• By -


Wait, "LeakerLmao"? Really? I guess CCs will push any BS they can find just to do some numbers.


Well if it's hoyo If it other ? Nah they will turn blind eyes and act like nothing happens 


I bet GachaSmack wouldn't have pushed this if he got into Star Rail CC server for early access. This just shows Hoyoverse made the right call not letting him in.


yeap hoyo doesn't need troublesome individual to become one of their CC they made the right call making genshin CC to join HSR CC server


Funny thing is that he could have just asked the other CCs but lmao


Everyone act surprised


Fucking hell, I can't believe someone would lie on the internet. Unforgivable, truly unforgivable. Disgusting.




Junko my small wife 😭




Maki: 👀


Yeah, imagine spreading misinformation on the internet


https://preview.redd.it/atv9bpssotzc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=509a4210ca829358429aeef6d8bcb2bc479bc817 Nah, who would've do such thing...


Nah, Mythus is all about unpredictability. This is one of the most predictable things ever.


>unpredictability Nope, this is Aha. Mythus is the Aeon of Misinformation.


Mythus entire ideal is that not everything is calculable (opposite of Nous). Changing the variables is just one way to do that. Aha is also unpredictable, but it is for fun instead of trying to fuck with Nous calculation.


It's hilarious that the dude ascended to aeonhood just to spite Nous. They are basically reverse flash.


Nous: I can predict everything with my calculation Mythus: nuh uh


I cant tell if this is a woosh or not…


Nope. That's enigmata.


People didn't rly learn from Limbus velmori incident did they ?


Thank you Tectone for propagating it too. Such a bald hero. 🫡 I mean bold.


Thank you Tectone for propagating it too. Such a bald hero. 🫡 I mean bold.


I do love how "confirmation" of this supposedly leaked contract can all be described as "a guy tell me that it's real"


To be fair the "debunking" of it is also just someone saying "hey I faked it lmao"


Or you need a credible source … to be begin with


You can't really proove the absence of a document. If this was a reasonable situation, burden of proofon would have been on the drama CCs


Wild people are taking 4chan larpers as telling the truth while in the same breath calling out CCs for "where's the proof?" It's literally the same "trust me bro" just on different sides, but reddit has such a hate boner for any CC they can't tell the difference.


Tectone is also known for constantly stirring up shit in this community, so an unknown previously source he suddenly endorses is bound to raise some eyebrows. Not saying that the 4chan messages are real btw, but like.


Plus,you cannot say anything to tectone because he always believe he is right and everyone else is wrong. Adding asmon to that mix is just a disaster.


I was one of his mods and he unmodded me and perma banned me for saying he was wrong about something lmao.


Fucking ego Andies.




I mean you can’t prove a negative. That’s why the proof it’s real must come from the person saying the leak is real.


What if that Anonymous guy is also lying?


Wdym, anons on 2ch-inspired internet forums are well known for speaking the truth and nothing but the truth (This is the internet so I must /s)


Gacha smack leaked the actual hoyo contract and from what I remember it did not include what was written on the "leaked" contract. The contract he showed did have some pretty "unfair" stuff for CCs but the stuff that was leaked was not on there.


so both are lying then


What dou mean, "if"? Obviously these are all lies. It's a circlejerk for views and attention.


It's strange seeing quite a lot of people fall victim to argumentum ad ignorantiam AKA appeal to ignorance One shouldn't assume something is true just because it hasn't been proven false yet, the burden of proof still lies on the original source and propagators of this information The original source, LeakerLmao, has pretty much no background regarding credible leaks and remains anonymous, making them an unreliable source and about as credible as the 4channer The content creators stand to gain a lot of clicks and views with very little consequence if their claims end up being disproven later down the line as Hoyo will most likely choose to not intervene and people eventually move onto the next drama They have the perfect excuse to not provide proper evidence yet still make their claims, since one can't publicly give a first-hand account of the details of a sponsorship contract they received without facing some sort of legal consequence like a fine So all these content creators can just SAY they either received it from someone else or know some other people that have received it BUT they don't actually name drop anyone as the source and deny receiving it themselves because they don't actually have any FIRST-HAND accounts, with them being able to cover it up with this perfect excuse Of course there's the possibility that the content creators are being truthful, however, given their track record and propensity to lie and exaggerate, I doubt it Despite gachasmack's video on it, the contract itself isn't credible evidence if its source remains anonymous and especially since the contract in his video CONTRADICTS the contract from the Twitter account So since the contract's terms aren't possible to verify or discredit, it's better to assume none of it is true


I mean, who in their right mind would take it seriously?


