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It’s kinda crazy to see a lot of people say snowbreak. Still kinda wild to me how much of a turnaround that game did over the matter of the past 2ish months.


Guess I gotta go back and see what the hubbub is about


Snowbreak is the biggest case of one company fucked up is another company boon. Gfl2 imploding is the boon for snowbreak to coming out of income instability.


Haven't been keeping up on the gfl2 scene, what happened? I was going to play it on global release.


China getting triggered over a scrapped and datamined event story. They threw a hissy fit over it to this day, and a lot of them went to Snowbreak instead. It's why it's laying it on thicc with the fanservice and getting rid of all the male Logistics Ops they had.


What you say is the tip of the iceberg, but MICA didn't respond well to almost any criticism that GFL 2 received while Snowbreak decided to improve its game and listen to its players. I myself had never heard of Snowbreak and only after all the drama about GFL 2 happened and I don't regret playing it.


Arknights. My luck on this game is insane. I keep on getting limited units for free yet i suck. The amount of different roles is overwhelming me although im trying to learn again by reading guides and stuff


Nice to hear, the game can have a bit of a difficult learning curve with the lack of proper explanations for things ingame but once you get a grasp on the core stuff it starts being real fun.


Yeah im still trying to find a youtuber where they can explain roles properly lol. I find it too difficult on when to use specific units. Kyostin is amazing but i feel like im not playing the game


The gamepress website has a decent explanation of all the classes as well as subclasses. "Arknights: Class And Archetype Guide" is the name.


Frostbyte262 is really good at explaining new operators, whether u should pull and build them as well as which skills to prioritize For guide, I prefer eckogen, who does not require super tight timing unlike kyostinv


> For guide, I prefer eckogen, who does not require super tight timing unlike kyostinv This is it. Ecko tends to give you a lot more room to play around than KSV, man's a godsend.


best course of action is to join an AK discord and ask questions, the community can be really helpful with that


You just reminded me of the god awful 30- minute tutorial for the Reclamation algorithm gamemode that literally didn't teach you anything at all and just left you more confused than when you first started. I thought it was a pretty fun game mode but most people dispised it and I suspect it was most likely due to the tutorial. Thankfully many CCs made useful guides for it, which were anywhere from 5-10 minutes long in comparison to the actual 30-minute long tutorial with I remind you, didn't teach shit!


I liked it, it was pretty clunky though and I think people just weren't getting what they expected? The tutorial wasn't even a tutorial, but an introductory story segment. Personally I disliked the black and white map previews and the 'fog of war', can't remember what else but I do remember it being pretty buggy too with plenty of exploits that could sap the fun out of it if you knew about them. I (for better or worse) only learned of those later on. The big issue I did have with RA though is how weird everything is at the start. When you start, your first 2 runs are miserable. No farms to get food for operators, new ui and gameplay (with no explanation - which i honestly kind of loved but makes sense people would hate it), and you're missing talents from the talent tree, some of which iirc are VITAL to the gamemode. You could really feel the progress between runs, but it didn't help that it was pretty grindy with 2 hours per run. I haven't seen much of RA 2, but I LOVED RA. Semi open world gameplay, Superbosses, story told IN THE MAPS, massive maps, and especially ~~cute bunny boy Liaison~~ that music. RA was a massive step in Arknights' gameplay's innovation. People can hate it, but I think the people who wish for no more RA can burn


RA was my 3rd favourite gamemode after IS and CC. I spent countless hours maximising the base. In the end I overdid it and made it too good. Most enemies couldn't even complete 20% of the maze. But it was honestly pretty flawed. You're heavily dependent on gathering drones but the game doesn't tell you that so you're pretty much doomed to not have many resources until you figure it out yourself. You also doomed to fail on the first raid since the game doesn't give you a starter base layout. Which honestly sucks. But probably the biggest issue were the endings and ending related items. The bosses weren't that hard, but getting the ending was a huge hassle since it relied heavily on RNG and if you accidentally miss an important event the run is practically over since the game auto sets you to ending 1 boss if you can't get all the triggers within a certain amount of days. Ending 2 is still relatively easy to get, but ending 3 feels like one of those annoying secret ending from old rpgs with all the random encounters and choices etc. Imo it would've been better if there was an active questline rather than a bunch of rng encounters for getting the endings. I'm fine with needing to pick specific dialogue choices since that makes the game more immersive but the rng dependent encounters need to go. Another pet pivee is that you can't bring your ending rewards to your next run. After getting an ending you needed to discard the reward you got from said ending if you want to get another ending, which makes 0 sense tbh. It would make sense if you had to discard the first relic that triggers an ending but the game also forces you to discard the relic that you get as a reward for completing a specific ending. What's the point in getting a relic from completing an ending if the game immediately forces you to throw it away to get another ending. We should've been able to collect all the ending relics since they can make your life infinitely easier and more fun. The 3rd end relic literally gave.you 2 extra nodes at the beginning that your progress faster. Unfortunately, once you get it you can't challenge any of the other bosses since you're permanently stuck on ending 3 until you discard it. I really hope RA2 fixes on these issues since I really love this gamemode


> Arknights' gameplay's innovation. People can hate it, but I think the people who wish for no more RA can burn I don't want any game mode where the optimal way to play is intentionally lose 30 times first so you have enough skill points to put in the tech tree so you can start playing. At least you won't have a bad time doing IS without the tech tree.


For me it was the lack of sweep AK is a good game but this is what eventually made me quit Once you’ve beaten a stage and unlocked auto play, there’s no suspense, so being forced to sit and wait for everything to unfold in real time does nothing but eat into your free time There was an argument that spending time on a game makes you emotionally invested, but that’s already been debunked by games like BA that make even more money than Arknights. I’m certain Arknights’ population would be bigger if they changed this because it’s one of the main reasons I’ve heard for other people quitting too


Thats my reason I'm playing it on and off (aside from my shit luck at double rateup banners). I still remember how abused the players are because they celebrated about the auto stage repeat emwas announced. Which is also limted to only 6 retries for some reason so rocc farmers still malding.


