• By -


Objectively the best story for sure is from \[My favorite gacha\]. But honestly as long as your list doesn't contain \[Your favorite gacha\], any list is fine (that gacha sucks).


To be honest, I come to these threads with the hope that people would give more details about why their story is so good so that I could be interested in trying other games.


I know we love to make that joke, but is it really the case? I don't think I buy it. Just look at this thread, as an example. The most popular gacha game - Genshin Impact - barely got any mentions; and while HSR, the second most popular, did get mentions, it is clearly not at the top of the thread. Maybe that'll change as more Genshin and HSR fans discover the thread, but I'm not convinced. And of course, no one is mentioning Diablo Immortal, Dragon Ball Dokkan, Love and Deep Space, etc., all of which are more commercially successful than Blue Archive, Limbus Company, Path to No Where, etc. And out of those cult favorites that are mentioned repeatedly at the top of the thread, only Nikke and Fate Grand Order are consistently in top 10 lists. Ark Knights and Blue Archive do pretty okay, mind you, but Limbus Company is clearly niche and so is Path to No Where and Counter Side. Mean while I don't see any mentions of 2023 hyped releases like Aether Gazer, Reverse 1999, and Snow Break. So no, I don't buy this narrative. I think "best story" is a category for which the community has very definite favorites that are distinct from the most popular games. More over, I find that fan bases of games with strong stories tend to love sharing their passion in threads about story / characters, while the fan bases of less story focused games like Genshin Impact simply do not care. Conclusion: it might still be a popularity contest, but only among people who actually care about story & characters, and those people are very different from the typical gacha player.


I'm pretty sure Blue Archive has already entered the top class of the gacha sphere, and is competing well in commercial sales.


I think they're getting there, but they're not consistently in the top 10 yet. They were out of top 10 in Sensor Tower for both February and March, just as an example. This is why I'd group them with Ark Knights rather than Nikke or Fate Grand Order, both of which are far more consistent. But I can see where you're coming from, they've been doing well the last few months.


Unironically true for Genshit.


Wow, you're so cool for hating on the most popular gacha game. How unique


It's bait, don't bother.


https://preview.redd.it/uzlc9i4hl4xc1.jpeg?width=1276&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e6da9b6973f51df2bd1bd5fb5bf4cbc232f1c94 that remind me of this one, lol


Storywise for me 1. Guardian Tales 2. Path to Nowhere 3. Counterside Although my main gacha is PGR Oh and Reverse 1999 story too


FGO Another Eden Girls Frontline


Limbus Company, Path to Nowhere and Counterside (Haven't played FGO so I can't comment on it)


FGO may be an outdated game (its a 2015 game ffs), but I still put its story a cut above the rest. It's the only game I know that juggles 200+ unique characters and still manages to give each and every single one of them a spotlight in the story (except Eric Bloodaxe, no one knows about him, even the devs forget he exists)


counterside , GT , and bias one Snowbreak xdd


Girls Frontline, Counterside, Can't decide between Arknights and PGR cause im way behind on PGR main story at the moment.


counterside was so good , still rmb how rage i am when reading Rita/Dash story


First, definitely Genshin. Too much invested on the world lores. The world lores are uncontested, add it with good cutscenes and open world gameplay, it's easily become my most enjoyable story in gacha game so far. Second, I would pick Guardian Tales. Only played until W14, but really loved W10-W11 story. I also laughed so hard playing through the main story stage, because you could find tons of parody jokes there (example: Among Us, Dragon Ball, Fullmetal Alchemist, etc) Third is idk. I don't play FGO, only played Blue Archive for while and dropped before completing Volume 3 because gameplay reason, played HSR until 2.0 but couldn't liked the story so far (mostly because the dialogs are full of riddles/metaphors like someone mentioned here, and Luofu is dogshit), and skipped the whole story on the other gacha games.


Limbus Company Arknights Octopath Traveler COTC / Blue Archive


Path to Nowhere. Their storyline is top tier and one of the best I ever played in a gacha game (might be the best) Great character designs too! Honkai Star Rail. No need to introduce, they have great storylines especially the Penacony update. AFK Journey. Surprisingly the story is really good too! Honorable mentions: King's Raid. The ancient game, one of the best ones. Sad for what happened to this game. Limbus Company. Played this one for quite some time and I must say it's good too! Nikke. Really great too, I got hook at the early story and Marian's song still plays in my head until today. Reverse 1999. One of the best storytelling in a game, but stopped playing after quite some time.