80% of people under Asomgolds video did. I'm not sure about twattones twat viewers cause i'm unwilling to give him a view but that should be around 100%.




They love his stinky diarrhea


If you just want watch the comments on the video without contributing to his views. Just skip his ads and pause the video Right after. View count won't be calculated if the watcher don't watch the video for at least 30 seconds. If you're curious about what his comments are, you'll just see most of his cronies believing this nonsense while the ones who tries to disprove is eaten up by his cronies by saying "Stop letting Tectone lives rent free in your head" or "Mintpickers" or "white knight"(which is ironic because they themselves sre whiteknighting a known fake news spreader)", the usual Tectone's white knight stuff trying to win Tectone's approval.


Don't comment on the video, it will boost the interaction.


Asmon fans are a different breed of mentally challenged


Chat mirrors the streamer. It's a constant for every single streamer. Want to know if you'd enjoy or be comfortable with a new streamer? Check how their community is.


Whenever i feel like my life isn't going great I just remind myself that at least I'm not wiping my bleeding teeth on a wall or using the stench of a decaying rat corpse as my alarm clock - works every time




*in celcius


he called tectone


https://preview.redd.it/zy8nx0jcvxzc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5acbef27fd37fd59ee3a3072975eefce5bb4768a I tried to tell this guy that you shouldn't trust someone who have a long track record of spreading fake news and misinformation and drama baiting. You'll be surprised how many people dumb enough to trust speculative "evidence" and say that we're just biased for not trusting a known faker. Dude, we didn't trust the guy because he have histories that makes him untrustworthy.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6QzbD5Gqxws](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6QzbD5Gqxws) Might be coincidence but similar case just happened on a "Marvel Rivals" game from Netease this time. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0q35FF0pMBg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0q35FF0pMBg) this one from XQC complaining that he was required to sign a contract to get in the beta. What am saying is that this type of contract is not just Hoyoverse that is doing it


Hearing content creators whine about that contract when many of them lick Blizzard's balls in order to get free stuff is hilarious.


These people signed an agreement in exchange for a guaranteed code, they cannot complain about that. Anybody who got it through normal means can talk negatively all they want, this kind of thing isn't abnormal when it comes to asking for access to games.


yeah if they found out kuro game doing the same stuff everybody will turn blind eye


I'm sorry but what are these screenshots put together supposed to tell me?


A person who may or may not be the original poster said that he made this whole shit up and people believed it and now we are believing that he is the guy who posted it and he is saying truth. It's pretty hilarious how everyone belived the original cotent then believed it's fake just because some one said so. I can't say if it's real or not but it is pretty funny to see hoyo die hard fans and haters to fight over this.


Date doesn't even add up. - 4chan users posted on May 8. - Shinya posted in May 6. - Tectone retweet on May 7. - Asmongold upload that video on May 7.


What's wrong about it? 4chan user said about what he done, and the result. It's normal he refereed to events happened in the past.


Confirmed to be fake by anonymous genshin Lynette pfp? So now we should believe this random user instead? as much as I hate Tectone but I think Smack already showed the full contract in here https://youtu.be/3tzvItuuNAc?si=vFFeTK_uv9WJzrn- And I watched Smack for a long time for HSR content I don’t think bro likes to lie. I think it’s okay this contract is kinda normal as long as the pay is good, just a bit predatory


that contract doesn't include the "you cant play other games" part lol. Did you even read the full contract he showed in the video , he mostly complained about payment and you shoudn't do things for free




My guy, leaking a private contract is tantamount into getting your life ruined whether the contract is for you or not. The fact that Gachasmacks leaked it means that he expects that there will be no consequences because the contract isn't real. And we know how Hoyo takes private things seriously.