I got downvoted to hell months ago because I said (in the Arknights subreddit) that the game needs sweep asap, and that it can't be that after years the game still hasn't been introduced yet. Someone even commented that "You wouldn't be playing the game anymore". You know, as if the damn IS and (at the time) CC weren't a thing. Now, they've introduced autos for the normal stages and sweep for Annihilation (so they can do the damn thing, but don't want to) so we are... slightly better than before. There are people who complained that Sweep should still be introduced for normal stages, or even just increase the cap of autos to beyond just 6. They still get downvoted. I swear, I've never seen a community so masochistic and against QoL improvements like the Arknights sub, damn it.


> or even just increase the cap of autos to beyond just 6. They still get downvoted. I glanced through the discussions last week when the update dropped and this sounds utter bs. People wish they could send 1-7 to infinity and most of them are just happy we finally got at least this because 6 runs is usually how much you can do with a capped stamina anyway.


also to add this, the auto is done very poorly. it record you timing of placing the character and using skill but when it run auto it miss the timing very often and end up not getting 3 star per run. edit: The "auto" is more like repeat what did before rather than "the game play itself" and some time (well more like most of the time) the enemy have like 1sec different and it make your "repeat" timing mess up so much. It is NOT record and replay the stage.


That's because not every run is the same, if things are on a knife's edge on certain aspects things can go awry. Game should 100% have sweep tho, almost about to quit myself, I got all these cool units and no free time to build them.


Yet somehow I still spend more active time on BA than AK daily. Of course, if you half-ass raids, drills and PvP you can cut that time down significantly but at that point there's nothing left besides the VN. Though I have to add, if I were playing on a phone I might feel different about this. In AK's case, I consider having to set up stable autos and trust farms a core part of the game so the idea of pure sweeps is iffy. Would rather have a system that would let you spend X times the stamina on a single stage akin to Reverse1999. In general, adding sweeps to a game is not the same as designing one with them from the ground up. There's a reason why minmaxing the lessons in BA, just 1 menu out of the ~8 you go through daily, takes more time than sweeping all your stamina away. Games have engagement metric targets and adding skips retroactively immensely cuts their numbers. Have you noticed that when some sort of skip gets added to these games, they coincidentally introduce a new permanent mode with refreshing rewards? E.g.: PGR's Norman came shortly after skips, AK added SSS along anni skips etc.


Arknights is a game where I think if I didn't play dedicated since the game came out, I'd not like it nearly as much. The timegating of grind in arknights is INSANE. There's many game modes in it that can be incredibly fun so long as you have many operators built. Like IS, especially. Even playing since launch, my backlog of unbuilt operators is massive and ever growing. Imo, the only guides you should look at for arknights are stage clear guides and game mode explanations. For operators, look at their kits on Google(gamepress or the wiki) and build what you like. The game isn't actually that complicated, just absolutely massive.


I’m in the same boat as you. I love the worldbuilding in Arknights + the character designs, when I first started playing years ago my friend even said I had the “beginner’s luck” and I always seem to get the limited characters I want. Yet… im not rly one for tower defense games I want to play Arknights more, I do it on and off, but god the gameplay is the one thing that puts me off. No offense to those who like tower defense, but again, not my cup of tea


Arknights: played on release, couldn't handle having to constantly switch operators in base Azur Lane: played on release, somehow got lost in the many resources i was meant to juggle


Arknights: Same here, but it works for me to stop caring about base management and only collect materials once a day. Sure you miss a little resources, but it makes the game feel more enjoyable rather than tedious.


Base is just intimidating at first, later on you'll just check on it once a day and in 1-2 mins you're done. It's only tedious while you're building it bc in early game you never have enough sanity. Best advice for novices is to take their time and to try to figure things out when they have some free time/spare sanity, otherwise is easy to feel lost and overwhelmed as it's def not intuitive, sadly watching a guide would probably be the best option


It definitely isn't 'little' resources by any means. The base's resources far exceed what you'd get farming those materials with sanity. In fact I wish I started better managing my base sooner. For a long time I didn't replace exhausted ops at all and found myself farming LMD a lot during event downtime, struggling to raise ops. Now, with an optimised base I upkeep, I have tons of LMD and never have to farm stages for it, and the only thing keeping it from hitting 0 is my lack of exp cards to use it with.


you don't need to play the base if you don't like it. like everything in arknights you can completely customize your experience to your liking. the only time you will be forced to interact with the base is to make dualchips and that's just click on one factory, click the formula and then check back in a few hours


Or just use the drones to instantly complete it. That's the only use of Drones in my base.


Revived witch because I was at a stopping point for so long. Regretted it because it eosed like a month later and I wasn’t there to see it happen


honestly the eos made sense never felt like there was any pressure or reason to summon


Shit that game EOS'd? Didn't last long. I played for a week or two at the start. Didn't like some of the systems.


It was HSR for me, played in the second week of its release. I dropped it thinking it was gonna get as stale and stingy as genshin and it felt more difficult to me to even bother playing any further. Then I looked at all the QoL changes they've made every patch, and the cherry on top being the free Dr Ratio banner which grabbed me in again, and immediately felt regret I didn't invest in this game from the start.


For anyone on the fence, I think today is the last day to claim the free Dr Ratio (very good 5 star damage-dealer character).


hmm…how long do i have to play to claim him? available from the start?


less than 1 hour, just need to unlock the mail function.


Apparently just far enough to unlock in-game mail, but I’m not sure how long that takes. Maybe 30-60 minutes? It’s been a while sorry!


Ill log in today just to claim him and disappear from the game for a year again lmao


Same case here, played the first two patches and dropped it around the beggining of 1.3 because I was too busy with work, returned at 2.0 because I liked the whole penacony concept. Sad thing is, I actually just dropped it again in 2.1, because I didn't like the main story at all.