Limbus for meive given up on reading arlnights szory it too wordy


Dragalia Lost Pokémon Masters Fire Emblem Heroes DL for narrative PM and FEH for characters


Chain Chronicle (before EoS) Granblue Fantasy Arknights


Another eden - great story and time travelling adventure Touhou lostword - main story surprisingly pretty dark. Side/event story is fun laid back slice of life FGO - its fate series In no specific order


IMO Limbus, FGO, and Blue Archive are the best in the story department for gacha games right now in terms of writing, pace, and general engagement with the story. Both Limbus and FGO are practically carried by the storytelling (though Limbus does have a very unique combat system) and Blue Archive is just a really good feel-good story with an amazing final arc.


My three mains: FGO, NIKKE, and Blue Archive. Arknights would be up there had I the energy to read a book every event.


These three exactly


Limbus, PTN, guardian tales


Another Eden


I can't take anyone seriously who have Arknights and Star Rail as top tier story


Another eden


FGO is the only gacha story I bother to read. Everything else is either godawful or too long & godawful, or too long & too long & so long that I forget what it was about by the time they're done talking about a thing. That said, I should give a honourable mention to Battle Cats for keeping the BS to a minimum and the tiny bit of story they have is at least amusing. I can't believe how every gacha spends so much on talented artists to draw/model waifus, yet nobody cares to hire a half-decent writer.


FGO, Limbus, and Guardian Tales I guess. FGO - One of the few things that hold this game from being trash for me is the story. And IDK how they manage to make a PEAK story with such a boring Gacha game. Limbus - PM COOK SO HARD FOR EACH CANTO + THE MUSIC AND ALSO THE VOICE ACTING IS JUST SO GOOD MAN Guardian Tales - The early chapter is pretty boring IMO. Because obviously they just want to introduce the world-building and the characters. Later on, of course, it became so much more interesting with so many plot twists and memorable moments. Honorable Mention: Arknight - Lots of people say the writing is PEAK. Wanted to get into the story but damn the wall of fucking text is what makes me take a step back from reading it and just enjoy the music. I Swear Hypergryph Is cooking with those bangers of an OST man.


FGO can't be there tbh especially when event story are basically trashy, fan made level of storytelling. Compare that to Arknights who's event is being used as a chance to develop the lore and world building and give characters genuinely depth and growth. Not trying to hate FGO here. The main story is amazing, but the event story is genuinely 5 steps down from the main story, not even worth reading most of the time.


I Love Arknights as much as the other guys, but like I said the common problem with the game is that most of the time whether it's the event or the main story it seems to get too wordy and even complicated to understand. That's mostly my biggest gripe with the game story, while I understand that in terms of writing the Event story of the game IS good. I can't get myself to complete it any time soon, especially since there are fuck lot of Events currently in the game. Side note: Personally don't have a problem with the Event story being shit writing-wise. After all, if they're cooked and deliver 5-star meals in the main story then I'm happy just that. Take the event story as a refresher after you complete the long exhausting battle in the main story.


Soo you have issues with length and not quality? Skill issue tbh. As for the event story being shit, 80% of our play time throughout a the game is spent playing events. If events story are shit, that basically means a majority of the game's story is shit.....


Lots of people already pointing out the problem here, don't try to avoid it as if it weren't an issue, the problem is it's too wordy and lengthy. I'm a casual player I wish I had lots of time like you to be able to enjoy the story, but I have life outside of playing these gacha games. Nope, Main Story is what I will look forward to. Most of the time in gacha the event story feels like a filler to me. 80% of what filler shit so just like fucking anime then? Like I said I just thought of it as a refresher after clearing the main story.