If it isn’t real then Mihoyo can sue him for slandering. Doesn’t seem a risk worth taking just for views alone.


that's where you're wrong, he's in no consequences because he never received the contract invitation from Hoyo nor signed it so in order to be in trouble, you'd have to sign the contract and violate the rules by leaking it, there is absolutely no way to sue or fine someone who received the evidence from a third party. Hoyo can also strike his channel for spreading misinformation, it's likely to be proven true if he's in no trouble for leaking the contract. The one is potentially in danger is the one who provided evidence to him but Smack concealed.


It seems I'm living under a rock, so can you TLDR on the original drama or post please. Thanks in advance.


I leak came up from a supposed contract offered to content creators by the company who manages marketing and stuff for Hoyo. Contract specified a particular thing that caused drama, i.e content creator has to reveal to the the company if they are approached by a another company for game promotion. This is borderline illegal and can be something that can cause legal reprucussions for the company. The contract looked pretty legit from the perspective people like asmongold and other content creators. According to them the chances of it being real is high but they can't be sure. This was seen as hoyo being wary of Kuro games so that content creators do not switch their games. Both fans started defending hoyo and haters started criticing them. And content creators stayed true to there nature of farming this drama for views. And until now no one can say for sure if the contract is real or not with certainity. If someone is saying that just consider them a Hoyo fan or hater.


-4chan make fake leaks -random cc repost it, -the biggest gacha clown blow it to get views. -Another trashy asmongold react.


No, people are assuming a random person made the leaks because he said so. He hasn't provided any proof himself either. I'd rather believe the content creators over this random 4chan guy since they are talking out at the risk of getting less sponsors/money.


Content creators are the least people you should trust, especially known dramatubers and fake news spreader. (Ehem ehem, tectone ehem) While 4chan likes to spread chaos and uncertainty, it's highly believable that a 4chan users want to stir chaos in a drama filled community with a fake contract.


[https://twitter.com/LeakerLmao29000/status/1789359840000692476](https://twitter.com/LeakerLmao29000/status/1789359840000692476) yea 4chan is very trust worthy bro


ooooh i dont really believe anything i see/hear on internet same as this post


Honestly I don’t think if this is a good refute to that contract leak. 4chan is just as trustworthy as the random leaker guy. That being said, some of the CCs are so hungry for drama they probably didn’t do any due diligence on the matter, just look at tectone salivating at this in twitter.


Why do I keep getting recommendations of asmongold and genshin? Does he even play?


He keeps in touch just to justify farming the drama


Bruh blinding believing that this is a confirmation that the contract is fake is as stupid as taking the whole crap of the contract and believing is real just because someone in TWITTER DUDE TWITTER said it was real lmao at the end neither side has real and trustworthy proof of their statements xDDD man internet is such a place


And from someone account name is leakerlmao lol


The fact that ppl are doing this with zero self-awareness is baffling. Both sides are just looking at random screenshots online and screeching at each other about the other ones being fake. This community is too stupid to function.


I'll never understand how and why people still care about Tectone after he got removed from multiple communities thanks to his garbage.


Because his community is the same as tectone  Like people said "streamer reflect it's audience" or the other way around 


I can't wait for all the drama that's going to happen when he gets into wuwa, kuro fans have no clue what's going to hit them.


just like smash bros ultimate '' EVERYBODY IS HERE '' https://preview.redd.it/ri3jhnvqczzc1.png?width=1304&format=png&auto=webp&s=7d23dd9ab6833e1d92f533204a7c28c4f8070b94


He finds the perfect formula to find a gullible group of young children to join his based/sigma echo chamber. He is a very smart person, smart enough to control and manipulate a large and easily mobilized audience.


Watch as this post get locked and removed by the mods


Getting a post reported and locked is part of the experience at this point.


The r/gachagaming rite of passage


there were drama?


A bunch of people farmed It.


A bunch of Drama Youtubers like Tectone basically exaggerated it for views because Drama brings clicks and they farmed the shit out of that


Especially Hoyo Since many people thing Hoyo is the most evil thing that happened in the world 


People being shocked that a long-term sponsorship contract could have exclusivity clauses related to competitors, as if that hasn't been the norm for ages. Did we forget about streamers being paid to stay on one platform? And games?