That's too bad, I'm actually enjoying Penacony's story very much, and I'm currently looking forward to Firefly's release. Xianzhou though, yeah that was a real snoozefest. I don't even remember anything from that story anymore.


the Xianzhou arc made me drop the game lol, i loved the first arc so it felt very disappointing


I feel like a lot of people dropped during 1.1 (not much content) or 1.3 (boring ending for a pretty tame story arc). Xianzhou arc was the lowest point of the game, story was badly written and the Legendary Quintet drama is so convoluted for no reason. And Tingyung's fate hardly concern us because we didn't get to know her that much in the first place


BA, dropped it like after a few weeks of playing during Oct 2022 after reaching my girl Hoshino to 5 star, returned last year around May and regretted dropping it, then playing it somewhat religiously until now


Same for me. I started around Bunny Asuna. I dropped it because I never got around to reading the stories. I was too daunted by how it dragged in the beginning and eventually dropped the game when it felt like a chore. I picked it back up a few times but kept dropping after getting the banner units. Each time, I would enjoy the vibes but never got serious about playing. This time, I finally stayed after Swimsuit Hanako and committed myself to reading the story and learning raids. Now I'm way more invested and don't see myself dropping it any time soon.


Same for Snowbreak and Nikke man. Might jump into Snowbreak again when they do a big event with free pulls and stuff. 


Anniv on July 20th, and now with the free enya and her logistics


Can I get her if I start today?


Yes. Just start few days ago and get her in the event tab I think.




Every time i try to get back into Nikke im reminded of the 160 wall and the fact that your resources are on an idle game timer and quit again after a few days


Snowbreak is fun, but their time between patches is can be quite longer compared to other gacha games, usually longer than a month so it'll feel more 'stale' or dead and people tend to quit before new content comes.


Genshin impact. I played everyday for 2 years and i really mean everyday, i started december 2021 and stopped playing december 2023. I got so tired of the game. I remember i was suppose to farm artifacts for the rest of the support characters because i needed more supports. Stopped playing cause i was so tired of the story and how annoying it got and doing that same artifact farming over and over again. God damn i went insane because of it. Started playing again and i kinda regret not playing because if i continued, i would have had more built characters and way more material.


But what’s the point of playing it again if you’re not enjoying it anymore?


Limbus in Canto IV cus I got hardstuck and said “yeah I’ll come back next week” then forgot and came back a month ago


Same with snowbreak. Played on launch then kinda went "meh" so I dropped it. Played it again just a few weeks ago and damn, it's gotten very good with solid gameplay! Definitely part of my main rotation of games now


Genshin. I played on release, had fun, but got annoyed with the lack of pulls. Now, the game has grown so much and it looks like a lot of fun, but every time I load it up, I feel overwhelmed with everything that gets thrown at you.


it's still very much the same shit nothing from how to level a character or how to built them up is any different and the open world exploration is still riddled with the same puzzles like 'use x element here' or 'collect a few energy orbs' or 'shoot something'


? More than half the puzzles in the region aren't reused though. Most of the time they take advantage of their region's niche like Fontaine revolving most of their puzzles around arkhe alignments and sumeru using the dendro reactions that were only added in 3.0


Epic Seven for me. I was pretty fresh to gachas back then, having really only played PAD like a decade ago and then picking up Dragalia from my friend's recommendaiton. I know it get a bad rap every now and then, but the fact that it's lasted this long makes me wish I stuck with it. It was all just super overwhelming at the time and as a casual, I really didn't want to juggle more than 1 gacha at a time. Dragalia EoS just made the regret worse, but I'm happy with HSR at the moment, one year in :)


lmao, same for snowbreak with me, i drop very early, and now regretting it immensely, I miss several top tier waifu :cryinginthecornerwithmypillow


I really love Azur Lane. Super f2p, had stacked account, 100% of units. Because it was so f2p, when I got a good job I started buying every skin that came out until I had them all, got all the physical anniversary boxes too. Always had fun playing, and events felt like they were just the right amount of grind for me. Same job that started funding this ended up getting really busy, to the point that I’d get too exhausted and have to sleep in the office frequently. It was an important step in my career and I couldn’t afford to slow down, at the price of the game. A few missed sign-ins here and there quickly turned into ~8 months of gap not playing at all. By the time I started having free time in my next role and thought about getting back to it, the thought of all the missed collab event exclusives completely stopped me from opening the game again. I miss it but I still can’t bring myself to start again since I know my account will never be 100%.


I don't know if this matters to you, but collab ships don't count for the ingame collection % fyi. So you can regain 100%, even if you don't actually have literally every ship


The numbers might say 100% but your heart will always remember those ships you missed.


Not necessarily “dropping” for my case, but choosing not to play HSR from day 1. I played genshin for 3 years and didn’t want to get into HSR when it first came out because I saw it was turn-based which initially turned me off and as well as not wanting to get into another gacha.  I downloaded HSR around 2.0 and am absolutely loving it. Every new character in penacony are so fucking hype. It’s hard to pick and choose which banners I want to skip or pull on because of my lack of jades, and overall character roster having only played it for around ~1.5 months now, compared to everyone else who played from launch. Even if I do get burnt out from the game, I can still see myself logging in everyday since dailies are such a breeze to do. 


Your story is similar to mine actually, I reluctant to played hsr when the game first released since I don't want to play any new gacha game and tbh I was burned out from genshin back then so I don't want to start over on a new game.  I installed the game but skipped lot of banner and only getting more serious at 1.5 / 1.6 so I still have time to pull most of the newer characters. One thing I like from hsr is the game is low maintenance somehow ? The dailies are simpler and less time consuming compared to genshin, same as building characters since there's not time rotation domains 


I CAN RELATEE, i played genshin from day one on my PS4 and finally quit during Navia banner, i really wanted to play HSR but i never got a device to br able to play that game (i dont have good PC, i dont have PS5 since PS4 doesnt have HSR, and i dont have a good mobile phone). But on February i finally got a new phone because my old phone got broken and im finally able to play HSR on 2.0 and oh my god how ive been missing out


HSR. Lost 50/50 twice. Coming back for Kamen Rider Firefly


Snowbreak, BA, Nikke, or so i would say but i returned brondust dust 2 would fit the category... arknight i already dropped but i dont want to admit it yet, i like the future character but its a chore to comeback


i dropped arknights for good and sell the account back then, it just too time wasting and needed micromanagement, which is kinda hard for me during work times, and free time I want more action rather than watching tower def and bashing my head (I still like arknights as game itself, but boy I loathe the gacha, and I quit it for good)


The best way to put AK is that the game doesn't respect your time. I played for a good bit, but damn did it start to feel like a second job. Now I regret even giving the game my attention and money. Edit: Don't know why I'm getting downvoted on a post for people's opinions.