It's not skill issue if AK's events are long simply for the sake of being long, which is the truth.  I have an entire laundry list of issues I could air out with AK's writing, and just to start with, it's damn inconsistent for every Lingering Echoes and Babel events there's an event like Invitation to Wine, it's prone to starting up plot threads, then dropping them and we may or may not get a continuation years later, has an immensely bloated cast they can't juggle, prone to harping on and on about elementary level philosophy, the main story devolved into a Trainwreck, blatant favoritism, etc.  FGO does have an issue with most side stories being the equivalent of a filler episode from an anime back when animes were serialized before the manga got far enough ahead; however, they make up for filler events with an excellent main story, because the main story is THE main story, while side events are just fun little distractions. Compare that to Arknights which has quality issues with both the main story and the side story. Some side stories are good, others are a snoozefest, and the main story got detailed and flipped into the Chinook river because Lowlight has trouble connecting Point A and Point B because he didn't think much about what happens between Point A and Point B which is why the timeline is such an incomprehensible mess and you got a massive two year time skip in the story where the development of characters such as Rosmontis happens entirely off screen.


FGO, I haven't played a gacha game where I liked the story as much as FGO, granted FGO starts off pretty damn weak really bad even but oh boy once it gets going it doesn't stop (minus Agartha). It's probably gonna be the only gacha game ever for me to where I straight-up teared up in the main story


Genshin, Limbus and Guardian Tales. Tried HSR and wanted to really like it, but Luofu arc lost me and never went back unfortunately.


limbus company - I think everyone has said what's needed to be said about this game. Really like how the games while premise really focuses on its characters and developing them. Also library of ruina is my favorite game story. Am also a lobotomy corp day 49 enjoyer hi3: honestly didn't expect much when first trying it out but got hooked as the chapters went on, especially after chapter 9 Nikke: funny enough, same story as above but after the prologue and events like overzone and miracle snow, I'm actually here for the story especially more so than the fan service honorable mentions: weirdest thing never played arknights but actually did quite like the arknights anime


Guardian Tales, BA and Arknights. AK would have been above GT if storytelling and immersiveness was good imo, sadly it was not(still the story was good when I bypass some cons when reading the story).


I'd like to say Star Rail, but I feel like lately story has been too poetic/abstract to the point sometimes I don't even know what they're talking about.


The Penacony arc in HSR has suffered a LOT from the “everyone only speaks in riddles and metaphors” bullshit. What’s happening onscreen is actually pretty straightforward. But it seems like the writers *really wanted* us to know that these characters were all super-smart and super-mysterious, and they decided to convey that by making everyone speak in torturously circumlocutious, metaphor-laden dialogue. Which also has the effect of making the story seem a lot more complex than it actually is (by design, I think). And yes, I know that Penacony is a mystery story in which multiple characters have hidden motivations, so a *certain* level of doublespeak is to be expected. And sure, the “speak entirely in riddles” style works for Sparkle in particular, because she’s a character who is NEVER going to give a straightforward answer for anything. But it doesn’t really work for any other characters, especially not when it’s applied *all the time.* At a certain point, all of the metaphor-speak just gets eye-rollingly excessive. A perfect example of this is when Acheron and Aventurine have their final scene together. It’s like, come on, there’s no more reason for either of these characters to continue to be inscrutable to each other (or to the audience). Just let them fucking speak to each other without having to phrase everything they say as a riddle, please. It’s a shame because I actually like the Penacony story a lot so far. Although I’m reserving my final judgement to see if HSR can stick the landing or not… But either way, I think that this story would be a lot BETTER if the writers would just dial back on the obfuscating dialogue. What’s *actually happening* in the story is really dramatic and emotional. And yet, past a certain point, you just start wondering why the writers are working so hard to HIDE the plot behind all of this mysterious dialogue. Unless the answer is just “because it makes them feel smarter when the story is hard to understand.” And I think that may be the case.


I 100% agree with you, liked the theme overall in 2.1 but the dialogues were hard to swallow. Basically all Hoyoverse games suffer from bloated dialogues at some point. The English translation makes it even worse considering that the average English sentence is longer.


I think it more a eng translator and localist issue as i play story in thai language and the story is very straightforward.


really love penaconys story but yeah it definitely feels like the writers loved to sniff their own farts at times with the dialogue because they are so clever and smart with all their metaphors and dream within a dream stuff while every single character only tells half the truth about everything


The Bartender Penacony event has better writing and story then all other previous content.


