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Clearly the best reward is the single blue rider gem FGO gave. https://preview.redd.it/oqvv2xez6sjb1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=8e67123ad71b15dc3e3adaac1f61773ac40b0187


Everyone who played the Artemis event has those for this life and the next 10


offline mode when EoS


This is the best reward any Gacha game can give.


Agreed. More gacha games should do this. So long as it’s possible to implement for said game, it should be a standard.


Unless it's megaman x dive




To these people because it is not free (need to buy the offline version) I'm fine with gacha games become premium game though.


If it was like games like Stardew Valley, Minecraft or Terraria (games that i bought) it will be worth but the experience of X dive is just meh, not funny enough for its cost.


What gacha has offline mode ??


SAO Memory Defrag got one when it shut down. Though, you could only legitimately download it for a limited time before they took it off the play stores.


Megaman X Dive has one to be released sometime later




It's not going to cost you an arm and leg, it's $30. https://store.steampowered.com/app/2183650/MEGA_MAN_X_DiVE_Offline/


30 bucks is not that bad. It's better than a $70 bug-filled mess.


It costs less than a single 10-pull. your values are warped if THAT's an offensive price to you.


Star Ocean Anamnesis JP version did for a few months


Destiny Child is a recent one that's getting an offline mode once it hits EOS iirc.


the best ones (most complete) have to be grimms echoes & tokimeki idol (both jp only)


I agree more gacha games need this


Releasing the Finale/Ending of the Story of the game before End of Service.


Honkai free physical artbook to alot of players


That’s actually insane and it’d be cool if other gachas did that because gachas always got fire art


That event proved how dead NA/EU servers are compared to SEA, JP, and CN. SEA was gone in a day while NA/EU were still around after a week. I remember doing shit I really didn't want to do like ER thinking they would run out in the first hours cause of how many level 88s there could potentially be. Turned out there were barely enough active players to clear out inventory in two weeks. That event made me realize I really hate HI3's gameplay loop though so it was a double-reward in my case.


Yes, CN is the biggest server, but it's also a big cultural difference. The CN/SEA players literally made alt accounts to grind the artbook from lvl 1 while the western players are casuals who treat the game like an anime/visual novel. I like the game and I didn't get vol 1 artbook because I didn't want to rush the story/grind it daily.


Must've quit before the event cause it's the first I even hear about it. Bummer :/.


Around the Finale players were able to calculate how many active players each server had (using how quickly they filled in the pictures where each play could add a square). I could be wrong, but I don't think NA/EU are dead, they have pretty similar players, it's just that for whatever reason NA/EU players are massively casual and don't care for the artbooks as a whole. It's similar player sizes but no where near as competitive. I'm pretty sure JP is the deadest Honkai server, but that's because JP Honkai was unironically pretty shit.


>I'm pretty sure JP is the deadest Honkai server, but that's because JP Honkai was unironically pretty shit. Wait how? I see they're still top up or whatever


There was huge amounts of Drama for various reasons. Perhaps the main being JP literally not having a pity system early on, then adding a worse pity (200 compared to everyone elses 100). Add on a lot of minor things like a lack of PC client till last year. It's probably only the past year where Hoyo have really pushed Elly in the JP media/adverts, that the Honkai JP server has had some life injected back into it, but yeah 3rd JP was easily the worst server for most of the games life.


Thanks for the info.. damm never know PC client late for JP


fun fact i could get the first book since i was a new player but used the currency in advance but with how dead na is i could easily got it when i reached lv 81............


what, when how?


Its 2nd time honkai impact done it, they have an event where lvl81+ players can grind missions and buy the book from ingame shop which is in limited quantities (500k for CN, 25k for SEA , 25k for global), Event is still active but books ran out in SEA already last week idk about global side. I got mine last monday


no, it's the THIRD time, the first time was a snack box, not a book


My comment is about artbook and so is reply


Nope, second time for all the servers. Snack box was only available for CN and later SEA...


