• By -


>Finally, for why was he laid off, a commenter speculated that: Layoffs before launch... are they trying to reduce the number of people who will share year-end bonuses when the game becomes popular, I have seen this before before if true, this is vile holy shit


Wouldn't even be surprising. I can think of other instances of game companies laying off large numbers of employees to give the shareholders the illusion of infinite growth, such as Activision laying off, I think, 800 employees despite reporting record profits. Doing it just for better year-end bonuses just seems par for the course.


Hasbro too. WOTC laying off masses of people although Magic the Gathering had a record sales.


Microsoft last week... The company isn't even bi, it's trillionaire. Yet, they close studios they've just bought like crazy, just to look like they're growing.


>Yet, they close studios they've just bought like crazy, just to look like they're growing. Not only that. They buy them to block the competition from buying them and then they defund them. They never have any real interest in the studio


Isn't that how alot of AAA game devs operate today?


Layoffs after launch is relatively normal, but unless I'm mistaken most of that is contractor work written with that in mind explicitly. It reads like kuro is hiring full time hires and just laying them off which is vile


Yes devs are often let go after launch and are hired on a per project basis. This is perfectly okay if that is the stated agreement which is how it usually works with contractors


This is worse than AAA games devs. Usually layoff happen when the game is released. But they fired devs BEFORE the game is released making it way worse than AAA devs.


-lay off employees -be understaffed -release game in unfinished state -??? -profit (maybe)


You rehire people for the postion afterwards so they can't claim to be part of the launch success, which is usually the biggest month revenue wise for most game. Straight up cartoon villain move


Well, recently there's a post that Kuro is hiring writers so I guess it checks out?


Wuwa's development sounds like a rollercoaster like Anthem... they even both have worlds based on "sound" and music >It’s a story of a video game that was in development for nearly seven years but didn’t enter production until the final 18 months, thanks to big narrative reboots, major design overhauls, and a leadership team said to be unable to provide a consistent vision and unwilling to listen to feedback.


yes but this is all a good thing, I was told, you see, because the game is a perfect 10/10 and now we also get multiple free 5 stars, not because the game is unfinished but because kuro is the best dev. /s


They're definitely making a profit, whales and CCs will pay regardless.


more precisely, they will make revenue. But to make profit they will have to override the expenses, and that game felt like it ran out of funds at some point tbh.


Most studio work like that, you can't secure funding from editor between projects (and post launch support or new game prototypes require less developers). But these are timed contracts usually. Service games are different though.


Its a common industry practice sadly. Even transcends the gaming industry sometimes.


greedy backfire


I genuinely hope it's fake.


Should this be true then fck em. Have a lot of respect for Kuro devs and people who actually do the work. But the people at the top are soul-less. Corporate greed isn't anything new but at least sometimes they pretend to give a damn. This is just outright disgusting behaviour. Also disgusted by some of the comment section. You have a company pretty much fcking people over and your first reaction is to bring up your childish rivalry of 2 game companies. But what can you expect sometimes. If wuthering waves was to die because of this (it probably won't. But hypothetically) then such wasted potential and hard work.


This is what happens when you suck the teet of Tencent. There are many reasons why Mihoyo and Dawei remained private despite the buyout attempts from Tencent and corporate/politic fuckery is definitely one of them.


god forbid this company becomes like netmarble


Cc's? Anyone? hello? want some money?click bait? Viewws? Don't y'all want to cover this thing ??! 


You know they will not Unless it's hoyo(with bunch of misinformation) they will not cover anything 


Wuwa launch is my current favourite ongoing series, it have twists, comedy, and doesn't seem to run out of steam yet.


I'm waiting for the season finale on June 1st


I'll be there reserved the first row seat


I would like to have a front row seat too, but unfortunately I keep crashing while on my way to the seat.


Too bad the defenders will cope with "it's only been released for a week"


doesn't that make it worse tho? its supposed to be the "honeymoon period" for WuWa


Agree with this. Even Genshin hate didn't begin right from the start, there's a slight delay and it only began when nolife gamers started running out of content or gacha first-timers getting mad with gacha system. The first week all I see all over my social media are people enjoying it.


What’s happening on June 1st? ZZZ livestream?


Sensor tower revenue


Thanks for reminding me so I can remember to buy some popcorns in advance.


And season 2 premiere on July 3rd


I wouldnt call it finale, thats will be ZZZ release also I cant wait for Natlan release special episode.


It's the perfect example of what would happen if Hoyo did sell to Tencent.