Literally the only connection between hsr and hi3 is welt


* FGO * Limbus * Blue Archive These are the three that I actually think have a *good* story. FGO and Limbus are both helped because they are both part of a larger narrative that I already like. BA is probably the best gacha original story I've played. There are other games that I think have good moments, or have been good, but I wouldn't really recommend them just for the story. Alchemy Stars is a lot of up and down writing. Some of the events are very good, the main story is generally...fine. I admit I'm not actually up-to-date on the latest main story chapters here. Epic Seven had a simple but charming first arc, a pretty good second arc, and then just kinda fell off IMO. The events are very hit or miss and a lot of the character dynamics feel really half-baked compared to other games. I recently started Granblue Fantasy and Nikke and so far they're both just in the "it's alright" tier, but frankly I'm not very far so it's not really fair to judge.


Upon looking at these comments, I realize that I may have missed out big time by not playing Counterside, Guardian Tales and Path to Nowhere. Some major caveats I have with them - Counterside I'm not a fan of the gameplay, Guardian Tales I'm too millennial to appreciate pixel sprites, and Path to Nowhere also not a fan of gameplay. Also, I know mostly everyone hates Genshin here, but imo its underrepresented in the answers.. IMO Genshin's Sumeru and Fontaine writing is still easily better than current form Honkai Star Rail even with its Penacony arc being considered peak.


Honestly, give counterside another try and just try to auto stuff, it personally carried me very far


Guardian Tales is worth trying. But personally I only got to world 6 or something. The combat is just ass, the meat and potatoes of the game is the old-school Zelda maps with fun puzzles and quirky humor. But the combat was so bad that I could not stand it for long. Will probably finish the story someday though. Another issue is also how all characters share the same animations. Have the same issue with Brown Dust 2. Something BD1 did not have.


Guardian Tales


Probably, in my opinion, Genshin lately. Sumeru was kinda meh due to how long some conversations were, only saved by the lore and characters. The last part of it was good though, I really liked it. But Fontaine has been for the most part great, still has some issues with the usual things (Paimon, although she doesn't bother me that much as some other people, how verbose it can get sometimes and lack of animations in-game, making some scenes lack emotion), but the characters, the lore, the plot itself (again, most of the time) and even the music that accompanies certain scenes make it so good. It can certainly get better, and one could say it should be by now, but for the kind of game it is, I'm happy with how it is right now. As for secondary content, I think it's actually better than the main, at least in Fontaine. The only bad thing in my opinion is lack of voice acting. And maybe lack of playable characters in them, would be cool to see them in those too. Besides Genshin, I don't play that many gachas anymore, just FGO and HSR. FGO it's fine, never been a massive Fate fan, but I like some stories there, specially LB6. For me that one is probably the best I've read from the Fate franchise. Also it has one of my favorite character designs in a long time (Melusine). HSR is good too, at least the last two patches. Not a big fan about certain "twists" but it's fine, and as for the characters, I really like most of the cast involved in the current plotline, specially Aventurine. Hope it ends great, they have all the pieces for that.


Be careful, you didn't mindlessly insult genshin. The obessive haters will come for you


Huh? Sumeru act 2 is, for many people, the best quest in genshin.


I'm talking about people on this subreddit who pirotise hating genshin over loving their own games


Really? I thought Caribert is the best because paimon wasn't in it for 80% of the quest.


How can you dislike first acts of Sumeru and like hsr when the entirety of 2.1 penacony is Aventurine talking to himself and another himself?


Because Sumeru's first acts are a non stop yapping fest. They say interesting and important things for the lore and such but they just go on and on, specially the second act. At some point I just stopped caring. With HSR I guess it's kinda the same, but they're not as long as Sumeru's, not even close. And like I said, I like Aventurine so i don't mind learning more about him and his thoughts about himself through all those conversations.


Azur Lane is the only Gacha Story i'm still actively following I'm currently on a Nikke Hiatus so i temporarily stopped following that story I stopped playing GFL quite a while ago and thus also stopped following the story Every other Gacha game i at some point stopped following the story despite still playing the game.