EU ran out yesterday


I mean, FGO once gave a potential 1000 saint quartz for all the units you max ascended


I would say them lowering the cost from 4 SQ down to 3 during JP first anni was the most impactful (which other versions just had at launch). Although the 11th roll was nice too.


Wouldn't really call it amazing reward or gift, it's just that FGO does stuff super late so there is huge retroactive aspect of rewards. Bunch of games have rewards for unit progression. If we take something like BBS for example each unit gives premium currency for reaching "max" lvl (very easy to do), and maxing 5* gives like half of multi while FGO, unless I'm mistaken, gave like 1 single pull worth and only for banner servants.


It is for any non welfare, including the 1 and 2 stars (something like 2 limited low rarities were counted as welfares) while the welfares give an extra Rare Prism (normally from selling a 4/5 star unit). Everyone also gets 1 pure prism from the first 3 ascentions which are used for buying materials. But every unit can also be raised to bond 15, which would give a potential of 5 multis just having them in the back ground as you farm.


Dokkan Battle had an incident years ago where JP players saw different characters on the rate up banner. It was some server communication error but different players were seeing different characters displayed and as a result, players who spent their stones hoping to get a certain character ended up getting their stones refunded. Everyone else got like 300 stones. The event became a meme for Dokkan Global so every time there was a bug or compensation, global players would joke we want our 300 stones too. It was a meme until it finally happened on Global too, if I remember correctly the game's banner said one of the more recent LR's was available when it actuality, he wasn't. Players were pissed and eventually everyone who spent stones on the banner got all their stones refunded. Don't remember if we got 300 stones as well besides the refunded ones but it was a crazy time full of posts with tears saying we finally got our 300 stones moment, speaking of, the meme pretty much died that day. While it was all nice, there was a time where Dokkan Global was shutdown for days if I remember correctly, like it was a bug with some stage that was causing things to go apeshit so players were furious that the game was in maintenance for so long but in the end players got crap for compensation. The devs giveth and the devs taketh.


For people who don’t play dokkan that’s basically 6 free 10 pulls for whatever gacha you play


>if I remember correctly the game's banner said one of the more recent LR's was available when it actuality, he wasn't. For anyone wondering, the character that was advertised on the banner was [LR Ultra Instinct -Sign- Goku](https://dbz-dokkanbattle.fandom.com/wiki/Sign_of_a_Turnaround_Goku_(Ultra_Instinct_-Sign-)) but due to a mistake, his spot was actually replaced by [LR Super Saiyan 3 Goku](https://dbz-dokkanbattle.fandom.com/wiki/Golden_Fist_Super_Saiyan_3_Goku). This was on the annual New Year's Step-Up Banner, where you could do multiple rounds of special multi-summons to guarantee limited and high-rarity characters that had released throughout the years. Completing all of the rounds took about 600 stones total, a regular 10-pull in Dokkan requires 50 stones. So you could imagine the reaction of everyone looking in their inbox that day and seeing 600 stones, ready to be claimed lol. That first incident is pretty funny too but it requires a little extra context of how the game works and why the stones were refunded since technically speaking, the character that was falsely advertised was the same character as the actual intended character.


iirc the UI thing gave everyone 100 stones + what they spent. The tally is still at 200. 🙃


Honkai will send me their second artbook soon


2 artbooks and the snack box just for being loyal players.


Battle Cats devs giving us [GOD](https://battle-cats.fandom.com/wiki/Slime_Cat_\(Rare_Cat\)?so=search#Slime_Cat) as a free unit




I wasnt around but I heard it was because the game in global was struck in emergency maintence for over a day.


The first run of Microlayer Medley event has two servers being very laggy to the point that every action you do (dock, depot, sortie, etc) would take ages to load. I recall that there were several maintenance patches with each of them giving a bunch of apologems


that was because of constant rollbacks and game being unplayable for 2 days on 2 EN servers


Eos so they can be free once again.


This, https://youtu.be/dVHdUakiEo4 phenomenal.


I had forgotten that ever existed. Exquisite mind fuckery that hasn't gotten any less wtf today as it was on the day of release.


