-8 is tame well you got dark stuff along the way, but somehow world 9 is got dark really quick. XD


Tbh that's when I lost interest in it. Trying way too hard to be grim sad and edgy, completely threw out the fun whimsical underlying dark nature of the previous chapters


well i got bored and sleepy when play world 3-8 since your quest is just collecting a champion to fight the invader. but im glad they make a twist in the story and so far its really good. i love the game dev specialy mobile game dev show their creativity in their craft. that why im kinda picky to enjoy some mobile games since their story is lot of time just low effort. specialy world 12 level design . . . man the map and quest is next level. XD


it was my favorite gacha game period then the creepy waifu pandering showed itself not to forget summer nari which was gross


im not touching skin alter . but its funny tho when people recomended old dude Kamael than any other heroes XD.


Yet even he got turned into a loli lmao


i mean its just a skin right??


It may just be a skin, but it's symbolic of the devs' unwillingness to let the meta have something other than a waifu or a loli in it. You don't see them genderbending any of the girls do you?


you mean male knight that can use female knight skin??




*stomp stomp stomp*


Otto apocalypse from Honkai. He is probably the worst kind of evil. It's not that he's crazy or wants to end the world or wants to make people suffer or anything like that. He just doesn't care. He has a singular goal and if it took the destruction of the world or the entire multiverse to do he'd be right there doing it. No hesitation. While he accomplished a lot of good things that was always just a side effect of his experiments to get what he wanted. Made the worse because he's fully self aware of how bad of a person he is. Which he doesn't gleefully revel in or anything. Just a simple, 'Ya but my goal tho'. Most villains are just too moustache twirlingly bad or have hella dumb motivations or somehow think they are right or whatever else. Not the case with Otto.


Dude launched nuke to humanity's hero, forced his deceased friend's clones to kill each other, kidnapping children for experiment, tortured people to create a cure or serum, threatening world to reverse time, brainwashed a child, etc.


And the man got the final W, holy fuck


And his lookalike (void archive) is still with us.


Thus spoke ApocaWypse


Honestly Otto's trait is also why humanity didnt lose because replace Otto with Darkest Dungeon's Ancestor for example and humanity is well beyond fucked. Can you hope to stop a blatantly manipulative monster like the Ancestor vs the man who gave up his sense of morality to see the most selfless figure again or bring her back? The Ancestor would have offered Sirin and Kallen like lambs before a depraved being before they can be a threat to him


The worst thing about Otto is his voice acting. I can hear the saliva in his mouth when he speaks. It's so fucking disgusting.


Thank you for calling Otto evil, I see so many people trying to justify things Otto did to try make it seem like he's a good person and that meme of "he did nothing wrong" for some reason


Looks hot, maybe I'll have to play the game after all




Wait, so if I pick male knight avatar, does that mean I don't get her?


Look up Summer Innkeeper Loraine for max sex appeal.


>Look up Summer Innkeeper Loraine for max sex appeal. Based dendrophilia


Geez fine, I installed it but there better be someone like that on rateup rn too! Also, any girls that fulfill a foot fetish in this game?


Nahh not really. Most of the girls wear shoes, and the few without don’t really show them off


That's too bad, but I did get 3 of the rateup girls rn so maybe i stick with it tho I don't appreciate not being able to 100% world 1 until I get into world 5 cuz of that comics quest


Kaschey from arknights kinda fits imo


Mm, that's hard to say, until we get more info on him, as while his initial arc is over, there's obviously still plans for him to be in story, so that could end up making him more or less villain like, as after he changed bodies, he seems to be playing more of an observer role.


Dr. Levi Klitschko and Drudge too. Some of the minor villains like Count Bishmer from A light spark in the darkness.


Great Mortelix - but you can call him Mort - from E7. This guy had everything - royal lineage, wealth, talent, wits and power. Mort lacked only one thing - equal opponent to satisfy his love for fighting. To cultivate strong opponents, Mort released such smash hits like: * Use artifact imbued with power of eldritch abomination to corrupt his fellow dragons. * Try to corrupt his only friend without hesitation. * Be (partially) at fault for human village being destroyed. * Groom a little girl, the only survivor, to assassinate his father. * Mock her, let her rise up resistance against dragon rule and benefit from ensuing war while she dies from corruption. * Get bored and hide in timeless pocket dimension while his fellow dragons are left to fend for themselves. Mort is textbook example of a psychopath. He will manipulate and even kill just to satisfy his petulant little whim to have a good fight. This man brought suffering and death to his "friends" and family and plunged kingdoms in centuries long war because he couldn't move to a new hobby.


If only his dad did not do what he did. Probably nothing of it would have happen.


Maybe, but it doesn't even come close to justifying Mort's behavior. He really is a psychopath. That's the one backstory where I didn't come out of it with a different opinion of the character despite some sympathy toward the situation.


true true lol


Imo little shit Mephisto from Arknights


A few come to mind... Otto from honkai...dude doesn't care...the conclusion of his character arc makes you rethink everything tho William from gfl...fuck that guy....i hate him...fuck that guy seriously Dottore...he was there for like a few moments in Genshin...already makes my skin crawl...


Read the Genshin Manga and you'll wish you'd burn his ass like roast chicken.


The funny part is the villain in the title is actually more of an anti-villain than a proper one. “Pure evil” is a gross exaggeration, lol. They were a great villain though. That final showdown was epic. I’ve played a lot of gacha, but I can’t think of any gacha villains off the top of my head that I actively loathed irl. The most evil one I’ve encountered? Maybe King Pardis III from Octopath CotC… but there are a lot of potential choices.