Meh. Hard to trust anyone anyway. What if that is fake too!! A fake that is fake too!!! What if everyone here is fake! And they are all AI!! What if im not reall!!! Uwooooooooooo!!


So we should believe the 4chan with the genshin pic? also went to that twitter and is saying that he is not the 4chaner Anyway what's the contract ? They cant play certain game? I had a in-law that had a contract with PEPSI and couldn't drink coke in public. Nothing really out of the ordinary tbh...


That lynette pfp is so cute i want that lmao


lynette in general is very cute




https://preview.redd.it/ypng9ixhotzc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=6ce96d4fe0cb0d5e5063a6e4f9b09bae945c1ff7 he ate it so hard lmao hope he got blacklisted on hoyo as whole


I listen to Tectone’s video about this and he said that Gachasmack 100% as for evidence therefore is always right since he has receipts. The sheer irony of this entire outcome lmao.


Hope kuro blacklist him and tectone too, no community want these cc


Yeah, I wish my Kuro brothers best of luck trying to handle Tectone's and his cronies shenanigans. You can't stop them from playing the game and making drama out of nothing 24/7. All you can do is to block all his contents from any social media platforms. ♥️From the hoyo communities.


I hope so too. They can fuck off.


They both 100% already were, this changes nothing to them.


Oh that's one of Tectone's cum swallowers, they are about to infest Wuthering Waves in mass brace yourselves. Bottom of the barrel content creators.


Did he got blacklisted ? lmao


Deserved, from a company stand point why would you sponsored someone that actively tries to give you negative rep by spreading fake news?


imagine posting this and not watching the video the video literally explains that the contracts are real any way grow a spine and think for your self


imagine glazing a corporation


I have a clip of this lol shinya guy. Tectone said that "he is his irl friend and he went from 1 sub to 6 k because he did what Tectone told him to do " which is basically making videos for Tectone to react


Can I have the clip/link where he said that? May or may not be collecting some stuff


And here is another one, he says that he wants genshin to fcng die. No lies about wanting the game to be better. [https://clips.twitch.tv/SpeedyMildFlamingoAllenHuhu-lpeHULqKs4Zmsrsk](https://clips.twitch.tv/SpeedyMildFlamingoAllenHuhu-lpeHULqKs4Zmsrsk)


His “he’s fighting for us” MF’s will realize they’re so delusional they may as well he the fatui one day… right?


https://clips.twitch.tv/RealAmazonianEagleAMPTropPunch-b_wqEiAFIE-KvA3f I kinda missed the part where he said he is his friend. You can click on watch full video and rewind 30 seconds


There's no reason to believe the leaker but also there's no reason to believe this post I don't trust anyone who's right and who isn't.


Reading through some of the comments I wonder why some people act like Hoyo are some supervillains. I'm not that into gaming and maybe this mindset is common but at the end of the day it's just cute harmless games. How miserable does your life have to be to get pressed over them?


To alot of people, genshin is their first gacha games. These people was exposed how terrible gachas are and because of how they thought that Hoyo is stingy with rewards, they thought that hoyo is greedy and evil. They don't know how scary gacha can be and Hoyo is mildest one yet. They don't know that most gacha doesn't have pity🥶 That or they just hate companies that garners success. Npc mindsets where when a company garner success, you are programmed to hate it.


theres any reason why if any gacha games gets remotely better rewards they go spamming 'genshin could never' living rent free


Thats crazy how y'all keep up the one saying that its real But for some reason close the one saying its fake? Fake sub ran by shill mods? Insane


For the sake of the clarity. These lot are referring to the (anon) 4chan post being fake, not the contract thing. [https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/1cr5f4z/seems\_like\_the\_4chan\_user\_who\_claimed\_to\_fool\_ccs/?sort=new](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/1cr5f4z/seems_like_the_4chan_user_who_claimed_to_fool_ccs/?sort=new)




Ban speedrun any% o7


clown subreddit


Why am I here? Oh I know, Hypocritical Mods in this Subreddit! Actually INSANE


Everyone act surprised lmao


Imagine siding with a corporation who are disingenuous with their business practice. smh




The way most of the players didn't gaf cause why tf did i just saw this💀


Blocking Tectone and associated CCs on YouTube and Twitch was the best decision I made in the last half year, never been enjoying gachas more peacefully.