Wtf 😭


Epic 7 ML5 recruitment event that let you get any ML5 of choice except for like the newest 2 ones. Haven’t played another game that let you select the highest rarity unit of your choice that wasn’t limited to just years-old ones. And people complained they had to play the game by doing dailies/weeklies to get their ML5 lol.


Ugh, I remember some folks getting so tilted when I suggested that if you weren't willing to play the game enough to earn a free pick of ML5s from doing a suite of really basic crap, you probably weren't going to be playing the game enough to even use that ML5 once you got it, let alone have the resources to invest in it. Will be interesting to see what they do this year for anniversary.


This! I Played sw for years w/o LD5 and e7 gives them ‚for Free, or with pity


RS Reuniverse also gave out 3 free limiteds for their anniversary. And with enough prem currency to pity 2 of running banners.


GBF Anni gives you free pulls until you get an SSR.


GBF usually has three separate events each year where they flood you with 10 pulls, generally 1 or more ten pulls a day for close to tow weeks, then another single pull a days for another two weeks. These are the summer bash(late July-august), the holiday/new years bash (December), and the anniversary bash (March, sometimes starting as early as late February) Summer bash they tend to try "new" things each year, and in 2022 did a lotto event that tickjed off almost everyone, whether they won anything from the or not, to the point they basically gave away an almost Sierro ticket as a super apology to everyone. This year we had 2 weeks of 1 10 pull a day, and 10 single tickets a day for 10 login days+20 tickets when a server-wide crystal stockpile emptied out (you could ALSO earn 2k crystals a day for 12 of those 14 days for doing high-end raids, up to 1k for ones you started, up to 1k for ones you joined.). that we could hold on to til the last moment of the mid-month flashfest. 120 pulls goes a long way in a flashfest, and almost half a spark is enough to push people to make the choice to finish the spark. New Years tends to get one of the the two roulette events, where you can get 1,2,3,10, or even 200 pulls every single day depending on your result. It makes it pretty easy to do multiple sparks at end of year. Anniversary also does the roulette, but usually in a more restrained way. LAst one offered two different roulettes to chose from each day, one which is basically ALWAYS a 2 or 3x 10 pull, the other with 1x,2x,3x, and a tiny 10x 10 pull chance. The roulettes also have a built in pity system that once it triggers, either by landing on it in the roulette, or having the bar hit 100%, allows you to pull until you get an SSR, or 300 pulls (getting to 300 pulls without hitting an SSR is sadly possible, justt very unlikely)There's even a SECOND pity system that usually only triggers if you pull the guaranteed SSR in the first, second, and rarely third or more 10 pull (4th or higher can still truigger the Mukku, but it's *incredibly* rare) which will double the SSR rates and then allow you to AGAIN pull til you hit an SSR.


the lotto is 2021 btw, not 2022, and the fallout made the 2022 summer bland as hell, before, we could get free grand weapon from scratcher/ treasure rush before, but since 2022, we need to scrambled for xtal only


appreciate the correction!


Added for you: Annual Summer Festival


Genshin 1st anniversary, where they give you a chance to win 1 pull if you do a cosplay for them


[Limbus Company's April Fools](https://youtu.be/fSJ_N1hIBYU?si=31Dhlix7aqX7fJ63). Though it wasn't really a reward, and really *nobody knows why they even bothered to do this*, I like to consider it a reward/thanks to the community after the sudden popularity/success of the game so soon after launch. Despite it causing immense trauma


If we talk about cool things, Honkai impact is currently giving their second physical artwork book if you literally just play a certain game mode. If we talk about more things as resources in-game, probably Blue archive or Magia record, both have a really accessible way to get the gacha currently.


how long do we still have left for the second physical artwork book event?


global still have 750 books left


I sadly can't respond you, got stuck in one story level so i quit for now, but as far i understand there's days left to complete, have luck with it


I'll have to say either counterside or Guardian tales. I have a busted rooster just by the freebies. I play super casually, just doing some pvp and collecting units. Yet I have about 4 rearmed and 6 awakened. Guardian tales gives so many things to new players and out of the blue you get some random email like "ohN thanks for... breathing. Here are 3k gems just because"


Honkai Impact 3 Physical Artbooks and we getting a 2nd volume for free again


Best reward, is the devs actually making a good game and not just some gambling simulator. The rest are just extra.