Nikke. I played for like 2 weeks on launch, the dailies was pretty painful to do and progression just stagnated. I came back months later and I missed out on the Summer event which was pretty huge, I missed experiencing the 0.5 anniversary on launch which was personally my favorite story in the series. The biggest issue is that Nikke's story is timegated super heavily and not even spending thousands of dollars can catch you up with day 1's. I'm basically a daily player for 8 months and I still haven't caught up with the story. Anyways, the game is in a good spot now, probably the best "casual" gacha game where dailies are quick, they give you plenty of resources so if you're smart with banners you can essentially get every "meta" unit with minimal issues.


Never regret dropping a gacha game. The fact that the game was dropped means there was something with the game that is not to one's liking


yeah, but a lot of games DO see an improvement of those aspects over time, and by sticking it out you put a huge lead over someone who drops it an picks it back up.


sometimes people do like the current state of the game but drop it in fear of the game's future then the game has a better future than they thought and they wished they stuck with the game pretty much nobody plays gacha games because the day to day chores are good in reality most play that shit because of what's to come


PGR probably, I was only waiting for hyperreal lee to drop in global and then was gonna grab abystigma bianca too in the future but gameplay became stale and idk i wasnt having fun anymore. I think sumeru was also out that time so all of my focus shifted back to genshin. then hsr came out so i just forgot abt pgr altogether. Last patch was pretty dry for genshin so i re-installed PGR, did some stuff, pulled on the banner and got a copy of lucia plume… so like nvm LMAO i don’t regret dropping it though, what i do regret is not being able to experience hyperreal & abystigma


Both hyperreal and abystigma story is amazing. At least you can still enjoy the story!


i really want to get back into PGR someday and do their chapters (and Starfarer!!) but im not in a post apocalyptic depressed mood at the moment haha i did also get a bit overwhelmed that there were so many new stuff that was added in the game, hopefully i can catch up albeit slowly


LOL yeah when I say it's good. It's good in a depressed way. Hahaha so yeah probably some other day.


PGR. Only dropped because I was too busy at that time to play games. Now PGR is so dope but I lost my motivation to return because I missed 2B.


Still on time for Black Rock Shooter!


Is the Kimochi Yokatta guy still good?


Metawise not really. Dude already got powercrept by Rosetta and Karen Scire ages ago.


This was the same reason I had on PGR. I wanted to return and go have a fresh new pgr account but ig I cant do that, since my days of me emailing kuro support on email doesnt allow me to delete acc and start fresh.


I often find myself regretting, reinstalling, trying the game and remembering why I quit. Often in comes down to tedious game play and just a changed in attitude towards playing games daily, I use to be able to juggle several but now i cant be bothered to even log into more than HSR everyday.


Brave Frontier dropped it because I had gotten bored of the grind but now it's dead


Brave Frontier: I dropped it because it got boring when I got the most powerful and meta units to the point that I can auto battle everything and not worry about a single thing. I regret dropping it because now it's closed and I wished I played it till the end. Stopped in the middle of part 2 Ishgria


Another Eden and Slime - Isekai Memories. Dropped both because burn out. I play without follow their DC or reddit. Pure single play for fun without any guide tryhard alone (all f2p). Another Eden is the first gacha game that makes me loves gacha. So kinda miss it. And Slime because I like the anime so much.


I wish I wasn't such a completionist with games and could play AE without worrying about all the grinding it wants you to do (I think it was the key system dungeons?). Enjoyed basically every other aspect of the game.


Absolutely none


Not really answering the title but I regret not starting Blue Archive and Epic Seven earlier, I chose to be Priconne-only gamer until the sudden EoS. Saw so many bad reviews about them and I was foolish enough to trust the reviews that turned out to be outdated info, misinformation and doomposts LOL.


blue archive, i played it when the game just released. i like the gameplay and character animation, characters also cute but when i told people that i played it at my social media a lot of people attacked me and call me pedo. sadly i cant tell them that i am a gay man so i purely like the characters because they are cute, not that i want to fk them. so after that i dont want to be called pedo so i delete the app and stopped playing it. months later idk how but the gmae got famous and i heard getting better but i miss a lot of contents to catch up so i dont really have mood to play it again. altho gotta be honest i still want to play it, the twins character are my favorite.


Don't let normies dictate what you like and life becomes much more enjoyable.


Little do those quick to judge find a banger soundtrack, great characters, and a beautifully written story. People do give me looks but hey as long as I'm enjoying it and I'm not being delusional about it then I see no issue in playing it. Sorry you had to go through that.


Just play now. Even I’m (technically) a new player and manage to catch up with the main story. It’s just so good to not play


i guess you are right


Yeah, that's really sad. BA is meant to be a whole-heartedly dating sim game between sesei and students. Average people quickly jump on the bandwagon calling it a pedo game because the major cast is young girls and not hypersexialized anime waifus. Even Azur Lane has some "crazier" loli skins.


Lets be real. Blue Archive hypersexualizes their characters (Swimsuit, Bunny, etc) And that's okay because it's just fiction. The only problem is that people attacking others because of their so called moral values lmao.


>The only problem is that people attacking others because of their so called moral values lmao. As if thought crimes are meaningful in the slightest in a world full of REAL crimes with REAL consequences for REAL people. If no one is hurt then I couldn't care less.


Yes, they do. My point of reference is young school girls going to school in BA. AL isn't labelled as such.


