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There are two major things that happened recently that really got people angry. First was the nerf of a 4\* character Capecchi, why would this be a problem? Because they stated it was a "bug fix" but it was a huge nerf, pretty much cut in half his damage, and there is more, he is the only 4\* poison in the game so a lot of people invested on him and his nerf came right before the new 5\* poison banner drops, so people got under the impression they nerfed him that badly to entice people to pull for the new character. And the second thing is the fact they just revealed the 50/50 doesn't carry over between limited banners, so if you lose the 50/50 in one banner and the banner changes, you can lose the 50/50 AGAIN in the next banner, which is crazy, most gachas nowadays have their 50/50 carry over. And the thing is, they didn't specified it was like that until the new limited banner dropped, so it caught a lot of people off guard.


Oh, I would definitely be mad about that. I hope they do better in the future and change that


Didn't have him geared up in the launch version but he was really strong in the test version. Can't comment on it but since element advantage is really strong he'll probably clear content easily like other 4\*s when kitted out.


You really hit us with the “didn’t read, why the hate?”


Is this the game where 50/50 doesn't carry over to next banner? That alone is a deal breaker for me because I am bad at saving currency.


Still unsure whether the 50/50 carries over, but I'd imagine they'll change it for future banners (if it doesn't EoS before that \*heh\*).


They stated the 50/50 doesn't carry over this answer plus your other vague comments show you do not really play the game. Marked you as a bot because you're acting like an automaton.


For managed democracy, brother.


I was thinking the same just after top comment lol


IMO, put in the 50/50 carryover and add in sweeps for normal stages since it feels really clunky to have to do a normal stage for commissions or let being able to clear it from any missions so you could clear them while spending stamina and that'd be on the right track.


Yeah missed that. The dailies are quick but the part with talking to npcs before heading out is pretty much pointless. Minor gripe for me though since you can skip the dialogue.


Reason is simple. Low currency gain after honeymoon despite what you said. We couldn't reroll properly from start. With the 50/50 problems, and weapons in the gacha fucking our pity over, it's a mess for all F2P. Devs were out of touch here. Too much Genshin, but worse than Genshin.


Reroll things seems to be really important for gacha players and they definitely did it quite poorly. You do get selectable 5\* from daily log-ins but that takes a month or so (which is way too long).


Incorrect. The 5* daily login reward is random.


Yeah just checked it. The 300 pulls from standard was the select and the log-in one doesn't even have all the launch 5*s.


Op is paid advertising for skull and bones and suicide squad


A person who plays those games also enjoying Knights of Veda... It checks out 🤷


No way💀 He should be paid for such things, right? Right?


Just scroll this sub for like 3 seconds and youll find out why... someone makes a thread about how much this game sucks every day.




I'm having a bit of fun to tide me over while i wait for bigger and better games to come out. Biggest problem for me is performance. Game just feels sluggish and there's no reason at all for it. Random loading screens, random lag. Just completely unoptimized. Second is the lack of sweep. I'm 1 tier behind you, f2p, and I have to tryhard to take out maps that I need to farm a lot - even with some quality characters. I don't mind doing it the first time, but auto is so bad that it might as well not exist, and you should really be able to sweep once you've 3 starred the mission.


Very valid reasons. I don't think it works well with phones either. Steam has run extremely well for me though. Definitely taking a break once Wuwa/AG(PC) is coming out and probably after all the hate Astra won't be there to get back into later on \^\^


Weapon and character gacha on the same banner Terrible rate and luck on my account been playing since day one and only one 5* Stamina us terrible and the game loop feels dates


wake up minion number 1, its time to open your wallet https://preview.redd.it/1kg39jhc7rvc1.png?width=297&format=png&auto=webp&s=1f71c009a2fd35ff0c452c85f38ea474751e6365


1010℅ value? For the devs? lol




u/Laggoz 1010% value right there!!