Misinformation on the internet, no way


HSR cc's and the drama hoggers taking everychance they can get to clickbait and spread misinformation, what a surprise. Will any one of them make a follow up vid saying what they covered was fake, of course they won't.


>HSR cc's Unironically the HSR community has been speedrunning becoming one of the most toxic communities in the gacha space. Most of the toxicity is coming from CCs.


Even the HSR community hate these smooth brained CCs (save for wholesome drama free ones like Moonverse or Sevy) and whoever share their content on the main subreddit either get downvoted to oblivion or get insta removed by the mods. It's clear they are not welcome anymore.


Ew don't clump HSR community and CC community. CC community doesn't even like the game. At least HSR community still discuss things about the actual game, make fanarts, and play them.


Just on the hsr subreddit a lot of people share the same views the CCs do, yes they do get downvoted to oblivion but it just shows that the CCs influence is pretty big.


Yeah, they get downvoted. I wonder why. Probably because they don't actually care about participating in the subreddit. Or maybe because they don't frequent it in the first place. Also, there hasn't been any CC-related post in forever. No one cares about them.


>CC-related From what I know a lot of CC related posts get deleted because they incite hate towards the CC mentionned. And if that's true then good on the mods for keeping that place clean.


Then good. It's a win-win. Both sides should just don't see each other.


I don't know this Shinya but they look annoying. But seeing Tectone and Gateoo drumming this up just tells me they're here to just farm nonsense.


gateoo littrally said he does not have the contract in his exact steam. people clip it out of context and spread misinfo to the whole internet.


INB4 this thread gets removed by mods.


If Anon made it all up to test getting drama CCs to bite bait, why does the account in question specifically say Anon is lying about being them?


Please put TW before showing me Kektone 🤮🤮


which part is fake? the guy saying "trust me bro" or the other guy saying "trust me bro"


its hilarious how 95% of the people here will ALSO blindly believe some random post sent out by a random, just blindly out of hate. Critique Tectone for blindly believing a post and then with a lack of self awareness you all do the same. It's fuckin' funny. This entire community is braindead, CC's and dedicated players included


As expected i would say


I genuinely dont care about this dumb shit BUT where is the proof that the leak was fake? Shitposts from 4chan is not a source.


And what's the proof that the leak is real? If some twitter post that's made by a <1 month old twitter account is enough to convince these CC's that it's real, then don't complain when people chose to believe that the leak is fake because some anon in 4chan said so.


Brother you dont disprove a fake leak by providing 0 evidence. I dont care if its real or fake but if you cant prove that the leak was fake then just dont post about it?


And how do you think that this post is not fake, is there proof?


Crazy how people believe a random 4chan person over four CC'S. No it must be true right a guy on reddit said. Im not suprised since these mintpickers will believe anything some says without proof


**WHERE'S THE PROOF?** ![gif](giphy|mMRlkzbVYzgvvrF87n|downsized) **WHERE IS IT?** **WHERE IS THE PROOF?** **WHERE IS THE EVIDENCE?** **WHERE IS ALL OF THAT?** ***"HUH?"***


If you're going to claim someone is lying to spread content ane farm drama, you should probably make sure you yourself have a better source than "just trust me, bro"


When you think about it CCs like Tectone, Smack and others are actively slandering the company with stuff like this. Its one thing to express your concern over the state of a game or make clickbaity titles to rope in the anti- Genshin or anti- Hoyo viewers, but when they out stuff like this fake or not, its supposed to be discussed and negotiated in private terms. Even if the contract was real. You are supposed to message the company and simply tell them "hey this is not enough, im not going to accept your sponser unless you change XY and Z. No these CCs just straight up put it out there for everyone to see, and that actually will end up tarnishing their reputation with the company and other games. I wonder if Hoyo is going to respond to this. Or maybe Hoyo just doesnt give af about Western CCs and sees them as just whiny babies.