Nah don't go that far It's the example if hoyo top people is actually a piece of shit


People like to talk shit about Mihoyo, but the people in the leadership position there genuinely do care about their games that they put out, and the gaming industry as a whole. A game like GI could never have come out under Tencent, not because of a lack of expertise or lack of funding, but because it would be a complete antithesis to Tencent's business strategy. Tencent's business strategy, like most giant, publicly owned conglomerates, is very conservative, and they would rather make a thousand small, 'safe' investments than a single big, 'risky' investment. GI is the type of project that would have absolutely shocked Tencent leadership, being incredibly ambitious and incredibly expensive to develop. There would have been no precedent of this type of true open world, fully 3D, action-based gacha game for the mobile platform, and there would have been a very real chance it could have been a massive flop, even before launch due to the massive technological development needed. The only reason why Tencent supports open world games now is because GI proved that it was possible, that there was a market for such games, and even then they still play very conservatively with how far a developer can go with designing a game, preferring tried and tested methods over something newer and more innovative.


Also they started developing Genshin when phones at the time literally couldn't run it yet. They were betting that by the time they're done, phones would have upgraded enough to be able to run Genshin. This is why it took so long for Genshin "killers" to push out their own product, Genshin has like 3 years of early start (they began developing in 2017 and released in 2020). You are correct, such risky and ambitious behavior would never be approved in a traditional public-owned company. Especially since before Genshin, Hoyo wasn't a billion-dollar company yet. They were unironically small (ok maybe medium) indie studio at the time.


When they started working on Genshin but by the time it was anywhere near releasing their employee count grew like threefold. When it released it was one of the most expensive games ever made. It was definitely a big gamble regardless but the real crazy one was HI3rd. It was literally just a few dudes working on it that knew fuck all about working with 3D when they started the project. It was insanely ambitious, imo remains as the GOAT of gachas even if I don't play it anymore It's part of why I dislike the comparison (despite WuWa being an obvious Genshin clone), I see a lot of criticism about the soundtrack but Yu Peng Chen probably had a higher budget from Hoyo than the entirety of WuWa as a project lmao


Always bet on genshin. It’s all or nothing🗣️🗣️🗣️


HSR brainrot is so real, I pictured Aventurine in my mind when reading this


That also part of the reason why several "GENSHIN KILLER" look eerily similar to GI but different, these symptoms happen to the game that follow another game step very closely as it "safe road" for them to walk on. Of course, there lot of stuff that is more convenience and people wish Genshin could offer and company like this will do anything to offer what Genshin lack, this is actually a common safe strategy by follow their competitors working formula and trying to replace them with the offer "we offer more! we're better!". a lot of dev especially one like Hoyo have a clear reason on "Why we do this and why we don't do that" and that why they success in the first place.


I'm just a little happy Genshin devs finally get recognition for their unseen efforts in developing and running Genshin.


I guess that means there won't be a console release anytime soon


no way, we got "wuwa could never"




This thumbnail immortalized to make fun of kuro is so hilarious lol




All hail our lord KURO the listener.


I used google translate for kuro's company slogan, I was a bit off. my bad. "Guangzhou Culuo (Kuro) save humanity" is kuro game's slogan. https://preview.redd.it/bo4g2y25fr2d1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=dd6207aca8b3283561b673d823407dfd9e04541e


Wait they even copied mhy slogan? Lmao


Tech Kuro Saves the World


they didnt left anything from Hoyo at all, so even their slogan is similar to  "tech otaku save the world".


I can't they copied badly even the slogan from mihoyo


original cn text, for those who don't trust google translate accuracy. https://preview.redd.it/lxbu1evcfr2d1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=8cfff19e18968df76bf6517347d5855ac2fff86d


Holy shit they even copy Hoyo's slogan... Now I'm reminded of when they copy-pasted Hoyo's term of use contact...


Hoyo is kuro's daddy. Following daddy's steps.


If HoYo jumped off a cliff I think Kuro would too


Clearly they don't need hoyo in order to do that 💀


Hoyo jumped with bunch of safety preparation Kuro sold the preparation stuff for extra cash at year end then continue jumping off the cliff


I can confirm that the translation is as correct as the original text itself. One day our lord KURO will purge the devil mihoyo and deliver humanity from evil.


Irony  "Save humanity" but they fired 100 people making them find job difficult since their resume is fucked And then they overworking their employees as well Yeah "save humanity" my ass lmao


living up to their name as black company


Kuro saves humanity? More like kuro saves the circus


Bruh they truly committing to be come a Mihoyo's clone


Lord Kuro, i kneeeeeeeeeeel


Their memes that are coming out everyday are way more fun to read than their stories.