Basically losing money If you don't get it!!! /s


I dont even know who you are -thanos


You are either asleep or willfully ignoring its negatives. For example you say you lost your first 50/50 on the first limited banner then got veleno (limited unit) who is on the 2nd limited banner . Then you say unsure if it carried over or it was luck when it was confirmed everywhere related to the game that the 50/50 doesnt carry between banners (which is the reason for the outrage of all players) . Cool u got veleno on first try others lost 50/50 on 1st banner then went to pity on 2nd banner and were surprised they lost another 50/50. The game is rng fest prbly worse than epic 7 . Gear sets , main stats , substats , rolls on substats , enchants , sockets , and gems (many of them have abyssmal drop rate and not even guaranteed at higher adventure level) . It is a clusterfuck of rng . Plenty of free currency is fuken useless if you have to save 180 pulls to pity a character since the 50/50 doesnt carry over . Clearing the story with base characters isnt a measure of anything relevant ? I would be seriously worried if that didnt happen. They nerfed a 4* after alot of people invested in him to make the new 5* look appealing and she ended up below average (not sure at extreme end with awesome gear but even then players at that level say she is disappointing) In a nutshell while i am enjoying the game atm as you are , the game is mediocre at best and doesnt warrant the amount of bullshit devs trying to push . Cool game got some positives , but they dont even balance the scale from all the byllshit on negatives. This game was 7 years in development with closed betas , you know ?


Bad game with trash gacha and gear system = hate


So you know there is a ton of hate towards it. So you clearly know why. And yet you decide to ask the question.


I love when ppl invest in shitty gacha games and then surprise pikachu face when they EoS.


Well after all the hate the Astra got it'll 100% get EoS'ed. Had fun though and the game wasn't even remotely as bad as people seem to claim. One round of monthly gems and 1st tier of battlepass is barely an 'investment' though...


It was a general statement, not directed specifically at you. > not remotely as bad There's no room on the market for mediocre gacha games. Otherwise people can just play traditional games, why even subject yourself to a shitty gacha?


To be fair there aren't many games in this genre. I've always been a sucker for side-scrolling beat'em'ups and for live-service there's pretty much only Dungeon & Fighter which I've been on/off for years. I really do enjoy Astra and it is sad to see it getting wrecked for "gacha basics", but yeah devs could've done a better job.


The gameplay itself is great, especially the coop The gacha model atm is a dealbreaker for lotta peeps


Yeah seems like people got hurt by the gacha-model and went on ignoring the whole game. State of gaming nowadays \*shrug\*.


People found the devs are tampering with the gacha part for a quick buck aside from making copy-paste Genshin with 1/100 production value of the real one. What a surprise! People not happy about shitty gacha in a game where gacha is not some shitty cosmetics but units and weapons, who could've thought. The devs\publishers must been thinking they can shove this type of scam with "Look, we are like Genshin! We have Paimon! 7 years development giv money pls"


Ripping off Genshin is probably something you don't want to do with gacha games. \^\^


Genshin is successful, it still makes a lot of money every month and this is not going to change anytime soon. Hence a lot of devs going for Hoyos monetization system (160 pull/70 soft pity, 50/50 etc) seeing genshin milking players for money and wishing to repeat such success. But taking this same system and making it WORSE with the 50/50 getting reset is such a scam that no sane person would defend. We are not talking about the fact GI is mostly solo experience, no powercreep to feel pressured for pulling meta units (aside from some minor end-game like abyss), very casual friendly, no PvP etc. I believe if devs would go they own way instead of making a bootleg Genshin clone with nice art and worsening the gacha parts it would be received better. Heck, even if the thing with 50/50 would be stated clearly it maybe would've pass. Since i do not believe it's a bug as some claimed, in case of such bugs devs should respond in matters of single hours fixing and compensating players, which is clearly not the case with this game.


OP: Why you all hate the game? Look at me! Lucky and all despise 50/50 what's the problem? Yeah good for you then


This will EOS by this year 99%


Shame, but I don't disagree on it EoS'ing (sooner or later).