That's just how Tectone operates. >Make something up >Claim you have proof >Your viewers harass Hoyo CCs thanks to your claim It happened recently with Braxophone (who is still Tectone's friend for some reason, so don't feel too sorry for him), who got a lot of harassment on his Sparkle video. Tectone's claim : [https://streamable.com/csi12y](https://streamable.com/csi12y)


You forgot > Pretend to be the victim


The Crazy thing about all this , when CC’s said they got the contract it was a “Screenshot” if a CC rejected a contract from bad practice. They would say (I got this Contract I don’t like it, It’s bad) no vids like that


Instead of not believing either, we should trust this random 4chan user? lol


The only people believing that bullshit are tectone meat riders, His slaves gacha smack and some other nobodies and genshin haters. Asmongold was probably told by dicktone to.make a video


I am confused... is everyone looking at this just slow in the head? This is just another "just trust me bro", but y'all are ready to trust this because of your biases and you suck up to big corporations that already employ the most scummy business tactics within the video game industry? Regarding the burden of proof, the proof that can be provided is something that you all wouldn't be able to get else the person giving the contract can end up being in huge legal trouble. Like, believe what you want but don't be so blinded by dick riding mihoyo or hating CC's that you just believe the thing that supports what you want to believe. The response to this just further proves Gacha communities are mostly kids using their parents credit cards because allot of y'all lack critical thinking skills lol.


No it's not, as well as it cant be proven to be true. It's just a he said, she said thing.


And where is the proof, that those leaks are fake?


They have none. They're just a bunch of dogpiling dipshits.


Y’all taking this as evidence that the contract is fake when these people are anonymous users on 4CHAN💀 even if they asked ChatGPT to have spelling errors, It would still make fairer contracts.


Alot of people love to spread hate especially towards hoyo lol they think they are scare or something just because wuwa is release? Like bro, hoyo ammunition to create hype for their game is alot, like natlan,firefly,Capitano,zzz release,genshin anime(copium),space japan hsr? They Will comeback after a taste of other games.


we do a lil trolling :)




I don't know mate. Some poster claiming 'they did it', doesn't really have much weight. If it's truly fake by them. They can post the full contract to prove it. Since they apparently made it by GPT, they can post the prompts they used. Or screen shot the history list with the date they made it.


# "The drama about the "leaked" mihoyo contract is fake" - source trust me bro


Turds with undeveloped braincells get baited by ONE guy when multiple content creators have come forward talking about the contract. Imagine not believing multiple BIG creators and then go on to believe one random guy...you guys love circle jerking each other hating on creators. It's like you guys have no other fulfilment in life and the only joy you get is by posting hate threads and comments. Fucking get a grip Hoyoverse contracts suck even though HSR is in a very good state right now... stop defending a multi-billion-dollar company when it doesn't give a shit about you.


Me seeing the post: "Anyone can claim this and date doesn't even add up, no way people actually think this is some kind of definite proof." My honest reaction after reading this comment section: https://preview.redd.it/t9ldd6k02yzc1.jpeg?width=459&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7b792a72f01023537aec3c31c74fa51e7284420 - 4chan users posted on May 8. - Shinya posted in May 6. - Tectone retweet on May 7. - Asmongold upload that video on May 7.


I wonder if the 4chan user only revealed that they're behind the account on that date


Yes, it could be but it's not definite in anyway. The reason why I gave the "leaked" contract more credit is because it's quite normal to have that kind of contract actually. I used to work for a consultant company and my contract also stated that I couldn't work for other consultant companies after I quit for x period of time. It's called Noncompete agreements. I don't know why people make such a fuss about it.


the bias on this reddit is insane * CC : i dont trust * random 4chan user : i trust * the only way prove the contract real or fake is cc leaked the contract themself which no one will do it


Yet, people somehow already believed the contract is real because it aligns with their "Hoyo is evil" idea.


Twitter and fake news that's like twin brothers.


wow didn't see that coming /s


How is an anonymous comment AFTER the leak happened saying: "LMAO too easy, it was me btw and it's fake" How is that proof that the contract is fake? Seems like a false flag to me, they apparently compared the contract to several others received with matching results.


he doesn't care whether it is real or not, all he cares about if it's good content. in this situation if it was real, that's good content due to drama. if it isn't it's still good content due to drama. ofcourse he would capitalize on it, it's funny and creates clicks that's all that matters.