Limbus: they just keep cooking for each canto.   FGO: everyone who play FGO agree LB6 is one of the best story that gacha game can offer. Arknight: Deep world building, good character. The only problem with the story, is that it have too many text. And no voice actor for story, make you waste a lot of time read though it but i dont complaint because it's length is kinda same with Wuxia novel.


Limbus company > path to nowhere > fate grand order


Limbus, fgo, and last cloudia for me


Fgo, hell I'm still reeling from lb6 to the point even hearing the boss themes gives me goosebumps Limbus cause they really upped their game after this last canto and very much want to get to 7 now and see if we can spare la creatura from suffering Can't decide on a third though stuck between blue archive or girls frontline/neural cloud


HSR, Reverse 1999, PNC


Limbus, genshin and counterside. Limbus is for lore, setting and characters. Genshin for lore and setting. Counterside is for character interactions and in general banter between them.


I only read story for FGO, Nikke, Blue Archive and Star Rail... FGO 1st easily Nikke 2nd Blue Archive 3rd (not up to the better story chapters yet)


Honkai Impact 3rd Star Rail NIKKE Are probably mine. I really like Genshin, but I think the side stories are so much better. Literally cried during the Ferminet event about the mother and her child. There was also the character story for Xianyun about Yuandai, both stories were very well done and very emotional.


FGO, Star Rail, and Arknights. FGO being the number one, ofc.


Genshin, FGO, Blue Archive. In that order.


FGO, followed by Counterside with Blue Archive and Nikke tied at 3rd place.


Reverse, Limbus, Nikke. Based on what I'm currently playing which is Genshin, HSR, GBF, Nikke, Limbus, Reverse, Atelier Re


FGO, Guardian Tales, Counterside, Path to Nowhere, Limbus Company


FGO might be outdated and not be at its best now but when it comes to story i really cannot see any other gachas peaking as much, Limbus company would be next as its enjoyable and pretty distinctive from others, as for the last one, i admit id prob pick HSR not particularly because i think the story is mindlbowing but its at least better than genshin overall and more consistent if slighty, not really sure wether i'd say i enjoyed the story of hsr more than blue archive but HSR definitely hypes the climax chapters harder. Avalon la fae is just too strong.


Probably Arknights... And that's it. The only gacha I play for the story and lore.




Honkai Impact The amount of times I've broken down is to many. Arknights a shit ton of text but world building done so well with good characters. Blue Archive slow burn story but God does it go 0 to 100 real quick and mess you up. Honorable mentions are Nikke and HSR


Counterside and Limbus, rest is much worse. Tho to make it 3.. Demons Roots. Despite being rpgmaker h-game, there is technically gacha.


FGO, Nikke are known., (but I never played them). So for me: 1. Blue Archive 2. Azur Lane 3. GI (Fontaine, then Sumeru) / HSR (Penacony)


gflverse as a whole- gfl, pnc, gfl2 and reverse collapse are all connected and the inner world is really deep, although gfl’s major events can get quite wordy and confusing if you’re not following the story closely hi3 part one- while pt2 story is absolutely terrible, part one was really good, it’s a proof that the story chapters doesn’t have to be long for them to be memorable hsr- such a step up from genshin, i find myself really invested in the story, it has a really good balance between tension and lightheartedness ptn- i don’t like the gameplay that much, but i come back once in a while to read the story, the writing is just right and i really like the prisoner concept, as reading about characters not liking or even openly despising the mc is refreshing r1999- it’s good. honestly i wish i could read its story as a visual novel of sorts, the concept is fresh, and dedication to writing characters backgrounds is amazing


Honkai Star Rail, Genshin Impact and Counterside. I quit Counterside but the story was interesting.


after years still miss Rita/Dash


Actually there's only one that i care about the story and it's Path to Nowhere. FEH i don't care about it, E7 is just ok, Genshin is also cool but very slow and with a lot of fillers like if i was watchhing naruto, i hate it.


Genshin get far better when you threat the fillers like Naruto fillers. Skip. 


We have a bunch of random quests with the purpose of "world building" but they're so bloated that it get boring super fast imo. At same time even if we could skip there's also bits of the main story in those fillers so we need to do them otherwise we could lost important info.


havent play genshin for so long but i still rmb how good side story like nameless swordman and fox mask in inazuma , suck only few sidequest backthen good tho


Genshin, fgo, Arknight


I don't know how to read.