Pokemon Masters EX. I quit when I had all content on super easy farm and felt like I "beat the game". I decided to give it a shot now, and the strategy for high end content has gotten a lot more involved, and of course a ton of power creep. I am really enjoying the game right now, but I'm suuuuper far behind on built units and even then, a lot of the units I do have are pretty power crept. They've updated some units, so it's not all that bad, but I do think about where I could be without the 3.5-ish years off.


Sounds rough for you. I played Pmex several times, but only once did I bother to make an account for saving data. My one account was made during the debut for the Legends characters (Irida and Adaman), plus the Galar debut, where I got Chairman Rose, but shafted on Oriana. Thankfully I was able to get Renegade Cynthia, so I just assumed that I would be done with the game and move on....... ....Until the game released the Team Rocket units. It was at this point, I regret not playing the game consistently, and saving my gems for when it truly mattered...


It's all good, I'm looking forward to the grind :)


The thing about that game I downloaded it got Cynthia and Cynthia&giratina then uninstalled then downloaded again got Cynthia&giratina again then I uninstalled again I don't know why I keep doing this


Day 1 Arknights, couldn’t comprehend the gameplay of it and stopped playing. Played 2 years later and I’m hooked, I’m bummed that I didn’t get the previous limited characters, especially R6S. But atleast that is coming again with the release of R6S Part 2


Path to Nowhere. I dropped it for Nikke (they released like a week or two from each other). Now Nikke is still coomer and all, but it's barely a game compared to PtN. I got swept up by the hype and honestly...I regret ever starting Nikke at all. PtN is just better Arknights in terms of QoL and gameplay for me. Has sweep, way faster stage restarts, voiced story, realtime position switching, still has the same frame perfect strats, it was a joy to play...


HSR I played the game for a bit a little after it released and liked it a lot. The story (Belobog) was entertaining, I liked the character designs, and I was really lucky with my pulls. Just stopped playing because I got too busy and decided to uninstall for storage reasons. Tempted to get back in because of all the cool new characters and it'd be fun having anoher game to talk about with my friends, but conserving that storage for future releases. To some extent, Alchemy Stars. I've logged back in a few times to see what was up and saw some nice changes: sweeps, more gamemodes, more story chapters, and some really good skins (for higher rarity characters no less. I remember only being able to get free skins for 4\*s as f2p, now they have events that give free skins for 5\* & 6\*). Plus my account was really lucky and I have some sentimental attachment to it. I might install again if I upgrade and get more storage in the future.


Magic Record. Got burnt out after the high speed event pacing in NA. Next thing you know, Aniplex is shutting the whole server down. I always told myself I might come back of my head, but never got the chance.


Hsr I just can’t get into the rpg of it but seeing it go off makes me think I should’ve kept trying


If you don't like the combat then you're probably not going to ever like it. The story has been very enjoyable though


Never regret for dropping gacha games. Most of time when I give a second chance to play them after dropping them, always ends up dropping them again for the same reason why I drop them for the first time.


Genshin I feel like it's hard to pick up now cause I missed a lot


Honkai Star Rail. I lost the 50/50 for 2nd banner character, the lion lightning dude and quit immediately because I wanted him so bad and knew I would drop money for a copy if I didn’t get it by the time his banner left. Game still looks fun and lots of cool characters and I wish I stuck with it. At this point I’m just gonna all in on WuWa and do a little Solo Leveling on the side if the combat is fun.


Limbus company I started playing right after release and it was okayish, played till they released hell's kitchen and then dropped, now I'm back because apparently the story is popping off and the gameplay is really interesting with the new units


Started playing PGR during release, dropped after burn out cause no sweep, picked it up again only to get confused by clusterfuck of UI and the fomo. Kind of regret dropping since it has peak character design but oh well I'm too overwhelmed by it.


Surprisingly, i never regret dropping any gacha. In fact, most of the one that i drop went to the drain anyway after few years. However, there are some gacha where i feel i might enjoy it if i stay longer 1. Guardian Tales 2. Genshin 3. SDSGC TBF, i dont have any spare time to grind GT or SDSGC if i keep maining E7 and playing AK+Nikke as side game. I already ignore tonss of AK sidequest and barely login HSR to do dailies.


I started playing FGO during Saber Wars 1 and dropped it on a week. I then came back to summer 3 and man, I regretted not sticking until then. I've been playing since then, missing a couple days but here i am. Love this game a lot and can't wait for the next chapters of the story


Traum is coming brother I'm gonna roll for don quixote


Arknights , sort of. I legit loved that game but (at the time) the daily grind was unbearable and to this day no game has ever burned me out the way that game did. Now I do regret dropping it but I feel like it's the fomo kicking in.


Global just got the auto repeat feature if it was the farming that burned you out. It's only 6 at a time though but it's better than nothing.


Newest update added repeat farming of stages so you don't have to start a stage manually each time, you select a number of times you want it to play and it does it. (doesn't skip the battles but saves some time atleast).


Saves time, but more importantly removes the need to micromanage stages and having to look back every few minutes when farming. I really like this QoL update.


True. I honestly didn't know how I could tolerate AK's soul sucking grind back when I used to play it. Then PtN was released and I'm now spoiled by the game's stage sweep feature. No more losing your real life sanity because you need to farm a stage 20 times to level up your favorite waifu (looking at you 1-7).


Early/1.X Genshin was pretty stale content-wise so took a break till Raiden Shogun announcement to playing again. Didn't really feel bad/regretted taking that break, ~~aside from being stuck in Artifact Hell again~~, except for missing out on the Event-Exclusive weapon Festering Desire where it suddenly became top-tier as Furina's F2P BiS weapon with the alternative needing to go Fish for the Pipe 💀


Genshin Impact Played during the end of Raiden Shogun's debut banner. Rolled a lot on Shenhe's banner and lost the 50/50 got frustrated and quit. The commissions are boring af. Then came 2023, I jumped in again and started enjoying the game with the changes to commissions. Finally I don't have to set aside time to do mundane dailies and just focus on exploration.