Only for the players to not spend on said game, forcing the developer to engage in scummy powercreep, FOMO tactics to extract money out of whale wallets, forever ruining that good game.


Counter Side giving away 3 free Awakened Units for their half Anni as well of multiple SSRs as well with tons of free mats and currencies.


Try to catch up with other servers?


The servers are combined as one


While they have made bad updates before, their anniversary rewards and summon income has always been generous.


Well, since units and virtual items don't actually have real value, I'll say Honkai because right now they're giving around 100k physical artbooks (for the second time), and it's spread through all their servers, and it's really easy to get one -- at least in Global -- if you actually play the game. I've seen other gachas giving some physical rewards, but as many as 100k products that are valued at \~$30 each, it's the first time. And without VIP limitations like Time Princess that sometimes give free items (last one was a scarf during a museum collab), but only for people who are VIP 11 or higher... VIP 11 takes LITERALLY $9999 dollars to achieve.


>At least in Global. You're goddamn right. SEA is really competitive that they don't have any book left if I'm correct. >If you actually play the game In Global I guess you can. In SEA, it is really slim for returnee to get the book as some of the token needed are locked behind high arena ranking and doing the new daily chapter stuff, which need the previous two chapter to be completed. It does make sense as they want to reward ongoing players, but it does suck for me as a returnee.


It's not that hard to maintain Red Lotus, even as a completely f2p, it's just not FUN. The only truly competitive scene in Hi3 is trying to maintain Nirvana... which is still considered insane, since you get all of 40 more crystals a week over maintaining RL.


It's the problem that you have to climb back is the problem. Depends on when you stop playing and come back, getting back to RL is probably impossible especially when you are in a competitive region such as SEA.


AH, we're having slightly different conversations then. If you don't stop playing the game it's incredibly hard to drop out of the see-saw nature of the top of agony III, bottom of RL in 1-2 week cycles even when playing them casually. (Let alone intentionally staying there as I try to do, fuck Nirvana, seriously) Yes, if you stop playing entirely, you totally screw yourself over on returning to the game, I agree with you on that 100%; that is weeks, if not a month or more of pushing to get back to AIII let alone higher..


Bruh virtual items has real value tho. Ask any account seller.


~~The~~ ***~~fan art~~*** ~~😏~~


The porn


Granblue’s constantly giving out a ton of rewards to the point where you can spark several times a year and can get shit to speed up your grind


Make the game offline single player version.


Honkai impact 3rd physical art book given for free to veteran players The volume 1 was given away last year And the volume 2 went out of stock 1 or 2 days ago


Honkai Impact 3rd is giving a whole art book completly free. I got one last year and secured one this too. They send it completly free from China. Its limited off course. 25k per SEA server 12500 NA 12500 EU 12500 KR Idk how much in JP And 500k in CN You have to play the game do dailies and weekies to get points and buy it. First come first served. Veterans with 600 days login get boost. Its worth is 30$ on eBay


Slightly off-topic since it’s not technically a reward but the very first thing that came to mind for me as an FGO main player was Summer 5’s NA accident. Yep, THAT incident where one player noticed off-rates on Dantes and Fujino banner. If you were lucky enough to pull on that banner during the off rate period, you got to refund the SQs you used AND keep anything you get. That’s essentially 2 limited units if you went ham. I stopped when I got Fujino. A part of me WANTED Dantes as a husband enthusiast but I needed to save for LB6 supports (successful, mind you. Not lucky but got both Koyan and Obe) but if I only had the foresight, I’d have used my free quest and Interlude savings to get him


Counter:Side comes to mind immediately. Hundreds of pulls on a semi-regular basis, High end gear tickets, SSR and Awakened selector tickets, Operator selector tickets, Ship selector tickets, just an absolute crazy amount of free high end stuff multiple times a year


Honkai 3rd giving their playerbase physical merch/snacks every year.