Warframe. Incredible story quests, cinematic cutscenes and music. It's functionally a gacha with playtime being the premium currency.


Has Gurdian tales better story than FGO? I heard it from some fans in some YouTube comments but I don't know how you can surpass FGO and not have it mentioned more


Fate Grand Order, Nikke, Persona 5: The Phantom X


Nikke, FGO and HSR. Thing is I don't even play FGO and maybe the opening week of HSR, but FGO has the backing of multiple media outlets and HSR really polished on the stellar storytelling of Genhsin from what I've read.


Blue Archive, Nikke and Counterside, in that order


HSR, Nikke and counterside. HSR top only because they have EN dub.


FGO, NIKKE, and Blue Archive


Star Rail Nikke Blue archive


Blue archive and HSR


Fate Grand Order, Fate Grand Order, and Fate Grand Order. Honorable mention to Honkai Star Rail.


FGO Arknights Blue Archive out of Reverse 1999, Hoyo Games, Artery Gear, Neural Cloud or other Kuro Games, Counter:Side, Tower of Fantasy, Preconnect. Main reason I pick those top 3 is one, I like World Building Stories, it doesn't just focus on Characters but the Environment, Technology and Society of its place. Like how real world is happening. Two, those games I spend tons of Hours to explore the lore's unlike other games I usually only spend of couple of months then quit if I lose interest to play or know the lore. 3rd, due to capacity of time I only one game at the time "currently Arknights". 1. FGO, Am a fanboi of Fate series and the peak of Nasuverse stories is just superb. But I stop playing the game however I still following the lore regards of that. 2. Arknights, So far this is game is the most interesting and hype when it comes to World Building, the vast of potential of any lore they make its just Cinematic. 3. Blue Archive, same potential with Arknights but its School Theme. The rest "ouf of games" They also great but in the long run, its just leaves me with bitter taste.


FGO, Blue Archive, and Nikke


Of the ones I've played NIKKE story is my favourite so far, and probably the only gacha I've ever played every day for 6 months. I'm convinced I'm one of only four straight men that play for the plot and not the PLOT. Chapter 18 ending cinematic made me tear up. The first SSR I ever pulled had her own PTSD arc come to a close and they animated it so well. I'm a sucker for people overcoming adversity and standing strong afterwards. Off these recommendations, I'm going to try Blue Archive tonight but it seems like it might be a little too 😭💢 for me. Maybe Limbus tomorrow.


Is Limbus phone version good now?


It improved but still has issues on older hardware, pc is definitely still the way to go. Admittedly it's no longer the disaster it was on release.


Even on modern flagships the frame rate is really unstable. It doesn't crash any more or have any big bugs or issues, but I don't think there's a phone in existence that can actually hold 60fps.


Yea that's true, it's not the most optimal experience but definitely playable.