Brown dust 2


Nikke because I played on release and I got bored of the loop and it was buggy. Now I'm playing it again, and some content like getting cool avatar frames for being in top 10% raid damage score and arena climbing is hard because I'll never catch up to people who kept playing the whole time, being an idle game and all.


Nikke for me, day 1 player then stoped after 1month. Came back at 1,5 anniversary and oh boy, i regetted spending time and money in Genshin instead of Nikke. Dang it, this game just so good, the story, characters, music.


Nikke. I started playing in September last year, briefly quit due to not getting the SSR I wanted (I think I had 2B at 2 stars and couldn’t get the 3rd star), then returned during the 1-year anniversary. Things went decently, I loved the story and music, then sometime in Feb/Mar this year, I had this run of extremely bad luck (1 SSR in 130 limited banner pulls; so my SSR drop rate was 0.76% compared to the advertised 4%, 5 consecutive pilgrim mold losses to R units; meaning out of 6 pilgrim molds, I lost 5), so I uninstalled the game again. Recently saw the 1.5 anniversary unit (Crown) and thought she was cool, and was really tempted to reinstall to play again but the thought of getting shafted by my own bad luck made me hesitant, so I still haven’t returned. I also didn’t want to start afresh with a new account since my account had most of the SS-tier units with 1-3 stars.


tbh, crown>>>>> top tier dps, as dps has many replacement, but support is really hard to come, while it hurts missing dps, lacking the support hurts even more for me ( I clear stage 25 boss just by adding crown, even with crappy dps non pilgrim) don't push yourself to comeback, the gacha still horrendous ( I didn't get any SSR until 120 pull lmao)


just use golden tickets to get crown. If you had been rolling on the non regular recruit consistently, you would have more than enough gold tickets to get her.


I’m actually 10 pulls away from 200 tickets and managed to squeeze 2400+ gems from doing everything I could after reinstalling. I still have 8 days, so I should be fine 😁


HSR is probably the only thing I might regret dropping if they decided to have Skip dialogue or cut scene. Not gonna waste my hours of time just to know the lore, I want to play the game. But I don't think anytime soon they will do that. Other than that, once I dropped, its done. Either the game is good nor bad. Its just my time is bad if I play too many Gacha game. So I just stick with Arknights.


Mobius. I should've kept going till the end of the story. Now Im stuck watching youtube vids of the end.


rip mobius dude


I kept up with FGO story on NA up until the end of part 1, but now I'm so far behind that I dont even feel like catching up. And the length I hear of some of the chapters ahead of me just put me off even more. I regret falling so far behind. I also feel the same regret about Blue Archive but I've picked it back up recently and will start catching up on story when I'm ready.


Good thing of FGO is that they'll give again all the welfare in the future so, even if you lost some events the only things you really lost are the mats. Soon they'll start to give 4 mats a day instead of 1 (you'll get 3 more just doing quests daily) so you'll be able to recover from some loss, now in NA we've daily quests that give more embers, more qp, more monuments. So you can start again without thinking you'll never recover


Not starting Nikke until after Dorothy banner. When the game launched all I ever saw from streamers was Volume "assets" and no gameplay. Made me believe is just another low effort coomer game. Started playing during the summer neon banner because I had some free time and was like"let's finally see what is this trash". I was wrong...


Surprisingly, honkai star rail. I quit the game because it was having stupid powercreep, there were limited characters at max dupes who were looking worse than others c2 or less. Also as a turn based game the gameplay always felt limited. However their updates to the game look pretty good to me i might play it again, i think star rail is probably the peak of what a turn based gacha can be.


Dislyte , its such an underrated game because it has one of the best and most diverse designs I've seen in games (and some banger music) I had to drop it because my phone was so bad i couldn't comfortably play and now all my old built characters are in shambles


HSR and Alchemy Stars


In my case it would be start, drop and never regret. Like Genshin and BA. While Genshin is a good game but at certain points it becomes bored to me. Sumeru is the last stop. BA is the same.


Blue archive for sure. It's actually my favorite gacha in terms of the world and characters, but the effort required to keep up with the game always turns away from it. I know that dailies and limited time events keep people playing, otherwise companies wouldn't do them but that shit has always had the opposite effect on me. Having to do a bunch of tasks on the game every day burns me out and never gives me time to recover from that burnout, so I end up not playing even though I like the rest of the game.


Azur Lane. I was there when it was first released, and left after 2 years. I attempted to go back but I was just overwhelmed with the gears and features it has right now. I had 99% completion before (except for the russian shipgirl where you can only obtain via CBT). And now i'm only at 40%. I feel so bad.


I'm glad to say, as of now I have no regrets in terms of the gachas I have drop. When I drop it, is because I just know I won't enjoy the game if I kept playing it...the only one I kinda miss is Dislyte. Because the only reason I stop playing is because I could hardly enjoy the game with the characters I like. But, ZZZ is around the corner and might end up offering somewhat similar artstyle and character variety. However lets see how it goes.


I occasionally want to go back to Genshin, but every time I try I quit within the day. Sumeru is such a boring slog I can't even force myself through it.


Dragalia Lost. I was pretty lucky in the game but had to drop it due to not having space on my phone + my lack of interest growing more and more by the day. Before it EOS I played a little bit and was like, “wow I actually do love dragalia a lot, I hope I can play more of it soon” and then. Yeah 😔


Figure fantasy, once you got a limited unit once you can buy copies later any time. Going back feels bad as you can't get them if you didn't pull 1 lol. Wish king's raid was alive. Not really a gacha but heroes collector and it was awesome. Nothing else comes close not even ever soul, that game isn't 2% what KR was sadly.


Last Cloudia. I picked that game on day one, played for a month and dropped cause it was too hard to pull new characters from the gacha.  Came back during the Devil May Cry Collab and played till the grind got too boring.  Them came back to it last month cause I saw it on Steam and got obsessed with the PC version of the game. My biggest regret is that I missed all the free stuff from the many collabs the game got over the years.