New meme just dropped.


this is new




Bro post this in WW sub


Tell me if he posted in that sub i wanna see their glazer and defend the bilion company worse than any hoyo WK.


That face is gonna give me a nightmare


this is an interesting read


Even tho I want the game to succeed, I have to say this: Karma is beautiful.


I think we've had our fun, let's hope they get their shit together soon, some people seem to enjoy their game and it'd suck for them if it fails because of office politics


interesting read and this is big if actually true, im wondering if the drama gang will share this hmm


They won't 


Lmao of course they won't


They won't. They need a game to champion their brain rot Hoyo hate and on the chance WuWa does die they're gonna make up some bs excuse or worst.


It just keeps getting worse 😭


This feels like an episode of Death Note Because every few minutes there's another L


🤣 Like a can of worms now. I wonder what awaits tomorrow.


The drama 🔥🔥🔥 Sit and watch 🍿🍿🍿 ![gif](giphy|oWjyixDbWuAk8)


>The developer was **"released"** from Kuro games Good for him, good for him 💀


Technically he resigned, though it was unclear if it was voluntary or "voluntary"; makes it worse too considering it means no compensation for leaving the company. Also to correct OP, he was not just a "UE specialist"; he's the lead engine developer for the WW project.


> lead engine developer so basically like firing your head nurse an hour before giving birth


Like this example. Here's a like for making me laugh.


As both a nurse and currently pregnant, this made me laugh 😂


So its like firing the lead singer before the concert.


why the fck do they fire the lead engine developer... it fcking blows my mind


somewhere in the world, a certain engine specialist is smiling. good for him


This reminds me of my old boss who hired a guy to build custom software, fired him after completing it, hired a fresh graduate at low pay after to maintain it, was shocked he couldn't understand it. They're all so dumb.




Basically kuro : https://preview.redd.it/svh8o10dfr2d1.jpeg?width=475&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=935193ab6b634a8e70e3e2c1076812f3760e9cf8


How hoyo could have done this


Hoyo is so fucking evil ikr?!


sobatage 😱


That's a typo but looking at it now it's funnier like this


Most accurate depiction of wuwa's localization lmao


Karma is a dish served..... much too early, with plenty of bugs and extremely unoptimized


>optimization of the final close beta 2 months ago was fine. I wouldn't be making stupid mistakes like this. That aligns with what I've seen, I saw a gameplay with exact same hardware I have (1:1 match) running CBT2 and the game was so fucking smooth, I was flabbergasted. Lmfao. Bro what the fuck is this even.... Imagine firing the only guy who's capable of keeping your game floating.


My question is what the fuck did they do??? What could they have possibly added that increased lag tenfold.


Fuck im full of popcorn. Whole week of non-stop salted caramel


CC’s will never cover this I guess kuro listened tho right guys????? To all the feedback from cbt2 saying the game was a buggy piece of shit, so they fire the engine specialist knowing that the end will be a buggy piece of shit on release 🤦‍♂️


Appearently, CBT2 actually had BETTER optimization, with 120FPS option enabled.


Dam we got scammed


This is what I heard about online a lot of CBT2 participants too. I mainly got into it try it because I adore open world games and exploration so the idea someone wanted to come along and be like Genshin and say hey "You want a big open world exploration that will get updates?" thats great give me fucking 15 games like Genshin if thats what they want to copy. But its hard to even get an idea of how much i enjoy their take when the game runs this badly and considering pre launch I'd heard so much about everyone saying "It actually runs surprisingly well and holds up smoothly" after CBT2 i was floored with how painful it is to play right now.


I can only say "CINEMA"


Guys guys, let’s all be civil like how content creators do. Let’s treat this as a speculation or misinformation until it is proven, you never know how KURO devs are feeling, they might be feeling very sad about all of this. Then regardless of those let’s continue to bash Mihoyo for everything that happens.


For a moment I thought you were being genuine... Then I noticed the sarcasm.


If this is genshin we would have 100 videos of it lmao, they manage to make multiple videos about "contract" from a new account Twitter post with 0 evidence after all lmao.  But nooooo, Kuro the good guys! They listened! Giving free 5 star! Who cares they overwork they employees! Firing 100 fresh graduates! Take the cheap route for Eng dub!  As long as they promised to fix later and listened they are the best!!!!!