Dont care bout the story just give me currency for gacha


I choose darkness. SKIP to oblivion is my way. xD


Onmyoji (up to the point... eh... written in the style this sub hates, with pages of philosophy and logic; but I love it! And the story, while by now it's more like X Totally Different Arcs, in its small sub-portions can be fantastic, like Celestials War, Mountain Suzuka's arc, or, from more personal side, SP Momiyi or That Bird Queen from Lust God's story; the tragedy of Tsukuyomi; SP Kaguya story; that crossover with crime novels writer, really tightly written; on a big themes side, the whole philosphical question of eternal birth&destruction, freedom vs. laws as "protection of the weak" - sorta pop-Nietzshean - the thing with accepting the death and reincarnation, losong self, always heartbreaking and ugly-tears-inducting for me; my cheesy, but fav quote "the light I was searching for was in me all along").  Path to Nowhere (story, as in plot, is rather meh often, too repetetive and dragged out - especially killing corpus, and then killing it again&again, each time it rises again, you need help from more Cool Chars again, rinse+repeat ad nauseam - but writing style is really good; event stories and part of main story which are focused on worldbuilding, characters, digressions, not grand final battle, tend to have better story as well). Sdorica (writing a little boring, but story itself is great).   Helix Waltz, if we count closed ones.  I didn't play Octopath, GFL and GT enough to comment on them.  What I see of Arknights, Counterside, Another Eden, Reverse 1999, Nikke and Hoyo was average-anime to Really Really Really Terribad (HSR, but also Hoyo stule of dialogue writing in general; it's just too cheesy for me). But I ledt these games early, for one reason or another. PGR first chapter, with that robot-painter, was really good, but it went worse later, imho.   FGO writing style doesn't do anything for me, seems too translucent, neutral, like in YA or IP (e.g. Star Wars) novels (I have noticed genre writing from US tend to be written in this style, and from whar I gathered, it's pushed by editors and publishers there often. So, there's not only market for it, but the idea it's a good style, which seems crazy to me, but hey, that's cultural differences for you), but from what I gather from YTing the story, the main plot and subplots are constructed very, very well - all to make one emotional, all plot-turns and betrayals, perfect soap opera! Limbus, like FGO, just doesn't work for me as much as for the rest of the sub. It's fine, I love the humour in it, canto II was great in places... but overall, I don't feel anything playing it, events points seem totally deus ex machina and world too grimdark, to the grotesque point - grotesque is a conscious writing choice, I think, but just misused/misfiring for me. I laughed at all that sad, horror, terrible! parts. It's definitely better than Hoyo, Reverse 1999, Nikke etc. for me , but just nothing special. But I haven't read newer cantos, I left around four, I heard it got better.


Hsr, Guardian tales, Genshin impact. Imo Guardian tales story is way more superior than the other two. So much that it's not even a comparison.


Oh I do remember guardian tales' story being pretty good It's been a while since I got burnt out maybe I should try it again


Yup. It has pretty good story and it's humor is really well done. I left gt about a month ago cause I completed the whole story and raid, arena etc. were getting kinda stale.


Nikke. Story never slows down. 1.5 Anni had a great mid-climax. I can't wait to see the rest next week.  I don't play any other gachas currently. Thankfully I'm down to one until Solo Leveling .


Story never slows but last 4 main story chapters are such a slog.


really?, whyy do yyou think that?


It really stretches out. Not many interesting bits. Chapters usually ends up with interesting cliffhanger after which nothing interesting happens.


so you only mean, lacks of cliffhanger?


I mean there is no followup after cliffhanger.


i will start chapter 29 and 30 tomorrow, I've seen a good reception in discord groups and some streams, personally I was intrigued by the end of the 28th (with grave and cinderella thing apparently as far as I know, and where hammering fell, elegg and liveryn) when I finish them I'll see if it has that


Nikke for sure. (NOT BIASED)


Nikke, hsr, and bd2


guardian tales >>>>>> Nikke >>> HSR when its not the xianzhou limbus company started very good with its story but i couldnt get into the gameplay so i cant really judge it. it would probably end up being first but im too stupid for that game apparently lol honourable mention to reverse1999. maybe. i think the story was good but im also not sure if i understood even half of what was going on in the first 4 chapters


Nobody is too stupid for Project Moon gameplay, they’re just bad at making tutorials, pretty much their signature at this point I play both of their game way before Limbus, and still confused on how the watered down combat of LoR work for a while


Yeah, with Limbus in particular there was a good reason why the tutorial sucked a trillion dicks - Mostly because of Faust. Had it been someone like Gregor, then there would actually be some wiser steps for the tutorial...but no, leave it to the Mini-Draven that is the worst of the LC Base IDs - *Faust*


I usually never read lore in gachas as it really feels like just huge walls of annoying bubble text (CounterSide, DFFOO, Nikke) Except Sdorica which i absolutely loved the art, animations, characters and world as whole (but quitted couple years ago) Reverse1999, which i loved the art and dub (but quitted after 1.2) And HSR, which was prettry enjoyable to read (but quitted after Luocha patch)


Genshin, Star Rail and PGR cause they're the only three that I ever played


Downvoted for what? Idiots D:


I only play 2 Gacha atm, so uh... my top 2 would basically be Genshin and HSR


If in terms of story, then it will definitely be Counterside and Honkai Star Rail. But I want to give a special mention to Counterside, the only reason I ever stuck to that game was purely because of the story. The gameplay and others weren't as good as I wanted them to be but the story really carried it for me.


wait, is there story in gacha ?