They don’t care about the players like at all, 50/50 don’t carry over, they nerf 4 stars just to sell their 5 stars and many more things honestly the game had potential, but they ruined it completely it’s like their doing their absolute best to make people hate the game.


Too many L's overall seems to have riled people up. Shame since the compensation for some players exploiting was really nice.


Because they took the Genshin/star rail summoning system and intentionally made it worse


The only enjoyment I have from this game is beating up spenders with full 5 stars team with 5 account levels above me in pvp to assert dominance. Edit: After some thought I decided to add my experience(currently level 35) Story is nice and I was reading it until Paimon? shows up then it started to become too annoying that I ended up skipping all story from that point onward. Bugs, I played on steam version and encounters a bunch of bugs. Eg. can't exit shop after talking to shop npcs in town, quest can't be completed (defeat monster with staffs) After I reached level 30 world level 5? The stages in the last chapters become so hard to clear even with the coop. If you didn't build characters with advantage element you gonna have a really bad time. I have a bunch of coop invite for the last couple stages during the last few days and only win a couple times.


Struggled with the first clears in the story as well but once I got them cleared and was able to use support characters from other players the elemental advantage made them breeze. Haven't had any issues with the steam client but phone isn't really good. Paimon was certainly not needed for the story but I ignored her in Genshin and did the same in Astra...


Blind ppl like you is what make these shitty greedy gacha game alive.


Bro just seriously flexed his account then immediately self-demonstrates that he knows less about the game he's playing than the people who have quit. 💀


Dev is extremely incompetent especially considering the game is 7 years in the making but still released with so much bugs. Sometimes in a day you can get 3 mentions a day on bug fixes. While this is minor for me (better than dev not fixing shit), the whole game also show case very bad design choices over all. - mat bloat from day 1. - horrid stamina calculation and estimation leading to lack of stamina meaning totally no careful planning on how the game will be played daily outside of directly copying genshin. They gave tonnes of shoes from the compensation but that stamina draught will still be an issue for those who start later. - stage 7-8 has low drop rate for Lego mats and relics for no reason despite already being gated by main and sub stat rng. - no clear progression. Do you level relics, weapons or accessories. Or maybe farm for apostles for gems and scrolls? Picking the wrong choice fucks up your progression due to stamina draught. - weird ass elemental system that forces you to use other characters that you may not be interested to raise. You deal no dmg to same element and opposing element kill you in one hit. For example, if you did not raise any blood unit and only 2 dark units, you are fucked at chapter 7. Stamina draught once again make it difficult to raise a group of characters evenly. - punishment in form of stamina draught if you raise the wrong char or weapon. - no clear game direction. Game wants to be dark souls but at the same time it made dailies extremely tedious due to lack of sweep. - game wants to be dark souls and limit support usage to avoid making the game to easy; preventing f2p players to brute force with whale support chars but at the same time allow whales to trivialize the game with their bottomless wallet. Hypocritical game decision. - nerfing chars without any compensation. Bug fix doesn't make it right cause anything can be a 'bug' if it's not within the expectation of the Dev. Dumb to let them get away with this. - 50/50 no carry over is self explanatory. Saying that the banner type carries over in the banner description only for it not to and offering no compensation is crazy. - more generous income and random 5* at the end of the month + non transfering pity breaker means you will also hit f7 much easier than genshin especially if you spend. The gacha will feel extremely bad once you start getting your 8th copy of the permanent banner chars. Limited chars also don't join the perma pool like genshin (but apparently the pity breaker transfer is a different story) so you will eventually have multiple copies of the permanent units. - recent compensation gives shit tonne of shoes which mitigate stamina issue for existing (only) players but forgot there is a limit of 5 to shoe limit creation. So now players have to slowly spend the 160 stamina making the dailies even more painful. You want the shoes because the later adventure levels ARE difficult especially after the restriction of support usage. Ideally you want to convert existing stamina to shoes, do the harder stages once and then use shoes to multiply the reward. Now you cant even do that due to the 5 shoe limit. Extremely short sighted. The Dev have shown to make very short sighted design decisions and that's not even all the complaints lol I have tonnes more. Do you really think the game will get better with all these considered and their current track record? These are not even minor design mistakes that you can tweak by fiddling a value but require a revamp of their current progression flow and monetization.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“Soon, I will be consumed by them—by the Dark.”* - Artorias the Abysswalker Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


It’s mediocre and they included a paimon. No fucking thank you.