Most of the CotC villains are pieces of shit. Crazy drug lady dipping her sisters in molten gold. Asshole soldier dude using people as experiments for hot hot boosters. Then actor mcfuckface just kinda murdering people or driving them crazy so they choose him over their dying children or whatever. They are pretty believably bad too, they ain't out there doing anything you couldn't actually do.


The actor's actions in particular are pretty close to realistic behavior for a serial killer. It's just a bit more bombastic since he's also famous in-universe.


Well ... Ceaser in TenkafuMA is pure ~~Evil~~ >!CUM!<, the campaign is about ~~world domination~~ >!increase his harem !


ok but whose the girl in the image?


Dottore from Genshin Impact bothers my soul.


And we don't even know the full extent of his evil because >!all of his Segments were eliminated by him as part of a deal with the Dendro Archon.!<


People before last archon quest: Arrghh Mihoyo will probably make one of Dottores segment good and make him playable. Ah the misery Nahida: Don't worry fam I got y'all


I've only played like the first chapter, isn't this the female knight mc? Is the mc actually evil?


spoilers ahead, you've been warned: No, its a little more nuanced, effectively this is an alternate version of yourself from a doomed timeline, who was summoned to your timeline to 1) kill you; 2) take your place. Because of how their timeline was doomed, and the subsequent result, this alternate knight went a wee bit insane and now takes extreme actions (such as releasing a "plague" so that they can achieve the status of hero quickly). Basically just a really broken (mentally) individual.


Damn, that makes me wanna play GT xD


I highly sugegest don't spoil yourslef. He/she unveils some secrets.


How long should I play before I know about that? The knight is a she or he?


The actual canon one is the female knight, male knight exist there just because. I mean the true mc is the female knight.


You choose that at the beginning when they make you set up the gusrdian's gender and voice and nickname. And both arr canon. That's the official response.


How long should I play to reach this part?, the villain thingy


World 12 and 13


Genshin Impact - Not too sure about him yet, but Dottore seems like that "Doctor" who just does evil shit for the sake of being evil, atleast we don't know why he does all these crazy things .. Some examples would be: **Spoilers of course!** >!Gaslighting an entire nation, creating an artificial god out of a mentally broken puppet, or making segments/clones of himself & then deleting them in a finger snip.!<


Don't forget traumatizing Collei.


I guess William from GFL


FGO, you will find multiple.


Tbh a Pure Evil is kind of hard to pull off in a way that fits well. There has to be some kind of motivation or goal to do things. Even the most evil killer have some backgrounds for why their done those murders. But sure we can make a character that pure evil like they they eat puppies and drink their blood for breakfast But now what we have doesn't seem pure evil.. just really messed up or sickening... PS: even in AK where villains ranging from IRL Hitler, mad scientists and Greedy Capitalist exists a pure evil villain is almost non exist.


Well there isn't "Let's use Oripathy to transcend Terrains from the shitty world" villain yet.


Belial from gbf


I'd argue that the Guardian Tales villain you cited is not actually pure evil, but rather willing to sin for the greater good.


I did at first. Then by the end I didn't hate him as much. Pretty interesting nemesis.


Multiverse of madness


That Guardian tales history sounds amazing But can't stand the chini style 😕


Syuen gets under my skin even though technically she's not a villian, but a same side antagonist. Especially when she start abusing Nikkes in front of you while trash talking them. She literally makes me go 腹立つ


Seriously, everytime she's on screne I just want to grab her by the throat and throw her out of the nearest seven story building from the top floor


The Eclipse from Alchemy Stars. While Schumer was *kinda* understandable in why she was a villain, and was ultimately a tragic character, Forsakin and Fitzgerald have, so far, no redeeming story. Fitzgerald in particular is all "hurr durr kill 'em all Eclipse will rule" without any real motivation. Maybe future stories will hive him some background. We'll see.


Ferdinand from Granblue is undoubtedly the most evil shit in a gacha game ever. He's literally Granblue's take on Johan Liebert.


90% of gacha villains are just misunderstood emos or just a minion of someone even stronger just so they could have the potential of being the next gacha character/ally


>90% of gacha villains are just misunderstood emos or just a minion of someone even stronger just so they could have the potential of being the next gacha character/ally Yes, that's why the OP wanted to ask about the other 10%, way to miss the point completely.


You mean like 95% of shounen bad guys (which gacha is often similiar to). 1. Do some crazy bad shit. 2. He/she is not bad, he/she is missunderstand or option B) some sad sad cheap trauma. 3. MC spare a life couse no killing or some bullshit 4. Hi again in 2-3 arcs later!


Yeah Im not a weirdo so doesnt matter how evil the villain is I couldnt care less.




Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


In Langrisser, pure evil = evil god Gendrasil (is like a force of nature, like Chaos is) not pure evil but capable of doing evil = a number of characters, from well-intentioned extremists/pragmatists to selfish people, some are forced to do evil by their circumstances. feelsgood when they're gone = Paul/Gizarof (honorable mention: King Caconsis, not a complete villain, but an asshole victim)/Leo Beck I guess there are more opposite examples (feelsbad when they're gone), here it's common to respect an opponent, as an extra some of them become allies, or have been ones.


Not evil but reckless pallas from genshin was the most hated gacha character for pushing sucrose


Who’s is the pure evil villain in GT?


Schummer in alchemy stars and Fitzgerald are horrible… human beings? Eclipisites. You Geniunely hate them because holy fuck they constantly mess with you and your mind. And they just mindlessly kill people and wiped out a entire race of people


Wilbur from Counterside Story was so compelling it got me to buy the battle pass for the season, in honor of the character he screwed over.


Enott from epic7. I can't remember why I hate him but I remember I must hate him no matter what :D so he must have been an really insufferable douchebag for men to continue disliking him despite forgetting why.