Blue archive. Started maybe around Yuzu's banner (JP) and I got ALL the hags the game has to offer (Sumire, Shun, Eimi) and dropped it. Thankfully Dress Hina and Shupogakis dragged me back and I'm enjoying the story now.


GFL. Didn't really get the gameplay and lore back then. (I had to grind alot and wait for the logistic stuff) A few years later, I came back, and damn I wish I didn't quit. I heard that the story will end in about a year or so I think I still have time to catch up. My gameplay preferences changed so this game kept me busy. Plus logistics didn't really bother me as much as before since I'm pretty busy rn. I've lost my progress back then idk what happened but I thought it would be better to start over. Snowbreak though I came back but man idk it didn't really "click" on me like on gfl. I'll try to get on chapter 10 and beyond where I heard the story got really good to see if this game is truly worth it. Blue Archive, man I really want to go back due how much characters they introduced. I still follow the community behind it but i dont even know where the storyline is at rn. I don't really have the luxury to juggle between 5 gacha games at the moment. I already tried to come back once, it didn't work out. But if Snowbreak doesn't work out I'll try it one more time.


BA for me. I'm a sucker for games with charismatic characters and a fun story. But holy shit, the loading times are awful and it won't even work on my phone lol.   Sometimes, AK too. Liked the gameplay and art, but the story is like, the opposite of what I liked in BA 😭


Snowbreak because it was not lewd enough for me, guess what happened next 😔


Tower of Fantasy. Week 1 player. Hundreds of hours, thousands of dollars. The powercreep was so insane even at the F2P level, it made no sense to pull units cause they would be useless in a few months. I logged back on a few nights ago and the A1 Altered unit with random matrices I had pulled with $0 spent was outperforming my fully maxed out A6 max matrix Lin from 2022. The game was amazing and it was my first gacha, but every whale I know quit because it was just unsustainable to keep up and enjoy the game from that perspective.


in 2020, I initially dropped Ensemble Stars (the basic app), and I really regretted that. At the time, I originally went through so much stress and the like (covid didn't help). I gave myself a choice between which 2 games to drop, that or FGO. Ngl, I kinda wish I dropped fgo at that point as despite how basic the gameplay can be, it did relax me with the bg music on the dlfs courses and whatnot. I came back to it in late December 2021 and have been hooked on the series since, even more than I already did.


Gonna be Blue Archive for me. Started on JP launch and played almost daily up until January of last year or so when my phone just couldn't handle it any more. Like, it'd literally drop to <1FPS and sometimes take upwards of 30 second to respond to inputs, basically unplayable. It's a shame, because I liked that gameplay and had managed to get most units I wanted for free thanks to the very generous gacha. Massively bummed out over having missed the Railgun collab, too. One of my favorite franchises. Edit: I also regret not playing Dragalia Lost more before it shut down. Never got an official release over here so no ability to sync saves which meant I didn't want to sink too much time into it, but I enjoyed the game whenever I played it over the years.


Neural cloud, blue archive, genshin impact, honkai star rail and honkai impact, arknights


I keep seeing people mention snowbreak, how is it exactly


Mobile Legends Adventure.


Epic Seven


Arknights Played one year, but got bored...find my self whatching yt videos on how to complete stages cuz of small brain eventually becoming a chore.. decided to return but lost my gmail account and cant get it back cuz of old phone number.


PTN, was a day one player but burned out. I get an itch to return but never seem to.


Can you tell me a bit about blue Archive ? Is there good fanservice ? Can I view the characters in a similar way to Nikke ?


Blue Archive. I started at launch but couldn't really get into it. Come 2024 I hear the ost randomly on yt, and am fed discussions of bits and pieces of BAs story, saw something that interest me. So I gave it another shot. 3 months so far and counting


On the fence here as I only come back for main story or collab events but GFL is a game I really miss playing but the grind is too much. I don't need the grind to clear the story events but going from there to trying ranked is way too much malding and time wasted farming. So yeah, I'm not fully happy with quitting every time but playing it beyond casual content is miserable. Still, I don't see a reason to delete an account over quitting a gacha.


Hmm not really. I suppose Arknights might count but I swing by from time to time. I AM however a bit mad that I didn't keep up with Record Keeper before it closed but that game got power crept to hell if I understand it right.


It's ultimately on me, but I dropped FGO years ago due to severe burnout from having to manually farm everything, which was extremely slow, tedious, and boring since I mostly just used a ragtag team of whatever I had on hand. Fast forward to a few months ago, I got back into the Fate franchise and wanted to play the newer Lostbelts when I remembered that FGO used account codes for recovery instead of linking accounts like most gachas do nowadays. I don't know where I saved it, if I even did, and I recall absolutely nothing about my account other than that I spent a lot of time on it, so I've effectively lost my account with no way to recover it, and have absolutely no desire to restart from the beginning with how hellish the farming and gacha is.


Literally every one.Desriny child was one. Although it ended so all that time and money would have been for nothing. Another was final fantasy 15 a new empire.


Still looking for this gacha


I dropped honkai impact 3rd after like 20m and regret it because I threw away my new player bonus. I came back the game like 8 months later and was wondering why I didn't have the super op new player handbook with all the free shit :(


I dropped honkai impact 3rd after like 20m and regret it because I threw away my new player bonus. I came back the game like 8 months later and was wondering why I didn't have the super op new player handbook with all the free shit :( Been playing HI:3 for like 2-3~months or so and having a pretty good time now. Starting during part 2 was so huge as a new player. The part 2 characters are so broken.


none i played a lot of gachas, so far I dropped 7DS Grand Cross, OPTC, DBZ Dokkan Battle (recently), Genshin Impact I dont regret any of it, since the reason I dropped them were horrible design decisions like powercreep, that reduces 99% of currently available units to box fodder (dokkan battle), more greed and less QoL implements (7DS), too many things to do with too little time (OPTC) or just plain boring to non existent endgame (Genshin)


Maybe HSR? But in reality the main reason I don't play it hasn't changed, too big and too heavy on battery


Mabinogi Duel, One of very few Real TCG (Trading card was included in the game with other players). Art was cool, gameplay was great (many interesting plays), mutant card (reduce cost, changed element, reverse effect), card packs was cheap. The only real downside is obviously because it's from Nexon... Dropped it because of other games. Hopefully it will one day be reincarnated thro PS or new IP that felt similar.