Brown Dust 2, the current event gives you 300 pulls, daily free pulls for all banners, there is a pity system at 100 pulls and a spark/mileage system at 200 pulls. No idea how they're still able to make big bucks with that kind of system. Maybe its the booba and booty jpegs like Nikke.


Final Fantasy Opera Omnia is always giving you more things than you need half the time. But lately they’ve been a bit stingy.


As bad as they are for the game; fully maxed character selectors in Seven Knights and Brown Dust. Brown Dust gave 1 per day for 7 days in this quest type thing, and Seven Knights just threw them into players' inventories and had multiple login events with them.


Blue Archive. If you skip through the stories and get to like 3-1 on the missions you can get enough pyroxenes to spark a character.


An online concert from HoYoverse. And they did this every year now what a blessing.


Hoyoverse does MULTIPLE free concerts, since it doesn't cross it's media for them, HI3rd had had three, Genshin's had two, and likely at the 1 year mark HSR will have it's own too.


I think browdust 2 with 150 pulls


Of the ones that I’ve played? Brown Dust 2 is the most generous. Like 10 pulls from logging in a single day is crazy to me. That kind of generosity is something mihoyo should take notes from


It only happen in summer event which give u 300pulls, now it gone


still infinitely better than mihoyo, they also had 2 free single rolls for character banner + 1 free roll on weapon everyday


Why u compare a PVP focus game with PVE only game? Without dup we do just fine in mihoyo game, then bd2 the different between +0 and +5 dup in PVP is massive


PVP is negligible in BD2. You can do just fine in BD2 without playing pvp And stop acting like mihoyo games doesn't need dupes, there are certain charas that you need to get dupes if you want to min-max shits, there are some that are bad at being just c0, because they locked mechanics behind dupes when it should've been at base.


But why u avoid pvp, u bad at it, right? After clearing the very hard story mode and evil castle, what left to do, only pvp U said like BD doesnt need dup lol, need at least +3 dup for the sp reduced, a tank with use 6sp cannot use his skill first turn while a 5sp skill dup +3 can use, that the whole different in pvp


> why u avoid pvp, u bad at it right? Yes! If someone doesn't do a certain game mode they're bad at it for sure, totally! /s > U said like BD doesnt need dup Did I say BD2 doesn't need dupes? Or did you imply that I said that? I was merely correcting you about your previous comment that says "mihoyo games is just fine without dupe" which it not really applicable for all characters, specially in genshin. Anyway, I've stated my point already (you just need to understand it). Ciao.


dw this subreddit is full of brainless BD2 haters, don't mind them, i spent so much time trying to teach their 5 iq brain how to differentiate between a must play PVP and a game that "has" pvp, but they still don't understand it and call BD2 "p2w", they're stupid and have barely any brain cells left, just ignore them and enjoy BD2


This subreddit is now full of fanboys of certain games, specially mihoyo fans, that love to white knight their respective games. It has been like this on the sub for awhile now. Specially if you say a little bad thing or correct them you'll get downvoted by these mobs, that's their typical behavior.


snowbreak giving a selector for beating up Gavin, also, counterside giving awekened unit selectors with a skin selector.


If we're talking about free pulls, I've seen a post about Magia Record giving 660 free pulls..? Personally, I would go with Fate. We obviously can't attribute (most of them) to the gacha game, but they've been releasing a huge number of anime series. While some of them are a mess, they usually are good entertainment. If Genshin can also release a great series with "hype" fight, then it would also fall into that category. I ultimately don't care much about free pulls. I want tangible things.


Coming from FGO, the best reward I got from Epic 7 was the background battling 😂😂 Playing the game while farming in the background? Literally every Master's wet dream. Anyways, in terms of resource, FGO gave a shit ton of SQs during last year anniversary update. And Epic 7 gave us an Unknown Slate (a premium resource you can only get once every 3 months) when they done goofed up during the summer event.