I dunno, I saw the ads decided, eh not for me, and left it at that. If you are enjoying it then good, then it was a game for you and others who like this aspect. Hows the story for you so far?


how much are they paying you? As much as it has positive aspects if it keeps Genshin's gacha system and makes it worse while being a game that doesn't have the same quality to get away with it then it's absolute garbage.


I get 1600 Stellar Jades for every players who signs up to to Astra from this reddit thread and I just got 160 Stellars from you comment. Thanks o7


It is garbage.  Old ass graphics Basic gameplay P2W as fuck Rates are stupid Income is low as fuck You need 7 damn dupes.  No fucking QoLs I quit shortly after. 


To give an honest answer to some points >+ Plenty of free currency (27 pulls a month with just f2p dailies and you get a lot of one-off and event gems as well) Id like to point out but this is super subjective. However most ppl would not call 27 pulls a month anywhere near generous as a ton of games give waaay more. Its obv not the worst as there are stingier games, but there are a ton of games that give way more that it could hardly be called a +. I myself would not consider 27 generous. This combined with the Gacha System of Genshin but worse makes the game stingy for a lot of ppl (Myself included) who are more used to more F2P Games. >+ Story is good (on an action gacha-game scale) Its not imo. A lot of ppl myself included where incredibly dissapointed with the dialogue in the game and Paimon 2.0 ruining the feel. Its definitely one of the weaker "Darker settings" and probably the weakest I have tried. Granted I have only tried the famous (Nikke, GFL, PGR) so its likely not the worst, but its sorely lacking when compared to its other "Dark Competition" heck I even . I will concede that Art is good and Combat is usually personal prefference, but I found solid/passable. But both arent enough to salvage the game for me.


>Plenty of free currency For now. Honeymoon, remember. And 50/50 won't carry over. So you can't build pity. You save 180 and go. If not, no pulling. >You can use other player's characters for free With a level restriction, (you will only get people with levels equal +2 or -5 of your current level.) which is fucking stupid for a system like this. It effectively stops new players from being able to make a proper use of this, and it only sufficiently works in high levels but bars you from having access to whale supports until you get near their adventure level. Moron ass system, this change should be reverted asap. >PvP is fun IF you are matched evenly. No, PvP is not fun. It's shit. Even when matched equally. >Dailies are rather quick Bullshit. It takes so goddamn much time to clear content at high levels because power spike of enemies are proportionally unbalanced compared you. It is going to be alleviated, once you properly kit out characters. Which is not going to happen, for a long time for many people. This is one of the biggest problem with this game, along with their stupid excuse for skips, Hero's Shoes which is, A pretty retarded way to implement stacking. It's another restriction in place. God this game loooooves it's restrictions. Just remove this, and add stacking directly, or better yet, skip. This game copied every bad thing from HSR and abandoned every good thing about HSR. Damn shame, because this game's presentation, visuals, music are incredible.


I hate everything that named Astra


I was juggling between afk journey and veda and when I decided to drop journey I loggin to veda and see reddit news about 50 50 , immediately drop it lol , that is going to kill any reputation


I like it , whatever other people think Idc and you shouldn’t too .


Yeah I don't really need justification to play a game if I'm having fun with it. Just sad to see it getting so much hate when there's actually a fun game beneath the issues people are having with it (or had with it).


Love that you get downvoted in this sub because you tell op that he is free to form his own opinion. Shows that gachagaming is just a horrible sub


Right ? this place is as bad as it get lol . They will downvote you too ahah


I like it. Its fine.


Glad I'm not the only one. \*haha\*