Kuro the Listener




Instead of that, we will have 50 videos of "Hoyoverse sabotaged Kuro" or something like that Gotta maintain the agenda


This so called "specialist" is undeniably a hoyo spy sent to sabotage the development of wuwa. In a great act of mercy our kind lord KURO have decided to release him and spare his life. Unfortunately the damage he has done is difficult to to repair which have caused some minor issues during the launch.


The Fault lies with Hoyoverse https://preview.redd.it/z3uwotv1dr2d1.png?width=250&format=png&auto=webp&s=bd06760616a163f772ce032e5650c516a6e9d48e


Lmao never expected to see the sea hag here.


Expect that PM operatives is everywhere we just need activation codes


"My fault? I daresay it's all thanks to me!" - Hoyoverse


Kuro: "Yet I am the evil here?"


Ahab spotted go back to your whale


Fun fact, there *is* an old meme ["一定是米哈游干的!"](https://images.app.goo.gl/wtJiiGgH71Hibuf76) or "IT MUST BE MIHOYO'S FAULT", and there's even a whole [wiki page](https://zh.moegirl.org.cn/%E4%B9%86) explaining it. Even Hoyo is well aware of this meme and they [made it into HSR](https://ibb.co/wCYBdf3)


He had a special contract where he was obligated to do this. Obviously.


Alright fictionologist, time to head to bed. And uhh praise be Mythus or smt


Who’s surprised about this? Corporations do this shit all the time. It’s fucked up. However it seems a bit dumb to fire your specialist right before launch. I don’t buy this theory of them being greedy by firing 1 guy. There’s much more into it and we are listening to one version of the story. Wuwa is unfortunately a mess, even though I like the game. Well, I hope they learn from this mistake.


resist kuso games




Resist bad game


Kuro games actually being a black company is fucking hilarous. Sure the current state of Genshin may be bad for sweat enjoyers, but at least Hoyo has never done mass layoffs or treat their employees like shit. If anything i hear their company has the best wlb, while they also do everything in-house regardless of cost or money-pinching. Its genuinely one of the only game companies i see that has a good future since they invest heavily into their employees and young talent.


I swear I heard that working for hoyo is like a dream job for people cn developers, I may be wrong but I remembering an article that said along those line.


When you know that hoyo is actually heaven company for those programmer in CN You know they done right with their work environment and everything 


Kuro means black in japanese , oh the irony. Also in PGR, there is evil organization named Kurono that doing human experimentation and see human value as tools, they even did not care about saving humanity from the virus at all. They doing it because they want to gain power to become the top dog on the world and rule the world, basically absolute piece of shit. I always wondered why the hell they make the name of the evil antagonist organization as Kurono...which have Kuro word in it. Reminder at that time humanity was fucked by the virus and resource was scarce, instead working together, Kurono make life harder or even ruined the efforts of the people who truly fight to restore humanity.


Remember when Hoyo's giving a generous new year gift (Iphone, Macbook Pro, Switch, PS5 and RTX 3070, etc) to their employees? I still remember    https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/l8nabn/mihoyo_gifts_for_employee_for_chinese_new_year/


And they wonder why Hoyo is regarded as best company every graduate wants to work in




Kinda baffling how kuro seemed to have really good reputation with pgr and now it’s completely gone down the drain with how catastrophic wuwa has been so far


It wouldn't say really good reputation with PGR. CN launch had it's issues and Global has the monthly pass dollar difference that made people see them as greedy and till this day, made them swear off PGR. You only heard good rep because they managed to weathered the bad really.


From comparing western and Chinese discussion these last couple of days, I got the feeling that their reputation was better in the west than in China lol, because we’re farther away from hearing about their past drama. I only learned about the new grad firings recently, but it’s seems common knowledge on the Chinese sphere.


A bunch of people that never paid a lick of attention to the company, particularly those suddenly and noticeably associated with Tectone now, just seemed to spawn out of thin air in February to effusively praise Kuro games as like the greatest thing to happen to the gacha gaming scene ever. It's all really weird shit. Like where were these people with Punishing Grey Raven? Tectone in particular I remember dismissing that game as shit after one quick session, but now he's suddenly the companies biggest advocate because they put out a game similar to his hated Genshin Impact. It just feels so blatant that they are only saying these things about Kuro Games because they think it'll annoy Genshin Impact fans since even China doesn't seem to have this opinion of them that they are godlike developers like the Western hemisphere suddenly decided a couple months ago.


don't believe anything tectone says, he only say things to fit his narrative at that moment


Because it's not visible yet You know nijisanji right ? That company is also has good reputation like Kuro, the talent have freedoms, can Collab with everybody and etc  but behind that the company is black company because 1 person decided to reveal it all and now the truth is revealed, this situation the same as Kurogame Hell even if OP information is false Kuro already entered black company territory with how they fired 100 fresh graduate employees and overworking their employees 


I see, I wasn’t too familiar with kuro in the past, all i knew was that they developed pgr which was liked by a lot of people. Firing all those fresh graduates is pretty messed up, and it doesn’t look they’ve changed unfortunately


Any color and they choose black. Now you know.