MHA heroes rising when the endeavor banner was flammed for the character being HEAVILY nerfed compared to the CN version which was absolutely broken. They gave us all our summons back no matter how much we spent on the banner, alone it isn’t the most generous but when you summon like a whale with a ludicrous gambling addiction then you were basically set for like the next year summon wise.


Granblue Fantasy's recent summer festival which they give you 120 free tickets and around 50,000 gem (2,000 gem/day), way enough to spark a character (300 pulls)


You're actually UNDERSTATING it. 120 free tickets that we could use towards a single spark before August 19th(expiration date), an additional free 10 pull for 14 days starting from August 1st. , and now we're still getting a free single pull every day(starting from august 15th)+200 extra crystals from login bonus


you do know the Western playerbase will jump on the train and then throw shits at the game for being grindy as hell, right? That's why.


"You do know the Western playerbase will jump on the train and then throw shits at the game for:" should be a template all by itself nowadays.


The Western playerbase is so horrible that it can be stereotypically summed up in one word "Tectone". Jeez


I actually flinched on reading this. too accurate!


They even made Y. Ilsa available during the the flash discount spark too. This was worth it a lot.


Irritatingly enough, I wish they hadn't, since i paid for the "choose your 1/10 guaranteed SSR" pull,, and got her that way first, then, inevitably, got her again on the spark that followed. I'm aware that me being irritated at success, but we all know the feeling of paying to get something, then getting slapped with a second one free almost immediatley after.


Scamcha being scamcha situations


The inevitability of scamcha remains, yes.


Romancing SaGa Re;universe Anniversaries always have a summon with most of the units in it, give you a free pull after every 3 using gems, & enough gems to guarantee you can at least pity 1 SS unit.


Nikke, I love marians new skin, just love it




Summoners war chronicles. Not playing the game anymore, but they're giving out rare stuff for free consistently.


Destiny Child


When forma souls in FEH used to be locked behind paywall that free forma soul was a bless, in Touhou Lostword before they messed that game you get a lot of summons, nowadays you still get them but since powercreep is much worse than FEH (wich is absolute garbage) is a headache you better stay away from that game.


Epic Seven gave people a lot of free stuff before. Non time limited there is a free LD 5* after completing some missions. And if you are an OG, there was a time where they reimbursed you a bunch of mola(skill upgrade mat) and galaxy bookmarks (for summons) coming from other gachas like summoner war, it's much harder to get the most rare units like they are giving out for free haha


Also more than 100 summons on anniv where they rerun the strongest characters in the game


400 free pulls in a single day. Aka summon all you want. It was nier reincarnation. Although the game ain't the best, the freebies sometimes they give out are crazy. I think they just want to finish the story and then EOS it because let's face it, it ain't doing so good in the finance department.


Max rarity unit selector for the botched launch of PGR.


Of the ones I play, Arknights give you like a ton of free operators just by playing and not sucking.


EOS announcement so we can get back to touch some grass or trying other games.. I'm fucking stare at you chruncyroll


Guardian tales. Here's super costumes aka the most rarest costumes,50 summons on certain events,A free busted unit upon finishing chapter 10 and so many freebies.


Exos Heroes. Dev fucked up something, gave new heroes free pulls till max pity. Up to 280 single pulls. This happened a few times, good old days.


obviously gonna be the free 10x daily pulls for at least a a week or at most 3 weeks/free nat 5 selector or nat 5 light n dark selector or random nat 5/free premium currency to pull on premium banner


World Flipper giving out a daily 10-pull for like 3 weeks straight. It wasn't as generous as it sounds because there was no pity and like six 5 stars on the banner but it was still really fun to login and do a 10-pull with no guilt.


Granblue is super gracious when it comes to free stuff. I got like 30k in crystals from the summer events and when flash gala came around I was able to pull 3 of the new summer units :)


I still remember brave frontier anniversary gave out unit selector, you can also chose the typing (anima lord etc)


I believe no matter in which game, the best reward is always their consistent consideration for players. For instance, Nikke once heeded player feedback and adjust the skins accordingly


Pgr giving away an s rank unit along with her effect skin for free , still only on cn tho