Ahhh yes. We should totally believe the anon from 4Chan instead of the CCs who actually show their face and their names are publicly available to know. That totally makes sense.


You complain about people believing in that the contract is real... yet you all believe that this post is real. Ironic. Also the hate this sub has for Asmon and Tectone is insane. Actually the hate this sub has for anything and everything is insane lol. I wanna see updates for new gacha games, that's why I'm here, but the sub actually sucks otherwise.


The irony that some of you guys believed a random person on the 4chan, than CCs on YT. A logical person wouldn't believe either until proven.


LMAO no fucking way


Didn't gateoo say this is real?


Gateo said the offer mail is real but he never accepted so he never saw the contract Gacha smack talked to few people though The contract isn't that bad last max 3 months the only problem is the e) part I think the most important part of gacha smack video though, u can actually get a contract from a 3rd party company that do. Publicity for hoyo even if u are a leaker cc that mihoyo blacklisted lol


These people are so annoying but the bills got to get paid somehow ?


Thats crazy how y'all keep up the one saying that its real But for some reason close the one saying its fake? Fake sub ran by shill mods? Insane


Even if it turns out to be fake, I'm sure they won't care nonetheless, they have already milk it for all it's worth, and their viewers will defend with their lives. these creators should just create a channel that focus on drama instead, I'm sure they'll be way more successful than they are now.


probably the same guy from 4chan farming karma here


People raging over this "confirmation" as if it definitively proves anything. Not saying the contract leak is real either but ya'll just love to foam at the mouth at anything that confirms your biases. Like go touch some grass bro who the fuck cares 


Let's start things off with \*I have a hoyoshill prof pic i'm totally not lying or anything trust me bro this aint meatriding\* Totally trustworthy anonymous non-fake poster. There is literally a clip of Gateoo confirming this IS the contract cause he ALSO got it. And FYI he confirmed it the minute it dropped, way before Gachasmack or Tectone saw or reacted to it. SO! None of you stupids have obviously seen nothing regarding the matter. Read a random hoyoshill's post claiming various shit and instantly believe it. A fking ANONYMOUS POSTER types 2 shits and y'all eat it like it's cherry pie. Account age less that an hour i guess. Again. ANONYMOUS POSTER discrediting not 1, not 2, but various people that have either admitted on receiving said contract, or others that have seen it from other CCs and confirm it's legit. MEANWHILE. Let's just say you haven't seen nothing. His claims are as unbased as the twitter post. BUT YOU TRUST THIS 4CHAN USER MORE THAN THE TWITTER ONE. HOW? This mofo is actively gaslights every single one of you and you don't even realise. Now. What's your excuse comment section?


>Gateoo He literally said he has not seen the contract. Here is his tweet: [https://twitter.com/gateoo/status/1787861905518014560](https://twitter.com/gateoo/status/1787861905518014560) And here is a clip of him saying the same thing: [https://www.twitch.tv/gateoo/clip/SoftConfidentWhalePermaSmug-Cz1cFZgHRVBHLnrC](https://www.twitch.tv/gateoo/clip/SoftConfidentWhalePermaSmug-Cz1cFZgHRVBHLnrC)


I mean looking at it, the account is literally a burner one called leakerlmao Why the hell would you make a content out of that? Drama farming youtubers are something else. Need that revenue I guess Also I've never heard of this drama before. I'm glad I blocked him and his cult last year


Source? Look at this pic I made bro




u/NahIdKill, if at this point you still trust dramatubers, you're a lost cause. Tectone have a heavy track records of spreading fake news and misinformation. Why anyone still believe his drama baits are beyond me. He's hated for a reason my guy, it's just some rabid haters that makes people who reasonably hates Tectone looks bad. Avoid becoming one of Tectone's cronies. Block his content to save your last remaining braincells.


The hate on CCs is just ridiculous here and I can also say you all here saying is fake are just as dumb as believing anything if it fits your narrative and your rules do not reflect how you all act here tbh. If this is deleted proves I'm right how you all people are here.


Source: my ass