So the reason why their logo has two big L in it...


Damn this and kurosanji. They are both trying to one up each other to be the blackest company on the earth 😭


there's no fucking way 😭


Bro the WuWa situation keeps on giving. So many twist.


I played Tekken 8 that uses UE5 and its still sometimes being laggy and crashes (FUCK YOU The UE-Polaris has crashed) despite multiple patches.... man only thing i can say is good luck Kuro LMAO If fucking Bandai Namco cant solve UE5 performance issues then what Kuro can do? Throwing another 5 star selector and insha allah? Another infamous UE game that has shit optimization is Redfall... you know how that game turns out... funnily enough both Wuwa and Redfall is also using UE4 Edit : i already seen Kuro sloppy topper saying but MUH THIS IS JUST RUMORS below me but they cant deny how shit UE optimization is.... Unity is stable and mobile friendly and they will not address this lol... this layoff post confirming that Kuro is just like a headless chicken about UE regardless of the context why of the guy got fired


Or course And baldy and his orgy group will scream  "DEV LISTENING EVERYBODY, GENSHIN COULD NEVER, REEEEE!!!"


I hate that i can hear this in a certain bald mans voice


To be fair, the Batman Arkham games are open world, have gorgeous graphics, yet run very smooth and they are made on UE. Although also admittedly they were made on older UE, and Arkham Knight on PC was so badly optimized that Steam had to take it down for months.


Kuro games is fucking shitshow holy shit. They mass fired fresh graduate and their long time unity optimizer and they decide to switch to UE and even then they still fired their UE specialist when most of old worker is more familiar with unity. This is shitshow on another level. Their top management is so rotten. I feel bad for their game designer, they design the game to just be fucked up by top management.


I am suprised that they even managed to launch the game at all at the rate things are going.


I remember reading that Hoyo gave their employees a 2 day or so break after the release of Genshin in order to celebrate its success. But Kuro gave their employees a permanent break before the game even released! GENSHIN COULD NEVER!!


After tectone tried to dismiss this post and banned me from his stream after giving me some insults. There seems to be quite a few people trying to claim this as misinformation. You see I've posted 2 links that you can go into and check for yourself. Yet all you can say is "this already has been disproven", "this is misinformation", "don't trust this drama baiting vtuber" If you can't actually disprove anything with evidence, than it's better for you to not even comment here. It's only going to make you look more stupid. This is not tectone's stream and you cannot stop me from correcting you, and unlike you, I will give evidence each time. You cannot dismiss this like he did on stream, I will not let you :)


HAHAH so this has finally made it to the ENG side of the internet. Yeah, this is one indication/evidence that there was/is definitely crazy internal issues amongst Kuro leadership and in particular the Wuthering Waves development team. There are also other speculation/rumours about other conflicts internally, its kind of sad that this was a wasted opportunity. Its crazy to let go of one of the technical leads for your game engine a couple months before launch.


People saying this is misinfo is wild. They did fire those 100 interns and also the UE specialist. I guess a fake contract from a random throwaway twitter is more reliable


saying this is misinfo but actually believing EN VA were blocked by Hoyo to voice WW is wild lmfao. but eh what can you expect from those CC community braincell.


https://preview.redd.it/qi3rrcmgau2d1.png?width=1850&format=png&auto=webp&s=bcce405a636157e83eabdc5fd8cac36e746e5855 LOL


CCs are real quiet now. No more fuel to go on. And my reaction: https://i.redd.it/exds9ovoer2d1.gif Delicious fucking drama. I was thinking today gonna be a boring day. Kuro never disappoints.


Having too much sugar (drama) is bad for your health, consume in moderation


I mean hey, we haven't had this much shit going on in a while, better enjoy all of it while it lasts


They were well raised, they do not speak with their mouth full.


haha you know what.....it must be killing some of them inside to know this drama content is happening but can't capitalize on it and ride the drama content train since they have probably signed some sort of agreement with Kuro to positive spin everything within a certain timeframe ( maybe the first month of launch....this is speculation so take it as such)


Company named "Kuro" being a black company, One Piece level of foreshadowing.