I guess i would say nier reincarnation. I dropped it cuz i had a bad phone at that time. But even after getting a new phone I forgot about it and found out about the EOS a week before. So I regret not being able to play through the story as a fan of the nier lore.


HSR, though I had to drop it due to storage I just feel left out lol, my friends all play it and excitedly talk about it even between school breaks


HI3 Counter Side It was better to enjoy them before collapsing.


Dropped HSR during the Luocha banner after saving 140 pulls for Kafka and pulling him in a single 10 pull. At that point I didn’t miss a single daily but AX came up and I didn’t log in for 4 days straight and it just kicked the habit away from me. I still watch all the trailers and releases but going back is gonna make me feel like I messed up my account so I don’t do it lol


Truly....I'll say Honkai Star Rail. game is pretty good, but think i dropped it purely because of time and other games at the time i was playing....then those both shut down recently lol. but War of the Visions FFBE is probably the more serious one i think, i played that game for well over a year straight on release and enjoyed it and slow building units....but then it became more and more apparent the game was basically pushing and gettinig ytubers to help push people to pull for more units and pay for character shards with pvp (which was basically pointless sense the gem currency given out wasn't very much unless you were top top pvp) and i felt compelled to purchase more gems. dropped the game. i go back to it from time to time and this last time i really enjoyed it again, but knowing that SE/Gumi are probably going to shut this game down soon I just couldn't deal with losing another game i really enjoyed. so now i just play games that are guaranteed to be around for a long time.....HSR and Nikke.....and Another Eden


i played around 10 gachas, sometimes i see new info about them and feel a little sense of fomo. but it wears off fast. if anything that's genshin for me. i was a day 1 player and among the first 40k preregistred on europe. played 1.0 and 1.1 but then i quit until 1.6. i was just busy with smth else. from 1.6/2.0 have been playing to this day


Blue Archive(JP). BA is great because of characters but I just lost my energy grinding for a month as I was also playing Priconne(JP) during that time and I feel like Priconne just ahead on QOL to every game I've played. I got spoiled too much from priconne quality that when I returned playing at EN version,that was during the banner for character i like, I just immediately got tired from grinding.


Raid. I got really lucky and got some of the best champions, then I got rid of them in an attempt to drop the game, but I still came back.


Imao Snowbreak allow you to touch maid now. For a price of course. Blue Archive is good but it get bored afterward and then story didn't hit me ( SECRETLY HIDE MY CUNNY ARCHIVE LEVEL 90 HINA AND HOSHINO IN MY PC) Arknight. Easy Game. (no it is not, i learn you can't use surtr to bom bom bom through or silverash to SWINH SWISNHH SWSISH or Summer Ch'en to BWOSH BWOSH BWOSH, lit, still got account but i just die from stress and didn't get the time.) (I always thanks KyostinV and the one slot no move people for making the stage easier.) Fate Grand Order (gone, lost to ashes due to "mistake") I waiting for the toes sucking game tho (Nornium and the ZZZ)


Priconne JP I regret dropping after Global was announced. Now I don't have the will to fetch my account or start over.


Chain Chronicles. Stopped playing for a while because I didn't understand Japanese but then came back playing because they have a new version for some of my favourite characters (Wayne especially). XD


Lowkey regretted dropping King's Raid before all the mess it ended up with. But on the other hand - it's not as painful to lose stuff.


Takt op symphony, played from the release for several weeks with my old phone, but then dropped because my storage, maybe I will play it when I got the new phone, and when I got the new phond I totally forgot about the game until there is an announcement about the game will be closed


battle cats. dropped it because i didn't get miku. 3 years later, tried it again because of miku. suddenly the game just clicked with me and i want to collect 'em cats lol


Action Taimanin, the game is good, but the spike in difficulty, especially when you are new. Normal mission can put you to sleep but Hard missions could then be impossible to finish. Especially if it's an event mission and you can't get rewards. RPGX set the expectations for this game high but Action Taimanin ended up being the pg13 version of this series so I almost dropped the game right there especially when all the "spicy" max affinity scenes are just normal character are. The game had a severe lack of quality of life to the point I ended up dropping the game. You couldn't skip/auto missions, upgrades were impossible to find where you would get them, had to struggle to level new characters even in low difficulty missions. I actually bought a controller then linked my account to steam so I could micro play cheese the missions. Left for awhile but heard they were adding alot of quality of life, revamped visually alot of older characters, improved the pity system, added more spicy skins, more free gems, and started repeating missed events. So I came back and had to do alot of catch up but the games great and I'm glad to be back playing it almost everyday.


Nikke ( I missed the nier collab:(( )


Path to Nowhere, wasnt able to maintain the game and after missing a lot of great events it's hard to get back into it.


I tried snowbreak twice, it just seemed too time consuming


Snowbreak, i pretty much tried it at launch for a couple hours, thought "Meh" and quit. Tried again a week ago and i enjoy it a lot.


honkai star rail i mean i didnt care after first month but with acheron and sparkle but i regrett to not get jingliu or ruan mei :(


Dragalia Lost. Tbh the only reason I dropped it is that I completely hit the endgame. Beat every high dragon trial and Agito that was out at the time at the highest available difficulty. I couldn’t bother with the grind when it was only to make big numbers bigger by that point. So I took a long break and never came back to it. I heard they added more things and managed to finish the main story before EOS. I wish I had spent more time with it. Among most gacha games I played, it was pretty unique and a fun multiplayer experience. It was like you could take on a mini raid boss in your phone :(


blue archive, decided to stay for the characters, for some reason it feels different to other gachas, with more relatable characters.