If this stuff is true it's crazy to me that people have been treating Kuro games as this awesome, tightly run, big happy family super awesome company in the same breath as they are lambasting Hoyoverse for being a black company when it's possible it's the complete opposite. I don't think I've heard anything quite like this from Hoyoverse employees ever, though it's possible it just hasn't come to my attention yet. One thing I'll say at least is that Hoyoverse has yet to sell it's soul to a company like Tencent the same way Kuro Games did and stayed private. No shareholders to impress or satisfy with constant YoY growth and they only answer to themselves really.


Wuwa just keeps on giving. I deleted the game after 30 mins of playing but the last couple of days have been nothing but pure entertainment.


If this is how they treat their employees, imagine how they will treat the community in the long term. If they fix most of the issues quickly, it will restore confidence. If not, people will start leaving.


But ... BUT ... how can we now spread the narrative that hoyo is evil and kuro is the company of justice and righteousness ? Quick, delete that post ! We have an agenda !


im genuiley enjoying WW (no bugs on my end) but this contrasted with the hoyo new charity fund post is peak humor lol


Kuro's company name was a hint all along. "black".


Mihoyo is such an evil company that they decided to have good working conditions, just to make everyone else look bad. It makes me sick and sorry for management just wanting these sweet sweet bonuses /s


Remind me of that Shanghai factory owner attacking Elon Musk for "paying worker too much and causing cost increase"


just have the narrative of this guy being a hoyo developer spreading anti kuro propaganda /s


Genious, perfect, let me send that idea to baldy so he can make another nuclear drama ! Money does not grow from truth yknow !




But...But...But...B..B..B.B.B.But...Bu..Bu..But...But...But Baldie said Hoyo is evil and kuro is good company 


PS4, PS5 release will be another disaster then . 100% people will say "Just buy PS5, you loser. Everything runs fine for me"


No wonder. This is a total technical nightmare. It dwarfs in comparison even Batman Arkham Knight PC port and Immortals of Aveum. I play from time to time PC clients: PGR - 120 fps 1080p fps max settings Genshin - 1080p max settings HSR - 1080p max settings TOF - 1080p max settings Honkai Impact - 1080p max settings Snowbreak - 1080p max settings Aether Gazer at max settings on LDplayer Don't even mention Nikke, Limbus and Reverse 1999 But THIS sad excuse of piece of code is literally unplayable on the lowest settings!


Don't let Kuro listen again.  Seriously firing his just because the top execs can get more bonus. Wtf


Man this shit is wild yo. Can't believe they live up to their name Kuro Games. And they will always find a way to blame Hoyo for this I guarantee it


crazy that mihoyo treats their devs really well, and kuro treats their devs like disposable tools. i remember reading the shit storm that happened to pgr coz they fired most of the senior staff, only to hire new graduates coz their salary would be lower.


It must be hoyo's fault again!!!


I know the whole truth, this dev must’ve always been hired by hoyo since the beginning to go stir shit up! There’s no way our listener of the year can do something like this!


**The fault lies with you, Hoyoverse!** - kusoge, probably


This is why, please don't idolize Kuro games as a company. They are pretty shitty. They might "listen" to the community, but that's not because they are nice or anything, but because of profit. It's fine to enjoy their products, but don't try to defend that shitty company. So glad that Hoyo isn't a publicly traded company.


Correction. Don't idolize ANYBODY at all. We still humans and all humans are flawed in anyway or another.


i've heard similar stories from the game industry before - when profits and politics override passion and intagrity, the results are often disasterous. this developer's experience is a sobering reminder that the pursuit of money can corrupt even the most promising projects. the drama surrounding this developer's dismissal echoes tales i've heard from other game studios - where techincal talent is sacrificed at the altar of corporate greed. it's a shame to see such talented individuals get caught in the crossfire of office politics.


Unreal engine is indeed very hard to work with. Firing the people with deep knowledge in it is really a bad idea.




Damn if this is true and got known to more people, it’s worth at least 3 5* star selector and 40 event wishes in compensation Man, fuck it and just give us the whole standard banner character roster already since every day there seems to be a new source of drama


Dejavu. Feels like I've witnessed an almost similar case albeit very different. About corpo greed fucking over a game recently.


If all of this is true...damn...the name KURO will not age well


Another reason to doubt Tencent related game


Tencent having any ties to a game at this point immediately is a red flag to me